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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Sarah rummaged around the baggage finding a couple of canned food and couple of small bottles of water even some ammo for her pistol. The bashing on the board made her realize it was time to go, she wasnt able to grab everything but her life was worth more then any bit of supplies. She rushed towards the exit.
Rey saw the movement behind the broken boards. He flipped his knife overhand, planning to nail the thing cleanly in the head, but then realized whatever was in there was probably alive, and the person who barricaded it in the first place, and might've thought that he and Barnaby were some of the walking corpses. Instead, he stowed his knife and called out to the person. "Hey! Yo! The dead don't move that fast! Fellow live breathing person! It's dangerous to go alone, take this!" Rey laughed at his reference, leaning backwards and rolling one of the cans of corn on the ground in the general direction of the person. It spun, following the 'fellow live breathing person.' Rey took the light from Barnaby and stuck it in his pack, striding casually over to where he last saw the person. "Yeh what mate, yeh what?" Rey chuckled.
Ryan had been quietly moving down the road enjoying the cool air when his ears perked up and he cocked his head to the side in sheer confusion. Is that someone singing!? He turned his head to try and pinpoint the very faint muffled noise and realized it was coming from the supermarket nearby, he spotted little glimmers of light coming from inside occasionally. Who. In. The. Hell. At this point he was more curious than anything, he didn't particularly want a confrontation with anyone so he slipped around the corner of the building, attempting to peek inside. He couldn't actually see anything other than a shelf pushed against the window, but through those cracks he could see the light from whoever was inside.

He should leave, trying to grab a look at the performer wasn't worth it if he ended up with a bullet in his head. There was no telling how many people there we're so he circled the outside of the building to make sure there weren't any others lying in wait. He leaned back against the side of the building once he was satisfied, at the very least he could hang out and wait for them to leave, see where they go. Maybe there'll even be a stash of food inside he could get ahold of. And his stomach was on point as it rumbled at the thought. He hadn't eaten since he woke up, but now wasn't the time. He kept an eye out with his machete in hand, if the noise attracted anything or anyone else he'd want to know ahead of time so he could skedaddle.
Sarah hid behind the wall next to the fire exit, one hand carrying he cane in a fighting stance and he pistol ready in another. She heard what one of them said and was convinced even with the food offering, she has been fooled that way before and never again. "I have heard such promises before and i am sorry you dont sound trust worthy, in fact you dont sound that trustworthy. If you friendly not another step, I am armed i can cause you alot of trouble. That wont happened if we go our separate ways now. "
Rey laughed. The voice was distinctly feminine. He turned to Barnaby. "You believe this chick bruh?" He giggled maniacally for a little bit, doubled over. "Listen sweetheart, I never hurt anyone. Except the ten robbers at the beginning. And my crazy next door neighbor and his family. And the girl who asked me to. And two knuckleheads who fancied themselves bruisers. And the people at the mall in new jersy. And some more. And the dead. Haha, that's alot. Body count's 89 so far of the living. 274 of the dead. Ask Barnaby, he knows I count, haha. But hey, you should see this..." Rey took out the chemical light he had made and rolled it to her. "That is a glowstick in a jar. Well, glowstick guts more like it. I could tell you how I made it, but you probably wouldn't understand,, indatrightbarbs." He punched barnaby playfully on the shoulder. "Anyways, my point is, I have alot of other things up my sleeves. Things that go boom. Has it occured to you that I could blow you to smithereens if I rolled something else back there?" Rey chuckled. "And, you are behind a wall. With a doorway. And a fixed exit. We know where you are, and where you will shoot from, if you actually have a gun." Rey emphasized his point by clicking off the safety of his uzi loudly. "You cannot see us from your space, and you don't know if we've moved around since then. So think logically, these walls are probably not very thick, and a bullet would pass through them easily. I don't like using guns. But, bullets are for the living. And Barnaby and I will se them if needed. But we aren't bad people. You want left alone, fine. But I want my can back." Rey said. Then added; "Please." As an afterthought. Since the girl was not in line of sight, Rey jerked his head at Barnaby, telling him to search the survivors stash. "Oh, and since you've made me mad, well not mad, just a little peeved, we're going to look through this stuff. I don't think it's yours, there seems to be the remains of... someone..." Rey notedd the bloodied matress. "But we came here for stuff, so that's what we're getting. Not your stuff. Your stuff is yours. You do you, I'll do me, and we won't do eachother. Unless if you want to." Rey laughed at his last comment. It might have made the other person not too happy, but hey, he was a teenage boy, he made inuendos all the time.
Sarah couldnt help smile a little bit, her opposites cocky attitude reminded her a lot of of a few kids he tutored, though they acted more mature and well sane then him. Something clicked in her made her say what she did next. " Glowstick you made with TCPO and Hydrogen peroxide with a base, if you used sodium acetate you would get a better glow than that weakling. Though still am empressed under better circumstances i could show how to make it brighter and will last longer. in addition i wount go blam so long about your capabilities, at this point you dont know what i have on this end of the wall. I could have prepared something in that time or left. Feel free to take that stuff, i already grabbed what i could."
Rey laughed. "Yea, that's right, you knw your shit. Actually not TCPO, I can't get my hands on any." Rey didn't usually get social cues, but something told him this person was trying to degrade him. "And as for you not going boom, nothing a bit of Magnesium Fulminate can't fix, haha. Anyways," Rey picked up the dead survivors pack and slung it over his other shoulder. "Take care of yourself gorgeous, this isn't exactly the safest place to be. Urban areas ya know, it's a wonder Barnaby and I haven't run into any of the dead yet. And ah, keep the light. And the corn. You're a nice enough person, I like you. Hopefully we can meet again under less... opressive situations." Rey kept his uzi as he backed out the door, making sure the person didn't follow. He motioned for Barnaby to do the same.
Abe stood outside as the other girls went back inside and continued to talk with the others. Feeling awkward and out of place, he glanced around. Luckily he did - because a walker was within inches of him. He pushed the walker roughly, it fell onto its back, and he sliced its head open with one swing of his axe. Blood splattered across the grass of the backyard and he wiped the remaining blood on on the t-shirt of the now unmoving dead dude. Why did he enjoy that so much?

He heard other grunts and realized more walkers were surrounding him. No, there were TONS of walkers walking toward the house. "Hey everyone!" he yelled loudly, trying to the people's attention inside the house. "We better stay in here for the night!" he finished off a female walker who had gotten close to him, cutting right through her neck and pushing her over. More were piling up around him. "Inside, everyone inside!"
Ryan heard someone nearing the entrance of the supermarket, by the fact that the small muffled voices from within, one was now growing louder and almost clear enough to make out the words. He peeked around the corner of the building, spotting a figure that looked like that of a teen backing out of the door with what looked to be some sort of automatic weapon, this made the man breathe a low sigh. An older man followed doing the same, they we're either really cautious or there was someone inside still living or dead. It might be dark but they could still possibly spot him so he ducked back, he'd listen and wait for now.

He did pull his gun from it's holster so he'd have it at the ready, better safe than sorry. He was outnumbered and outgunned so a confrontation was the last thing he wanted at this point. He'd noticed the bags they held, probably with most of what was left in the place but Ryan still wanted to check it out. People miss things all the time afterall.

"This was such a bad idea." He thought to himself as he rolled his eyes.
They made it out the door without the person making a move. Rey unlocked the truck and swung up into the passangers side. "Come on Barbs. That wasn't the WORSE person we met, but we're sure as hell going to run into some more. Dammit, I hate people. Why are there allways people..." Rey didn't usually like to hurt people, but he did anyways if they got on his nerves, or were a danger. He thought about The time Rey had shot defenceless people in the mall when he had set it on fire, escaping with Barnaby. That was a tough call, and he might've seemed a little bloodthirsty, but it was the most efficient way to get out. He did not regret his descision.

Rey tossed the two remaining cans of corn from the supermarket into the backseat with the tuna. There was only ten cans left. Enough to last them five days. Then six with the corn. Rey opened the pack, bu he decided not to announce what was inside before they were on the road, the girl might decide she wanted it back. There was a small revolver, but it looked like the ammo was stashed somewhere else. The girl must have picked it up. Rey stuck it in the glovebox. In the pack was some trail mix, a few packets of nuts, a waterbottle was jammed in the side, along with a knife. At the bottom of the pack there was ALOT of beef jerky. About half the pack was full of it. The pair would be able to make soup in the back of the truck when they stopped next. Barnaby usually slept in the cab, and Rey slept in the truck bed. Once they had to take off in a hurry, Rey held onto the rim while shooting at the people trying to rob them. Barnaby was one hell of a driver. The memory made him smile, he and Barnaby had fun times together. They were perfect opposites, but they meshed so well together. "Let's get moving Barnaby. You drive brother. Still got awhile before we make it through mississippi, but southern loisiana ain't going nowhere."
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Rey shook his head. "Nahh," He said with a wolfish grin, "If she wanted to come with us, she would have said something. Trust is hard to come by nowadays Barnaby, and to be honest, I wouldn't trust us either. I'm crazyier than I appear to be, you know that, haha." Rey rubbed his chin, reverting back to one of his favorite quotes. "But then again, AREN'T WE ALL MAD?!?!?" Rey smacked the side of the truck a bit, laughing maniacally. "Anyways. We're fine. Start the engine and start rollin', if she comes out then, we'll pick her up. But she has to drive. It'll make her think she's in control, but I'll be in the back ready to bust a cap in her ass if anything happens. You'll ride shotgun so you can grab the wheel and keep us from crashing. But that's IF she comes out." Rey made a 'get on with it' gesture with a roll of his hands and a slight bob of his head, snapping his fingers anxiously.
Luna heard the comotion and turned to see the tons of Walkers. Instantly she went into a panicking mode and walked up to her sister "we shoulda left! Now we're gonna die!" She yelled at the girl, "get up stairs now" she ordered. Max narrowed her eyes but did as her sister told her to. Luna quickly followed the girl up the stairs and claimed a bedroom with a few windows for emergency escape. Luna knew her sister wanted to stay with the survivors, so she wasn't gonna leave with Max. They'd stay there, until every one of them would get killed off. She waited for the people to go up the stairs, there was a door at the top so she could board it up with them. She and Max had food raided from the cupboards so no one would starve.

When Luna made sure everyone was upstairs safely she looked at Ike and sighed, about to ask him to board up the doors when she heard a hummer engine and looked out the window. There were people so she opened the window and leaned out a bit, "theres dead on the first floor, might wanna watch out" she said in a slightly taunting tone, knowing they were probably bandits" before she closed the window she blew them a kiss. Shs msde her way back to the door to make sure it was boarded up. It was "okay, we should be safe" she nodded crossing her arms.

Max just growled at her sister and walked into a room, slamming the door behind her. She most definitely not happy with Lunas bossing and having been pushed around since the last time they had been robbed.

@Kai Ghoul @Bills352
Abe hit the side of the house with his axe, splinting a beam in half. "Hurry!" he called, before swinging back and landing a hit on the side of a walker's arm. The noise he had made caused the walkers to pay attention to him. He tried pulling his axe from the arm of the walker, only for it to be lodged tightly. "Damnit," he muttered, lifting his leg, and kicking the walker off and yanking his axe from it. He ran inside, after pushing several dead out of the room, and slammed the door. He grabbed a chair and hooked it below the doorknob before running after the few survivors who were going upstairs. By this point, his already stained t-shirt was covered in new blood. A few splatters covered the side of his face and most of his beard. He looked like a savage.

"Everyone okay? Where did they come from?" he followed the girl to the window and looked down. "I don't recognize any of them. Hopefully the dead notice the sound of that hummer and get distracted by us inside." He still held his axe in his hand, white knuckled. Even though he was good at destroying the walkers, it didn't make it any less scary.
Noah was already in the room when everyone, well the survivors came in. Noah grabbed her crow bar and brass knuckles knife thing, "Ok before we die I don't want to kill you guys" she said.she wasn't the best person at killing but she made it this far, farther than anyone that she knew. Noah helped with blocking the door, she peaked out the window seeing the car. She has never been so happy to see a car out a second floor window in her life.
Katalina held the steering wheel of the Humvee tightly, speeding down the empty street, weaving past abandoned vehicles left right and center, she had stolen a digital gray BCU uniform and gear from a fallen soldier around her height and size, unfortunately it was a guy, so the kevlar pushed down like a motherfucker on her boobs. It was a pain she would have to endure for now, of course having the uniform made those she came across a lot more friendlier in their approach towards her, she had already scammed her way into a box of supplies from some unknowing survivors a few miles back. She continued to drive until slowing down to a halt, upon hearing a lot of infected's moans.

She noticed a pick-up truck driving away from the supermarket where shit was supposedly going down, she stopped her humvee in-front of it, pulling up her balaclava, with the amount of padding in her armor and just the uniform itself, you couldn't even tell that she was a girl anymore, or even a teenager, not that she minded at all, opening the door and using it as cover as she raised her stolen M4 at the vehicle, putting her free hand up, completely flat in a `halt` motion. Yelling out.

"Stop the vehicle! And exit it, slowly.."

Her hair was all tucked away in a ball under that shitty standard issue helmet, she had never had to even consider the uncomfortableness of a uniform before, the SHD's uniform being civilian clothing with whatever you could carry strapped onto it.

She noticed who the two inside the vehicle were almost instantly, she groaned mentally, and her trigger finger began itching uncontrollably, upon seeing the two. Saying she wanted to kill them was a severe understatement at it's finest. She turned her sights to Rey's head almost instantly, although keeping herself under control, and not putting a bullet...or 25 through his head.

Rey laughed maniacally and punched barnaby on the shoulder. "Hit the gas brother, we got ourselves another wannabe bandit! Ha HA!" Not hesitating, this wasn't the first time they'd gotten held up after all, rolled down his window and swung out of the truck, rolling off to the side into their assailants blind spot (Rey got out the passangers side, the 'military' clad figure was on the drivers side) of the road and into the trees there. This is what Rey usually did, while Barnaby attempted to ram the opposition head on. However, the opposition didn't allways have a car. This was the first time actually. The other times Barnaby had just barreled through the enemy, doing what he did best (raising hell and flipping shit), and Rey flanked and picked off any of the survivors, but now there was a blocade. Rey decided that he would try to throw some potassium chlorate mixed with lactose to blind the taget with smoke. Rey waited in the darkness for the moment, which seemed frozen in time to him as his brain calculated angles, velocities, probabilities. Rey's hand began creeping towards his pack as Barnaby was supposed to do his part of the operation.
Ryan had decided to wait til the truck was out of sight to make a move for the inside of the supermarket. To his dismay the two in the truck we're cut off by a Humvee and another survivor. He stood peeking around the side of the supermarket. The scene unfolding before him was becoming more and more intense and Ryan considered leaving while he still could. However the thought of these survivors taking out the other and leaving a working vehicle for him to use was too much to pass up. Not to say he particularly wanted anyone dead, but the fact that guns we're involved made it look inevitable. I should have stayed in that damn car and slept.

The grip on his own pistol unconsciously tightened and he was so focused on the three he hadn't heard the biter creeping up behind him. His only warning to it's presence was the crunch of something small on the ground under it's weight, likely a shard of glass or a pebble. It was just enough time for him to turn and prevent it from sinking it's teeth into his flesh with the hand that had dropped his machete, but not enough to stop it from knocking him over. Ryan fell hard on his back into the open with the walker entangled ontop of him. He didn't hesitate when he shoved the barrel of his gun in it's decayed mouth and pulling the trigger, what was left of it's brains scattering into the air. Ryan felt a few drops splash down onto him before shoving the body off.

The other survivors heard the shot, they had to have spotted him. These we're the thoughts in his head as he reached out and grabbed the machete from the ground before attempting to stand back up. He knew they we're fixated on each other but he couldn't discount the fact that he could easily earn a few bullets heading his way from the loud noise.
Kat's eyes widened from behind the shades as that fucking maniac tried to ram her humvee, she immedinately ran and rolled out of the way, firing her M4 rifle at the truck on fully automatic. In a serious attempt to end his life, the truck slammed into the humvee, doing more damage to the pick-up than to the very small amounts it done to the humvee, the M114 being designed to handle A LOT more than some civilian vehicle ramming it. She smirked menacingly as the truck failed to do any real damage or even move the military grade vehicle from the road. Sprinting towards Barnaby who was still inside the truck, standing at the door to the truck and aiming her rifle at his head, she spoke slowly.

"Where is the other. Tell me or you die."

She informed him simply, still inspecting her surroundings with narrowed eyes in-case Rey tried to make a move, which she knew was going to happen without a single doubt. She just needed to know when and where. Being distracted temporarily by the gunshot from the supermarket, she quickly looked over to where the shot originated from very briefly, before turning back to Barnaby.
Barnaby's distraction had given Rey the time he needed to mix the chemicals seperately in a metal canister with a sheet of plastic seperating the two. Rey stuck a slitted cork on top and heard the military clad figure demand to know his wearabouts. Well, the figure got it's answer! Rey had moved around to the back of where the humvee was. Moving towards the enemy unseen was always the smartest idea, even though a vehicle crash was imminent. While the figure was still looking towards the woods, Rey pulled the sheet of plastic out from the cork and whipped the cylender overhand, straight at the figure's head. Maniacal laughter followed as smoke billowed out of the canister, clouding everyone's view. "Can't shoot at what you can't see ya SONOFABITCH!!!" He giggled, then ducked under the humvee, moving a bit closer to the figure, but still out of sight. A single gunshot was heard, but not from in front of him... 'Shit,' REy thought, 'This person's got backup...'
Kat shook her head with a tut, replying to Barnaby with. "Wrong answer." As she was about to press onto the trigger, until a can like item hit her in the head, the impact shaking her helmet, in turn shaking her head, giving Kat a killer headache, her head being highly sensitive after the concussion incident days earlier. Her vision loosing focus she began firing randomly at where the projectile had been tossed from, her M4 still on fully-automatic she completely tore up the area from where it was thrown, unknowing if she actually hit it or not. She stopped firing, groaning and holding her helmet with both hands now, letting her rifle drop, her head was literally on fire, she had no idea how anyone's head could ever be so sensitive.

She quickly ran back towards the humvee, pulling open the door and basically slumping into the drivers seat, closing the door after her. Ripping off her helmet forcefully and lowering down, her head still grasped by her two hands, her fingers basically clawing at her scalp now. In a vain attempt to relieve any of the pain, her balaclava had fallen down as she took the helmet off, taking off her shades so she could try and regain at least some of her vision, she hadn't noticed but at the back of her neck, where spine met skull, a small blue light had begun blinking from underneath the actual skin. She grabbed the M9 Berretta from her holster, holding it on her lap now as she tried desperately to regain her thoughts before the two fuckwit twins managed to corner her.
Rey rolled out from under the humvee after he heard the door slam and smashed in the passangers side window with the hilt of one of his knives, launching himself at the millitary garbed figure. He grabbed the persons neck and slammed their head against the drivers window, knife ready to stab through the figures face. But with his eyes clear, (the smoke had not yet leaked into the cab of the humvee) He recognized the person as Katalina. Rey let go, setting himself down in the passangers seat, giggling. "Hey honey!" He managed to gasp out between bursts of laughter, "It's been a long while since i've seen your pretty face around here!" Rey pounded on the dash a bit, then called out to Barnaby. "Barbs! You'll never guess who I found! HAHAHA!"
Kat hadn't noticed when Rey attacked her, she was far too disorientated, instead she became even more confused and dazed, slumping back into the seat after he let go of her, looking at him with her eyes half opened and her mouth hanging open, the pistol in her hand having been let go off, her entire body being limp at the moment, she didn't have the brain capacity to create a single functioning thought, she blinked once for a very long time before focusing on Rey's face and managing to piece together, although very sloppily. "Rey...what you doing here..?" She hadn't noticed how stupid she sounded while she spoke, or even after she had finished, nothing made sense to her anymore. It was just like the mall all over again.

Her brain's conditioned state from training was able to recognize the knife in Rey's possession, and the dangers it brought towards her, she pushed open the humvee door, it had played out much better in her mind, instead of sprinting to safety as she would have usually done she instead fell out of the jeep, onto the ground below with a thud, closing her eyes over and going unconscious quickly afterwards as she laid on the concrete, dazed and her head injured, a small cut opening up on her forehead from the impact.
Rey laughed even more, staggering out the passangers side and over to Katalina. "Heh, STILL falling for me sweetheart? I'm sorry, I really did, HIT YOU WITH MY BEST SHOT, eh?" Rey doubled over, completely amused at his combined reference and pun, then calmed down a bit as he realized Katalina was probably still woozy from when he'd just hit her, then came to know she was unconscious. Smoke still floated everywhere, and Rey was painfully aware of how much noise they had made. He waved to a disgruntled Barnaby through the smoke. "Barbs! Ey! Get the shit from the truck, move it to the humvee. I'll siphon the gaas over real quick if it didn't leak. Haha, looks like beautiful just HATED being away from us, haha. There's a roll of gauze in the dead guys pack, treat her while I work, kay? Also watch my back, put Kat in the back seat, you're driving as always." Rey began the specified tasks, chuckling as he did.
Rey reached into his pack. He still had the hose from the gas station. He transfered the fuel in the truck to the jerry can, then into the humvee. "Bruh, Kat's always pissed. It's what makes her Kat!" He chuckled. Rey tossed the jerry can in the trunk and got into the backseat next to Kat, taking off his jacket and laying it over her as a blanket. He also needed to make sure she didn't fall over, so he kept a firm grasp on her shoulder, he wasn't sure what the suspension was like on this thing, and the last thing she needed was a bigger lump on her head than she already had.. "Allrighty bruh, let's get the fuck outta here," he called to Barnaby.
Kat didn't know how long she'd been out for, her eyes slowly opening to find herself under Rey's jacket, in a comfortable position next to him, looking around and yawning, she didn't notice until a few minutes after she had woken up that she had been lying against him, instantly sitting back up straight she rubbed her head in irritation, stretching her arms and legs, looking around for her rifle and pistol, not seeing them at the moment, she instead just eyed Rey and Barnaby with her typical death stare, considering they had just taken her humvee and presumably weapons also. She immedinately went to taking off the army kevlar she had stolen, as her chest had began to ache since she had first put it on, instantly feeling relieved as she took it off she sat back almost casually against the seat in the US Army fatigues she had `found` Quite relaxed at the moment.

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