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Realistic or Modern ♢The Rich Kids of New York♢

"See a movie hm? Sounds fun. I'm sure my parents would get made if we snook away. I see nothing standing against it...", Sarah smilingly replied.
"I'm not so sure about it, it would look bad on us if we just got up and left on this big evening since the tv show is coming out." Rylie told Marcus and Sarah as she walked around the room in circles passing slowly.
"You don't know me, therefore you can't know...I don't care how I am seen. I actually really don't. I mean sure, its nice if people like you, but I won't force myself to things I don't want. Like a TV show. That are things, only my father and mother can force me to.", Sarah laughef." Anyway, if you don't come I will be alone with him in a movie... That'd be like a date. Would you want me to go through that?", she asked, looking at Marcus maliciously.
Sarah giggled as he showed just what she hoped for. She closed his mouth gently with her hand. "Some people consider this impolite you know?", she innocently said.
Sarah smiled at him calmingly. "I'm only teasing you, don't take me too serious. No need to be embarrassed. Even though that red looks kinds cute on you."
Rylie's face became a bright red as Sarah exploded on her. "I never said anything about you or your past and I don't need to know about it anyways, all I said was it would look bad if we did this. Also, if you didn't care so much then why did you even want to be in it the first place?" Rylie said to her as she tried to take in a deep breath and relax not wanting to lose her cool for today.
Sarah looked at Rylie. "Because My parents said "oh that'd be a great chance to finally make friends and maybe even get yourself a boyfriend!" And then there was no contradiction accepted, I was in here.", Sarah then looked at Marcus. "That's really nice, thanks."
"Well, I'm glad to see everything working out for you like your parents hoped." Rylie said as she grabbed her clutch and walked out of the room but before she did she said, "I hope you both have a wonderful evening." It's not that Rylie didn't want to go but Sarah was being a bit too clingy, rude, and blunt to her so she decided to leave before things got ugly. Plus her and Marcus would make a cute couple together. "Honestly I can't with people today," She said as she headed out from backstage and to the bar again to get a drink. A sound of a chime came from her phone and it was her mother who texted her asking how the premier is going.
"Rylie is out as it seems... Dang, that means we would have to go as two...", Sarah said, considering it as a plan but she was not quite sure.
Yeah lets go. And maybe I guess we could count it as a date. I mean if you want too." I say as I rub the back of my neck, and look at the ground.
Okay that sounds good." As we walk out the back door I intertwine my fingers with yours." My bike is right over here." I say as I blush a little, because this is the first time I have ever held a girls hand.
Rylie felt left out but it was normal since this ways happened to her, she ordered a non-alcoholic Shirley temple and began to drink the drink. She was feeling very tired until a reporter came to her and asked for an interview, "Sure why not, it's not like im busy." She told the women and they started.
"You can hold on a little tighter. I wont go fast, I promise." When she first wrapped her arms around I blushed because I felt her breasts push against my back." Okay are you ready?" I ask stuttering a little.
Sarah held onto him a little tighter. "Yup, good to go.", she then said. She hadn't have that much body contact to a boy her whole life.
I just blushed deeper because the just pushed harder against me. I start the engine, and I drive towards the mall, to go see a movie or something.
They reached the mall and Sarah of down from the bike. "That alone was quite cool...", she said and smiled at Marcus. "Where do you want to go now?"

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