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Realistic or Modern ♢The Rich Kids of New York♢

"Vash.." Ira said finally finding what he needed, shaking out two pills from the bottle before going to the back of the plane to find his sister crouching in the corner. Bending down he offered her the pills and water which she gladly took. After a while her shaking hands stopped and she was much calmer, escorted by her brother back to her seat her face red with embarrassment as she sat. Covering her face with her hair as she leaned against her brother. Ira would sigh rubbing her arm to calm her down, hoping the plane would land soon.
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Rylie let out a sigh and looked around wondering why he was next to her but she couldn't help being around people which gave her comfort. She pulled the blinds of her window up to look at the clouds and how little everything is. She took in a deep breath in and out since this was her eighth time flying but it still gave her butterflies but she didn't show it.
Jamie smiled at her and turned his body her way. "My parents are doing something with their lives, I can do something with mine as well." he simply answered. He looked out the window from over Rylie's shoulder and grinned. 'Are you scared of flying?" he questioned, cautiously laying a hand on her shoulder for some way of comfort.

"Yes, haha. But I try not to think of it." She told him and chuckled as she looked out the window as well and felt an arm on her shoulder. She turned back to see that it was Jamie's hand, "You have a point there," She said agreeing with the first thing he told her about his parents and how they have something to do in their lives and so can he. Rylie ate a few of her almonds that she had saved for later as she put one in her mouth one by one.

@short for time
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Would we have the possibility to do new characters? This was one of my first ones, i have improved on making characters a lot imo.

We can all make a new characters and they will be a new character sheet as well
[QUOTE="Aaliyah Walker]We can all make a new characters and they will be a new character sheet as well

Ok, cool :D Just tag me in the new thread if you do create one.

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