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Fantasy ~Fire Emblem Reverence: The Insurrection of Etalus~

Mentions: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Yakov011001 Yakov011001 ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe

Sephonia felt a sudden stop in the carriage pushing her momentum forward catching herself before she fell off the edge of the seat, how embarrassing would that be. Sephonia was glad that horrible bumpy narrow trip was over. Quickly she would give a hearty kick to the carriage door causing it to swing open stepping out gently opposite of the violent kick. She started to fix her royal blue officer that is attached to her left shoulder, it folded up on itself from the bumpy trip. This cape made her look more knight like, although it got in her way and admittedly looked very gaudy on her royal blue uniform. Once her outfit looked professional she fixed her hair as it was a traditional style that was famous on the archipelago, but was rather esoteric outside of archipelago. Fixed with strange braids and a side swept that leans on her left side. Once she looked perfect she would accompany the prince or that was the plan till her gaze fixed on a mask that looked familiar to her homeland.

Sephonia watched as the“welcoming party” introduce themselves, two retainers…well they expect no incident from us so we have light security what a privilege. She ignored the welcome as they were talking to the prince once they were through with the talking, Her eyes skimmed over Odette before skipping everything about her for the moment as her eyes draw towards Ichor. Her eyes lit up, sparkling like diamonds a giant stupid grin coming across her face as she shouted. “Kin! How ar-“ The light fading as fast as it came as her face scowled her eyes saying many things but she didn’t speak any of these insults instead defaulting to “thank you for having us this fine day, I must say your attire is very traditional.” Walking closer to the two retainers but far enough to address both. Sephonia grabbed her cape with her right hand putting a foot behind the other bending her knees and lifting her heels doing a curtsy the cape acting as holding the dress.

“I am Sephonia Grum retainer of Jussane birthplace of The Aechon Archipelago, Apologizes if I look frightening or make a face it’s a habit”

Sephonia had to make an excuse to make faces because couldn’t mask her emotions that easily. Turning to Ichor first Sephonia took off her right glove her soft white hand now exposed. She shook Ichor’s hand feeling his hands trying to get a good idea of grip and texture anything that could gleam anything about this masked figure. Sephonia although had a delicate grip but clear to anyone who’s ever wielded a weapon, she wasn’t using any grip strength making her seem more delicate, a charade she hated but her prince wanted her on her best behavior. Whatever he wanted he got, she pushed it to the back of her mind the thought about how this could possibly spoil him.

Sephonia cold eyes quickly switch their gaze to Odette, Seph trying her best with a weak smile that doesn’t reach her eyes at all while offering a hand. “I’m guessing you heard my introduction so I won’t repeat myself, but if you need assistance in anyway don’t bother to ask. Jussane prides themselves on manners so any customs we need to adhere to please let me know.” Sephonia examined Odette’s face and outfit. Odette face felt like she was more knowledgeable and deadly of the two, meanwhile she glanced over her attire…as expected from Ditanian. Sephonia liked looking at fashion from other nations as the culture spoke volumes so rich, so many of years of traditions. The morals although probably dead and buried unlike Jussane the best nation.

After the introductions Sephonia looked towards the gate past the retainers, thinking of her battle plan for the upcoming battle of wits. Sephonia mentally prepped herself hyping herself up. She couldn’t wait to measure up any competition she had around her while offering assistance, along with some offhanded insults if the prince would allow. Well the assistance was for Ditanians have to keep your friends close and enemy closer and she wants them as close as possible so any double cross would be met with steel. The offhanded insults was meant for everyone mostly for Sanghalo those warmongering locus.

The backstabber nation’s capital, Etalus odd no weakness to be seen even though there was a civil war not too long ago. She couldn’t judge if morale was low or high based on the behaviors of the people she sees. Her eyes scan the environment a little longer before a grin appeared on Sephonia’s face and evil grin. “So do you have any pegasi farms around here? or do they exclusively graze in plains.” Quickly she wanted to cross off one item from her list, a few more items being Rations, Gold, with a scratched out item being Bark.with a hastily scribbled word next to it being Revenge.

Once again she changed her gaze to Ichor while flipping her cape around her waist was a medium kanabo wrapped up. Slowly she unhooked it from her belt handing to Ichor her words cold and serious.“Pretender tell me do you know this weapon. Your katana tells me you do, but you’re a Ditanian so you confuse me…Half blood perhaps?.” Her eyes looked at him accusatorially but her movements showed no malice to them. Her mind racing her eyes darting back and forth between the two taking in as many details as possible.
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Odette raised an eyebrow at Ichor response, noting a sigh and the brief answer she got. She wondered if she had struck a nerve with the question, for once asked innocently by her without any ulterior motive behind it. Was it that the question implied he was not Datanian? An interesting pressure point to have if so. In this crucial time when they had an unknown enemy attacking them out of nowhere, someone like him was likely met with suspicions. Despite their call of support by the other nations there was no proof that none were involved with the mercenaries that attacked Etania region, she wondered if he faced some suspicion? Certainly the thought had crossed her own mind of the fact but though she was careful she was not one to fully give in to paranoia. He was a potential threat but she was fairly sure she was loyal to the Rosaline.

"I am merely... She went to ask before she noted something catch Ichor's eye as she looked at the direction he did, he noted the carriage as well. Show time indeed. She turned towards the gate and waived at the guards, signalling it was time for action, getting them ready in parade and heightened security for any trouble. "Ok... We should..." She went to say before Ichor spoke over her. She looked at him a little confused by his statement. Speak or dont? How was that helpful? She shook her head off the confusion and took a moment to take in the sight of the delegation.

The delegation was large and looked like they were equipped for battle. And was that wyvern? Impressive creature. She had read a lot about the creature's toughness and ferocity, to think such a creature could be tamed by anyone and written like horses. It seemed almost a shame to shackles such independent seeming creatures, they should reign the sky free as long as the did not harm any humans. Still, she needed to focus on the situation at hand, she stood straighter putting her hands behind her back with a proud bearing as she waited for the delegation to approach close enough to them.

She heard Ichor call out, a little sooner than she would have done but still it did not matter. It took a few moments after the carriage door swing open the delegates to step out respected in their blue colours of their nation. They made for an impressive sight, particularly the attractive blonde female knight though she seemed to have a wildness to her that made Odette raise an eyebrow. Regardless, she gave a quick bow of her head when she was mentioned by ichor and got a reply.

"Not a problem, lady Grum." She said with a courteous smile. "I swear, whatever your face is doing, it still very complimentary to your fine features." She complimented, a little flattery did help a little to break the ice of the two sides meeting. "I am afraid, my associate, had done my a little injustice with my introduction. Let me expand: Lady Odette Katherine Bauford, daughter of the late Duke Prospero Beauford, sister of the Duke of Aeldemear, tutor to the Lady Rosaline, Mage of Datania. It is an honour to welcome your delegation and escort you to my Lady." She introduced herself formally do the delegation.

With the introduction made, she guided the delegation into the town, though she was all smiles. Answering any question given, she studied is delegate closely. The lady Grum had an air of sizing up a pig for slaughter as she looked around, and she wondered what it meant regarding their intentions. "I am not involved the rising of the pegasi, but one of my lady is a rider, you will get to see one up close in due time." She replied to her question. She knew more than she let on, but was not sure exactly how much of their famed cavalry that was wise to say to the delegation.

ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe DistractionAttack DistractionAttack Dante Verren Dante Verren Stickdom Stickdom Yakov011001 Yakov011001
vittorio salieri

nortalis retainer
nd it is in the name of the Flame of Humility, the Archbishop herself, that the Church of Xios has found itself in these hallowed fields. We seek not solutions from a liar’s hatchet, but the brotherhood of a hundred generations," so said Nortalis' representative.

Calling the church humble was a bit of a stretch wasn't it? Of all the people who ought to be aware of the church's imperfections it ought to be De'Rovere.

An alumni and former speaker at his seminary, Vittorio followed his career in broad strokes. He was a man of humble beginnings who rose to prominence after becoming a cleric and later as a bishop--yet another path Vittorio couldn't walk. Not for nothing, he could appreciate De'Rouvere were it not for the lack of honest criticism.

Though he didn't display the same opulence as the Archbishop, this man still had a quiet luxury. Rather than robes embroidered in gold or gem encrusted accessories, De'Rovere kept to a few rings, embossed buttons, and an announcer for his arrival.

Were the rumors true, Vittorio was sure he had an entire staff to himself. Personally, he chose one of his father's military jacket and a cape, both old pieces his father bequeathed him when he still thought Vittorio could become a knight. With a bit of handiwork from a tailor, they'd restored the epaulets and added a cape to distinguish it from his brother's own coat.

Perhaps they were not so different.

But compared to Princess Rosaline and the Sanghelan representatives, they were no spendthrifts. Their elaborate garments, pristine armor, and proper forms spoke of luxury not present in the military nor their subjects. Was it a matter of practicality or presentation, he wondered.

Silence fell over the crowd as the princess of Ditania began her speech, allowing the missionary-turned-retainer to relax. Despite her neutral expression, Rosaline's words confirmed Vittorio instincts. She was still a child. Whether she knew it or not, a threat against not one-but two nations' armies did not bode well for the young girl.

He hid the mixture of pity and bewilderment in his eyes, shooting a quick glance to Bishop De'Rouvere and then Princess Valdis. Their expressions didn't offer much in way of proceeding so he stepped forward. Putting his hand over his chest, he looked towards both Jorrah and Rosaline.

"Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Your Highness, but I assure you we are reaching out in good faith. We have no need for such...
-he didn't want to call her hostile-

Vittorio could feel the Church's finest behind him, spears planted on the ground but firmly grasped. Whether she knew it or not, crusaders were a different breed of knight from Ditania or Jussane. A person who fought for their ideals was far braver than one who fought for coin or pride.

Using their dying words to wax on about their salvation was as close to divinity as one could achieve; for that he could respect the Aechon leaders he was forced to put down.

He hoped that Ditania would not meet the same fate.

Eastern Gate


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