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Fantasy ~Fire Emblem Reverence: The Insurrection of Etalus~

Odette groaned. Barely met with the Jussaine envoys and there was already there some bad blood. Sephonia was the instigator but Ichors response did not help matters either. It was clear Ichor could barely control his temper, and it threatened to end Jussaines support of Etainne before the delegation even met Lady Rosaline. She could not have that, not just her not wanting to fail her charge, or for her own end or even saving the people under the mercenary menace... She was high nobility, the daughter of great dukes of the land. If there was any justice she would have ruled her duchy instead of her brother, her pride would not allow her to fail in this task. Still it seemed that cooler heads prevailed and her own greeting and manner seemed to salvage the situation.

"Lady Odette, we thank you for your most... hospitable welcome." The reply from one of the delegation rubbed her the wrong way. Despite her own annoyance with Ichor regarding almost derailing this meeting, she sensed the subtext behind the words and she would not have that. Like bickering sibling joining together against a common threat on a dime. "Well, it is as easy to be hospitable as a guest is as gracious." she replied pointedly at Sydia with only slight note of sarcasm and eyed Sephonia. "Even when a guest arrives to help, a decorous manner is fine and noble trait." She added before making a respectful bow towards Amadeus. "Indeed, prince Ignacio. Pity we only start with words not actions to make a first impression. Still, indeed we should get going."

She called for her horse and slowly a small procession formed of the delegation and the greeters towards the meeting point with Lady Rosaline and the other nations. They did not travel for long before there was a sense of trouble in the air and it was just Sephonia seemingly trying to stir up trouble with Ichor again which she spotted from the corner of her eyes. She felt eyes on the group and quick movement from the various side alleys of the building before the thieves attacked. "Bandits!" She called out in warning though Ichor and Sephonia seemed already in the fight. A trio came at her scaring her horse which reared up in its fright casuing Odette to slip off and almost fall flat if she had had teh presence of mind to roll out of the fall.
She acted quickly reaching for her tome though she had jump away from further attacks from one of the bandits. Common thieves, she thought, proper thieves would have made mincemeat of her not that she was on the back foot. Finally her hand touched her tome which was enough for her to cast her first spell. She reached out with her hand as the thief went for another attack, she managed to cast a lighting bolt at the bandit before the attack could land causing the thief to be thrown back writing with the electrical charge coursing through his body, giving her a chance at a recovery.

DistractionAttack DistractionAttack SkyGinge SkyGinge ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Yakov011001 Yakov011001 Dante Verren Dante Verren
Beatrix Fortagon

This was laughable. Unarmored and barely armed rabble against some of the finest Sanghalo and Nortalis had to offer? The only thing stopping the locals from being slaughtered en masse was the limited amount of forces that had been brought into the city thus far. And that only meant the butchery would take longer.

And wasn't it just ironic that their princess had gone on so long about not bringing harm to the citizens of Etalus unless aggreived against first? It seemed Rosaline had badly overestimated her own people's self-preservation. Some among them carried real steel and had weapons training, to be certain. Which only meant that they should have been conscripted into the local guard. Another point of failure for the leadership of Etalus.

Beatrix surveyed the field from atop her steed. Bows, axes, and fools with fists. She left her lance hanging off the side of her saddle before drawing a broadsword, pulling back on the reins to rear her horse up.

"You wish us dead and gone? By all means, come and try." She bellowed towards the charging natives, her blade pointed towards them. "Know your own foolishness, for you have brought this upon yourselves."

Morwen was already on top of things, and Beatrix entered the fray not long after, cracking her horse's reins and gallivanting it into a full-on charge. She rode headlong into a trio of axemen, using her advantages of reach, height, and momentum to slaughter them. One swing of her sword carved a deep gash through a man's chest, sending him collapsing to the ground, slowly bleeding out. She leaned over towards the other side, bringing her blade down to thrust into the second axeman's throat. In mere moments, her steed brought her close to the final fighter, who Beatrix outright decapitated with a mighty cleave. The head went flying up, and Damaron's fourth daughter took her left hand off the reins to snatch it out of midair by the hair, raising it high as she continued to surge forward atop her mount.

"Bend the knee, or share his fate!"

The offensive against the young girl seemed to send her backtracking, at least, in that she reframed her vow as a plea. Suitably indentured to them, as Ditania should have always been, given their situation. Either way, Rosaline invited them through Etalus’s gates, though, it wasn’t as if she had much of a choice but to. Turning them away now would have done her no good.

At least she pretended to tolerate them. Her precious consul had the face of a slapped arse, knowing full well the verbal assault was perhaps unnecessary, but a power struggle. Now he was forced to be hospitable to them, to house and feed them. It amused her to see a man so displeased with a situation he could not control.

As the gates opened, the familiar call of her sister’s orders blasted her ear, though, she did not flinch at the order. Her griffon knights had moved to flank foot soldiers and those mounted upon their arrival, taken up space with their majestic beasts. She didn’t need to give such an order as Beatrix had, and simply moved forward with her mount, and the sound of Sanghalo’s army followed in tow, the steady heartbeat of their march beginning anew.

Some minutes had passed of their march through Etalus’s gates, and Millicent observed her surroundings. It was all rather quaint and cheerful, not qualities she would attribute to Sanghalo’s lands. Theirs was a more practical one, and while these homes did not seem luxurious in any such form, even home did not have walls so bright or ivy that stretched from wall-to-wall.

She noticed, barely peering above the window ledge of a house, what seemed to be two young boys, watching them with small, wary eyes. She had to look twice, for one of the boys was of a similar likeness to Dominic, her youngest brother, with dark hair and dark eyes. This boy didn’t seem much older than him, six at the very most.

Millicent peeled her eyes away, her heart hardening.

Admittedly, their procession didn’t make it incredibly far, for Rosaline’s lackey was halted by a boy haphazardly put together in armour. He bleated something about troublemakers, and soon enough, around the corner came a mob of disgruntled townsmen, protesting their arrival and promise of aid.

“Damaron would have put such notions down before they even started,” Millicent scoffed, watching the scene unfold with great interest. She had to give it to Jorrah. He was deluded enough to think he could talk down a mob of disillusioned townsfolk with their axes and fists raised.

Mounts ahead whinnied and shuffled. Millicent craned her neck for a better look at what caused the commotion, and then heard the call of rebellion.

Millicent did not hesitate, and neither did Morwen. Looked like he would get his fight after all.

“Sanghalo, to arms!” She ordered, though, there was little hesitation from the company she had around her.

Morwen was the first to advance and meet the oncoming storm of on Ditanian, whose knuckles were reduced to paste, and body tossed like a doll a child lost interest in.

Her sister was quick to form as well, mowing down those who defied the Duke’s daughters, and going so far as to display one’s head in her hand.

Nothing she hadn’t seen before, nor did it surprise her that her sister cut off a man’s head. And yet she stirred at the thought of it, so soon into battle.

Millicent took flight with her griffon, the great beast squawking as they tunnelled towards a brigand. Rather than use her axe for immediate execution, Paidia’s talons sunk into his shoulders, his screams hardly audible over the noise of the fighting – at least, not until they were 30 feet in the air, and the man begged to be let go as they flew through the air.

Millicent raised an eyebrow. “If you so insist, good sir.” The woman whistled to her griffon, and without hesitation, tossed the man into a couple of his axe wielding compatriots below.

She flew closer to the ground again, finally brandishing her axe. Her view from her flight alerted her to the bloodshed that her soldiers were causing. Most had put down rebellions before, each bloodier than the last. Limbs fell apart, men were trampled underfoot, and yet, some took so much glee in the glory of fighting.

Millicent caught another, a brawler on the outskirts of the crowds and swung it underneath until it caught with his arm. The cut was not clean, and it dragged him along with her for a short time until he was shaken off her axe, his arm barely held together to his shoulder by muscle and sinew as he lay bleeding and screeching on the ground.
Konrad Bar Kastellan
SkyGinge SkyGinge DistractionAttack DistractionAttack ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Yakov011001 Yakov011001 Stickdom Stickdom

"as long as we both fly blue" Konrad chuckled in agreement with Sephonia as she sped up to catch up with their guide Ichor. Wild might be too soft of a term for that one, but at least she was entertaining. Although Konrad suspected the prince would need to keep one eye on her to make sure she didn't start unnecessary trouble. At least there Sydia was here to keep the party leaning towards the responsible side, and it seemed that Odette fulfilled the same role as her, the common sense of the delegation. It made him wonder what type of person this Lady Roseline was, perhaps if she had a similar disposition as the prince things would go rather smoothly after all. The notion of a smooth operation was once again shattered, as from a side ally a group of thieves spilled out in front of them. Why the men decided to charge down what could easily be seen as an important entourage would forever elude Konrad, all he knew was he had to act.

The honor of first blood would however fall to another, as Sephonia who was closer to the thieves sent one sprawling with her maul. Next came Odette the mage who with a dance narrowly dodged her attackers only to blast them away with magic. For the first time that trip the smile fell from his lips, replaced instead with a grim frown. Moving his gaze away from Sephonia and Odette he locked eyes with an unlucky thief. He was vaguely aware of hearing something along the lines of " wants you alive", but by that point Konrad had toned out any non essential voices from his mind

"Oak and iron" Konrad took one step, and then another as he dragged the steel blade of his axe against the ground. "Serve me well" He turned his body slightly towards the right as the thief closed in on him. "Or else I'm dead" Konrad thrusted his body forward slamming his armored pauldron into the chest of the thief that had chosen him as an opponent. "And doomed to fail" he felt the crack of something breaking in the thief's body and from the corner of his eye watched the knife the man was wielding fail to find purchase then slide uselessly off Konrad's armor. As the thief stepped back Konrad raised his axe overhead and brought it down on the winded man, carving a deep red gouge from right shoulder to left waist.​
vittorio salieri

nortalis retainer
uring tough times, the word of Xios had always been his respite--she was his guiding light. Perhaps appealing to De'Rovere's pious side could even soften his heart.

Unfortunately that would have to wait for later. Jorrah's attempts to quell an opposing crowd would fail for the second time, eliciting even more disapproval from Vittorio. He knew not to expect much from Ditania's dignitaries, but if this was the state of the capital, he feared for the rest of the country. Diamonds could be made from coal, but only if they could withstand the pressure.

As much as the missionary wanted to intervene, they already brought up their arms. The Sanghelans were more than happy to retaliate, but he wanted nothing less. It was bad enough that they were giving the crusaders license to kill; he didn't want to wrestle with the decision between being perceived as a murderer or a weakling.

"Come on, there's no reason to do this in town!"
Vittorio pleaded, glancing back and forth between two of the Thugs closing in on him.

"Shut up, albino rat."

Vittorio backed away from the Thug, sidestepping the first slash before running away from his aggressor. The brigand might have been fast, but Vittorio was faster. A horizontal swing came his way, barely missing the missionary's head before embedding itself in the wall of a nearby building.

"Come back here!" The brunette yelled, yanking on his axe.

"Please, put down your arms. We don't have to do this."
Vittorio held his hands up, backing away from the stout man. Despite being shorter, the Brigand was far more muscular--if Vittorio wasn't careful, he'd get snapped in half.

"Like hell! You storm our city? You pay the price."

The shine of his sword hit the Thug's eyes before creating a kaleidoscope of red across his chest. Blood spilled from the cross carved into his enemy's chest, soaking through his threadbare shirt.

"Oh, Xios forgive me for my transgressions. Please shine your light on him and preserve the life still within."
The words seemed empty coming from a man who just cut someone to ribbons but he wanted to grasp onto some chance of forgiveness from her.
"And should be perish please-"

He need not finish for Xios delivered his penance.

Vittorio fell to the ground with a swift punch from a dead ringer for the fallen Brigand, save for the beard. His sword clattered to the ground and his cheek pulsed in pain.

"You dare call yourself a man of Xios after slaying one of my kin? Don't make me laugh!"

Down came her blade, just barely missing him as he rolled away. Much like her leader, her armor spoke to the slipshod nature of the enemy team. They were likely a bunch of peasants promised some semblance of control if they did away with the "dirty foreigners."

He scrambled for his sword, raising it time to parry the warrior's next attack. She wasn't unlike the tribesman who pushed back against Nortalisse aid in the Aechron Archipelago. Logically, they ought to be grateful that he--Nortalis brought aid; however, pride and rigidity were weaknesses carried by many men.

"I swear, I didn't mean to."

"Oh bollocks! You're a savage just like the rest of 'em!"

Only savages and traitors kill their countrymen, Vittorio wanted to say, but the Sanghelans were proving her right.

"Violence begets violence."
Another swing from her and another miss, courtesy of his father's tutelage.
"Leave now and no harm will come to you."

She shot him a glare before kicking his ankle and knocking him over. Before she could cleave him however, a spear emerged from her chest courtesy of a nearby crusader.

"Your brother should have never sent you." The armored man spat through his mask.

Vittorio rubbed his face before staggering to his feet. Maybe so, but it was better him than one of the Archbishop's children.

Etalus City


The Prince of Jussane looks on impassively at his attackers, before he shrugs, and dismounts from his steed. He draws from a mount on the side of the saddle a long war-lance. He wouldn't waste anything special on these fools. He gestures for his troops to form up, Amadeus looking to his men, as well as to their Etalian escorts. Now, was the question of how to crush this little attack. Hm. Best to play a gentle hand, at the moment. It would look better to the Lady Rosaline, if nothing else. He stamps the butt of his lance on the ground twice, the Jussanian troops forming up in a smooth, practiced motion- the product of years of campaigning, the discipline only war could provide.

"Show them the honor of Jussane does not suffer offense, but take these fools alive. They are subject to the Lady Rosaline's justice- not ours."

The first assailant to approach him is a brawler, his fists flying at speed. Amadeus just waits, letting the brawler box at the air until the prince catches the brawler's fist in an iron grip. The royal Knight rolls his eyes, before twirling his lance and using the haft to smack the brawler with a pair of crushing blows, leaving the man falling to the ground in an unconscious heap.

Amadeus walks forward at a leisurely, measured pace, the Jussanian troops behind him forming a wall of bristling steel that completely blocks off the road. If the thugs wanted to make any progress, they'd be running right into the teeth of Amadeus's best- And from the look on the Jussanian troops' faces, that was exactly how they liked it.

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