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Realistic or Modern ♢The Rich Kids of New York♢

Rylie had arrived to the airport and she got herself situated and she grabbed a cup of coffee from the cafe that was in there and began making way to gate 8 which is where everyone was waiting. She sees Sarah, Vashti, annd Ita and she keeps her distances from sarah so she takes a seat in the waiting area by gate 8. She goes on her phone and begins texting her friend Emily who she had known since she was six years old. @anyone
The two of them waved and smiled. "Hello." Vashti said her voice giving away how tired she was before she let out a huge yawn, leaning on her brother for support as they stood. It took everything she had to keep her eyes open.

Ira smiled and laughed as he watched his sister looking back at Sarah as he spoke. "She couldn't decided what to wear so she took the whole night deciding." He looked around spotting a coffee shop, lifting his sister off of him, looking at Sarah. "Watch her and make sure she doesn't fall over. I'm gonna get her some coffee. Want any?" He asked as he situated his sister up right.

@Ami the breadling
Sarah smiled at Ira. "Sure, coffee, black, no sugar if it doesn't make any trouble..", she replied and stepped next to Vashti to catch her if she falls over.

"Okie dokie." He said with a nod before turning back to his sister. "금방 돌아 올게요 . 권리 를 유지 하려고합니다. (I'll be right back. Try to stay up right.)" With this he pat her on the head, ruffling her hair up a bit before walking of to the coffee shop.

"우리 비행기 가 출발 할 때 당신은 알고 계십니까...Oh wait sorry...Do you know when our plane departs?" She asked looking at Sarah, rubbing her eyes to try and stay awake.

@Ami the breadling
Vashti shook her head. "I didn't but it was more nerves if anything." She smiled slightly before she yawned, looking over to see her brother in line. "This trip was the most nerve racking trip I think I've ever done."

@Ami the breadling
"I've never been on a trip with this many people." She said holding her hands in front of her as she sees her brother walk towards her handing her and Sarah their coffee. Vashti held it close to her as she sipped it every now and then. Enjoying the warmth it gave her. "Thank you." She said.

"Yeah." Ira said as he sipped his own, looking around for the others.

@Ami the breadling
Jamie Jolie-Pitt Jamie got up and looked a a text on his phone and looked at the time. He smiled and took a quick shower and threw on whatever clothes he had. Jamie had packed his clothes yesterday and didn't feel like opening up the things for clothes. "Tampa's not that far." he muttered to himself before walking out the house without saying goodbyes to his family. He entered a BMW with his driver and hurried to the airport.

((I fell asleep.))
Sarah gladly took her coffee. "Thanks." She looked at Vashti. "In my opinion, the quantity of the people is not as important as their quality. And till now they all seem to he nice or not?", she encouragingly said.

"I haven't really spoken to anyone...Except you and Jamie" Vashti said taking a long awkward sip from her cup. Ira laughed "We are very anti-social people." Vashti would elbow her brother to shut him up but this only received her a laugh and him ruffling her hair.

@Ami the breadling
"Me too. I'm pretty moody, that makes most people dislike me. I'm like kind and jokey now, but in the next minute I'm impolite and sarcastic. Don't know why its like that. ", Sarah said, acting like she didn't care but it was obvious it bothered her.

"Well, it's a good thing we don't take things personally." Ira said grinning like a fool. Vashti saw this and laughed. "This is why you're not allowed to drink coffee."

Ira rolled his eyes "Okay mom." He laughed after this almost spilling his coffee but was quick to save.

(Its all good man) @Ami the breadling
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Rylie looked around keeping herself closed off from the group that was having a conversation. She saw Ira leave to go somewhere and she wondered where as well as where the others are and if they are coming or not. She took another sip of her coffee and a female voice came on the speakers," the plane will be departing in an hour and thirty minuets due to the inconvenience of the fueling." Rylie let out a sigh wanting to leave already and get to the warm of Tampa Bay. She looked back down at her phone and she got a text from her mother asking where she is staying and Rylie replied back saying that she doesn't know. @anyone
Jamie Jolie-Pitt Jamie waved his driver off and walked into the airport with his suitcase. He spotted the familiar faces and slowly approached them with a smile.
Vashti smiled and waved at Jamie, nudging Ira to do the same. "Long time no see." she said before finishing her coffee, being slightly more awake than she was when she first got here. Ira nodded to her statement before taking her cup and his to throw it away "Sarah you done with yours?" He asked.

@Ami the breadling @short for time


After picking up Elena we drove to the airport and when we got there we pulled up by the parting lot and we rolling our bag to the airport. Once we got inside we saw the rest of the group and said "Hey guys who are you today" I said waving at them and the others.


Me and Catherine was dragging out bags. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get some lattes for us. After we had reached the Airport I saw Rylie,Jamie, Ira, Vashti and other and said "Hey,Hey" I said with a big smile on my face.
Jamie Jolie-Pitt Jamie smiled and rubbed his eyes as he took a seat. "I'm glad I'm not late today." he tiredly smiled and once gain rubbed his eyes followed by a yawn. He turned his attention to the two girls entering the airport. "Tired." he muttered an answer and looked down at his shoes.
Vashti smiled and laughed at Jamie's comment turning to wave at the two as she readjusted her bag on her shoulder."Hello." Coming back from throwing away their cups Ira smiled and waved at the two. "Hey. You guys ready?" he asked as he picked his bag off the floor, swinging it around his shoulder.


I smiled and nodded and said "Yea we can leave now the jet should be ready" I said with a smile and laughed at Jamie's comment and said "I am glad we didn't leave you" I said with a smile


I smiled and said "Like what Elena said the jet is now read but I just want to go over how this show works" I said then added "So the camera are on you just like right now 24/7. so like stuff you want to keep away from the cameras please tell the camera crew and they will shut it off" I said and added "Any questions?" I said with a smile
Vashti and Ira looked at each other before they both nodded "Nope we got it." Ira said as he held out his hand for his sitsers bag which see gladly gave him, stifling a yawn with the back of her hand.
I was as late as usual. I threw on some clothes. I didn't care if it looked good or not. I then rode my motorcycle to the airport and met up with the rest of the crew.


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