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Realistic or Modern ♢The Rich Kids of New York♢

Whatever you want to do. I mean we could be those people that walk around the mall and do nothing. Or we could go the the Music store and pick our cds and sing them and get every note right because they're our cds. Though people wont realize it is us." I say a little mischievously.
"Maybe they won't get who you are, but after all I'm pretty successful with my music.", Sarah said and sticked her tongue out. "Let's just go for a movie as planned."
I do a mocked hurt face. I put my hand over my heart. I make a single tear come out of my left eye. "You know Sarah that hurt right here. TO make it feel better I think I need a kiss on the cheek." I say as I blush a little bit thinking about what I just said.
Not expecting you to do that I stutter, "D...D...Deal." I say as I intertwine my fingers into yours. "Okay what movie do you want to see babe."I ask as we walk towards the movie theater.
Well I need to have a cute nickname for you." I say in the most innocent tone I can possibly muster while raising my left eyebrow.
"Why would you call me babe then? That's.. So... That reminds me of some stupid muscle man, calling his stupid big breasted girlfriend babe. Think of something else please...", Sarah said with a demanding tone as they stood in front of the cinema. "What movie now? Horror, comedy or romance?"
I'm sorry for calling you that. How about Horror. So what would you want me to call you." I ask as I tilt my head to the side, and look at you with my green/hazel eyes innocently.
"I think the point of those nicknames is that YOU choose them and get the feeling for which I like. Anyway, horror it shall be.", Sarah said, the last part came out a bit unsteady. She held onto Marcus hand tighter.
Okay Sparky." I pay for our tickets, and I can tell your a little unsteady, so I wrap my arm around your waist and hold you close. I then kiss the top of your head as we walk.
Sarah blushed a little as he kissed her forehead. "Do you like horror movies?", she asked, still unsteady, clinging to Marcus as he wrapped an arm around her.
A little. Though I wouldn't mind holding during the movie, because what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't hold you when you got scared." I say as I lean my head on yours while we walk to the theater room.
"Wait a second. First: your not my boyfriend. At least not yet. And what is even more important: I wouldn't get scared.", she said, not moving but sounding a little pouty.
I turn and face you. I lean my head on your forehead and look at your eyes. "Hey I love you okay, so I am going to make it official." I kiss the tip of your nose, and I get on my knee. "Sparky will you be my girlfriend." I say smiling at you not caring that I am making a scene in the theater hallway.
Vashti and Ira walked around the premiere in their performance clothes both too lazy to change out of them. They didn't know where the others went looking around for them, both sighing in annoyance.

"그들 모두가 우리를 밖으로 얇은 조각 처럼 보인다.(Looks like they all flaked out on us.)" Vashti said with a frown pursing her lips as she shook her head.

"적어도 우리는이 거 재미 있을 보여줍니다 알고있다.(At least, we know this shows gonna be interesting.)" Ira said with a smiled. Spotting food he dragged his sister behind him knowing that they both hadn't eaten all day today.
"I guess I will take that as a yes." I stand up and gently placed my hand on your chin and gently place my lips on yours, and leave them there to give you the taste of cinnamon. "By the way Sparky you look cute like that.
The stuttering ended as he kissed her. She enjoyed the feeling and kissed him back. "Your pretty straightforward... And thanks.", she whispered afterwards
This all felt new to Sarah. She hadn't even hugged a boy before and suddenly she had a boyfriend. 'That was pretty easy', she thought. During the movie, she clinged to Marcus, because she got scared over and over.

September 24,2015

Going to Tampa/T.V. Show first episode



It was a new day after the red carpet and it was the day of the T.V show where cameras had to follow me everywhere. I was already packed for Tampa and we was going into my mom's private jet to go to Tampa. I got up and it was only like 7:30 am I was so tried after the Red Carpet. I rolled over my bed and I had to text everyone that meet at the airport by 9:30 am. After I texted all the stars on my phone I got up from the floor and grabbed my towel to take a shower. After my shower I go and dries my hair and I put on a rope while the make-up artist had done my make-up and my stylist doing my hair. After they was done I picked out a outfit and I didn't know what to wear and I was not going to wear some dress. After finding the best outfit. I walked down stairs and saw my mom and dad talking and I said "Hey Daddy" I said kissing him in the cheek and he said to me "Hey Honey where you off to?" . I laughed and said "I am going to Tampa I will be gone for a few days dad".He had a shock face and said to me "Wait, what does your mother knows about this" I nodded and said "Yes daddy, Look I have to head out to meet up Elena but she you later". I waved goodbye and he said "Hey tell her parents I said high and be safe" and make sure that you not with you boyfriend the whole time "I looked at him and said "What boyfriend?". He shows me a rumor of what happened at the Red Carpet nodded and it was a picture of me and Malachi talking. I laughed and said "Dad he is just a friend stop reading these rumors" he nodded and I grabbed my phone and my car keys and drives to Elena's Place and that;s when the Cameras started to follow me




I was already dressed and ready to go. I was just waiting for Catherine to come pick me up. I was talking with my dad and me and him got in a big disagreement about seeing my mother in Tampa which is Kristen Stwert. I rolled my eyes at the end of the conversation because I didn't want to be part of it no more. I grabbed my bags that would last me for a couple of days. I texting my mother and telling her I would see her in Tampa and I would so happy to see her again. Yesterday at the Red Carpet I liked I mean Loved the red dye they did for me so I was keeping it in for a well. Once I left the house with my keys I dragged the bags out of my room and to outside and waits for Catherine.


with jeans and black heels

@Ami the breadling
@JaneXJeff @AnarchyReins
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Sarah woke up hardly. She was no person to get up quickly. After a long fight with herself, she finally got up. She took a shower and then dressed, she still had butterflies in her tummy. After she had a quick breakfast, she said goodbye to her parents, who couldn't hold back to tease her with her sudden relationship. She let herself be brought to the airport, being just in time for the meet up.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2014-Fahsion-Punk-Rock-Style-Blouse-.jpg.cdd6315b682d30c6fb36cff6267e370e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2014-Fahsion-Punk-Rock-Style-Blouse-.jpg.cdd6315b682d30c6fb36cff6267e370e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Vashti and Ira hugged and said good by to their moms. Getting into their car quickly already pressed for time. Vashti would fall asleep in the car exhausted by yesterday. Ira would drive whistling to the radio, speeding slightly to just make it on time.

When they got there it was all that Ira could do to wake up Vashti each time she would attempt to smack him across his face. "?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ( Come on sister we're gonna be late )" he said before getting their things from the trunk.

"? ?? ??? ????.( Big brother please.)" she whined as she rolled out of the car and grabbed her things heading off with her brother to check in.

Vashti's Outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/a64f86bcea5332b685cf8969886e364d.jpg.622069521f27e267e48448cdec71c110.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/a64f86bcea5332b685cf8969886e364d.jpg.622069521f27e267e48448cdec71c110.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ira's Outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/d6cdf2d3a3b85c30ed57cb273dca5368.jpg.9dfd35e5d0b2ce7944d002143978ef59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/d6cdf2d3a3b85c30ed57cb273dca5368.jpg.9dfd35e5d0b2ce7944d002143978ef59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Rylie wasn't the one to get up in the morning nor was she eager to after the long day she had yesterday. She rubbed her face and then scratched her head as she got up and stretched. She just remember that she was going to Tampa. She had packed her bags the night before and they were at the front door waiting for her. She got into the shower and she put on her outfit and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. It was 8:35 when she finished eating and her mother came downstairs with her father as well.

"Morning, honey." Her mother said and her father kissed the top of her forehead and smiled.

"Morning to the both of you," Rylie said and she went to wash her plate before leaving.

As Rylie headed to the door her mother and father came along and showered her with kisses, "We will head up there in just a few days to see how you are doing." Her father said.

"Thanks dad." She said and kissed him on the cheek and then the same with her mother, "I got to go or else i'm going to be late. Bye love you!" She walked out of the door waving before she got into the car and her driver drove her to the airport.


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