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Realistic or Modern ♢The Rich Kids of New York♢

Vashti smiled and nodded a thank you, holding on to the back of her brothers arm to steady her shaking hands. Ira placed a hand of hers to calm her before smiling at the others "Thank you. So are you all ready for this show?" His face and tone both excited, it was all he could do not to jump up and down.
Sarah was not half as exited as Ira. "Sure, why not...", she said, her tone showed a bit that she was not that much of a fan of this show.
Vashti gave a small smile to Sarah before looking at her brother "나는 오빠 를 바라 볼 거야 (I'm going to go look around.)" she didn't wait for him as she left the group needing a breath of fresh air, walking around she would smile at others though it would not reach her lips.

Ira sighed watching his sister leave "Sorry she gets unnerved by all these people." he would laugh slightly rubbing the back of his neck.
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I was happy to see everyone almost here I had turned around and saw that everyone was here so I went over to the huge stage and and said "Everyone who is in my show of course please meet in the dressing room so we can all talk about everything,Please and Thank you". I then walked off the stage walking my way down to the dressing room waiting for the others.


I was eating and talking to others and talking to the guy Malachi, Yea I know him we was working together in some agencies of the modeling world. I then turned and stop talking when Catherine(my best friend) was making some announcement and headed my way to the Dressing room as well.
"We should probably go to the dressing room then.", Sarah said as she went ahead. Being around these people got her annoyed. She new it was just one of her moods, it would probably change in a few minutes, but she still opened the door to the dressing room, letting out a sarcastic "joy..."
Vashti sighed and headed to the dressing room seeing Sarah as she smiled slightly going over to sit down.

Ira was not that far behind Sarah coming in right after her as he went to sit down with his sister, whispering in her ear only getting a few nods in return as he sighed turning away to look at everyone else with a smile.

Evangeline Ryan Beckham
I smiled as I taked to everyone, occasionally finding an appetizer and eating it. In reality, I was starving, but I didn't want to risk getting fat so I only ate a small amount of food. Seeing a girl get on stage and call for anyone in her show, I smiled as I turned, taking one more appetizer before beginning to head to the dressing room while I ate.

Malachi Jackson Urban
I spent my time scarfing down food and complimenting the girls while I waited. It was something my dad had always taught me how to do. Just say they look nice and their day gets better. I was talking to Elena just as a girl got on stage and told those in her show where to go. Seeing Elena walk off, I grabbed a bit more food before turning and following the group towards the dressing room.


As I saw people walking in the room as was standing in the back while everyone was seating down waiting for me to say something. So when everyone quiet down I said "Well Hey guys, I am glad that you guys could make it and staring in my show as well. Umm,Tonight some of you guys and myself will perform for the red carpet and your lovely fans watching at home as well. Also tomorrow be packed and ready to go because we are going to Tampa baby" I said smiling at them with a big smile. The After then I saw Malachi, Yea I know I have a crush on him and all but still super hot and he is so my type. I then added "Oh so if you would like to perform tonight please tell me so I can write it up because my mother Demi Lovato is also playing tonight as well."
Vashti looked at the others unsure of all their names before looking back at her brother "나는 오빠 를 바라 볼 거야? (Do you want to perform?" She knew it was rude of her to speak where others didn't know, but she couldn't be bothered. She was too nervous to think let alone talk in English.

Ira smiled and shrugged. "Whatever you want." He would watch the others trying to remember names though coming short to some of them.

Evangeline Ryan Beckham

I entered the room quietly and glanced around the room just as Catherine began speaking. I thought about the idea of performing carefully and smiled softly. My parents would be watching so why not make them more proud. "I wouldn't mind performing," I spoke up with a grin, pushing some of my bangs out of my face. I thought carefully about a song I could do, though I didn't have any of my own. Then it hit me. "I could do a cover of
I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz," I told her with a wider smile at the thought of being up in front of thousands and showing that I'm not just a pretty face.

Malachi Jackson Urban

I listened carefully to what Catherine had to say, taking note that she made a point of looking at me. It really wasn't a secret to me that she had a thing for me, but hey, I'm hot. It's not her fault. I glanced over at Eva when she offered to perform, glad I wasn't the first one. "I wouldn't mind either," I said, stuffing my hands in my pockets sheepishly. "If that's alright," I added quickly, returning back to my shy state of mind rather than the cocky thoughts that had run through my mind only moments earlier.

Sarah got hyped. Her mood just had changed. "I would love to perform as well. If that's ok.", she joyfully said, a big smile on her face.


I smiled and said "I am glad, you guys would like to perform tonight" I said with a big smile on my face. I could tell that Malachi knew I had a crush on him I made it to weird. I then looked at everyone who was performing and said " You guys will be up in an hour so everyone go to your artist to make you look nice for the performance and have fun out there" I said looking and smiling at everyone.
Vashti looked at her brother and smiled her nerves slowly going away. Ira looked at the others and sighed leaning over to whisper in his sister's ear. "밖으로 다시 한번이상한 사람 이었다 처럼 보인다. (Looks like were the odd ones out yet again.)" Vashti would shrug it off as she stood to excuse herself to make a phone call outside.
"Why are we going to Tampa Bay?" Rylie asked as she walked up to Catherine. She was pretty excited about the idea of heading someplace hot and getting away from all the chaos. Rylie didn't really like the idea of performing in front of a big crowd. But it wouldn't be any different then when she would model for these high end fashion companies, but singing I front of a whole group of people and plus for national tv that was a big no. Her parents tried to get her to sing in public but she just shied away thinking she isn't as good as the others out there.
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Outside Vashti held the phone up to her ear sighing slightly waiting for the ringing to stop but it never did. Growing impatient she hung up and walked back inside the room. "Excuse me. Sorry." she apologized many times before finally sitting beside her brother. she wasn't all to keen on singing but didn't mind as long as she was singing with her brother.


I turned around well my stylist was doing my make-up and said "Oh well because that where we are all going to hang out at and have fun and drink and party" I said with a smile
Sarah was getting prepared for a performance. She hated being surrounded by stylists, she usually liked more to don't herself. For the stage, however, it seemed to be better to let the stylists do their work. Her mood was still joyful. She looked forward to see the others perform and do it herself then. When she was ready, she went back to Catherine.

Evangeline Ryan Walker
Eva smiled widely and turned, exiting the room happily. She was glad she was getting a chance to get her voice out there. Finding the artist room, she entered and grinned as se found a seat to sit in. She carried on small talk with the hair and makeup artists as they worked their magic on her, taking their sweet time before finishing. She stood up and grabbed the outfit they had prepared for her and quickly changed clothes.


Malachi Jackson Urban
Malachi gave a charming smile towards Catherine, accompanied with a quick wink before he turned and exited behind Eva. He found a different room and sat down, quietly letting his hair get done, though he refused any makeup. He was a man damnit. Once they were done, he waited to be left alone before changing clothes rather quickly.

[QUOTE="Amanda Cromwell]


I turned around well my stylist was doing my make-up and said "Oh well because that where we are all going to hang out at and have fun and drink and party" I said with a smile

"Alright sounds awesome." Rylie told her and smiled already planning out her whole outfit in her head and how she is going to sun bathe.
Vashti and Ira followed behind the others splitting off as they got dressed and fixed up. When finally seeing each other they laughed as they twirled for each other and laughing some more. Though it seemed annoying to most this is how they started every show they did together without fail.

Vashti's Outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/07644e3cb576f623c61a4605e9b54014.jpg.97bd73c0fa6c79afb2950aa0c6a3cf0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/07644e3cb576f623c61a4605e9b54014.jpg.97bd73c0fa6c79afb2950aa0c6a3cf0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ira's Outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/1111bbb21b788baf9fbf72d9344c0574.jpg.8f9e38e3df6ff5f3199dd5406c1eec96.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/1111bbb21b788baf9fbf72d9344c0574.jpg.8f9e38e3df6ff5f3199dd5406c1eec96.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sarah mentally prepared for her performance. She was not that usual pop star. Rock, even metal were more of her territory. But she had to get herself into her music before she could really sing. As she had done that, her smile had faded but she still looked happy. "I'd be ready now.", she said to Catherine.

Except for the bag.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/743af70023b5d3a2c1d6faa1ac54ca54.jpg.efb17e489a90b6d684ac2bae432144b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/743af70023b5d3a2c1d6faa1ac54ca54.jpg.efb17e489a90b6d684ac2bae432144b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jamie Jolie-Pitt Jamie woke up to look at the time and quickly rushed to shower and get dressed for the red carpet. He was already extremely late but not even showing up would be worse. As he hurriedly threw on a pair of dress shoes and rushed out to his awaiting limo. Jamie didn't enter towards the red carpet but rather through the back stage.

((Sorry for being so late.))
Vashti looked over at the man who entered waving him over as she nudged her brother. Her frowned at her before looking to see where she pointed. Smiling and waving but was forced to stop by their stylists as they tried to finish with them both.

@short for time
Jamie Jolie-Pitt Jamie looked around the room before noticing the waving girl and male. He approached them with a smile and sat in an extra chair. "Hi, I wanted to how late exactly am I?" he asked as he looked down at his hands placed in his lap.
Vashti smiled and shrugged. "We were all pretty late. Though you would be the latest out of all of us." Her brother Ira laughed that went into a sigh "No worries how late you are. We're all getting ready to perform. Oh... I'm Ira DeGeneres and this is my sister Vashti DeGeneres." Vashti waved and smiled before leaning back in her chair.

@short for time

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