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Realistic or Modern ♢The Rich Kids of New York♢

As it seemed Sarah still had time until her performance, she went to look around. She didn't want to eat, to not ruin her styling. She saw a face she did not know and went to the boy. "Hi. I'm Sarah. And you?", she said.

@short for time
Jamie Jolie-Pitt Jamie looked at the two and laughed. "Well it's nice to meet the two of you, but I should probably get ready for a performance." he said before turning around to met face to face with another girl. "I'm Jamie. Jamie Jolie-Pitt." he answered loud enough for the two he met before to hear as he remembered he forgot to introduce himself.

@Ami the breadling
They waved him off wishing him good luck before they spoke to each other, keeping their voice quiet so no one else could hear them. Not that they could understand them anyways.
Sarah smiled at the boy. "Ok, I'm Sarah Kunis to mention my full name. Your in the show as well?", she said with a curious tone. She hoped her somehow different appearance wouldn't create a false image of her.
Rylie wasn't going to perform today considering the fact that she feels like her songs aren't ready for the general public in her opinion. She looked around to see everyone rushing around and getting over to hair and makeup and costume changes. The excitement backstage was overwhelming so she went over to the room backstage that had all the refreshments and food for the stars. She opened the room and it looked like heaven to her, tables filled with food on them sang a little chorus to Rylie as she entered. She went over to the pasta and grabbed a small plate and she began putting some pasta on that plate. She went over to the couch that was there and sat down. @anyone


After heard all the things going on I wasn't even in the mood to perform tonight it was just to much and I promised my parents not to do anything live on t.v. until the show had started. I saw that Rylie was all alone and I knew she wasn't performing tonight so I though maybe I would join her. I walked in the same room she was in and I got to go in and said "Hey Rylie why aren't you performing"​

Amanda Cromwell] [CENTER] [IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Ffontmeme.com%2Fembed.php%3Ftext%3DElena%2520A%2520Pattinson%26name%3Dlearningcurve_tt.ttf%26size%3D100%26style_color%3D7A000A&hash=02a4289d3605f159877bf320841dfd53&hash=7104751ccf8a940e88809fc1a8803291[/IMG] After heard all the things going on I wasn't even in the mood to perform tonight it was just to much and I promised my parents not to do anything live on t.v. until the show had started. I saw that Rylie was all alone and I knew she wasn't performing tonight so I though maybe I would join her. I walked in the same room she was in and I got to go in and said "Hey Rylie why aren't you performing"[/CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24972-sprouhtt/ said:
She looked up at Elena as she stuffed her face with pasta just scarfing it down like she hasn't eaten all day long. "Oh hey! I'm not really feeling the whole performance thing," SHe said eventually after she finished chewing her food and she took another bite as well.
She got up and walked to the trashcan and threw her plate away and went for the fruit salad that was mixed with various fruits like melons, watermelons, strawberry, kiwi, orange, apple, and etc. She took some fruit and headed back to where Elena was and she took a seat and faced herself towards Elena so that she could see her better.
Marcus Christian Efron

Marcus, was late to the red carpet, because his dad was trying to show him how to tie a tie. Though it ended in epic failure, he still looked pretty good. He arrived at the red carpet on his motorcycle. Well to answer your question, yes it is legal for him to drive it. When he arrived there he jumped off his bike, and threw the keys and his helmet to the car guy. He then basically sprinted towards the red carpet only to slow down, because of the cameras starting to point at him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-18_23-4-25.jpeg.1d28704407d5d3dcd09d594896f5208b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-18_23-4-25.jpeg.1d28704407d5d3dcd09d594896f5208b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Minus the hoodie.



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Rylie heard chatter from outside with the backstage crew members saying that a celebrity by the name of Marcus Christian Efron has arrived late. She has never known that Zac Efron had a son nor did she know that he was going to be on the show with her and her other co-stars. She gets up from her seat and puts her plate down on the table and walks out to see the big commotion. @AnarchyReins
As I walk down the red carpet, I smile and wave my hand. I look towards the camera and wink. Then a reporter comes up to me and asks, "Marcus, are you excited to be on the show."

"I then reply, "Yeah I am really excited, I get to meet new people, and makes some new friends. I just hope I can help make the show the best on the air. Sorry for the quick reply, but I need to get inside. Though maybe later I can give you a full interview?" I say as I sign an autograph of some girls in the line.

The reporter replied, "Yeah that would be great thank you."

"No problem. So see you later. Guys let the fun begin." I then flash a smile at the camera and walk inside.

@Ami the breadling
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As she waited for the new co-star to arrive backstage she heard her phone go off and she went to go and check it seeing that she was booked for tomorrow. She had to cancel her appointment with her specialist that was going to help her market her fashion line. She heard the chatter behind her grow louder and louder knowing that the late co-star was just about to come backstage.


I was talking with Rylie for a bit then another member came for the show and he was Zac Efron son, Hell I never knew he even had a son. I then left the room and it was almost time for the performances soon and Catherine had to make her biggest announcement about the show soon.​
"I've never even heard that Zac Efron had a son." She said quietly to Sarah so that they wouldnt hear them. She chuckled a bit and then put her phone away in her clutch. @Amanda Cromwell @Ami the breadling
Hey Sarah its nice to meet you." I say as I gentle take hold of your hand and shake it. "Its great to be on this show. So are you going to perform tonight?" I ask as I let go of your hand and put my hands in my pockets. "Because I don't have any clue if I have to perform. If I do I will just wing it with this new song I have been working on." I say as I flash a lopsided grin.
"You don't have to, but you may if you want. I definetly will.", she answered, gently smiling at Marcus.

"I knew. I read about him.", she whispered to Rylie.


I looked at Ryllie and shock my head and said "I agree with you I never knew that neither." I walked up in the middle of there little conversation and said "Hey I am Elena Pattinson" I said smiling at Him and added "What's yours"

Okay I guess I will wing it and throw something together. Even if it is a mashup of some songs I like. I might even through together a dance routine. Sorry I kinda made it about me. Sorry." I then look at the ground and rub the back of my neck. "So what are you going to perform?" I ask as I fix my beanie on my head.
Sarah turned back to Marcus. "Oh, one of my all time favourites. But it will be a surprise. It will be a hard rock/metal song, not something for everybody I guess. Well, that's my style after all.", she replied with a big smile.
I look over at the girl that said her name was Elena. I flash her a bright smile. "Hey I'm Marcus Christian Efron. Its nice to meet another costar, and new friend." I say as I tilt my head a little and give a lopsided grin. I then start to think of some of the songs I was going to mash up together. When Sarah said that I said, "Okay cool. In my opinion metal, and rock are really great generas of music. I can't wait to hear it." I say as I look at you and give a quick wink and smile.
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Rylie looked at them talking not wanting to interrupt but she thought she should just introduce herself, "My name is Rylie A. Reynolds." She told Marcus when the room went silent from all the chattering. She gave him a small smile and cleared her throat hoping he heard her. She looked to Sarah and Elena as they proceeded to talking to him.

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