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Fantasy The Nexus Project

"Yeah, we'll be right there." Viktor called back. Viktor turned to the rest of the group and said "C'mon guys, he's right, we gotta get out of here before Nexus catches up." He finished, looking at everyone else. Then Viktor ran up to the vehicle, climbed into the back and sat down. Viktor yelled up to the driver, "Where are we headed anyway? We weren't told much other than to come here so we could escape."
She grumbled, He seems pleasant, she sarcastically thought to herself, quickly sprinting over to the truck and jumping in, "Hi, monsieur agréable." she greeted throwing a little French in there so he didn't here the sarcasm oozing from her voice. She looked around the small space, No balms: Check, No random weapons lying around: Check, No creepy guys hanging around: Yes -for the most part. She thought, deeming the place as safe as there only chance at life could be at the moment. She sat down her blonde hair braided over one shoulder and a satchel strapped to her other shoulder. She was as ready as she could get at the moment.

Eloya turned her head to Viktor with a slight laugh, "Great way to state a question to the person who's saving our lives."
Kyo watched in the distance as the water mill was set ablaze and knew Fox was dead. Kyo brought up the rear so he could spring into action if Nexus police showed up on their tail. Kyo made sure everyone got into the truck before hopping in himself. He tapped the truck's bumper so it knew to get moving. He kept his blade unsheathed so he'd be ready at a moment's notice. Kyo checked the data pad and said "We're supposed to be taken into the city."
"Watch it, Frenchie." The driver glared through the small window between the driver's cabin and the covered back. "Doc told me to set you up in New Domino. She's got a slum set up for you and I'm just supposed to hmget you there." The driver started up the truck and started off with a slight jerk. "The name's Gorzo, by the way." It looked like these people had it rough. Then again, who didn't these days. "So here's my question: why am I having to cart you all away from explosions and a bonfire?"
Ruby shook her head when she hopped into the truck with everyone else. "Trust me Gorzo...you don't want to hear that story. It's not a very pleasant one if you couldn't tell." She spoke, her voice lower and more somber than it had ever been so far. She was sad about Fox and scared of the Nexus. As far as she was concerned, she was powerless, not unlike everyone who had some sort of amazing ability so she couldn't fight the Nexus which was the sole reason for her fear.
She rolled her eyes, she had a feeling that her and Gorzo (the name so reminded her of a troll) would be butting heads a lot, "We're trying to get away from the Nexus people and our friend just died got it?, and you don't even know what I said in French, for all you know I said magical unicorn." she stated then raised an eyebrow, "And you make it sound like you don't want to be driving us. Why are you?, oh wait you were paid handsomely for your impeccable services to cart a bunch of supernatural teens, kids and adults over to some safe house right?" she said, she was upset over a friend dying at the moment and someone annoying her was not going to go well at the moment which was exactly what was happening.
Solarex followed them and heard the gunshot before she got into the car with the others. She felt sorrow inside but on the outside, she showed no expression. The teen was wearing a man tank and khaki shorts after she finished her bath and stared out the window. The driver seemed pretty okay... Unlike the psychos who were chasing after them to hunt them down. "Can we please go, Mister?... If we wait any longer, we're going to die.."
"The whole damn world is an unpleasant story, kids." Gorzo pulled a hard turn and lights could be seen passing by small holes in the canvas cover. They were on an actual paved road now. His comment had been directed at both of the girls. "I do what the Doc tells me and I get by. You'll see what I mean when you get to New Domino."

"Gorzo, quit being an ass." The doctor chimed in over the pad again. "And the rest of you, don't mope around over BK-201. He accepted his job and now he's completed it."

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
Solarex nodded as she continued looking out the window. It was strange to see pavement after you were stuck in that facility for a long time, she was happy to be away from that place, but was still saddened that a comrade had perished not too long ago. "How long will it take?..." She asked the driver still staring out the window, gazing at the tall grass and trees they passed. Could they really trust this man? Or the nice lady talking inside a pad? It was an opportunity to escape, so they probably had no choice...
"We're in the middle of nowhere." Gorzo sighed and stopped himself before making a snide remark. "Little over an hour until we hit the city."

(Anyone up for a skip to the city?)
jakobtatee said:
"well nice to meet you gabriel." she said. "i most certainly do not talk to much, you just dont talk enough." she said, trying to ignore the fact that she really does talk too much. "and i have a small feeling that i do know you, because in the back of my mind i have this really small memory." she said. 'should i really tell him, i mean, we just met' she thought. "nevermind, im not gonna tell you." she said bluntly
@Aura Of Twilight
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. This girl was strange. "A small memory?" He asked, looking slightly curious. "Tell me." If they had known each other before his memories went kaput, he wanted to know. Then again, there was the strong possibility that she was lying. Still, it wouldn't hurt to ask questions..."Did you wake up in that facility too then?" She didn't look scuffed up or anything, which made Gabriel rather suspicious of her. Unless it had something to do with strange abilities she might have possessed.

Before she could respond, he heard a door slam shut. He looked back at the mill, and swore. Several individuals were heading their way, dressed in all manners of clothing. None of them were wearing soldier uniforms and many of them seemed to be wounded in some way or another. Could they be escapees? He didn't have much time to ponder before they arrived. "Who...?" The looks on their faces were frantic. Gabriel felt a few arms grab him, pushing him around and forward, where he could see a flashing light in the distance. He struggled instinctively.

"Get moving! We'll explain things later!" He heard a voice shout, although he wasn't sure who. They were forcing him to run. He heard a loud crack, followed by several smaller ones. Looking back, Gabriel saw the windmill and house were on fire. "Oh." He said. "Well fuck."

Moments later, they had all gotten into the back of some vehicle and were driving down the road. It was dark, but he could see the shadows of the others.

He clutched his arm. All he could hope at this moment was that they were really heading towards a safe house. So much was happening all at once.

"There it is. New Domino City." Gorzo called to the back. The city had moderately tall buildings over most of the skyline. Upon coming closer, the city looked more like a prison. Thick metal walls surrounded the city with checkpoints on all the roads leading in and out. Heavily armed machines pantrolled the scorched earth outside the walls. The entire area looked like it had been heavily bombed and then rebuilt. The checkpoints weren't much of a hassle. Gorzo simply claimed his passengers as factory workers being relocated. Forged paperwork went a long way, and Gorzo mentally thanked the doctor for providing it. After that, Gorzo drove between the building until they started decreasing in height. Eventually, he ended up carefully turning into what looked like the slums built out of scraps.


Gorzo stopped the truck and got out. He mentally cursed, hating this part of town. He walked quickly up to a door and slid a key card into the door. It stuck and he walked away. He opened up the canvas flap of his truck and looked at the group. "Right, here's your place. Have a nice stay." He waited for everyone to get off before immediately driving away. The door of the building he had unlocked swung slightly ajar to reveal the inside.


The place was dirty and smelled of any number of foul things. Odd items were strewn about with horridly dirty mattresses stacked in a corner. It was only one room with the absolute bare necessities to survive. There was a stove, a sink, a refrigerator, a television set, and a window. That was it for comforts of a home. Everything else was just some odd item or too decayed to be identified as anything.

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
She practically fell over, the place was horrendous! Who would voluntarily live in a place like this? She wondered walking inside and looking around trying to block the foul smells from her nose, "This smell is disgusting!" she muttered under her breath. She took a seat on a somewhat tidy spot in the corner and dropped to her knees and placed her face in her hands, just what did her life become?
Solarex stared at the beaten old place in wonder. It wasn't much, but what choice did they have? This was so much better than the laboratories in the facility, though. She'd rather be here than there. Her legs took her to the mattresses and she threw one on the ground and sat down. The mattress wasn't all too comfy, nor clean, but she had truck lag, so she didn't care. "We should clean this place up after we rest..."
"I will go secure some proper cleaning material and some proper rations. I will see this place clean before the day is over even if I must do it myself. I also try to procure some mattresses. I better get a start on that now." Kyo said. He walked out the door and back onto the streets. He wondered if he should just take all he needs or try to find a job and gets some quick money. He walked the streets of this rundown city. He wondered if anyone was living in better than decent condition. He knows a good amount has to be living in decent condition for such an urban setting.

Kyo must've looked likea mercenary in his armor and sword because before long he found a sketchy but well dressed by this city's standard man. He at first matched walking speed with Kyo, Kyo wondered what the man's intent was. But beyond Kyo's knowledge the man would seek to recruit him to their crime war for some money.

@Sensei Fox
"You should familiarize yourself with the city, sweetheart." Dr. Aedidab popped onto the pad again. The television turned on as if by her command. The channels changed a few times with short moment of static before stopping on the scene of a street. A large crowd of people were squaring off against a cold gray mass of Riot police. Bottles, rocks, and other objects were hurled at the unphased line of armored men. Each man head their shield raised and stood steadfast, unbothered. Dr. Aedidab chimed in again. "This is a security camera I hacked to show you one of the riots going on." The crowd of civilians continued their pelting of the wall and advancing slowly. They come within a few yards of the riot police before a reaction took place. The armored riot police pulled the massive guns from their backs and rested them atop their shields. In a split second, a wave of white energy erupted from the wall of shields and shotguns. Some civilians were thrown several feet in the air and all of them were blasted back. Injuries were visible even from the distance the camera was. The riot police advanced and sheathes their shotguns to pull out their batons. The batons glowed blue as they indiscriminately pummeled anyone daring to still fight back or stand up. The video feed cut there. "That just happened in this very city." Dr. Aedidab sighed.

The man following Kyo had noticed the sword first thing. Nobody carried a weapon but Nexus. As far as he knew, Nexus didn't have any swordsmen walking the street. Still, a weapon was a weapon. This guy could probably do some work. that, or he could turn him over to the Nexus for a reward. He would have to play it out by ear. The man fell half a step behind and intentionally brushed the tip of his shoe against Kyo's heel. The man took a few quick steps and caught Kyo mid-stumble by the hand. "My apologies." The man nodded and began walking again. Before his hand departed Kyo's, he left a small slip of paper reading: Rose Cafe at noon. Inside the note was also a folded bill worth $50. Just enough to spark interest.

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
Kyo looked at the Nexus pad showing the riots. He saw Nexus Riot Police fire on a crowd of people. But then his ankle was brushed by the man following him and made his stumble. The man handed Kyo a note, Kyo looked at the note and the money. Kyo knew it wasn't enough to get food or the matresses, but at least he could acquire the cleaning products. Kyo saw he had an hour till noon, he headed off to buy the cleaning products. He returned to the hideout with bags full of the bottles and jugs of cleaning solution as well as brushes and sponges along with a mop and broom. He dropped the supplies in the center of the room. Kyo said "I have to go, but please get cleaning. Next time I hope to return with food, water, and atleast blankets to cover the matresses." Kyo saw a blanket in a corner and pick it up, he wrapped his sword in it to hide it from prying eyes.

Kyo then set back out on the streets, he browsed the Nexus pad searching its map to find the Rose Cafe. He used the map to find his way through town almost taking the whole hour to find the cafe. He spotted the man from earlier looking conspicuously inconspicuous. Kyo made his way over to the table through the back wall avoiding as many eyes as possible and second glances from those who looked at him a first time. He removed his wrapped sword and placed it next to him. Kyo said "I am here, as your note detailed noon Rose Cafe."

@Sensei Fox @yumiyukifan1 @Aura Of Twilight @Aelin @NetherLightGod @ShadowedNexus
"Good, you wrapped it up." The man patted the sword with a grin. "I wouldn't want you getting caught before you could do me some business." The man placed a small card that would fit into the Nexus pad on the table. "There's your job. I want all the residents 'evicted' from the residence." The man stressed the word: evicted to mean killed. That small card contained the address of a three story slum building with three rooms to each story. With that, the man stood up and began to walk away from the table. "Come back when you've finished."

Viktor looked around at the beat up place, Ugh this is gross, he thought disgusted by the state everything was in, and everyone else seemed to say the same out loud. As soon as Kyo arrived back with the cleaning supplies Viktor got working, "C'mon guys, lets get this place cleaned up to at least living condition. Grab a brush or sponge and get working." He said, grabbing a mop and bucket. Viktor began scrubbing the floor vigorously, disgusted by the amount of dirt and grime that came off with each wipe. This is going to take forever, he thought dreadfully, trying to finish as soon as possible.
Eloya got up, grabbing a Mop and starting to clean the floors, dancing around the room to a song she was humming for some unknown reason. She ignored the others and got rid of the dust and other things she cleaned aay. After she was done she took out a cleaning product and started wiping down the rather filthy walls and picture frames, "How does a wall get this dirty anyway?" she wondered aloud.
The television turned on with Dr. Aedidab on the screen again. "It's a safehouse for a reason. Nobody comes in there. It has a not so nice history as well. It doesn't matter since it's closed now, but it's still not very nice." Dr. Aedidab was leaned to one side on her chair. "The cleanliness is still the least of your worries in these slums. Enforcers and Occupations Officers should be your main concern."

@jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
Kyo took the card and inserted it into the nexus pad. He looked at pics of the building as well ad its layer and a three dimensional structure of it. As he cycled through information it seemed this task was not some innocent people who didn't pay rent but people with guns and drugs no kids thankfully. He wondered if this guy was asking him to storms enemy property. Kyo stood up nodded to the man, picked up his sword,and walk out the cafe.
Gabriel glanced around the area, nose curling slightly at the smell. Many of the others also had similar reactions. This is a safe house? He thought, frowning. The place was a mess, dirt and various questionable items strewn about on the floor. Dirty mattresses were stacked up on top of each other in a corner. The room was pretty much bare, except for the basic necessities. He watched as the others started cleaning, holding his arm. He needed to somehow get the bullets out.

Out of nowhere, the televison turned on, showing a woman in a lab coat. As Gabriel watched her speak, his confusion grew. He was missing something. "Would someone tell me what's going on?" He demanded, yet his voice was calm. "That place...Nexus...Someone give me answers."
The man grinned as he went into the back room of the restaurant. He knew full well what he had just hired that boy to do. The information he gave him wasn't entirely truthful. It was a gang house with armed men inside and drug production under way. However, it was a newer gang that planned to ally itself with an opposing side. Families of the gang members still lived there. The wives and children would be in the middle of the massacre, and that was what he wanted. total decimation. He supposed it wasn't a full lie. The information didn't mention children or innocents being there at all, just that the gangsters were.

"Honey, you need to keep up." Dr. Aedidab sighed and straightened in her chair. "You're an escaped biological experiment. You're wanted property by the Nexus corporation. They either want you dead or captured. It's simple, really. Everyone around you is in the same boat. Pay attention, alright?"

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
"Should I find myself a job or something?" she asked everyone, "I could find a job and make some money for food, or would that be to dangerous?" she stated, besides her powers were only noticeable if she used them on you. Eloya sat down with her hands on her laps, she wanted to figure out how this place worked so she could at least help out the others, she played with the braid at her side out of boredom, the cleaning was torture even if she hadn't done very much but she wanted to do something outside but lucky her that was a no.

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