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Fantasy The Nexus Project

Gabriel glared at the woman with his one good eye. "I kind of figured that out myself with all the crazy shit happening, miss." He snapped. "I'm not blind. I ran through that facility. Saw people preform abilities that shouldn't have been scientifically possible. Got attacked by K9 units. Excuse me for not keeping up with the times." He laughed mirthlessly. "So, we're lab rats, huh? That clears things up significantly." He took a deep breath. His exhaustion wasn't helping him at all. "Who are you?" He asked the woman, forcing himself to remain calm. "Why are you helping us?"
"You're wanted. Getting a job is like turning yourself in." Dr. Aedidab tapped her cigarrete into a dish off the screen. "Once you're all settled in you need to start getting a handle on your powers if you're going to survive." Aedidab started shuffling through multiple files. "I am Dr. Aedidab. I created the Nexus serum that have you your powers and subsequently took away your memory."

@Newtype @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
Viktor turned towards the TV and asked, "You keep talking about it, but what is this Nexus serum and how does it work? You've made it obvious that it's the source of our powers, but I don't get it. How can a simple serum allow us to do stuff like this," Viktor bit deeply into his hand, causing him to wince, but release enough blood to prove a point. Manipulating the blood to coat his fist and harden he showed it to the woman, "This, doesn't made any sense to me. It shouldn't be achievable with normal science." He finished, looking a bit annoyed at the woman.
She jumped to her feet and practically bolted over to the screen, "What am I?" she asked, this didn't seem serendipitous at all so she at least wanted some answers, "And I don't mean now, what was I before we came here?" she asked, rather abruptly. Eloya's blue eyes we're probably the only thing the doctor could see at the moment but she cared little, actually she didn't care at all.
"You've all been altered on a molecular level and..." She stopped and sighed before lighting another cigarette. Trying to explain the intricate sciences behind the serum would take far too long and they may not even understand. "Look, the serum I created was to cure diseases. All disease. However, the Nexus military organization took over my work and altered it. They changed all of you on a molecular level in different ways with different serum strains." She put her head down on her desk. "You all came from different places. I don't know anything about you all before the experimentation process."

@Joka @Gunar

"Ughhhh." she whined then turned on her heal and picked up a sponge, continuing cleaning the atrocious walls. Eloya was beyond annoyed at the moment. Who wouldn't be really, it was just frustrating, she moved over to the other wall and soaked the sponge in some bleach and soapy water then continued her cleaning.
"You're weapons." Dr. Aedidab picked herself up. "When Nexus took over my project, they took over the rest of the planet as well. They always want the top technology. Putting the power of technology in the limitless capabilities of a human brain would ensure their control of the world indefinitely. That's why I put BK-201 in the program." She pulled up one particular file and scanned over it for a moment. "BK-201 was an Agent with Nexus and helped secure the control of the world. He was a top caliber soldier. But, during the takeover, some of the Nexus occupation officers...brutalized... And killed his fiancée. When he found out, he tracked me down and demanded to be put in the project. He had seen what Nexus was. He wanted to break you out so that you could take down Nexus." She set the file down lightly. "That's what you are. You're BK-201's legacy and his hope to make the world right."
Kyo approached the building with his sword still wrapped. He walked into its rundown lobby and only then did he unwrapped his sword and draw it. Immediately the front desk guy pulled a pistol, Kyo used vibrations to enhance his speed to cleaved the man's hand right off then he took the man's head. Kyo aimed his hand at the next man to enter the room he sped infront of him and slashed him. Kyo would go on to do the same to all the first floor security and went up to the next floors. When he reached the hallway a group of them were all ready and they opened fire. Kyo took cover and wondered how he should do get pass them. Kyo had a bright idea he sheathed his blade and first stuck his foot around the corner and stomped making the ground beneath them shake forcing them to lose balance. And then he entered the hallway and clapped his hands together with compressed vibrations in both hands causing a shockwave that jammed their weapon and blew them back. Kyo killed them before moving on to clear the building. The first few rooms were just a promised but one hand women with kids inside. His eyes widened at the prospect and acted quickly. He fired a concussive beam of vibration at the mom to knock her out and lighter version to knockout the kids. Kyo went on to clear the building this way killing the men but knocking out the women and children.

@Sensei Fox



When Kat woke up, she was in an old, beaten down building. it wreaked of mold and mothballs. she was looking around when she noticed other people in the room. they all looked so familiar but she didnt exactly know how she knew them. she noticed a girl cleaning the walls. the girl had pale skin, long curly blonde hair, and grayish-blue eyes. she got up from the corner of the room and walked over to the girl, debating whether or not to talk to her. she lightly tapped the girl on the shoulder, trying to get her attention. as she waited for a response, she looked around and noticed many globes laying on the ground. she saw that the ceiling was made of blue tile, and it was gorgeous.

Eloya felt a light tap on her shoulder and turnwd her head, "Oh hi! Wait... do I know you?" She asked. The blonde teenager couldn't remember meeting this person before, she put the sponge in the bucket and smiled, "I'm Eloya Grace and you are?..." she asked the girl. Eloya wringed out the sponge and continued her hated cleaning duty as she waited for the answer.
At the Rose Cafe, a man entered and made his way to the bar. He had entered a few minutes ahead of when Kyo would have come back. He ordered a drink and finished it quickly, leaving a note under the glass.

Kyo's employer swept up the glass and the note. It detailed the job and its incompletion. The men were dispatched, but the families still remained. The man took a place in the cafe and waited.

Aelin said:
Eloya felt a light tap on her shoulder and turnwd her head, "Oh hi! Wait... do I know you?" She asked. The blonde teenager couldn't remember meeting this person before, she put the sponge in the bucket and smiled, "I'm Eloya Grace and you are?..." she asked the girl. Eloya wringed out the sponge and continued her hated cleaning duty as she waited for the answer.
"hi, im kat noel, nice to meet you." she said nicely. "your doing a good job of cleeaning the walls." she said with a smile. "so how did i get here? because the last thing i remember is talking to gabriel in the woods." she said curiously.
After her resting and hearing the words from the nice lady in the pad, Solarex decided to help Eloya clean the walls, along with another girl. She waved slightly to the girl who called herself 'Kat' and grabbed a rag to clean the mold and mildew on the tiled floor. Why did they take away all of their memories? Why were they chosen? What happened before they were chosen? The teen was deep in thought and scrubbed the floor continuously.

@Aelin @morpheusing
kat waved back at the girl who was starting to clean. "well i guess i could help too." kat said as she picked up a soapy sponge. she started to clean the wall, still waiting for eloya to respond
"I have no clue how you got here, to be honest I wasn't paying attention at all." She said with a slight laugh. Eloya looked around the place, knowimg that she was in the middle of cleaning one room, in one safe house meaning she probably had at least 3 more to clean. Eloya groaned and grabbed the mop and attempted to mop the walls.
"You realize that your time could be better put to use mastering your powers." Dr. Aedidab still sat inside the television screen with her hands behind her head now. She had grown bored of watching cleaning. They didn't seem to pay any attention to the information about BK-201 either. It was just as well. He had served his purpose. "Or I could give you a feed of the city so you can see what's going on."

@Aelin @morpheusing @yumiyukifan1
"mopping a wall?" kat said with a chuckle. "now thats good thinking." she said, still scrubbing the wall. "so what is this place? i have no idea. the only thing i remember is waking up in a laboratory, escaping, trying to find somewhere to go, meeting gabe, and then being here." she said with a puzzled look on her face. "i have two other memories, but i dont think they matter." she said
"Well sorry I don't feel like sleeping with rats tonight." She humorusly squealed at the doctor, "And I have a pretty good grasp on my power thankyou very much." She said, continueing mopping the wall, a) because the dirt bothered her and b) because it was funny to see the doctors expression as she completely ignored her advice.
Gabriel listened to all that the woman was saying, digesting her words so he could continue to ponder them later. Molecular experimentation. Cure for diseases. A military organization hungry for power. World domination. "So, in other words, you were trying to play god and got screwed over?" Gabriel said, the corner of his mouth turned upwards in a slight smirk. Inwardly, he was laughing at the idea that they were supposed to save the world. Sounded like it was straight out of a science fiction novel. "Why doesn't that surprise me...?" He sighed, leaning against one of the walls and looking at his wound. He touched it to see how sensitive it was, letting out a hiss as pain shot up his arm again. He was going to need help getting that out.

He grit his teeth, looking at the woman again. "If we're going to be living here indefinitely, give us intel on the city."
She laughed out loud at Gabriel's comment and involuntarily winced at the sound of him wincing, "If you wan't I can make the pain stop." She suggested. Eloya took her hair out of its braid then threw it behind her since she kept getting soap in it then she grabbed the sponge and a chair and stood on her tippy toes to reach the top of the wall.
kat turned around to look at the little nexus pad. "ok, well all im hearing is shit. something about how somebody had a cure for every disease, and now the cure is in me, and im being hunted by evil scientists. that is soooo not believable." kat said as she rolled er eyes.
"Honestly, why would they use kids for these experiments. So stubborn and rude." The doctor stood up from her chair and walked off the screen. Her voice could be faintly heard. "I'm getting a coffee. These kids are going to drive me insane."
"You should see what the evil scientists can do..." Solarex said still scrubbing the floor. At least one section of the floor was finished, there was more to go. "I'm glad we're not there anymore..." The teen whispered and moved to the other section of the moldy floor. She didn't want to think about anything, so she just focused on cleaning.
"I'm 18! Technically I'm legally an Adult!" she yelled at the screen before the doctor left, Yep I'm an adult, I can drive now, and I'm immature as ever, and I refuse to try wine because it taste like dog piss. She thought, Eloya leaned over a tad on her tippy toe to reach a spot then lost balance, "Cra...-b." she cried as she fell, turning slightly so she didn't hit Kat. Her she knocked over the bucket with the soapy water and it somehow made its way onto her head, "Oww." she muttered as she sat up, spitting out some soap suds and subtlety glaring at the bucket on her head.
Solarex stared at Eloya and went over to help her up, she could've laughed, but her mind didn't trigger any emotions. She looked at the bucket and said, "If only adults could fly, huh?..." If she could, a smile would put more meaning into her joke, but her expression stayed blank. @Aelin

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