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Fantasy The Nexus Project

Gabriel was beginning to jump into the back of the truck, when suddenly, the air was pierced with the sound of sirens. "What's going on?" He demanded, his one good eye looking towards the gate where the truck was going to enter. His heart began to beat at a frantic pace. Had they been spotted somehow, even though most of them were invisible, he wondered? No one was coming out to attack them though, so that couldn't have been the case...No, it had to be coming from further in the building. Something, or someone was causing trouble for the guards. But what exactly?

The silver haired teen looked at the others, specifically the children. He had not wanted them to come along, especially in such a dangerous place, but they had seemed determined to come with much to his chagrin. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head slightly. Now wasn't the time to just be standing there, worrying about things he couldn't control. "Come on guys." He snapped. "Now's not the time to just be standing around. We need to move. Now, while the workers might be distracted."
Shit, shit, shit, Eloya mentally cursed, she had a feeling someone was doing something crazy in there by what she noticed. It just wasn't normal, "I'll scout ahead Ok, I'll be fast too when you see this." she said holding up her knife and turning it so it shined kind of like a blinking flashlight. "You come." She said, slipping the knife into a strap around her leg then sprinting forward to a proper entrance. Nothing Crazy, No Gorilla drones or anything. she thought deeming it as safe as it could possibly be she grabbed her knife and held it up turning it a bit so it shined and they knew it was safe. Why did I agree to this? she wondered, seriously who volunteers to scout ahead? Maybe she was crazy.

She ran straight forward to an entrance since this was how she was planning on getting inside but... She winced as she ran into something, landing on her butt. She looked up to find a red face, highly armored man with a gun at his side and a datapod strapped to his chest the screen saying Chief of security, she was startled but tried to stay calm, standing up and saluting, "Well your rather slender for a guard, remove your protective mask for me, will you?" he asked, she did nothing and his eyes narrowed, his gloved hands automatically going for her neck, "Your not a guard, what are you?" He asked as she struggled to break free of his choke hold, then she remembered his gun and quietly grabbed it, "So princess, " he said throwing her mask to the ground, chuckling slightly at her, "What are you?" she suddenly smiled as she had the gun at his chest, "Your worst fucking knightmare." she sweared at the man, pulling the trigger and breaking free of his choke hold, the shot echoing through the hallway.

(Gotta have a kick ass moment)

Eloya sat there for awhile, her hands rubbing her neck as she regained her breath. It was still hard to breath and she had a feeling the was a red mark around running around her neck. It hurt but she'd live, she looked at the guy she killed, then froze, I just killed someone. That was a foreign thought and she was kind of nervous about that, "I just killed someone." she muttered, not 100 percent positive that those were her words. She shook her head, grabbing the Chief's datapod and gun then sprinting back to the group ignoring the dull pain, "I-I got this, you guys take it I snagged it from the Chief of security so it should have clearance." she explained. The blonde whipped her head back, double checking no one was there, "Um, I forgot what the doctor said... We're do we go again?" she asked with a blush. The blue eyed idiot.

Well she waited for an answer she ran back over there and threw the body in a pit of what looked like black water, incase anyone came it would be smart to hide it. She turned then noticed something. It was a little ways a way and it seemed to be coming forward, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, she looked at it then angled herself a little, that is before it shot and she screeched running behind a ledge and grabbing the gun she snagged earlier, Just what I get for scouting ahead, she thought aiming it and shooting, and it did nothing, "You've got to be kidding me!" she yelled throwing it to the ground.

Then she remembered her knife, she grabbed it from its strap and then waited a second for the shots to cease then jumped out, flipping and sprinting around like an arrow, then, even though there was about a dozen other things to do at the moment she decided to inwardly shock herself by her own audacity.

Eloya charged forward clinging onto it and noticing a label, gorilla drone, "Oh that's just great." she thought. She climbed up and scooted onto a flatter part, clutching to the sides as she pulled herself forward. She grabbed ahold of the spot that was shooting trying to get the knife under so she could cut something and stop it, but she was to far. The teen reached out as far as she could, "Just a little farther." she murmered stretching out as far as she possibly could, gritting her teeth so she could get the thing to shut down. Then she slipped, "No!" she screamed.

She reached up and grabbed a hold of something, slashing up the knife and cutting something under the gun area, nothing happened, she tried a different spot and it froze, then she tried a nother and it went crashing to the ground and she jumped off so she didn't get crushed. She rolled then scuttled back blocking her face so nothing hit her, then she peeked and saw it on the ground. Eloya looked over at the group, not exactly believing what she just did.

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