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Fantasy The Nexus Project

Eloya flopped on the mattress in the downstairs area. She was completely over working her powers, which was making them stronger but took a tole on her. She sat up and looked around, everyone else was getting stronger too, which was awesome. Her blue grey eyes flickered over to the corner of the room we're the whole was, she wanted to see what was going on so she stood up and flipped threw the air, landing under it, (It was good she practiced a bit of Acro juring the time) She reached up and pulled herself through the hole into the abandoned room and looked out the spot the bricks had been removed, nothing to exciting so she sat down and took a quick rest.
Gabriel was currently trying to see what exactly he could do with his powers without accidentally destroying anything. Three days had passed since the little group he was a part of had gotten to the safe house, and since then they had kept a low profile, only going outside when they needed food or basic necessities. Gabriel had been one of the first to venture in the city after Kyo's death, and as far as he had seen, the outside wasn't that much better than the inside of the complex they were living in. Various buildings looked like they had been built repeatedly from the ground up, hinting at a destructive past. Grime and litter in general covered many of the streets, many individuals lived on the streets wearing little more than rags. Steel walls surrounded the city, like a cage, making Gabriel wonder what was excatly outside. Although, that didn't stop the occupation police forces from patrolling. They marched with efficiency and their moves where synchronized, signaling that they were well trained, at least from what Gabriel had learned of them.

When he wasn't checking things out in the city, he was trying to test the extent of his powers, attempting a few times to replicate what he had done at the facility. He soon realized it was pretty exhausting, making him think that it was only because of the adrenaline that had been in his veins within the facility which had allowed him to destroy the k9 units without collapsing. He tried to do it using less force, but it was near impossible while indoors. He tried his powers in a variety of ways, but after accidently tearing a hole in one of the walls with a simple touch of his fingertips, Gabriel found himself limited.

So that's what led him to do what he was doing now: tossing a rock in the air and trying to stop it from falling to the ground. He could see that his powers were movement and energy based, but nonetheless complex. It took a lot of concentration to do anything, but after three days he had gotten the hand of stopping the rock in midair at least.

Lying alone on a dirty mattress in one of the spare rooms within the building, Gabriel was staring up at the ceiling. He didn't really trust nor like the doctor, but he wanted to find out what she knew about the state of the world since Nexus had taken it over. Obviously, he couldn't remember where he had come from and things like that, but he knew that the planet was Earth. He had so many questions...
Eloya stood up, running over to the hole -and making a whole lot of racket, then jumping down, "Eww, rat... grose." she had gotten to a certain normalcy in the group that they had a tad of normal human problems, like rats or lack of good food to eat but she wasn't very fond of the problems. Eloya looked around, "Is there any food in here?" if there wasn't she would probably scavenge the place, she looked around, walking over to the single cupboard and opening it, well there was a spider web, I'm not eating that! her head screamed at her, there definitely wasn't any food in the abandoned room, she walked over to one of the empty spare rooms and went through the drawers, "Nope." she went into the next room and found Gabriel on the bed and she nodded a greeting then proceeded to scavenge through drawers, "How hard is it to get some food around here." she muttered before getting up and walking out the door, not bothering to close it.

"I'm going out to buy some food, I'll be back in 20." she announced then grabbed her satchel and a bit of money then walked out. The fresh air was nice but unfortunately she only got 20 minutes of it every 2 days. She walked over to one of the stands that sold food that, wasn't the most expensive but incredibly good, apples, oranges, banana's, pre made salads, some good stuff, "Hi can I have 4 apples, 4 oranges and 3 banana's?" she asked holding out the money, "Go ahead dearie." the old lady behind it said, taking the money from her hand in seconds.

Eloya grabbed the food and put it in her bag then started the trek back. The blonde did a signal knock that was in a certain pattern so they knew it was her then walked in, "Okay, Apples, Oranges or Banana's are you options, " she said putting the bag on the table. She grabbed herself a banana then grabbed another orange and walked over to the room Gabriel was in and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Hungry?" she asked, holding out the orange, she'd offer the banana but she had already peeled it and taken a bite.
Gabriel looked at Eloya out of the corner of his one good eye. Over the course of the three days, he had learned a lot about himself and the people around him. He had realized prefered to not speak to the others in the household if he could help it, often staying in this one room in order to get away. Unfortunately, the fact that all of them were forced to stay in the same building together because they were being hunted by Nexus made that impossible. A day didn't go by where the people were around him, attempting to start conversations with him often to only receive one worded responses. He felt...irritated. He wanted to train by himself, think about who he was. He wondered if the others saw that, or did they just ignored it?

Regardless, Gabriel wasn't one to turn free food away. He sat up, grabbing the orange from her and beginning to peel it. "Thanks." He murmured quietly.
Solarex saw that Eloya was back from her quick trip and took an apple. "Thank you." She said and took a bite out of the crispy fruit. The juice quenched her thirst and hunger, it was nice to finally take a break from all that training. Because of the training, her arms and legs hurt from slashing her skin to let her blood out. The blood didn't hurt her, but the cuts did. She had sometimes worked together with Viktor because he could manipulate blood and could create pretty advanced weapons out of them. He probably had a lot of imagination besides her, but they made a pretty good team.
Eloya left with Gabriel's lack of words, walking back outside and sitting down with a huff, "Solarex my arms hurt so bad." She complained, pointing at the bruise around her wrist, she aquired that by trying a tad to hard defense move. She flopped on her back and stared at the roof.
"Mine do too, I just try to not let it bother me..." She said while taking another bite of her apple. "Besides, Good management of bad experiences lead to growth... So we're getting pretty strong..." Solarex stared at the wall in front of her and swallowed her chew before taking a bigger bite. "I wanna be strong like you and the others one day. Physically and Mentally..."
She looked over at Solarex, "Trust me, your pretty strong compared to me when I started. I figured out my powers by accidently freezing a crow." She said with an awkward laugh.
Solarex nodded. "But still, Your powers can manipulate, I just burn objects with my blood..." She bit another chunk of the apple. "I like you, Eloya... You're a good rolemodel, you know?...I look up to you the most..."
Eloya smiled, "Thanks, Solarex. I enjoy helping everyone. The quiet people and the crazy ones." She joked, smiling on the inside.

(gotta go for 2 hours be on soon)
Bree had stayed outside for a while. She finally went inside when she saw the officers coming. Her face was blank, almost as if she was in shock. Her one memory kept replaying itself in her head. She numbly moved to do what the officers said. Over then next few days she learned that she could make shields. She sat in one of the corners and played with her shields. Some could block out sound or make her invisible. She let down her shield and watched the others talking or practicing with their powers.
If Solarex could smile, she would. A big happy smile would spread across her face right now, but she nodded because it was all she could do. "Helping people is a good skill and quality..." She had nearly finished her apple and took the final bite. Throwing the core away, Solarex came back to sit by Eloya.
(Back now)

Eloya beamed, looking down at the younger teen and poking her shoulder, "You know, we havn't done anything fun at all since we got here. I say we prank someone, who do you think we should?" she asked, a mischievous smile spreading across her face, this should be quite interesting.
Gabriel shrugged as Eloya left with a huff, obviously annoyed that he hadn't tried to start a conversation with her. No skin off my bones. The teen thought, eating a slice of his orange. He had been surprised that this city had fruit in this good of condition, but supposed it was because the occupational police had connections with the outside world.

He fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling again.
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Solarex stared at her for awhile before she answered. "....Sure. I think we should pull the prank on the males. Just because I think so..." She turned her head to face Gabriel and Viktor, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What prank are you thinking of?" Her pupils still locked onto the boys as she spoke. Was the prank going to be like the originals, or was it going to be something more unique? Either way, she hoped it would be hilarious. @Aelin
Eloya pointed at the cleaning supplies and some left over mold, "You know how everyone does that blue cheese trick? Were they fill the bucket with melted blue cheese and put a trip wire so it pours on them? I vote we make some grose thing with whatever we can find and pull that, Do you have any ideas?" she asked Solarex, just loving the idea of the guys reactions if they did this. @yumiyukifan1
So much had gone wrong. People were dieing, and only just after finding freedom. It was too much for Ruby to handle. Fox, the first person that she had met and had help her escaped had been left to die alone. Kyo met his fate alone as well, and she saw every violent detail of it. This world was terrible. To make it all worse, the safehouse was all that she had seen for the last few days while trapped with her thoughts. Ruby had to clear her head. She felt caged. The only thing she wanted to do was take a walk, so she did.

The walk was peaceful enough. People didn't look at her twice. She was just another normal little girl. That was, until one certain eye landed on here. A blue glowing eye lodged in the black soulless skull of an Enforcer. The HUD inside that morbid helmet identified her immediately. Once the Enforcer moved out of the shadows, everyone gave him a wide girth. The air of fear quickly spread. Before Ruby could react, she had been snatched up and stunned by the cold gloved hand of the Enforcer. None of the crowd reacted, they kept moving. Fear was a powerful tool.

It seemed like hours Ruby had been moved around. She couldn't move, but she was fully awake. They had blindfolded her, of course, but she had figured out that she was in the back of some kind of vehicle. The turns caused his prone body to roll and the constant stops and echoes of chatter outside had to be checkpoints. They had taken her alive at least, although they would probably kill her soon enough. She let out a little sigh and waited out the rest of the ride. At least everyone else was safe. That was the conflict in her mind, the prospect of her own death and the well being over the others she knew. The conflict continued the rest of the ride.

Finally! Ruby could move on her own. She was being forced around with a prod at her back, but she was at least walking. They still had her blindfolded, which was frustrating. What was more frustrating was the fact that the guard or whoever it was kept prodding her unnecessarily while barking orders. She let out a little whine after each prodding which only made the next one come more swiftly and with more force. She stayed quiet, although it was because she was really too frightened now to say much of anything. She had a creeping feeling in the back of her mind that brought her thoughts back to the possibility of her own demise. Her knees were shaking now as she walked. Eventually, the guard stopped her and faced her towards what she assumed was a door. A cell? Were they going to keep her here for more experimentation?

At the safehouse

The television cut on to a channel without anyone touching it, just like when Kyo had fallen. Every other screen in the city turned on the exact same way. A dark and deep male voice played over the speakers of the TV with a black screen. "This is your commander in chief. Please, gather everyone around to witness a rather special program." The screen remained black for a moment before finally displaying an image. The screen showed and rather blurry image of a small white walled room with a single person wandering aimlessly inside dressed in all black. The camera was angled to see the door to what would be called an isolation cell. The voice returned, speaking a bit more maliciously. "The man you see before you is a traitor to the Nexus. He willingly aided in the destruction and theft of Nexus property. What may shock you is that he was once a part of the Nexus Special Projects Force. That's right, one of our own has tried to bring down the society we worked so hard to build for you." The image cleared up to fully show the occupant of the room. "This is BK-201, Fox Freeman. Traitor to the Nexus." Fox still wandered around the room, oblivious to the fact that he was being broadcasted. He looked bloodied and severely beaten, even walking with a slight limp on his right side. The voice continued. "We've also found an accomplice to the traitor. While this is not as serious an offense, it is still punishable by death. Please, watch for the duration of the justice process." The door to the room opened revealing a young girl, blindfolded. The sinister voice disappeared from the feed and audio from inside the room took its place.


Her blindfold was removed and she couldn't believe her eyes. Fox was standing, even walking in the room before her. She had believed him to be dead and yet here he was. She smiled widely and began to call out his name. She was cut short by a sharp pain in her back and a hard shove into the room. She rolled to her back to look at the man standing in the doorway and gasped. It wasn't anyone special, just a man in a lab coat. However, he held an empty syringe in his hand. The man closed to door without a word. Ruby rolled to her feet, although she felt somewhat sluggish. "Fox!"

Fox immediately turned on a dime at the sound of Ruby's voice. "Ruby?" He couldn't feel anything. He knew she was there, he heard her, but those damn Nexus goons had designed the room so that no vibrations would carry through the material. "Where are you? I can't see you they built the room so I really am completely blind." Fox was smiling happily as he held his arms out in the direction of Ruby's voice.

"I'm over-" Ruby started to try to walk to Fox, but stumbled and suddenly found herself extremely tired. Her momentum carried her forward and into Fox, but her eyes were half closed and she couldn't even feel her own body. "Here." She weakly sighed.

Fox fully clasped Ruby in his arms, but immediately felt that something was wrong. Her heart, her nervous system, everything. It was wrong. "Ruby? Ruby! What did they do to you!" Fox held her up as her legs gave out from under her. All she could could do was weakly mutter: "The doctor had a needle." Fox's heart sank. He backed up into a corner, and drug Ruby with him. He slumped down and cradled Ruby as gently as he could. "Fox, I can't see...what's going on?" Ruby sighed. Both Fox's eyes were streaming tears as he held Ruby's head against his chest. He felt her heart slowing and the rest of her body shutting down. Fox choked out his next words. "I'm sorry, kid." Fox tried to control himself, but couldn't help breathing deeply. Ruby's voice, now just a serene little note replied. "I'm dieing, aren't I" Fox sputtered slightly and shook his head. He had to force his words out now. "Yeah..." He wanted to say more, but his throat was tight and felt like it had a massive block stuck in the middle. Ruby weakly clutched to Fox's chest by the fabric of his shirt. Her voice was only a shaking whisper. "I'm scared." Fox held her tighter at those words. "It's ok, kid. There's nothing to be afraid of. The nightmare is over for you." Fox bit his lip before continuing. "You're almost free." Ruby shifted slightly with tears streaming down her own face. "Fox, will you sing me to sleep?"

Fox broke in that moment. His head tilted upwards as he took several shaking breaths. He would do it. He would do this for Ruby. With a node and a heavy sigh, he started his song. "You and I were in a dream, you'd follow close wherever I'd lead" Ruby thought back to her earliest memory with Fox, how they escaped from the Nexus facility, how none of it seemed real. "My steps you'd echo one and all, you'd catch me safe if ever I'd fall." Fox felt his chest tighten as he remembered the trust be put into Ruby, even from their first meeting. She was a young, too young, strong girl. "Your hand in mine we walked along, no hill too high, no road was too long." Both Ruby and Fox shared the thoughts of finally leaving the facility, how far they walked before finally stopping. "To stay with you, my only dream, to share your life, whatever it mean." Fox flashed back to being left behind at the barn, and Ruby's words before she departed. He wanted to protect her. He desperately wanted to protect her. "I knew you'd have to go away, my love for you could not help you stay." Now here they were, Ruby slowly slipping away in his arms. Fox was sure that he would have gone before Ruby ever would have. "You drifted off, day by day, I cherished every breath that remained" Fox cursed mentally. Why wasn't he the one to die? why did it have to be Ruby? Did they keep him alive all this time just to torture him like this? "In my arms, close to me, your body broke, your soul was set free" Fox felt Ruby's body failing still. She didn't have much longer. "You left this world, my treasured friend, a chapter closed, but love has no end" Fox would never forgive Nexus. He mentally cursed again at letting this happen and promised he would take the first chance he could to make it right. For Ruby. "Farewell my angel, you're with me always" Fox pursed his lips, holding back all of his hate, his sadness, his hurricane of emotions. He reached up with a shaking hand and gently closed Ruby's eyes "just close your eyes now, next time we meet it's forever." Ruby smiled slightly as Fox felt her body cease entirely. She had gone. Fox pulled her limp body into his and weeped openly. It was all he could do. Ruby was gone, and all Fox could do was cry.

All through Fox's singing, Ruby could feel herself slowly falling. That was it, that was the feeling. A slow and weightless fall. She was right before when she had been shoved into the truck. She was during. Although, it was peaceful. There wasn't any pain, just the absence of anything at all. She could still tell that Fox was singing, but barely. Her mind had started to fall with the rest of her. Although, she caught the final words of his song as clear as the ringing of a bell. "Next time we meet it's forever." She felt peace at the thought and released her last breath with a serene little smile.

Back at the safehouse

The sinister voice of the commander in chief returned to the TV set, overlapping Fox's loud but now muffled tearful mourning "Traitors have no place in this society. BK-201 will be publically executed tomorrow at noon. The location will be given in the morning. I do hope to see all you true Nexus citizens thloud," The screen remained showing Fox in his cell clutching Ruby for a few more moments before shutting off again.

Eloya stood up, hands clenched into a tight fist and tears welling in her eyes, she felt like she couldn't breath. She slowly dropped to her knee's seeing one of her friends who she thought was dead looking like the living dead singing Ruby through her death, it was just to much. She sat there for awhile not moving an inch, her eyes wide with tears and her hand still clenched in a fist, I will rescue Fox and I will make them pay. She thought, even in her mind her voice was dangerously low, "I-I'm... I n-need to take a second to myself." she said, slowly -almost to slowly, walking over to the hole in the corner of the room and pulled herself up, seeing as she was the only one who could get up there without dragging something over it seemed like a good place to break down.

She walked over to the wall, leaning up against it and cupping her face in her hands and sliding down the wall, her sobs starting. She was usually strong when it came to things like this, staying silent and helping others cope, honestly she couldn't remember the last time she broke down like this it was just to much for the 18 year old to handle.

She leaned forward sobbing into her knee's and hugging them at the same time, "No, no, no, no, NO!" she said grabbing hold of the stone wall behind her and hitting it with her clenched fist, she had a feeling the others could here her but at the moment she didn't care she just continued to cry, anger slowly clawing its way into her heart.
Deciding to stretch his legs a bit, Gabriel stood up, walking out of the room and into the main one without looking at the others, his eyes on the door. Before he reached it however, the tv suddenly turned on. Expecting to hear more from the doctor, he turned his head.

But what he saw wasn't her. Instead, the screen was pure black. A deep, mysterious voice seemed to be speaking from its depths, rooting the silver haired teen to the spot. The tv screen changed for an instance to a video of a individual in all black standing in a cell room, before it changed back to that darkness. The voice continued to speak, its words running through Gabriel's head in quick bursts. Traitor. Nexus. Fox Freeman. Nexus special training force. He recognized the name from what the others had said, but didn't they say the man had died? Apparently, he was far from it. Injured, but still breathing and walking. Gabriel could only watch, transfixed as he waited for what would happen next. And the girl...wasn't that Ruby? Gabriel's heart began to beat furiously as he realized what that had meant: she had been recognized and captured. She seemed like a cautious individual from what little he knew about her, so this was very very very bad. This couldn't be happening.

Those next few moments were utter hell. Gabriel watched as Ruby was pushed into the room, a needle slammed into her back, causing her to fall over. She stood, walking in the direction of Fox only to stagger and fall again before being caught in the man's arms.

Even without Fox having stated it, Gabriel recognized that the girl was dying, being executed, like a dog that was being put down. As her words began to slur and Fox beginning to sing, the teen started to shake involuntarily. Memories of the girl in the hospital bed flashed through his mind. He found himself there again, holding the unknown child's hand as he cried, no doubt that the girl had been slowly dying. He imagined being in Fox's place, holding Ruby in his arms as the life drained out of her, until her eyes at last closed forever.

Fox's cries echoed loudly in that cell room, only to be replaced by the dark voice saying that the agent would be executed tomorrow before the tv turned off on its own. Gabriel's ears barely registered the words, suddenly stuck in his own little world. Every part of him was shaking. He had only been awake a few days sense losing his memory, thinking that he was a man who would remain unshaken regardless of what was to come. And that idea had been shattered. Into little, tiny bite sized pieces. All because of that memory.

His blue eye glanced at the others, all of them expressing some level of grief. A feeling went through him then. He didn't want to see them mourn. Nor did he want them to see him break. Without thinking, he dashed to the door, forcing it open. "I'm going out." He said, his steady voice cracking slightly. Without listening to whether or not the others had heard him, he slammed the door shut. He staggered to the alleyway separating the safe house and the building beside it, taking refuge in the shadows. Breathing hard, he slammed his hands into the brick and looked down. So many feelings were coursing through him at once. "Guh..." A small whimper escaped his throat despite his best efforts. Gabriel leaned against the building for support.

A drop of water fell next to him, soon followed by thousands of others as it suddenly began to rain.
Eloya stopped hitting the wall and winced, she suddenly felt trapped, she was alone in a room, that no one could get her from, she felt trapped like they we're. Suddenly she ran over to the hole and jumped down grabbing her satchel and some money, "I'm gonna go by some extra food so we can lay low for a few days." she stated trying not to let her voice crack. The needle. Ruby. Dead. Her head couldn't comprehend but the image of that damned needle appeared in her mind and then it appeared, in the middle of the room. It was there and it was shaky looking almost like an Illusion but she could tell what it was, with that she released an ear shattering scream, dropping her satchel and running out the door, the needle disappearing the moment she left, she bolted threw the rain and soon was gone from the view of the house.

Eloya didn't even know were she was running she just ran because at the moment she was to scared to look back. Then she stopped, This is how she died, Ruby left the safe house, the teen froze instantly running behind a garbage can and taking as seat, staring at the other side of the street, she was probably visible to the blind eye but they'd probably think the blonde was homeless and not even bat an eye.
Bree turned to the television and watched, numb with horror. She looked at the others mourning in their different ways. "We will save him, right?" She asked, her voice just loud enough to be heard. She didn't really know Fox as well as the others did, but the fact that he was one of them was a good enough reason to help him, in her mind.
Solarex stared at the screen, holding her knees to her chest. Fox was still alive, but he'll be killed soon, she had witnessed Ruby's death, and heard about Kyo's. What was with these Nexus units? What was their problem with the innocent and weak? Did they have the right to torture them and kill as many as they want? Who did they think they were? Why did they choose to treat them this way? The teen held her legs tightly and buried her head behind her knees. Why? Why? Why, was the question.... The most unknown and important question that had rambled through her mind, her dull eyes filled with tears and she wiped them away with her arm. How could they? How could they do such a cruel thing to an innocent person? What did they ever do to them? What did they do? She had forgotten all her memories but one, but what was her life before all of this? What had they done to make the world hate them? Why did they hate them? Why?
Eloya slowly got up and trekked back, pull yourself together, she thought as she walked inside, automatically taking set beside Solarex and giving the younger teen hug. She looked down she leaned down and lightly whispered, "We'll get Fox out and make them pay for what they did to Ruby. I promise." and she meant it. The blonde then stood up and walked to the middle of the room, "Okay I refuse to sit here and know that Ruby is dead and Fox is still alive, I don't think I could live with myself if we don't save Fox and give Ruby a proper goodbye." She said, "I'm getting both of them and I'm going whether all of you come or none at all, so, whose coming?" she asked looking at the group.

@yumiyukifan1 @Shadow @Aura Of Twilight @ShadowedNexus @Sensei Fox
Bree stood up and walked out of her corner. "I will." She said to Eloya. "How will we know where to find them?" She asked, looking at the television, half hoping the scientist lady would appear on it.
Dr. Aedidab had been sitting silently with her arms crossed. Her image was projected on the screen although her head was turned to one side. Her face showed a look of deep contemplation. "I can tell you where to find his cell, or where they'll execute him tomorrow. Take your pick." She sighed and finally turned to the screen and began typing. "Either way, you'll have to get creative to get near him."

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