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Fantasy The Nexus Project

Dr. Aedidab cleared her throat before speaking and brushed her tear away. She was bluffing about having Kyo killed. Seeing him brutally murdered had shocked her. "Kyo won't be returning to the safehouse. I'm sorry."
"Oh.... I see......" Solarex bowed her head in sorrow and scrubbed the floor more slowly staring at the ground. Who had murdered him? The Nexus Units, they were coming closer, closer to them, and her group was drifting closer, closer to death. The cloth was becoming damp because of the lack of water. She slid it wet spots before returning to scrub the dirt and mold off the ground. ".... It was nice to know Fox and Kyo's names though....."
Eloya had seen everything from her spot in the abandoned room and sat there petrified, small tears running down her cheeks. Another friend, dead. She couldn't breath at this point, Fox now Kyo? She had a feeling that the others could here her trying not to hyperventilate from the main room, of course it would be difficult for them to get up here but whatever, she stood up silently to get a better look but the screen went dead. She sat back down and sat there in complete silence, They made us this way. Yet now there going to destroy us for being this way? She thought, but what could a group of teens, kids and adults do against a full blown military force? She wasn't sure but she knew they'd put up one hell of a fight.
"It's-" Aedidab coughed and cleared her throat again. "It's imperitive more now than ever that you all master your powers."

A hard knock at the door of the safehouse and a muffled voice beyond the door filled the main room. "Nexus police, this is a routine check. Open up." Outside stood three Nexus occupation officers. The voice was lightly distorted with a digital tone. Each guard was around the same height and all were similarly uniformed. There was one floating drone about the size of a fist that shone a dull light on the door. The records showed that his place had been abandoned, but the place reeked of cleaning product. They had deviate from their patrol to check it out.

Dr. Aedidab quietly said: "Open the door and act natural." before her display winked off.

@Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
Viktor quickly tried to recovered from the shock of Kyo's death and told everyone to quiet down. Shoot, this might not end well. Viktor heard what the doctor said, and decided to follow her orders. Viktor walked up to the door and casually opened it, "Hello, good evening. Is something wrong officers?" He said, trying to act as natural as possible, but on the inside he was freaking out wondering why they were here. Calm down, just act natural and they won't suspect anything. As far as they know we are just street rats taking shelter here. He thought to himself a bit panicked. Viktor looked up to the officers and waited for an answer.
"Shit." She muttered climbing down from her spot in the abondoned room and jumping down from the hole in the corner, she saw Viktor talking to them and he looked kind of fidgity, because that will go over well. She thought then walked over, sponge in hand then casually put a hand on his shoulder and whispering "Stay calm." As quietly as possible, using her power to keep him from cracking then a smile bloomed on her face, "Hey there! If it's a check up wanna come in?" She asked, acting like a normal person even though she was the exact opposite.
"We will." The taller of the three guards spoke up and entered with the guard to his right. The guard to the left remained outside and turned as if guarding the door. The two guards that had come inside looked around the room a bit and its occupants. They each had a hand on their rifles as they looked about. The lead turned to the occupants of the house while the other started wandering the house and checking over the area thoroughly. "What are all of you doing here? This place was closed down a long time ago." The lightly digitized voice inquired.
Solarex stiffened and stopped her cleaning. Her heart stopped for a bit and she stood a bit frozen, but with no fear on her face, just an unreadable expression. After Viktor had opened the door and talked a bit to them, Eloya tried to help him out. The teen grabbed an old book and globe and pretended to study. It would be good to pretend to study because maybe other peers were in a school right now, so she'll pretend she's homeschooled. One of them asked a question and she added in, "We decided to move in because of a money problem..."
"Yep what she said, Sorry about the smell though" she quickly thought, "my little sister Sola we're cleaning up the place, it's filthy!" she said, the lie just rolling off of her tongue. She picked up the bucket off the ground and put it in the corner upside down, taking a seat, "I hope you don't mind me asking but what are you looking for in the check, are you looking for another one of those thingies that we're broadcasted earlier?" she asked, trying to sound like the idea repulsed her even though that was when Kyo died. She shook her head ever so slightly and put on a smile, "Never mind it's rude I asked." she said. She looked over at Solarex and noticed she had a book in hand and looked like she was studying then got an idea, she walked over to Solarex and sat down beside her, "Pop quiz Sola. Were is Spain?" she asked. Her eyes looking right at it on the globe so Solarex knew but the officer's couldn't see her little cheat.
The head officer looked them over and traded glances with the other one. "Your studies can wait." The officer that had been searching the house began inspecting the television set. So far, he hadn't found anything and stayed away from the dirtier areas of the room. Both officers nodded to each other and the searcher raised his gun slightly so that the room would be covered if anyone moved suddenly. "Ma'am if you could stand up and and spread your arms and legs slightly. The rest of you too."
She rolled her eyes slightly then stood up walking over to Solarex and Kat then spreading her arms and legs slightly. This was just great. She looked over at the others making sure everyone else was standing then inspected them. She looked at the officer's light armor and rifles, well if they figure anything out we're dead, "Do I have to stand like this the whole time?" she asked trying not to ound snotty, "I have some cleaning to do." she finished.
The head officer tapped a control on his wrist and looked each person up and down. The yellow from the eyes of his mask glowed slightly brighter. the purpose was to search for weapons or abnormalities. Seeing nothing, he felt satisfied and tapped his wrist control again. The officer in the rear lowered his gun kept his gun raised as the head officer put a hand to the side of his head. He appeared to be speaking to someone over a radio. His hand dropped and he waved the second officer way. "Everything checks out. Your claim to the building just now updated." Both officers walked to the door. "If you see or hear anything suspicious, contact us." Both exited and one could be heard grumbling as they continued on their way. "...Hate coming down here. Enforcers are just gunna sweep through anyway."
Solarex was about to answer, but was interrupted with the officer needing to inspect them. She got up and did the same as Eloya did. What if they found out they were escapees from the Nexus Facility? Would they take them back or kill them? Both maybe... But the event that had involved Fox and Kyo, the officers would have killed them all. It was a good thing they had finished and Solarex let out a small breath of relief. She pointed on the spot where Spain was on the globe and said, "Right here, by the Bay of Biscay..."
Covering his shock of this Kyo's, one of his fellow escapees, death, Gabriel leaned against the wall as he held his arm. The others had a varying degree of sadness on their faces, but not having gotten the chance to know him, all the silver haired boy could do was look at a interesting spot on the floor with his one good eye. Dr.Aedidab hadn't been joking when she said they were still in danger. He wondered how Kyo had died, but assumed it must've nasty if the facility's toys were anything to go by.

A sudden knock on the door and the word "police" pulled Gabriel and the others away from their thoughts. That wasn't good. He watched as the black haired man opened the door, urging everyone to act natural. Had they been found already? Four police officers walked in, all wearing identical uniforms.

Luckily for all of them, the officers were just doing a routine house check. Inwardly, Gabriel sighed in relief. As he listened to the girl's explanations of why they happened to be in the building, he nearly rolled his eyes. They really weren't acting all that believable whatsoever, all of them jittery and each having there own stories that really didn't fit together. Gabriel could only hope that the occupation officers were incredibility stupid enough to fall for it.

"Ma'am if you could stand up and and spread your arms and legs slightly. The rest of you too." The head officer said, his voice having a digitized tone. Gabriel sighed under his breath, dumping his towel in the corner as he walked over to stand next to the others. He spread his arms and legs slightly, waiting to see what they would do next.
Eloya looked over at Solarex, "Good job! keep it up." she said then waved a quick goodbye, "Thanks Officers we will." she said ushering the small group out the door and closing it behind them, she picked up the sponge and soaked it, wiping down the wall just incase they weren't actually gone. Great, she hoped they didn't sweep though often or that wouldn't go well.
Dr. Aedidab tuned back onto the television monitor. "There, you see? Nothing to worry about." She gave an exasperated sigh. "Pushing through that land claim was a hassle." She took a sip of coffee and sat it down on her desk. "Now, on to business. If you're going to survive, you're going to become stronger. You're all adamant against practice, so that means you have to steal Nexus Serum and inject it in yourselves."
"Yes doc, I'm going to steal some top secret military serum (and get away with it) inject it in myself and get stronger without getting caught." she said sarcastically. Eloya sat down and looked around, it was still dirty so she grabbed the mop again and started mopping the walls.
Releasing his breath and relaxing, Viktor turned his head towards the tv, "What would having anymore serum in us do? We already have the enhancements it gives. And how are we supposed to get it? The only known source of it is the Nexus facilities, and that's exactly where we don't want to go. I'm fine with practicing and learning our abilities, but the labs are almost certainly a death trap for now. We should at least learn how to control," Viktor turned towards some of the group, "Or even know what our powers are." He finished.
She looked at all of them, "Maybe I can use my power to make you guys use yours, then if you don't know what it is I can show you." she suggested, it was kind of fool proof really. She looked at the group, "So who doesn't know there powers? Or what length of powers they have?" she asked everyone.
".....I found mine out after they had tested on me....." Solarex said staring at the ground. Her ability wasn't all to great, but she didn't want to show it either. She also didn't feel too comfortable with the damage her blood could create. It was acid blood anyway, so she didn't want to hurt anyone. "Acidic Blood..."
Once the officers were gone, Gabriel let out a sigh of relief he hadn't realized he had been holding. He heard the tv click on again and turned his head to listen to the woman's words. So the Nexus Serum was a power-up essentially, and they would have to get their hands on it in order to get stronger? "I'll train, thank you very much." Gabriel said. "I don't feel like injecting some unknown substance into my bloodstream, but thanks for the offer, doc." He said, voice sarcastic.

"I have some kind of energy manipulation." He muttered, upon hearing everyone else talk about their powers. "It's what allowed me to escape the facility."
"That could work." Aedidab grumbled and spun in her chair. "You kids play around with your powers then. We'll make you more powerful later. The facility in the city would have a database on you for anything you miss."
Eloya held out both her hands, "Here if you guys wanna test your powers just grab my hand an I'll get them working Okay?" she asked, "Also I have the power of persuasion, basically I can make people do things, if I touch them." she said, plus there was the added perk of it being able to do the impossible. She was just happy he knew how to use it, she had a feeling she had a good reign over her powers and she could help them with that too.
Hearing Gabriel and Eloya talk Viktor spoke up, "We might as well split into two groups, those that know their powers, and those that don't. Those that don't know can go with Eloya for help and those that do come to the other side of the room and we can at least find out what everyone does and practice." He suggested looking around. "We could even better separate into groups who are more suited to combat like myself. Oh and to clarify if mine wasn't obvious yet from my earlier demonstration, I can manipulate my own blood like so." Viktor finished and bit hard into his hand, causing him to wince a bit. Once the blood started flowing he changed it into a bladed shape and hardened it in his hand.

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