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Fantasy The Nexus Project

"oh my gosh! are you okay?" kat asked nervously looking at eloya sitting on the ground. she then saw the other girl help eloya up. kat picked up a towel off the ground and started to dry eloyas hair and cheeks. "next time, try not to reach for mars, your just cleaning." kat said with a laugh.
She stood up with Solarex's help and looked at her self, half of her shirt was drenched her hair was Soapy and she had soap suds in her mouth. She laughed out loud and took Kat's towel and dried herself off, not bothering to take the bucket off, "I think reaching for mars would be easier then that!" Eloya half laughed out, "Is there a spare shirt in here?" she asked, inspecting herself then taking the bucket off her head.
"you can have mine. dont worry, i have a tank ton on underneath." kat said with a chuckle. she then took her sweater off , revealing a red tank top underneath. she then offered the sweater to eloya.
Dr. Aedidab was sitting in her chair again with her face cupped in both hands. The steam coming from her coffee cup in front of her fogged the image a bit but it was clear that she was rethinking a few things to say the least. Her words came out slightly muffled. "There are some old clothes in there somewhere.Just as dirty as the rest of the place."
Gabriel looked up, glancing at the blonde girl. "That would be...appreciated." He muttered, knowing he really didn't have a choice on the matter. He watched as she stood up on her tiptoes, trying to reach a high spot on the grimy hall. She started to lose her balance. "Watch-" Gabriel warned as the girl fell backwards, right into the bucket of soap. "...out." He finished, seeing the girl trying to spit out some soap suds.

He rolled his eyes.
Viktor finished mopping up the corner he had been working on and looked around, "You know, the Doctor is right. We should work on learning to control our powers. Though I think we should also clean this place up enough so that we don't get sick from anything." He finished. It really isn't a bad idea for us to learn our powers in case Nexus decides to try and kill us again, Viktor thought to himself. "I say as soon as Kyo arrives back we should ask him for some fighting lessons, since he seems to be the only one of us so far who knows how to fight." Viktor suggested.
She looked at the screen, "You know I'm good with the sweater." she said, trying no to laugh and biting her lip so she wouldn't. She heard Gabriel's response and quickly put on the sweater, it was kind of small on her but it would do, "Thanks Kat." she said then walked over to Gabriel and grabbed his hand, quietly whispering "Feel no pain." and a blue pulse emanated from her hand to his and minimized his pain, but the blue pulse. She jumped back, that wasn't supposed to happen it never did before, "What is that!" she demanded, pointing at the doctor with one hand and the blue pulsing light that was now disappearing in Gabriel's arm. She took away the pain but that light, was just weird. She snapped out of it and looked over at Viktor, "If you want I could show you guys some defense, I think I was in Acro (short for acrobatics) for a long time and I know that those classes give defense incase of any unfortunate defense." she suggested.
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Kyo reported back to the cafe, he had made surwhe wrapped up his sword before he left. He honestly wondered why the information didn't detail that innocents were inside as well. He would have a word with his employer about this. Kyo took a seat next to his employer at the bar. "I have finished my job, I have removed all enemies from the building." Kyo informed him waiting for the employer to bring up why the innocents still live.

@Sensei Fox
"Sadly, that's not the case." The man leaned back in his seat. "There are still residents in that building. I was clear about evicting ALL of them was I not?" The man had a mixture of frustration and uncertainty on his face. "Get out of here, boy." The man waved his hand in dismissal.

"Then I'll take my skills to another side. If you want the deaths of innocents then you shouldn't win whatever conflict your in." Kyo replied. He searched the data pad for a list of words that would name this conflict. He then said "You won't be winning this gang war if you intend to cut me off or crave the slaughter of innocents. If you turn me into Nexus they'll kill you for knowing about a top secret project. Now I want my payment and then I will leave."

@Sensei Fox
"Boy, you don't have any idea of how these streets work." The man got up and tapped his pocket, immediately shutting off the pad momentarily and erasing the data given by the card that had been previously inserted. "I don't have to worry about Nexus coming after me for whatever project you're in. You're a murderer. I have the evidence to back it up." The man began walking away toward the back room of the restaurant again. "If you want money, you follow orders. If you botch orders, you don't get payed. Piss off."

"So be it, I shall find another employer." Kyo said leaving the restaurant. It appears that his employer won't see eye to eye with him. Maybe the other side may pay better and be more cooperative or they could try to kill him. That would force him to some rather ugly options of either stealing from corrupt wealthy people or stealing from the two gangs themselves.

@Sensei Fox
Dr. Aedidab chimed in on Kyo's pad. "I would suggest coming back to the safe house. You've stirred up trouble and the occupation is out in force now." She sighed. "Real smooth."

Back at the safehouse, Dr. Aedidab displayed on the television set again. "Your friend Kyo has made quite a mess while he's been out. Staying indoors is a very good idea."

@Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
"Are you kidding me! What did he do?" she asked, with a "I am going to kill him when he get's back" tone. Eloya huffed then walked over to the bed matress and flipped it over to the semi-clean side then sat down, "When will we be able to go outside?" she asked suddenly thinking of another question, "And why are you helping us?" she asked the doctor.
"Actually, I can't return to the safehouse with my pockets empty. If the occupation are after me right now then they could be tracking me. Until I can find some more suitable clothing and a bag to carry my armor inside. Can you produce a list of the corrupt nobles in this town as well as the crimes they have committed?" Kyo replied.
"Swallow your pride, stupid boy." Dr. Aedidab growled at Kyo. "You aren't more than a short jog from the safehouse. You can make it there under the respnose time of the occupation."

The doctor turned back to the screen streaming to the television. "You'll be able to leave once your hardheaded friend stops stirring up every gang in the city." She folded her arms and leaned back. "Like I said before, I created the serum to cure diseases and help people. I didn't make it to turn people into weapons. The least I can do for you is get you away from the testing facility."

@Joka @Newtype
"I am getting a little tired of everyone referring to me as boy. Provide me with what I seek or I will go seek it myself." Kyo said. He already began to make his way to a vantage point so he could find the middle of the city. If he gets there he can use his Sound detection to figure out where the informants are.

@Sensei Fox
"You are a stupid boy. You're a detriment to the rest of your group as well." Dr. Aedidab picked up a small device. "If you insist on going around and causing trouble, I'll have you killed here and now. I won't let you lead to the deaths of the rest of the group because you think that you're some hotshot hero." She tapped away at her handheld device and turned it to the screen. It showed several units ready to be mobilized at the press of a button. "You will return to the safehouse. Now."

"If I am bad for the group won't it be better if I leave. You got to give me a better reason to turn around other than you'll take my life. Call me what you want but unless you got fresh matresses, food, clothing, and those kids are in dire need of my help. I won't turn around." Kyo replied. Kyo enhancing his speed with his vibrations to make himself a mere blur to those who could see him arrived in the corner of the center of town. It was a rundown park surrounded by roads. He entered the park and sat down on a dusty bench

listening to the sounds of the city around him to try and determine the location of the information broker.
Aelin said:
She looked at the screen, "You know I'm good with the sweater." she said, trying no to laugh and biting her lip so she wouldn't. She heard Gabriel's response and quickly put on the sweater, it was kind of small on her but it would do, "Thanks Kat." she said then walked over to Gabriel and grabbed his hand, quietly whispering "Feel no pain." and a blue pulse emanated from her hand to his and minimized his pain, but the blue pulse. She jumped back, that wasn't supposed to happen it never did before, "What is that!" she demanded, pointing at the doctor with one hand and the blue pulsing light that was now disappearing in Gabriel's arm. She took away the pain but that light, was just weird. She snapped out of it and looked over at Viktor, "If you want I could show you guys some defense, I think I was in Acro (short for acrobatics) for a long time and I know that those classes give defense incase of any unfortunate defense." she suggested.
"Feel no pain." She whispered, grabbing Gabriel's hand. A blue pulse emanated from her palm, surprisingly him and instinctively making him struggle to get away. Her grip was strong however. Within moments, a strange, light sensation coursed through him, the pain little by little ebbing away until it was hard to believe it was there in the first place. He felt...like he was floating. The exhaustion was still there, clawing at the edges of his consciousness, but he forced himself to stay awake. "...?" He blinked, slightly in disbelief that the pain was gone. The girl looked just as surprised as he was, jumping back to look at him, her hands, the doctor, then back to him again.

It...must be some kind of mind technique. Gabriel thought in wonder. Maybe she has some ability to manipulate the pain receptors within the human mind...? No...It...It feels almost like its more than that. He shook his head, looking at the bullet still embedded in his arm. I wonder...Could he do the same thing he did to the K9 units, but reverse it instead?

He placed his good hand over the wound, the buzzing sensation coursing through it. He needed to be careful, for there was a good chance something would go wrong. He took a deep breath, trying to summon the energy into his palm, make it form into a magnet of sorts, yet possessing a gentle current all the same...Nothing happened at first, but he kept trying. He could feel the bullet almost moving in his skin. Under normal circumstances, he'd more than likely be screaming in agony, yet this was a special case thanks to the blonde girl. Pulling...pulling...

At last, the bullet was pulled free from his skin. He let it fall to the floor with a soft clink, before grabbing a towel to wrap around his arm and pressing on it to stop any bleeding. He was surprised he had managed to do that and he doubted he'd be able to do that again.

Gabriel sighed, listening to the doctor's words. He hoped the man wasn't going to get them killed.

He looked at the blonde girl again. "Acrobatics? Please dont."
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"What they have, they can survive on. The dire need they have is to master their powers and survive in this city." Dr. Aedidab barked through the pad. "You're putting them in danger. You're exposing yourself. You're exposing them. Why? For luxuries. I can only assume you were some spoiled brat before Nexus experimented on you. Why else would you be so concerned with immediately trying to turn the safehouse into a palace?" She slammed her fist on the desk. "You went to get a job from a high level crime boss! you murdered people! You destroyed families just for money, which you didn't even receive! Why? So you can return the triumphant hero? This group needs better than you. You're reckless, irrational, and you're dangerous. You're going to get them all killed because of your own ego."

"I killed other criminals, I only knocked out the women and children so they wouldn't recall what I look like. But it appears none of those reasons are good enough for me to return. Nexus won't find them as long as one of us doesn't blab to them Nexus girl. If the group doesn't need me then you shouldn't need me to return. Goodbye." Kyo said with a smirk as he threw the nexus pad to the edge of the park and then caused it to explode by accelerated its molecules. He then went back to his task of trying to find the information broker in town.
Eloya sat down, looking at her hands again, That wasn't supposed to happen, she shook her head, thinking she was over reacting then looked up, noticing an area near the corner were the boards of the roof had been torn upwards. She wanted some alone time, not that she didn't like being jam packed in a room with around 6 other people she just wanted some alone time, without a word she walked over to the torn up area, jumped and climbed up, finding a seemingly forgotten room were a couple bricks were knocked out of the wall. She walked over to it and looked through the small opening, there were people and a few officers... great. she thought, they really couldn't go outside, she huffed then sat down near there and watched what happened outside, hoping Kyo would come back soon, Maybe if he didn't she'd go out and find him, angry teenager vs. armed man. that would go well.
Kyo took a seat on one of the benches in the park. That doctor had gone way out of line. She was such an absolute bitch. Who was she to go on ranting like that? He was only trying to help the group. Maybe it was best that the group ditch the doctor entirely. If she was willing to kill him just for acting on his own, she shouldn't be trusted. What a bitch. Kyo sighed and leaned forward slightly before catching a familiar face from the corner of his eye. In the corner of the park stood the man from the Rose Cafe. Kyo stood immediately. Something was wrong. The man smiled and turned away. Before Kyo could react, another problem had arrived.

With an earth-shaking impact, a heavy object landed with a resounding crash in the park. Dirt, grass, plants, even pavement were blown outward from the crater that this object formed. Kyo had reacted quickly and stood at the edge of the newly created crater. In the center was what appeared to be an olive green egg with silver sides. The egg cracked in mechanically designed section and a human form expanded from it. Only a human head was visible, the rest of the body was covered by thick armor. The figure growled as several drones zoomed overhead. An echo over the city appeared and a video feed from the drones displayed on every screen automatically. A male announcer began speaking. "Breaking news: An escaped fugitive has been located in a central park and a Nexus Specialist going by the name Behemoth has been dispatched to deal with the situation. What you're seeing is live coverage of the events currently unfolding..." The announcer continued commentating as Kyo blocked it out.

Behemoth said nothing and let swing the two massive cleaver blades that were folded into the forearms of his armor. Kyo returned by drawing his sword. On no particular beat, Kyo made the first move. He concentrated, relying on the speed of his hyper-vibrated molecules. Something that big couldn't possibly beat him if he was too fast to hit. Kyo charged, with his sword angled forward. Impaling this angry green giant would be simple.

Behemoth reacted quickly and dug one of his blades into the ground. He brought it up with a deep roar and carried the earth itself with it. A wide wall of earth and stone shot forward out of the ground, barely missing Kyo. The thrown mass crashed into a building hard.

Kyo had been slowed by the unexpected attack, but his blade would still be effective in this fight. He continued forward and attacked Behemoth with a powerful downward slash. The attack was caught by Behemoth's own right armed blade. Behemoth followed up and swung the blade from his left arm at Kyo. Kyo had to react quickly again. He used the clash of their weapons as a leverage point and pulled himself above Behemoth's counter-attack. He sailed over Behemoth and landed on the ground behind him. Behemoth roared again and stomped the ground, shaking it violently. Kyo was able to keep his footing, but barely.

Kyo changed tactics now. He used his powers of telekinesis to pick up the loose rocks and earth and hurl them at Behemoth's exposed head. Behemoth reacted by covering his face with his right blade like a shield. Kyo took advantage of this and lunged forward while Behemoth couldn't see him. His sword connected with the blade Behemoth was protecting his face with and cleaved through it. The heavy broken blade fell to the ground and revealed that Kyo had just barely missed striking Behemoth's head.

Behemoth threw Kyo off and roared angrily. Behemoth now charged with his left blade. An angry and unplanned move. Kyo easily cleaved the second blade with a sidestep. Behemoth stomped again in anger, shaking the ground further violently. The building that had been previously impacted by Behemoth's initial attack began to fall. Behemoth continued stomping his feet hard until the entire structure crashed, leaving thick dust over the entire area.

Kyo hadn't seen that move coming, but he was still in this fight. He had removed his enemies weapons after all. While Kyo tried to search for his opponent, the dust cleared slightly and he saw the bulky outline coming close. Too late. The full force of an armored fist took his chest. Kyo flew back several meters before recovering Behemoth refused to let up. Another full fisted blow took Kyo's side.

Spotlights showed from the drones as the fight continued. Kyo and Behemoth each traded powerful blows. Behemoth's punches sent Kyo flying, and Kyo struggled to stand again after each strike. Even so, Kyo managed to keep up his fight. He landed several slashes against Behemoth, leaving deep trenches in the armored exterior of his opponent. Finally, the fatal move would be made.

Kyo moved to make another slashing strike, blood pouring from innumerable lacerations and his body screaming in agony over damaged bones. Behemoth caught Kyo's blade in a powerful grip. In one beat, the blade was crushed and Behemoth kicked Kyo hard. Kyo flew back and impacted against a concrete block before falling forward into the dirt. Behemoth lumbered forward slowly, knowing full well that he had won. Even the news announcer was calling that Behemoth was about to end this.

One of Kyo's memories came back in that moment. He stood on a muddy and rainy battlefield surrounded. He was covered in wounds barely gripping his blade. He looked next to him seeing the one woman he loved lying dead there on the ground as well as the other members of his clan. He was surrounded and then suddenly the enemy left him there. His mind flashed back to his Behemoth standing before him and one of the drones coming close for a detailed shot. Kyo was finished, but he refused to allow Behemoth to defeat him and for the people watching to see. Kyo pulled himself to his knees and gripped the handle and what little remained of his shattered blade. He used his vibrations to make it extremely sharp and thrust the blade through the bottom of his skull. His body slumped back against the concrete block, holding his position of taking his own life to deny victory to the enemy.

The video feeds cut and returned to their normal stations. Dr. Aedidab was sat inside the screen at the safehouse. She had a tear falling from her eye and remained silent.

(Written by Sensei Fox to give Kyo a proper death.)

@Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
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Solarex looked over to the nice lady in the pad screen and blinked. "Did something happen?...." She asked before blinking again. What had made the lady cry? Her expressionless face stared at the screen for a while before scrubbing the floor again. "......Who was it?...." The rag lost it's bubbles from the soap and only sloshed out dirty water. If it was one of the members of their group, then outside was worse than unsafe than what other people had told them.

@Sensei Fox

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