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Fantasy The Nexus Project

"You're all forgetting one very simple fact." Fox shook his head wearily. Those people were dreamers. That was good in some ways. They wouldn't be easy to demoralize. However, they lacked a certain amount of sense. "They know our faces. They know our powers better than we do. There are others like us that know their powers better than we do. The entirety of the Nexus is armed and trained to take us out if we ever become a problem." Fox heaved and held himself for a moment. "Go ahead and flip through that little device and see what we're up against. The lower tier is probably what we faced getting out of the facility. Light armor and sub-caliber weapons. See what you'll have to fight through just to get near a base with a stealth aircraft. Go a bit further and try to take a guess at what other elite killers are also inside that base with that stealth aircraft." Fox started laughing with a small string of blood falling from the corner of his mouth. He sounded near hysteric. "Most of us here are kids. If we start running off trying to get into high security bases and steal high grade heavily guarded equipment and then get killed in the process, who's going to take care of them? They're super powered but they're just kids." Fox's eyes teared up as memories of bodies at his feet and a rifle in his hands flashed through his head. His breathing picked up and he covered his head before screaming and falling onto his side in the fetal position. "They're just fucking kids!"

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
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She realized Fox was right, and slowly walked over to Fox putting a hamd on his shoulder, "It's okay, your okay, calm down." She cooed to him, letting her power calm him down before he hyperventalated. "How can we get out of here then?" She asked all of them, it seemed a great distance to walk anywhere since they were in the middle of no where and they could easily get caught on foot. She sat down again her hand covered her face. "Our lives our one big mess arn't they." She thought aloud.
"But we can't stay here because Nexus will be on our doorstep before we know it. I have been sorting through the information actually available, I know that what we fought back there at the facility was the lowest of the low. We can't wait for Nexus police to show up and have to take one of the vehicles they bring while the kids are under fire. The nearest base is likely mobilizing against us right now, it'll be chaotic all I have to do with Vicktor is wait for the force their sending here to leave, get in and get out. Then beat their forces back here with the stealth jet." Kyo replied. He watched Fox's display of screaming, it must be a bad memory Kyo concluded. "If you want to protect these kids then we need to get them out of here."

@Sensei Fox
"Operation under occupation..." Fox began monotonously spraking information from his fetal position. Eloya had calmed him, but he was still trapped in his memories. The words just kept coming as if he were reading them off paper. "...remain mobile...Vehicles are easily tracked..." He continued on without a single break in what he was saying before he rolled to his back and shot up from the bed. "In case of major security breach, all surrounding facilities security doubles and remains on standby." He turned his head. "They aren't going to send a full force here. They're going to send a search and destroy team. Running into their base means running into a full force and dieing. There is nothing to beat back. There is a specialized force coming here and a now strengthened wall around the base you're so desperately after. Can you even fly a damn jet? Even if you could, where would you land it? At their airfield?" Fox layed back down in the bed. "You have to leave me here and run. Dealing with my body will buy you all some time."

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
Gabriel was running through the halls at the quickest pace he could manage, jumping over dead bodies and robots alike in his attempt to find the exit. The walls were a cold steel, and on a few of them the logo “Nexus” shined. His breathing was loud in his ears, but he could still faintly hear the sounds of gunshots and screams in the distance. The area he was running in was dark, yet light enough that he could still manage his way forwards. A few times he nearly slipped in the puddles of blood on the floor. This was crazy. Where was he? What was this place? What the fuck was going on anyway? Such thoughts ran through the silver haired boy's mind repeatedly.

He had woken up strapped to some kind of bed, his mind hazy and body buzzing. The room he had been in had been full of chaos, and everywhere he looked he had seen other individuals struggling to get out of their binds. But it was the way some of them managed to get out was what shocked him. Fire? Super strength? It was like out of a movie and didn't make sense. He struggled himself, but wasn't able to get free until some kind Samaritan broke the straps, the momentum sending the boy to the floor in the process and knocking the breath out of him. He crawled onto his knees, grabbing the bed for support as he tried to stand up. His name? What was his name? His mind was a big blank. His head was pounding, but the flash of a girl lying in a hospital bed managed to ground him as he recognized what it was. A memory. At that same moment, he had also been able to remember his name. Gabriel Anders. As much as he had wanted to continue digging through his mind however, Gabriel's sense of self preservation was greater. He managed to jump to his feet, heading out the door now that the guards were down.

So here he was. Running for his life, probably. Somehow he had been able to avoid any major confrontations with the soldiers, at least those still among the living, but he knew that probably wouldn't last long. All he could do was follow the carnage, hoping to find an exit. Tap. Tap. Tap. His frantic footsteps managed to echo in the corridor.

Suddenly, he caught movement in the corner of his eyes. Before he could do anything about it, pain shot up his right arm, and at the same time he stopped as three K-9 units ran before him, blocking his way forwards. He clutched his arm, gritting his teeth in pain as he saw the middle unit with a gun attached to one of the mechanisms on its shoulder. He swore. The metal dogs slowly approached him, growls making their way out of their metallic throats.

No. It couldn't end like this. Gabriel didn't want to die in this place, without any answers to the questions he had. His quick mind struggled to figure out what he should do. Could he throw something? No. The beasts were faster with their guns anyway and it didn't help he was wounded. He couldn't get past them either.

"Get away from me..." He forced out, his one good eye glaring at the robots in hatred and maybe even a little fright. Another step in his direction. "Get away...Get away...GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed, instinctively using his hands to shield himself even though it was pointless. Oddly enough, at the same time he felt the buzzing in his hands reach a fever pitch. Some kind of red energy surrounded them before it blasted forward in a powerful wave, hitting the units and sending them flying to the the wall all the way at the end of the corridor, where they exploded into a bunch of machinery and other parts.

Breathing heavily, Gabriel took a second to look at his hands in amazement before moving forward. He needed to escape. To get out of this place. The next few minutes were a blur of pain and he could feel the bullets as they passed by him, missing by inches. The buzzing in his hands had reached the rest of his body and he felt…was he running faster? A few times he sent blasts of energy the enemy’s way, but didn't pay attention to whether they hit or not. He didn’t see a whole lot of the other escapees, other than those that had died. Were there still some back further in the building? He had thought he had seen some people who were still in the room he had woke up in, but wasn’t sure.

Eventually he arrived at what had to be the entrance. It looked like a warzone, and that was putting it lightly. Bodies littered the floor, wearing black or something else, and bullets were lying everywhere. In the walls, on the floor, in heads…There were also scorch marks, obviously caused by someone…or something. The door had been forced open by some incredibly strong force. What was the most disturbing bit however, wasn’t the ugly sight before him. No, it was how eerily quiet it was. Too quiet, as if something was holding its breath.

Worried about the possibility of reinforcements, Gabriel cautiously walked outside, blinking at the sudden brightness and change of scenery. The air was fresh and in every direction was a grassy plain. He began walking in a random direction, holding his injured arm. He would need to do something about the wound, along with the others he had gotten while running. After he found someplace safe, then he would worry about his predicament.

Gabriel wasn’t sure how long he walked, but it felt like hours at the pace he was going. The scenery mainly remained the same, except for now he was walking on a dirt road. The wind blew through his silver hair. In the distance, he saw what looked like an old watermill and farmhouse. He wanted to check it out, but was afraid that it was being monitored or was already occupied. He decided to circle past it instead, wanting to get a drink from whatever river or waterway the mill was on. It took a while, but he managed to make it there. He fell to his knees, using his good hand to scoop several mouthfuls of water to drink and a few to wash some of the blood away.

When he stood back up, a wave of exhaustion coursed through him. He needed to rest…to take care of his wounds…Gabriel managed to walk several feet before at last collapsing by the riverbank a little far from the mill.

(Future posts wont be nearly as big, I promise.)
the Nexus pad chimed for a few seconds and vibrated. A picture appeared showing a woman in a lab coat with a cigarette in her mouth. It was a video feed from what could be assumed was her office. She swiveled in her chair a bit before speaking. "Your friend there is right. If you want to get your group to safety, you'll have to leave him behind. I've arranged transport for you and a place to stay if you'll follow what the datapad tells you." She spoke in a serene and semi-youthful manner, and as if she knew everything that was going on. A small nameplate could be seen on her coat reading: Dr. Aedidab. "You may want to hurry. Oh, and grab the injured boy outside the mill on your way out. I'm afraid he's had a nasty run in with some K9 units."

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
Kat wondered around trying to figure out where she was. she wandered for what seemed to be forever until she finally decided to take a break. she found a tall tree and sat down next to it, leaning her back against it. she was starting to fiddle with her hair when a rabbit came next to her and laid down. "well, what are you doing here little fella." she said, as if speaking to the rabbit. the rabbit slightly turned its head to look at kat, but then turned its head back and closed its eyes. "i know, im tired too. but i cant fall asleep because i have a feeling that i was supposed to be somewhere today." she said with a curious look on her face. she picked a few flowers and tied them together into a small headband. she then place the headband on the sleeping rabbit gently, trying not to disturb its peace. "well, i better get going. nice to meet you mister rabbit." she said as she got up and started walking again. she came across a river bank and could see tiny fish trying to swim upstream. she turned her head to see what was upstream, wondering why the fish would swim up there. when she turned her head she could see a body laying, with its feet slightly submerged. "well i guess it wouldn't hurt just to talk to them." she said as she started to walk towards the person. when she got to the person, she could she that the weren't awake. "hello?" she said as she stared at the person. it was a boy, about the same age as her, and he seemed vaguely familiar. she leaned down and gently shook the boy, trying to wake him up. after a few minutes when the boy didn't wake up, she shook harder. "wake up." she said, hoping that the boy wasn't dead.

@Aura Of Twilight
Gabriel let out a small moan as he came to. His arm was throbbing horribly and his body in general felt like it had been hit by a truck. Where was he again? His thoughts were sluggish and he struggled to make sense of where he was. Vaguely, he could feel something shaking him. "....up....Wake up...." The voice was far away to Gabriel's ears, like it was at the end of a very long tunnel. Femine and soft. For some reason it reminded him of the memory of the girl in the hospital bed. Maybe it was her. "You need to...wake up...." He forced his eyes open. It wasn't her.

A girl was sitting next to him, shaking his shoulders. She looked around his age, with long pink hair and matching eyes. She wore what looked like a sweater, long and very school-uniform like. "Who...are you...?" He said hoarsely in his British accent, his one good eye looking tiredly at her. She didn't look familar. He wondered if she lived nearby.

It was then that he remembered. The strange facility. The soldiers. People with super powers. His blue eye widened in surprise as everything caught up to him. "You...!" He tried to scoot away, but forgot about his injured arm, the movement sending him sliding into the river. His only saving grace was that the currents weren't fast and that the water wasn't deep. He coughed, grabbing onto the riverbank.

"umm, well hello. my name is Kat, Kat Noel." she said to the boy. all of the sudden, the boy slid into the river. she quickly grabbed his arm, trying to save him from slipping away, but then noticing that he couldn't slip away due to how slow the current was. as she pulled him back to land, she noticed his whitish-green hair wave back and forth in the wind. he was very thin and he had one bad eye which was covered by an eye patch. "so how are you? are you okay? are you hurt?" she asked nerveously. "and how do you know me?" she asked, curious as to why he said 'you' when he woke up, almost as if he recognized her.

@Aura Of Twilight
"We have no other options, sometimes you just have to go in with courage." Kyo replied about to speak further before the pad beeped. Kyo pulled it out and saw a woman on the screen. Her coat said Dr.Aedidab, and she instructed them to go and leave Fox behind. Kyo was suspicious because she looked like those who were experimenting on him, but there had to a be a reason the subjects escaped it could be she helped thew first subjects escape. Though he grew more skeptical when she said they have to leave Fox behind. Kyo looked at Fox and said "Are you sure about this? To die here like this."

@Sensei Fox
She nodded and looked over to her group of acquaintances. Where were they going to go? How far was it? How long would it take before the units caught up to them? Like the lady said, they had to hurry, they didn't know how much time was left, and neither did Solarex. She wanted to take Fox with them and so did the others, they can't just leave a teammate to die like this. Soalrex stared at Fox and blinked her dull eyes. "We have to bring him, I don't care if he likes it or not, but we can't just leave an injured person alone like this, no matter how 'fine' they are."
Fox swallowed hard. He had uncurled his body while the doctor had been talking. His hand reached up to the bed post and he knocked on it a few times. He was taking in all of the faces around him. They were all too young to end like this. He pulled himself up, shaking slightly.

The woman on the pad's screen chimed in again. "Don't worry about BK-201, Fox as you called him." She leaned forward on her desk and began typing away at something. "He's a soldier. He volunteered and trained for this, even though he doesn't remember it. I've sent you his file. You can read over it once you rendezvous with the transportation I've provided you. They won't wait forever either."

Fox hung his head with his eyes fixed on the ground as the woman talked. So that was his purpose. He didn't fully understand it still, but he knew that this was what was predetermined for him. Fox weakly stood up and faced the group. He smirked a little with a deep shaking breath. "I understand. Go on, all of you."

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
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Kyo said "Fine, I'll get everyone to that transport. But you better be right behind us. I'll guard everyone, you may not be the only warrior among us." Kyo gave Fox a wink before going downstairs. Once down there he looked at everyone and said "Come on, we're leaving unless you want to stay here and die. We have to move fast." Kyo handed the Nexus pad to Solarex and said "Get everyone going, I'll bring up the rear. Follow the map."

@jakobtatee @Joka @yumiyukifan1 @Aura Of Twilight @Aelin @Shadow @ShadowedNexus @NetherLightGod
She crossed her arms, taking in the information, "How do we know your not a Nexus agent?" She didn't exactly have any reason to trust the person om the screen and for her to it would propably take a fair amount of explanation, or someone dragging her. Eloya didn't like the idea of someone being left behind it just didn't seem fair.
"I doubt she'd be an agent seeing as how she is actively trying to help us and giving us vital information." Viktor said, turning towards Eloya. "And we don't really have a choice in the matter, she is the only one that has helped us, we should stick together and try to survive as best we can." He continued. "We might as well get going as fast as we can, it's not like we can be put through much more hell. It's already been bad enough. Worst case scenario we get sent back and our lives don't change, best case is we escape and are free." Viktor finished, looking at how Eloya would respond.

"I'm a Nexus scientist, thank you." The woman on the pad remarked. "BK-201 is a Nexus agent." She sighed. What a stubborn group of kids. "Look at your choices. You all stay there in a big hug group and get gunned down, or you take the chance of escaping where you won't be tracked." She typed frantically and a new image came onto the screen. It was Fox sitting in a whitewalled room. He sighed before beginning to speak. "This is BK-201, Fox Freeman, Nexus Special Projects Force. This is my consent and signature to undergoe experiments and procedures done personally by Dr. Aedidab. After the procedure my body will be altered and I will have no memory. Memories will be implanted to ensure that my following mission is a success, even at the likely cost of my life. I will assist in the forceful release of all Nexus test subjects and guide them as far as I can to the safehouse per Dr. Aedidab's instructions. I am BK-201, Fox Freeman, and I accept this contract. God help all of us." Fox reached forward and the video feed ended. The doctor came back onto the screen with her arms folded. "Last chance, kids. Make a run for it or all that will be for nothing."

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
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jakobtatee said:
"umm, well hello. my name is Kat, Kat Noel." she said to the boy. all of the sudden, the boy slid into the river. she quickly grabbed his arm, trying to save him from slipping away, but then noticing that he couldn't slip away due to how slow the current was. as she pulled him back to land, she noticed his whitish-green hair wave back and forth in the wind. he was very thin and he had one bad eye which was covered by an eye patch. "so how are you? are you okay? are you hurt?" she asked nerveously. "and how do you know me?" she asked, curious as to why he said 'you' when he woke up, almost as if he recognized her.
@Aura Of Twilight
Gabriel let the girl pull him back up the bank, realizing that he really didn't have much strength. Once he was back in the grass, he sighed. His head was pounding. She didn't seem dangerous, but how could someone tell when their mind had been wiped nearly blank? "You talk to much." He said bluntly, holding his injured arm. He gestured to the rest of his body. "Do I look alright to you?" He shook his head. "It doesn't matter." He stood shakily to his feet, ignoring the girl's hand if she offered it to him. "I don't know you, girl-I mean Kat. My mind's one big blank." He looked down at her. "I'm Gabriel. Gabriel Anders."
"well nice to meet you gabriel." she said. "i most certainly do not talk to much, you just dont talk enough." she said, trying to ignore the fact that she really does talk too much. "and i have a small feeling that i do know you, because in the back of my mind i have this really small memory." she said. 'should i really tell him, i mean, we just met' she thought. "nevermind, im not gonna tell you." she said bluntly

@Aura Of Twilight
She sighed, if she wanted to live she had to go. There wasn't another option.

"Bye Fox." She said bluntly, walking downstairs and trying to ignore the fact she was leaving someone to die, it just wasn't fair. He had to catch up with us, if not she would never forgive herself for leaving. Eloya looked around then grabbed a satchel that was hanging off a hook and sat down near the others, silently wondering when they would leave and if there was anything else they could do.
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Ruby stared a Fox intensely. She wasn't sure what to think or what to feel right now. Part of her said go. The other said stay. Running would only prolong the inevitable. Nexus wouldn't leave them alone. They probably invested so much money into whatever they were doing, they wouldn't let them go free. If they couldn't track us, so what, doesn't mean they won't just do it the old fashioned way and go looking for them. Ruby gripped the bottom of her skirt before heading to the door. "Fox...If you don't catch up with us. I'll never forgive you." Her words while harsh, held truth to them. She said nothing more and walked out.
Alexia looked down at her hands then looked back up at Fox. She noticed others were starting to leave and she would have to too, if sh wants to survive. "You'll find us right?," She mumbled then looked at the door, "don't leave us just yet." She walked out, without one look back because she knew that if she looked back, she might not be able to stop herself from staying with Fox. She's not close to anyone here, but the fact that they were leaving leaving someone here made that horrible feeling in her stomach rise. She waited for others to come out quietly.
(So sorry it took me so long!)

Bree went down the river just out of sight and stripped down then slid into the river. She dipped her head below the water a floated peacefully. When she finally got out and got dressed she realized the others had probably left. She ran up to the mill house and went inside. She only saw one guy who was injured. "Hi, where are the others?" She asked, looking around nervously.
Fox smiled a little and pulled off his coat, the same one that had stopped hails of bullets back at the facility. He tossed it to Ruby before she left. "Stay safe for me." She was the first person he encountered after waking up. He didn't know much about her, but he was compelled to still protect her. As the others left and made their own comments, he nodded to each. He didn't want to say anything for fear of setting anyone off. One last member of the group had come into the mill, one of the girls. Fox pointed in the direction he felt the others leave. "Run. Quickly."

(Skipping for so everyone can move one)

Fox laid in the bed complacently. Everyone had left the mill some time ago, even that one who came into the mill and needed to catch up to the group. Most had said their goodbyes and others simply exited. It might not have occurred to some of them that he didn't intend to catch up with them. He sighed. He was oddly at peace with his fate. Everything around him was serene, even the old wood slowly settling around him as the wind blew.

There was a slow creep outside that shook him from his peace. It was time. Fox swung his legs over the bed and pulled himself up. The pain was still there as well as the feeling of weakness but his own mind was too busy to pay it any mind. He walked down from the loft where the bed was. A strange song had crept into his head from a memory. He couldn't help but weakly sing the words. "All our times have come..." He continued down the stairs and finally hit the bottom. "Here but now they're gone..." He took a few more steps and faced the closed doors. The creeping feeling outside edged closer. Fox took a deep breath before continuing. "Seasons don't fear the reaper..." A tear started streaming down his face as he took a step toward the door. "Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain..." Both eyes streamed tears as his memory flashed back to the blonde haired girl in the field. "...We can be like they are..." He grinned a little and took another step "Come on baby...Don't fear the reaper." He elevated his left hand to the side slightly and closed it with a light grip. In his mind, his hand clasped with that of the girl's as they walked through the field. "Baby take my hand...Don't fear the reaper..." His right hand gripped the handle of the door, both eyes streaming tears and a wide smile on his face. "We'll be able to fly...Don't fear the reaper..." He pulled to door open to be greeted by several figures standing outside. The lead of the group stood just a few feet away with a head in the shape of a skull and glowing blue eyes. He wielded a shotgun and the regular beat of his heart showed that this person had no remorse. The skull headed man raised his shotgun in one hand at Fox. Fox stood still at the raising of the weapon and felt relief once again. He could finally fully see the girl in his memory smiling at him. "Baby I'm your man."


The loud crack of the shotgun resounded over the field. Several other crackling roars echoed from the same direction as a brilliant amber light grew in the distance. The mill had been set ablaze and could be seen by the escaping group of experiments. The group had picked up two more experiments (@jakobtatee @Newtype @Abyss @Aura Of Twilight @Shadow @Andrea Logan @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
Eloya jerked her head at the sound of the furious crackling and Roars of an explosion and turned, seeing a stream of smoke and the mill set a blaze, she froze eyes going wide. Don't scream, Don't faint, Nothing happened, your okay, stay calm, No one died, your fine. She attempted to calm herself down. She turned her head, eyes going misty and continued her trek forward.

A body peered around the truck and turned off the flashing light. "Will you all hurry up." He called before climbing into the truck. The truck started up rather silently for its size. The window rolled down slightly and the head appeared again. "Those Nexus creeps are gunna catch up to us at this rate." He didn't particularly care for this group. He had just been payed to pick them up and get them into the city. That's all he intended to do. He hated the Nexus as much as anyone, but he wasn't a fighter. He didn't want to stick around to become one either.

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @Gunar @yumiyukifan1
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