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Fantasy The Nexus Project

"I'm blind." Fox responded. It came out more cold and curt than he wanted, but he was focused. He cursed mentally for not being able to see what this symbol was. It might have been just a sign advertising fresh bread. He tapped the wood a bit, trying to see if he could feel the shape through this unexplained power he had. After each tap, he could tell it was there, but not what it was. It was definitely circular, but that was all he could determine. He turned to the person that was in the water, or at least the direction of the voice. He could feel the outline of a person fairly clearly. Water conducted vibration very well. "Come up here and help me. I need your eyes."

Solarex just stared at the boy and then blew bubbles in the water before she spoke. "It's some kind of compass symbol I think... But it doesn't have the north, south, east, and west letters... Just A-M-O-N where the north, east, south, and west are supposed to be..." She didn't want to get out because the water felt good on her skin and her bath wasn't finished yet. The symbol looked weird in a way.... It was like looking at a clock or a compass but with different keys. What was it for? Had time passed so much that people started to change the design of what clocks and compasses now look like? That would be a bummer, since clocks and compasses already look fine in their original design. Her dull eyes flickered from the symbol to him and she asked, "What do you think it is? And what do you think it's for?.." @Sensei Fox
Eloya walked the perimeter of the area, wanting a good idea of where she was before actually going inside. She noticed a rather weathered barrel sitting against the mossy wall of the mill, raising an eyebrow she walked over to it and looked inside. Nothing, "Bummer." she said quietly then looked up at the low hanging sides of the roof, if she stood on the barrel she could climb up. She carefully stepped onto the barrel and pulled herself onto the roof, the was a crow and it wasn't flying away, Why isn't it flying away? she wondered as she stood up. The head shot in the direction of her foot, she looked down at the worn white shoe and realized that there was a nut stuck in the slightly split part from the soul to the bottom of the shoe, Since when do crows eat nuts? she wondered then it squawked and flew up rapidly shooting at her foot and pecking, "Stop it!" she squealed at the thing, she reached down and swatted at it, simultaneously saying "Just stop pecking my foot you stupid crow!" and it froze, not moving an inch, "Uh..." she sat down in front of it and held the nut put in front of it, Nothing, "Um I think I froze a crow." she called out to whoever could here it.
Fox drew both his knives and thrust them hard into the side of the mill as soon as he heard the screaming from the roof. He dug them in as he scaled the side and pulled himself up. One of girls was battling something airborne, that much he could tell. That was, until it stopped. His head was just above the edge of the roof when the crow froze. "It's probably got to do with whatever your power is." He said before dropping back to the ground. He sheathed both knives and returned his attention to the marking on the wall. It was giving off vibrations now and glowing a dark red. Fox backed away to the water. "What are you seeing now?" There had to be something happening. The vibrations were intensifying as the glow became more vibrant.
Kyo was outside now having decided he needed to get a handle on what his powers are. He knew one had to he telekinesis but was confused on the other. So he now stood infront of a boulder with his sword drawn. He concentrated and then willed the blade to do what it did when he cut the K9 in two. The blade began to hum with its intense vibration and emitted a high pitch noise that sounded like a barbers hair shaver but faster. He then swung it and the blade passed through the boulder like a knife through butter. Kyo then said "Okay so I can make things vibrate. Maybe that's how I was moving super fast before by making myself vibrate."

Kyo tested this by breaking into a sprint and then willing himself to go faster and faste, he suddenly found himself zipping around the boulder and his reflexes adjusting making last minute adjustments making smoother turns and then he stopped. He then walked up to the boulder placed his hand on it and forced it to vibrate faster and faster at one point it grew hot so Kyo stepped back and tested if he could use his power on other things far away. He then stood 5 yards from the boulded and forced it to vibrate faster and faster until it started melting, yet he made it go faster until the boulder then combusted. Kyo quickly sliced the rocks that came flying at him all too naturally. "Epic." Kyo announced. Kyo identified this power as Vibration Manipulation. Now he wanted to test his telekinesis which he did on the rocks scattered about. He placed his hands in a lifting position and willed the rocks around him to lift off the group. Amazingly some the rocks did, then he dropped all but one and then controlled its movements through the air eventually using his telekinesis to through like a baseball. Kyo stood there looking pleased with his findings.
She stared at it, tilting her head then heard someone say something about her having a power, Well that would have been nice to know, her mind sarcastically thought. She looked at the frozen crow, "Go." she said, nothing, "Move?" she said. Still nothing, she picked the crow up, "Fly away." she said and it suddenly unfroze, squawked and shot out of her hands, gone in a flash, she looked at her hand, it seemed that when she touched something it did what she said, "Awesome." she silently chanted then climbed down back down, wincing slightly as the gutter cute into her hand. Eloya jumped off the barrel -landing on her feet, and made her way inside, it was kind of dark but she didn't mind. She found a spot on the floor and sat down, letting her feet take a rest, she noticed a book shelf, since there was nothing else to do she reached over and grabbed a random book, opening it and starting to read.
Viktor walked around the outside of the shack, the place seemed to have been abandoned for a while. As Viktor walked around to the backyard of the shack he thought, This is the perfect place to test out whatever that was in the facility. Viktor looked around, making sure no one was looking, and sharply bit into his hand, just below the thumb. He opened up a wound large enough for his blood to dribble out at a steady pace. Viktor tensed his arm, and when he did the blood solidified in place. When he untensed it he found that if he tensed up parts of his arm, he could move and shape the blood as he pleased. He began testing with this, trying to figure out better ways to control this new-found power.
Ruby sat silently on the ground. Staring into the sky in absolute confusion. Today's events were still playing in her head. She didn't know what was happening to her and why. Why was she at that facility? What did those people do to her? Who was that girl she was fighting when she had that sudden recollection? Why was she fighting? As all these thoughts penetrated her mind, she remembered all the mysterious stuff that everyone was doing back then. Like sending swords flying and all that. It was very strange indeed. Perhaps that was the answer? Those people gave the people she escaped with all those abilities. That's the only conclusion she could come up with right now anyway. If that was the case, what could she do? It's not like she could snap her fingers and boom, explosions. No, nothing like that. It was probably something more latent. It was either that or she had no ability, escaping before they could give her one. While it seems like a relief, she had to admit she was fairly disappointed. Ruby sighed lowly and moved some of her hair behind her ear before she grabbed the metal pipe she had intended to use as a weapon. After inspecting it for a moment, she tossed it aside, muttering about having needed something far superior than a mere pipe. With another sigh, Ruby returned her gaze to the sky.
Solarex backed away from him, creating ripples in the water. "It's shaking... And now it's glowing a crimson color..." She said observing the strange marking. What was it going to do now? Was something going to happen to them? She cocked her head, with her forever dull expression on and yawned. "I don't know what's going to happen... It's either going to stop, or it might explode... Which is bad because I didn't get to finish my bath..." The teen waited for something to happen, like what she had predicted or something worse. @Sensei Fox

A body erupted from the symbol as it reached an apex in intensity. The body was headed with a skull and surrounded in flame. Just a few feet from the wall and threw a series of small knives with a red glow directly into Fox's chest before he could react. The figure stared at the girl in the water before being sucked back into the symbol on the wall.

Fox fell on his back into the water. Three red trails flowed out of his chest and through the water. Fox gasped for air. The knives had lodged themselves in a perfect horizontal line across his chest. They burned and shot pain through the rest of his body. Each knife was marked with a strange symbol and had turned to a polished silver state now. Fox felt paralyzed by the pain and struggled to breath. He couldn't feel anyrhing. No vibrations. All he could do was make frantic gasps while more of his blood dyed the water.

As quickly as she could, Solarex hurried over to Fox and brought him to land. She grabbed her shirt and quickly placed it over the wound to help stop the bleeding. If she took out the blades, then he would lose more blood, so she decided to call for help, in her same old tone. "Someone help! Fox has been stabbed!....." It sounded awkward, but she didn't care because this was really urgent. She applied more pressure to the wound to help stop the bleeding. A first aid kit would be handy by now. But where would they get one? Solarex called out again for help, ignoring the fact that she was exposing her soft skin, but if they waited any longer, Fox could perish any time. @Sensei Fox
Eloya heard a crash and then a splash, What's that? then she heard Solarex scream for help saying fox was impaled. She hastily put her book down and popped her head out the window. She saw Solarex and Fox in the water, Nothing wrong with that, that is until she noticed the red stream Oozing from Foxes chest knife handles pointing up. Not good, not good, not good. Her mind screamed as she sprung to her feet. She remembered her power, the ability to make persuade or make something happen, Maybe that could help? she wondered. Either way she ran up the stairs of the mill and quickly -but efficiently, tore the place apart in her search, she had the feeling she knew what to do if she had the right things, she noted a sowing area with thread, she grabbed that, then she looked around there was a white T-shirt, "This will have to do." she grabbed the objects and darted down the stares and jumping out the window landing with a thud, "Don't remove the knife yet, if you do he'll be free to bleed out." she explained calmly trying not to keep her head clear so she knew what to do, remembering her so called power she grabbed foxes hand, "Don't panic and feel minimal pain." she said, her hand suddenly projecting a comforting warmth and minimizing the pain, "Solarex, tear up the shirt into strips." she said. Then walked into the water and -as gently as possible, pulled him out, placing Fox on the dry mossy area.
Kyo playing around with his powers through his sound detection and the beginnings of his spatial sense indentified something terrible had happened. He used his vibration manipulation to accelerate himself to get to Fox and Solarex in just a few seconds. He saw Fox with three knives in his chest. "What the hell happened?" Kyo asked as he examined Fox trying to figure out a way to help him. Kyo then accelerated back inside the shack searched for a med kit found one and returned in about 30 seconds. He used telekinesis to remove the knives. He next searched for something for stop the bleeding. He withdrew some disinfectant and applied it stingly to the wounds. He withdrew some banages under them found a roll of stitches and a needle. He quickly measured out what he needed from the stitches and tied a knot at the end of the string. He then began to stitch the wounds closed calmly and slowly. He knew the longer he takes the more blood Fox loses but he has to do this right or Fox will die anyway. When he finished he handed the bandages to Solarex and went to go wash his hands in the river. He knew Fox would likely need a blood transfusion or a nice long rest, possibly both.

@Sensei Fox @yumiyukifan1 @Aelin
Fox felt the struggle between a power of relief and fiery pain that had paralyzed him before. His eyes opened although his perception was blurred. He knew people were treating him, but that was the extent of his understanding. Every outline around him was blurred. One certain outline began intensifying and he began breathing heavily. Everyone's backs were turned to that symbol on the wall. It had begun burning crimson again and Fox felt that figure coming again. Fox screamed as he forced his body to it's feet and charged the symbol. He drew both of his own knives and swung wildly at the symbol, deforming he shape and knocking holes in the boards. He swung and emptied his lungs until he collapsed into the wall and left a long smear of blood on the way down. The symbol stopped glowing and giving off any vibrations. Fox had torn his stitches and his breathing slowed while he was on the ground again. His consciousness was fading.
So much for don't panic, should have said stay calm. She thought as Fox nearly trampled her, she gaped as he attacked the wall with such force even though injured, then she hastily reacted. Jumping up -grabbing the stitches before Kyo did since she wanted to be incredibly thorough and grabbed Fox's hand again, "Feel no pain, don't panic and don't move until I say so." she said, it was taking up a lot of energy since she was practically blocking all of his pain receptors but at least he wouldn't get hurt. She quickly grabbed another thing of disinfectant and used her nimble fingers to clean the cut, after she was sure it was completely clean she grabbed the needles and stitches and started stitching making each one close to each other to make sure it was completely sealed. Eloya assessed her work, good but she still needed to wrap it. She ripped off a long, thick strip of the T-shirt off and wrapped it around his chest, tying a not at the back tight enough to cover and protect the cut but loose enough it wasn't uncomfortable, "Can someone help carry him inside?" she asked, she knew she wasn't strong enough to do that on her own. She realized she must have had first aid training before, it felt like she knew exactly what she was doing when she did that.
Fox mumbled incoherently while Eloya worked. His body was limp and he only knew that he wasn't dead. Everything else around him was a dark lifeless void if not for the sounds of people talking.

The small datapad that had been taken from a guard at the facility flashed and buzzed. The only thing on the screen was the symbol that had previously been on the wall and the words: CODENAME: Reaper.
"Or I'll do it myself." She muttered, trying to gently sit the nearly unconscious man up, "You can move now." she said softy then she helped him up to his feet, "Can you walk?" she asked, if he could it would make this a lot easier. She was worried he'd get an infection if he stayed outside to long, or he'd see something and he'd start freaking out again, inside seemed a tad safer and she hoped he obliged.
"Sorry let me". Kyo levitated Fox off the ground a few inches and carried him telekinetically and slowly into the shack. He carried Fox up the stairs and set him down on the bed up there. Kyo said "Someone bandagd him please." He then looked at the data pad, it said Codename: Reaper and the symbol on the wall that Fox attacked. Kyo tried to access more information but it said Top Secret and to even access images there was an encryption. Kyo then gave up and looked for similar files of that nature and found three others Archangal, Rorschach, and Behemoth. But those files were top secret and encrypted too. The only thing Kyo could gleam from all this is that they need to watch out for these guys.

Another thought hit Kyo, they can't stay here much longer if one of the Nexus agents have seen them here. That means they should have a quick means of escape from here. Kyo thought, for now until they find something the plan would be to hijack a nexus vehicle.

@Joka @Shadow @ShadowedNexus @yumiyukifan1
Ruby hadn't realized she had been in a daze the whole time. She was actually unaware of the events that transpired just moments ago. She noticed some colored gas in the air. A flare? But from who? Those Nexus people? She stood up and dusted off her skirt. She fixed her hair a bit and then headed back to the shack. It was only then did she see Fox. She gasped a bit and was wondering what happened. Whoever sent the flare must of been from one of her 'party' members, for this very reason.
Fox tossed a bit in the bed. He had been severely weakened by not only losing blood but by the conflict of Eloya's powers and whatever had taken hold of him when he was struck. He started coughing lightly for a moment, and then violently before falling off the bed and onto the hard wooden slat floor. "Fu-" He coughed hard and sprayed blood. "-ck". He struggled trying to get to his feet. He could at least feel his surroundings now. He moved sluggishly getting to his knees and wiping the blood from his lips. He started to get up again fell forward to land on all fours. He stayed there breathing deeply. He spit a few times which left light red stains on the ground.

@Joka @Newtype
She face palmed, "No offense but if you want to live I suggest you quit falling." she said to Fox with a sarcastic yet concerned tone. She walked over and grabbed his hand once again muttering, "Feel no pain." and helped him up and back onto the bed. She grabbed a few pillows and placed them on the floor near the bed, incase he fell again then got up and sat down on the floor, back against the wall, she was quite tired now, probably didn't help she was using so much of her power at once to make sure Fox didn't freak out or start feeling unbearable pain.
Kyo went back inside and up the stairs to Fox's bedside. "Now that Nexus know we are here, a plan must be made. I think I should secure a Nexus vehicle from the nearest Nexus police station. If I steal one of those then I can get us out of here before Nexus rolls up and subdues us. I will require the aid of only one other someone who has begun to grasp their power as I have. I will try to steal some airborne vehicle, this data pad tells me of a stealth aircraft and the location of the nearest station."

@Joka @Shadow @ShadowedNexus @yumiyukifan1
Alexia was surprised by the attack and the noise that it made. She ran inside Fox's bedroom where many stood and listened quietly. Once Kyo had said the word 'power' everything started to make sense to her. Back at the place she had wished that the mechanic dog would shut down, and it did, only when she touched it. She wondered if that was her only ability. She wanted to go, but she didn't want to bother them, if someone else was more capable than her. When no one spoke up she stepped forward, "I can I...if no one else is willing."
Viktor, seeing the young girl step up also spoke up, "Probably not smart for you, you're a bit young to be involved in anything like this." Viktor said, trying not to sound condescending. "I can help depending on what you need. I'm not 100% sure how to use mine, but I still have a good grasp." He continued, talking to Kyo. Viktor knew how to control his power at least, and it could prove useful in the long run for him to use it more so as to learn how to control it more efficiently. "I have a good understanding for my own, and this would be a good chance for me to test it out and see how good it is." Viktor finished, looking at Kyo.
(My laptop broke! Using phone. Wooh)

She stood up, "I'd be useful, I'll go and I did just prove I could use my power on Fox over here." She said. Besides she didn't know anyone else who can make people blab top secret information with a simple touch in here, "Besides, I can make them forget what happened if we get caught." She said.

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