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Fantasy The Nexus Project

She winced as she was hit by the open fire, but it didn't really hurt, she looked down at her arm and found that there was no tear or anything, "What the heck..." she looked over at the guy who gave his jacket to him, Did he just take down all four of them? she wondered, gaping slightly, she wasn't exactly caring she just wanted to know if that girl was okay, she bolted past, simultaneously dropping his jacket in front of him and stopped in front of the girl who tried to blend in with the corpses, "Are you okay?" she asked inspecting the girl, she seemed to be younger then Eloya was, she hoped the girl didn't panick.

@yumiyukifan1 @Sensei Fox
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Solarex blinked in confusion, though her expression didn't show any sign of it. The teen nodded at the stranger and said in her monotonous voice, "Yeah." She stared blankly at the girl that had approached her. Blood from the new corpses ,that were murdered by what seemed to be a comrade of the girl, had splattered on her clothing and face, making Solarex look like the real killer of the scene. The teen grabbed a knife, hanging out of one of dead guards and stuffed it in her pocket before getting up. It seemed as if the male had killed all the guards who were assigned to this hallway, but they all knew there were plenty more coming.

@Aelin @Sensei Fox
Eloya was happy the girl was okay, "What's your name?" She asked giving the girl a quick once over, she looked quite creepy since she was covered in blood, she could tell she had been fighting that or something happened near her, Eloya felt kind of cowardly, she hadn't fought because she had taken a different route to get out so she didn't have to fight, she held out her hand to help her up, "Here come with us." she said.
Solarex looked at the hand that the girl had held out for her. She stared at it for awhile before grasping the hand. "Solarex...." The teen responded and stood up. Why did they want her with them? Was the stranger being kind and caring, or did they need her for something? Well, everyone wanted to escape, so she might as well take the opportunity. "..... Do you know where to escape to...?" She asked, her expression showing no sign of any emotion. @Aelin
She then realized it, they had no idea were to escape to, "I have no idea were to escape.... chances are where under ground since there's no windows so I think we have to go up." she said, she turned around and looked at the guy that gave her his jacket earlier, "How do we get out of here?" Eloya asked, hoping he would know. She looked around for any indicator, Yeah they'll totally have an exit sign in this facility, she thought.

@yumiyukifan1 @Sensei Fox
Kyo watched the dude in black take down 4 Nexus Security. Kyo then saw something on the body of the one that had shot his comrades forcibly. Kyo walked over and picked a device from his belt. It was some sort of Data pad. He cycled through it seeing Nexus Project. He didn't read it in depth but cycled through it observing only the more captivating knowledge; Nexus, Project, Serum, Powers,and a map of the facility conveniently a point where they are currently. Kyo memorized the way out. Kyo then walked over to the guy in black and handed him the data pad and said "Mind, holding on to this. I think its important." Kyo then introduced himself "I am Kyoshirou Takeda, call me Kyo or Shirou for short. I don't understand what is going on but its clear we need to leave this place. I think we should go this way." Kyo said pointing down the hall the guards came from. Then some Nexus K9 units came down the other hallway leaving only one way to go. The first unit lounged at him and he wished his blade was sharop enough to hack through it, then suddenly his blade started to vibrate intensely when he swung and cleaved the dog in two.

Solarex wasn't too surprised when the K-9 units came. She looked at the guy who sliced one of them in half and took out the knife in her pocket. Her eyes were focused on the nearest one and she calculated the aim and landing of the knife. It was only a matter of time before the machine dog leaped at her and the blade was thrown. Just like what Solarex had predicted, the knife went through the dog's head and she walked over to the robot corpse and ripped out her weapon. She waited for another attack from the units, since they all knew more were coming and were going to execute them. "We all will die that way... Are you sure we're supposed to enter there?" She asked with her dull tone.

@Newtype @Aelin @Sensei Fox
"I'm blind, you ass." Hēi mumbled as he ticked the pad into his harness. It wouldn't hurt to keep it around for someone that had eyes. The current moment was what mattered. 3 K9 units were inbound fully operational. The anomaly had already dispatched one. That was easy enough. Next, one of the girls destroyed it's internals. Now for the part that would get them out. Fox waited for the last dog to make it's lunge at him. The unit made impacts and Fox took hold of it. He used his own mass to add to the dog's and went flying into a wall. The vibrations of the hard impact revealed the rest of the facility, as well as the exit. Fox ran his knife around the dog's neck and severed most of the electronics. "Let's go." Fox got up and started down a hallway. It would be clear up until the door.
Bree screamed as she woke up falling to the floor. She looked up and saw some guy running out of the room. She stood up and brushed herself off. She looked at the door as someone walked in, brandishing a gun. She gasped and jumped over a fallen table behind her. She listened quietly then peeked around the table. She ducked back behind the table when bullets flew by. The person walked closer and his foot came into her line of sight. She grabbed a piece of concrete that had broken off the wall and threw it at his foot. He screamed and grabbed his foot. She jumped back over the table and ran for the door. She heard several gunshots but wasn't injured. She saw a bunch of corpses in the hallway and gasped. She ran around them trying not to look. Suddenly she heard a gunshot behind her. Her body tensed, expecting to feel burning pain. She turned around and saw the guy with the gun standing behind her. He was holding the gun level with her head, looking confused. She ran quickly down the nearest hallway, sliding to a stop when she saw a group of people, most of them children. Her eyes widened at how much blood was covering them. She looked behind her then back at the group. "Can you help me?" She asked, noticing that they were armed.
"We were just leaving." Fox nodded to the newcomer to the group as he sprinted down the hall. At the end, a large door stood already blown open by a powerful force. Bodies were strewn in several pieces around the door already. It seemed that another group had already escaped. Fox stepped warily out of the bulkhead and felt less vibration than before. The ground under him was loose with billions of protrusions sprouting from it. The air was vibrant and alive rather than stale and medical.

His memories flashed again to a field full of grass. That girl was there again. This place was similar. This was a field. He was outside.
(Labtop froze xD )

Eloya followed them and looked around, there was a sky, "Wow." she said as she looked up, it felt unreal, "Am I hallucinating?" she wondered out loud then looked around, her blonde hair blazing behind her as she tried to turn her head in 1000 directions at once. She looked at the area and smiled, taking a step but tripping and falling on her back, it didn't even hurt she was to happy to care. She was free.
Bree watched one of the guys go outside. She looked back and wasn't surprised to see the guy from earlier coming over, gun raised. He fired off several rounds. She ducked, hoping the others saw him. All she heard was a few quiet tapping noises before the bullets vanished. She picked up and pipe off the ground and ran towards the guy, hitting him across the temple. He dropped, unconscious. She dropped the pipe and ran outside, sucking in the clean air. She slumped against the wall of the building, trying to ignore the weird things that had happened.
As everyone made their way towards freedom Viktor followed. Finally they had escaped from that place and were outside. The smell of the lab grew faint and distant as they made their way outside. "We should probably keep going until this place is out of sight, then we can set up some sort of camp and get everyone situated." Viktor suggested to everyone, hoping for some approval. You know, most of us have done some weird things, it might be a good thing to find out as much as we can about that. He continued in his head, he wasn't sure if everyone else saw everything that happened, but he did and they would all have to find out what happened to them in those labs.
Alexia followed everyone outside quietly. She had stood almost at the back, observing everyone. They were all different. She was different. She stepped out of the horrible place and it took her sometime to adjust to the lighting. Once her vision came back to normal she saw the bright blue sky and the field ahead of her. Was she out of that place? and where exactly is she? She looked around to see that the group had gotten larger, which means that they'll be more noticeable to others, but it could also mean that all of them will have more chance of surviving, since they can help each other. She breath in the fresh air and waited for the next move.
Solarex stepped out into the open and squinted in the sunlight. The fresh air felt good, and the wind blew calmly on her skin, making her breathe and feel a bit refreshed. The teen then stiffened and turned around. Nothing was behind them, good. Her surroundings seemed to welcome them, except for the building behind them. "We should be cautious too... Who knows what could be following..."
Fox kicked the bulkhead hard and held his foot to it for a moment before moving back to a normal standing position. He didn't feel anything coming after them. Nothing else inside was moving. "Nothing is following." Fox began walking into the field somewhat aimlessly. Feeling anything through the dirt was difficult. However, the blowing winds created enough movement to reveal every blade of grass around him. They each passed the sensation of touch among each other gracefully. The grass he stood on was short and light. Further ahead, longer strands and stalks danced in various motions. He even saw the outlines of small creatures as the grass made contact with them. This world was fat preferable to where he had been. Fox gaped slightly as he took in all of these movements around him. His mind wandered back to the human forms that stood behind him. As beautiful as this world was, the place they had come from very much wanted them dead. This world was dangerous, perhaps more dangerous than staying inside those cold medical walls. Fox sighed, they would have to embrace the danger. They would have to take care of each other. They would most likely have to fight to survive against increasing dangers. He pulled the coat that had weathered several hails of bullets over his shoulders and turned his head to the group. "We're the last ones out." With that, he began walking into the tall grass. The feeling was enjoyable as he walked and gained a larger, ever changing picture of the field.
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She got up and looked around at the little group, "Did I even ask your names?" She asked, she had a feeling she would become friends with these people so why not ask there names, "I'm Eloya Grace by the way." She said. She looked around noticing alot of them are bloody, "Also are yall okay?" She asked hoping none were hurt.

Eloya's mind drifted to defending herself, she had no clue how to so she probably needed to learn how. Later she'd probably ask someone to teach her but for now she just felt like getring away from the dreaded place.
"I'm Alexia," she replied to the girl who called herself Eloya, "Alexia Treasure." She smiled at her then looked around. Does that mean they're free now? Alexia didn't think so, it was too easy for them to have escaped. She looked down at her clothes and noticed that they were dirtied by blood, not her blood, but the blood of others in the hallway. She flinched at the memory of the hallway and the mechanic dog that almost killed her. "I'm good," she said, double-checking that she was all right. There was no visible wounds, and she didn't remember getting hurt, so she should be fine. "What now?" she asked, no one in particular, as she looked back at the place that she had escaped from then turned her attention back to the wide green field.
"...I'm Solarex...." Solarex said staring straight ahead across the field. Something was off, what was it? She didn't know but it was really unusual... Just like when nothing followed them outside, except for the escapees. Her clothing was stained with the blood of others from disguising herself as a corpse. It was good it wasn't her blood, because right before the shooting had started, she found out her blood became acidic and could burn through her clothing and many other materials. There were some bruises and cuts not too big for the blood to pour out, but overall, she was fine. Her short shaggy hair was caked with blood and sweat and her blue eyes were calm and dull. "...Where are we heading to?...."
(I'm gunna skip us a bit)

The scenary had changed to an old dirt road with sparse grass gradually. The road itself was uneven and looked as if some massive object had just been haphazardly dragged across the area. Fox felt the change. The ground here was much more packed except for the loose dust covering it. He decided that it would be best to follow the road. Hiding in a grass field would be too much exposure for the younger of the group. They needed a proper shelter. After traveling the road for some time, fox felt a change. The ground composition was different. It conducted vibration like blood did, no it was like water. There was water somewhere. People were always drawn to water. That was a basic human instinct, and Fox followed it. He deviated off the path and into another field of tall grass. The ground here was different from that of the path. It was loose and had the properties of the liquid infused ground he felt. Someone had worked this soil. Therefore, some kind of structure had to be around. Finally, he felt what he was looking for. The flowing vibration of moving water and a steady groan of wood on wood. Up ahead, Fox tapped out the outline of an old mill. It was run down and very much abandoned. The wood was weak, he could feel it. The one strong point was the water wheel that turned with the flow of the river. Fox dashed forward and placed his hand on the aging wood wall of the shack. It was vacant. Being closer to the water wheel and river revealed more of the surroundings as well without him having to tap a foot or hit a wall. This location would be perfect. Fox had already felt that the change in temperature showed it was becoming night. They had walked all day and surprisingly not left anyone behind. Even the little ones of the group were stronger than they seemed. He turned to the group once they had all come within a reasonable hearing range. "We're going to rest here for now. There's a water wheel and a river for anyone that needs to clean up. Otherwise, search the shack and try to find somewhere comfortable to relax."

(Quick tag-line just in case people don't receive notifications or haven't checked the OOC.)

@Newtype @jakobtatee @Joka @yumiyukifan1
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Kyo walked along with everyone else the whole time. He had recovered the data pad from Fox and was looking at all the information. He wondered why a guard would have something like this, then he remembered how panicked that guard seemed in the face of escapees, that guard must have not beena guard but maybe one of the researchers. Kyo spent the whole time trying to make sense of whaths was reading. Only some snaps of information made sense to him. Apparently, they were given a serum called Nexus which made them beyond human. There were numerous failures and for some reason test subjects show amnesia. Patients exhibit three powers. This serum was supposed to revolutionize humanity, from what Kyo has seen this serum must've been meant to create a superior breed of warrior.

Kyo put the data pad away as his eyes fell on a house with a water wheel. He decided to go check it out. But then something else hit him he wondered how Fox is able to see could it be one of his powers. Kyo thought about what happened at the facility when he the sword came flying into his handsand when the sword vibrated extra fast to slice the K9 in two. Kyo thought about this as he searched the shack for a good spot to sleep. He walked up a set of stairs to find a bed by a window, whoever worked this mill before must've slept here as well. Kyo sat down on the bed and thought about what he read.
Solarex dropped down by the river and started to cup the water in her hands. She drank her fill and found an old rusted up bucket to wash and scrub off the dirt and blood off her face. While doing so, she thought back to what had happened at the facility. What they do to her and these other escapees? What was in those drugs they tested on her? A shiver ran through her spine as she remembered the huge needle that had injected something inside her. Solarex then emptied the bucket and placed it by the river for the next person to use. They were going to have to shower either before or during evening because some animals are attracted to the smell of blood and could attack anytime. She didn't want to be a victim, so Solarex headed to the back of the mill and took off her clothing to wash up.
Fox wandered around the shack, dragging his hand over the wood. the inside was suitable enough. It would be spacious enough for group. Wind wouldn't be a problem and rain wouldn't drench them either if it came. Where were these thoughts coming from? Fox could only barely remember his name through a flashback but all of this, the killing, survival, and hiding from armed pursuers came naturally. Why? He had already worked out that he had been able to see at some point in his life and that he was older than most here, but not very much older. This instinct had to either be the product of something the facility did to him or from experience before even being in the facility. He wished that he had his memory back. It wasn't the worst thing to happen today but it would make it so much better just to remember something. Fox rounded the shack to the side facing the river and felt something odd in the wood. He knew the wood was weak, but this seemed to be an intentional marking. He knew there was someone else around the corner, but they were familiar. His attention focused on this marking.

He began walking with his hand slowly moving up and down the wood siding. He came within a few arm spans of the group member that was already behind the shack before he stopped. His kept feeling the wall until he found it. An etched, no, burned marking in the shack. In the night, it was almost unnoticeable. Even during the day, the aged wood would have masked it from a distance. Yet, here it was. It was some kind of sigil slightly wider than window.
Fox began tracing it with both hands now, trying to take in the details. He had entirely ignored the person that was with him at this point. this curiosity was not something natural to have on a waterwheel mill in the middle of nowhere.

Alexia followed the group till they reached another new location. A smile appeared on her face when she saw the river. It seems as though she didn't have a shower for ages, plus the smell of blood was starting to get to her. She quickly wash up and make sure to get rid of every stain of blood from her body. It was a little complicated with clothes, since she didn't have some other clothes to change into so she try to get the blood out of her clothes as much as she could. While washing up, her mind wondered back to the vicious K9 unit that had attack her. She wondered if she had stopped the machine or maybe someone had done something with the controller. She shook her head to get rid of the thought. After she was happy with herself she entered the house, yawning from tiredness. At least her and others in the group have a place to stay, but is this place really safe? She looked around for somewhere that she might able to sleep. Since she was small, she didn't need a whole bedroom to herself, a simple sofa would be plenty for her small self.
The only thing poking out of the water was Solarex's head, the rest of her body was under water. She was scrubbing off all the dirt and germs when the guy who had killed 4 guards appeared in front of her, looking at the wood like there was soemthing interesting about it. A blunt expression still hung on her face as she yelled in her monotonous tone, "Hey, Mister, Notice that you're intruding on somebody's bath time...." She kept staring at him with her dull eyes and waited for him to respond or leave. It was rude and embarrassing to see someone taking a wash, especially of the opposite gender. But what was so special about the piece of wood he was staring at? Was it that interesting? @Sensei Fox

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