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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

"Debrief? What in the world is that?"

What was he talking about? She didn't belong with them, she didn't have abliitys , and as sure as rain didn't give 'debrief's' whatever those were. Though, figuring she didn't have anywhere else to be, she stopped and faced Isaac.
"And why would I want to do that?" She honestly did not find that intriguing, whatsoever. She understood why they might want to, but couldn't they just talk to the other people?
"Oh, well I don't do well with talking with people...as you can tell." Wait, why did she tell him that? What was wrong with her? Did she want to be cast out, again? Sighting she made up her mind.

"Ok, nevermind. Where are they....can you just take me to them?" She stumbled over her words. Inwardly kicking herself, she promised herself that she could do this.
"You might not have to give us your whole story my dear." Abia said as he walked towards the pair who were conversing loud enough for him to hear them.

"You've been through a lot in such a short time, it is not every day that we are attacked by minions of the dark." He said soothingly.

"But I have to know though, I saw you two heading up the hill and engaging in a short battle with the demon or man who attacked us. Did you by any chance see his face?" He asked them, he had an idea about who it was, but he was hoping that he was wrong.
"Wait everyone knows I fainted?" Daiva's face flamed with humility. She was supposed to be the knight in shining armor, not the damsel in distress! Oh well. Nothing she could do about it now. Breathing deeply, she was about to go outside, when another man came in, talking to her.

"Uh, um. Yeah, I know he..uh looked like" Wow, she couldn't even talk to an old man. Some knight. "Well sort of."
Vergil saw his new allies talking ad went over to them. "So I see you're awake. Congratulations friends on our win." He hit Isaac and Davia on the back.
Flinching at the touch, she then realized that the newcomer wasnt attacking her, and he had called her friend? Well there was a first for everything. Diava smiled. She might have found a home, a place that would actually accept her. What was she thinking? Of course they wouldn't. As soon as they found out that she had no powers, they'd throw her out. She'd just lead them on, as if she did. Deciding it was time, she introduced herself.

"Hi, the names Daiva." Turning around she put out her hand, for him to shake.
"Well can you please tell me what he looked like then my dear. It is valuable information for the Council. Which still requires all your presences but not yet. But you all trully did wonderful work." Said Abia, twirling his Avion's Council locket in his hand.
Snapping back to attention. She turned and faced the man, so, he was part of the council "This may sound weird, but he actually looked similar to you. He had a beard...and stuff. I honestly thought he was demon before, but I'm not so sure now. Unless demons now can look like humans." She wondered who the man thought the 'demon' was. If he wouldn't tell her on his own, she'd ask.
Vergil was about to shake her hand until she turned away. He closed his hand and said quietly, "Ok. I'm Vergil by the way." He smirked even though he had his helmet on.
Not knowing which way to face, she turned back to face Vergil. "Nice to meet you." She then again, stuck out her hand, for him to shake.
Abia's felt went pale and his knees weakened but he kept his balance. So his assamptions were correct, but it was very painful to know that the man he once called a friend and student had sunk that low. To actually lead an attack against his former family and friends was unthinkable.

Abia sighed and looked down, for the first time his age finally caught up to him and every bone in his body felt heavy.

"The man you speak of was indeed a human, a magician actually. And it is true that he looks like me, after all he did learn everything he knows from me and he spent almsot all of his time for the past thirty years with me." He said to the girl, then he turned around and began walking away.

"My name is Abia Di'Natale of Tar Mare and Elite member of Avion's Council." He called back to them as an after thought, after all the girl had given her name so he might as well do the same.
Daiva really didn't know which way to face, she slightly turned her head, to see the man walk away. He looked like he had been through too may things. He had a pretty long name too. So the 'demon' wasn't a demon, and he was actually a traitor? That was actually really surprising.

She turned her head back to Vergil, wondering if he would actually shake her hand.
((This has been amazing, thanks to you guys who keep posting. But I'm going to sleep now so good night from my side.))
((Ok, see ya later))

Daiva smiled, and grimaced at the same time. Vergil had strength, and wasn't afraid to show it. Breaking off the pain. To no one in particular, "So, what now?"
"Train for..." Daiva trailed off. She then realized he was probsbly talking about their powers. "Yeah good idea, do you guys have an arena or something?"

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