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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

Isaac looked towards the sky through a window and saw a dark cloud coming. "This doesn't look good" he said, then he shouted "Everybody outside now!" as he ran to the door and started to open it.
Daiva couldn't agree more, she had been watching this whole exchange, and wanted out. People might start asking her questions, questions she didn't want to answer. She didn't think she had an ability, well unless it was the ability to steal, which she doubted. Heading out the door, she didn't wit for anyone. She was tired of the place already, and she hadn't even found out what the council wanted with her yet. She looked around for the guard, who had taken her horse. She wanted out of this place, and she wanted out fast. Not finding him, she wandered the streets, looking for some type of stable. That's when she saw him, the man she had borrowed the horse from. The man was talking to the guard, who had taken her horse. Panicking inside, she looked for a hiding spot. That's when the storm caught her eye. Deciding she should just borrow again, she found a nearby horse. Untying the rope, she got ready to run.
Ariolle ran behind the guy, Isaac. She wasn't usually good with names so right then, she wanted to rejoice, but another explosion quickly made that thought dissipate.

She tried to absorb the storm that the clouds were creating. It was too powerful. Too energy-draining.

"Where is the Avion's Council!?", she shouted, trying to make her voice be heard even among the explosions. "Or is it like the Wizard of Oz in that story? All lies."

But just then, her eyes caught on to the girl she had met earlier. The girl hoped on a horse, ready to gallop away.

"Oh no you don't", Ariolle said, losing her concentration on the storm and instead lifted the horse and it's traitor rider up and onto the balcony of the room they were in.

"You were trying to run away", Ariolle stated the obvious, glaring at her.
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She followed him out. He was too stupid.

"Fight the dark magic with an armore and sword. Wow, such a brilliant idea!", she said sarcastically, before turning serious again. "We are more in number. If we have good strategy, we can atleast drive them off until next time! You'll get us all killed if you go out there immediately."
Seeing the white haired guy, she knew she should go, but the fascinated her. They had powers for crying out loud! Daiva's gut feeling said she should stay, realizing this was her first time, her gut had ever said that. She decided to let her gut feeling guide her. Snapping out of her thought process, she saw a man point at her. Realizing she was still holding the rope of the horse, she quickly tied it back up. She didn't want the man thinking she was going to steal it. Too late, the guards were advancing on her. Desperate for a way out, she rushed into the crowd, trying to blend in. If worse came to worse, she had her two Katana swords at her sides.
"We don't have time they won't wait for us to come up with a plan" he turned to the guards and yelled "Get all your troops ready for battle" not slowing down
The guards perked up from the order, and got ready, forgetting her. She sighed, she'd have to thank the white haired guy later, she didn't do well with not paying debts. Deciding she could help, she raced up behind the guy, unsheating her twin precious swords. Daiva didn't know how to fight demons, but she'd try anything in her power to stop them. She instantly paused her thinking. Fighting demons? Where had this come from? She had never wanted to do this before...

"I'd like to help" she said to the white haired guy.
Not wanting to risk the guards, "I'll just follow you, with the lead charge." She inwardly cursed herself, what had she gotten herslef into?
She looked at him, she had never had someone show any compassion towards her, never. Slightly smiling.

"Me too, the name is Daiva" not knowing what to do, she just starred at him, she didn't exactly have social skills. Never had the chance, as soon as people figured out she was a beggar, they cast her out. Which is why, she had to 'borrow' things.
"Uh people? No time for introductions. We have a big problem here", Ariolle called from outside with weak voice.

She had gone back to attempting to absorb the storm. It was working to some extent but it was draining her dry. Her knees started to give up. Just then, she saw a cloaked figure behind the clouds.

"There's someone there. Behind the clouds", she told them. "It's the one who's controlling this weather, I'm sure."
Don't die? No problem, but the girl was right, no time for introductions. She was ready. She didn't know why she knew that, but she knew she was ready. Getting ready to charge the hill, she smiled. After this, she might actually have a friend.

"Let's do this"
Vergil followed Isaac. He admired his perfect leading skills. Vergil was just a warrior not a leader. He asked Isaac, "What should I do? Just follow you and kill every enemy I see?" He said smiling and putting his helmet back on. He gripped his sword and unsheathed it.
Ariolle let herself fall down to her knees, allowing her energy to renew.

Who was doing this? What was their purpose? To destroy the town? No, it couldn't be that simple.
Vergil laughed and said, "Oh ya sure. Pardon me." He said as he took Horse Stance and let a square of earth around Isaac lift into the sky. "You might want to get in te middle of that square." He said as he dropped te middle to the ground lightly and then Waite for Isaac to get off out of the way. He was tensing bet muscle in his body almost passing out.
Whirling her swords, she felt free. She didn't enjoy killing, no rather she enjoyed letting loose. She had been containing all of this...anger. Faltering, she felt a sword slit her arm. She hissed and dispatched the attacker. She fought demon, after demon, pretty soon there were bodies, covering the ground around her, deciding to change postions, she ran a little bit up the hill more, and started to fight again, the pain of her arm, held her back though.

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