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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

Vergil let the earth fall at light speed. All enemies were crushed from falling that fast. He continued running around punching his enemies to bits from his super strength. He was ready to pass out but he was still going, the adrenaline coursing through his veins was keeping him from passing out.
Isaac's attention was now in the circle of demons closing in on him so he grabbed his sword stretched his hand out in a circle like motion and cut them all in half, and made his arm come back as he charged for the head demon although he was tired from using his power.
Abia ran among the panicked crowed, his staff in hand and ready for battle. He had 5 other mebers of the Council behind him, with the others helping out in different parts of the city.

"Spread out and help anyone who might be injured, also find any weak spots in our wall that the enemy might attack again..." He shouted to his partners but cut off as he saw a girl who seemed to be focussed on the magic storm attack.

He raced towards the girl as he saw the girl drop to her knees from exhaustion.

"Come dear girl, you need to rest." He said to her gently as he pulled her up slightly, his Council robes blowing in the wind around her.

"Watch over her until she regains her strength." He ordered three nearby soldiers. Then he turned towards the hill where the source of the attack seemed to be coming from.

It was time for the civilians who thought the Council was nothing but a myth to see just how real and powerful they really were.
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Isaac looked back seeing that everybody would be safe for the time being he yelled "Help me take him down!" he said pointing to the demon controlling the storm.
Daiva felt the temor of the earth. How can he be keeping this up? Dispatching all of the demons. in her area. She went to go help the others. They seemed to be getting beat down, from exhaustion. Heading over to Isaac, she saw the new comer with the staff. Was this the council? Whatever, she needed to help the group. Starting her movement of her swords again, she got lost in her train of thoughts.

Hearing Isaac, she saw storm maker. Without thinking, she charged.
"Wait!" Isaac said but she was out of his reach and by the time his arm would have got to her it would have been to late, so he to charged.
Daiva's only objective was to get to that demon. She couldn't let him hurt any innocent people, she couldn't let him continue with the storm. She had a debt to pay, and she would pay it. If she died, she didn't really have a life to live, so not much to lose there. Most people were afraid of death. Daiva? She wasn't, she learned to embrace the fact, that she could die, when she was Ina really low state, when no one would help her, and she hadn't developed the skill to 'borrow' she had to accept the fact that she would probably die that night, so she was ready. If it was her destiny to die right now, so be it.

Almost at the demon, she took a deep breath, and prepared herself.
Vergil still attacking lost his breath and started to walk towards the demon making he storm flinging pebbles at the heads of his enemies to knock them to the groin so he could pass. He saw. Girl running there and tried to make a wal of earth to stop her from getting to the powerful demon. He wanted no one else to get hurt from this demon. He continued to speed up but the girl was faster than him. He doubled over in an attempt to catch his breath.
Isaac managed to catch up despite the fact he was felt like he would pass out and said "I hope you know that this is really stupid and we should have waited" he said pulling the small dagger he always kept the one from that day.... but he just kept charging, he said he would keep everybody safe.
"Stupid? What's stupid is that this demon is still alive!" With a last burst of energy, she got ahead of Isaac, raising one of her swords to attack the demon, she swung down.
The arc of her sword, was halted, by an outburst of pain. She screamed to the sky in pain, and collapsed at the feet of the demon, she felt the world start to twirl. Not letting herself faint, she tried to get up.
With a large burst of energy Ragan released a blinding flash of light. And he immediately ran. OH SHIT! Thought Ragan.

Ragan quickly created more rain of death sphere. Because he had almost exhausted his power the only thing the spheres could do was produce bright flashes of light. In the blinding confusion Ragan quickly escaped.
Putting himself between Davia and the demon he went to attack but was blinded and ended up not hitting anything and when he could see again the demon was gone.
Due to the Ragan's flight the minions that were with him ended up losing all sense of order and ended up losing their purposes. Instead off attacking in cohesive units they lost all order and were at the mercy of the much more disciplined soldiers of Tar Marea.
Isaac saw the demons were retreating and being killed by the guards, but with body growing tired he fell to the ground laughing happy that they won there fight.
Daiva, couldn't get up, she was in too much pain. She tried breathing, but she couldn't. Then she started to see things, her body was turning, almost into liquid. The pain wiped out her energy, she was helpless. She saw the demons fly away, she then slipped into unconsciousness.

((Just for everyone's knowledge, Diava is currently learning her ability, she is starting to turn into water, but since she slipped into unconsciousness. She turned all the way back to human form.))
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Isaac looked over and saw that Daiva was unconsciousness and with new found energy he picked her up and started making his way down the hill to the medics. And left her in their care before going to go get himself patched up.
Daiva slowly woke up. Finding her herself in new surroundings, her hand instantly went to her side, where her two swords should be. She then instantly got reintroduced to the pain of her arm. She then remembered everything, well all to the part where she had ended up here. She looked at her arm, to find it bandaged. Well that's a first she thought to herself. She needed to find her swords though. Wondering if anyone was here, "Hello? Does anyone know where my swords are?"
Medical barracks, so thats where she was. Testing her strength, she got up. She was a little wobbly, but she could hold her weight. She stumbled outside of the barracks. She then saw Isaac.

"Thanks for the save back there, I have no idea what happened."

She then spotted her swords, she siged, relieved that they were safe.
Could she do anything right?! Trying a new tatic, "I'm sorry, you're right. Thanks for the save anyways." Diava, not wanting to make things worse, grabbed her swords, and headed away from Isaac, with no clue where she was going to go.

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