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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

Vergil's mouth was open although It couldn't show be cause he had his helmet on. He said, "that was awesome. I would demonstrate my abilities but we are inside. When he leave o shall show off." He smirked and let go of Isaac's hand.
Vergil, the goody-two shoes that he is, said, "Are we allowed to leave? Should we ask if we can?" He was a little bit nervous that they would start without them there.
"It's obvious that they need us for our powers", Ariolle's voice came from the other corner of the room. She continued, without looking up from her book," The Fiend has risen again. I don't believe much in prophecies but this book is easily convincing."


"I agree with Isaac." said Augustus, voicing out his thoughts. "The Council must be making their way here now, and I recommend that we get ready for our encounter. Speaking of encounters, has anyone of you met the Council before? I know
I have not yet." Okay, so he now knew the guy with hair white as snow, Isaac, the one with the helmet, Vergil, and the one who could float, Ariolle. There were still others in the room who had not yet introduced themselves however, and Augustus decided to wait for them to speak up. He was not going to walk up to them and say, 'Oh hey, what's up? I'm Augustus, who are you?'. If he were to throw in high class manners, that seemed a bit rude. But luckily for him, he wasn't one of those arrogant men who lusted for power, even though they already 'had' what they wanted.
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Ariolle scoffed, still immersed into her book. "The council only shows up when they need something. But when we need something, it's like they don't even exist."

But then, Ariolle looked at him. "What's your power?", she repeated her question from earlier. 'And no, miniature sword fighting is not an ability."


The young man sighed. "Like I said earlier, I do not know. And I highly doubt your opinion on sword fighting. It's like calling the ability to breathe useless." he said, getting his dagger from its sheath. Its metal blade glinted under the peeking rays of the sun. "Even if I had an ability, I wouldn't know." Then, as if fate was saying, '
Oh really, now?', he placed his index and middle finger on the flat side of the blade and then suddenly, it bended. The result was an absolutely stunned Augustus. "What...? How is this even possible?" he quietly asked himself as he hastily tried to straighten the blade again, and fortunately, he succeeded. Sighing in relief, he placed the dagger back in its sheath. "...I probably can manipulate metal, or the blade is just weak."
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That was interesting enough to make Ariolle close her book and speed across the room and to the small crowd. She stared intently at him, waiting for him to do something.


Augustus took the sword from Isaac warily. He blamed Ariolle if his hand bled since she asked that question in the first place. The moment he touched the sword, he felt like he could do anything he wanted. Reluctantly placing two fingers on the blade's flat side like how he did earlier with his dagger, he let out an inaudible sigh and pressed down. The the effect was instant. The blade was bent to the side, no longer a straight sword. "...Well, does this answer your question, Ariolle? Oh and, I apologize, Isaac, for your sword." he said, looking apologetic. Deciding something, he straightened the blade, but the second he did, he felt tired. He wanted to take a short nap... but he had a meeting with the Council, so he couldn't sleep now.

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"You're not familiar enough with your ability. That is why you're feeling tired."

Ariolle sent cool wisps of air towards his face and said, "Cool down for a moment."

She then sat down on the floor and against a wall, feeling rather bored. Subconsciously, she started creating a tiny tornado on her palm.
Vergil watch as Augustus discovered his abilities. He patted him on the back, maybe a little too hard, ad said, "Congratulations! I guess we are very similar. Earth and metal. Metal and earth." He let that sink in. He was proud of his new friend. He smiled but forgot that he had his helmet on.
Augustus managed a grin at the warrior, Vergil, even though his back felt like it was broken. "Thanks, I didn't think of that. Perhaps, in the future, we will be powerful partners, I don't know." he said. Okay, even though this guy was a bit rough, at least he was friendly. Much more friendly than Ariolle. Arching his back and wincing when when he heard pops, he turned to Vergil. "You should remove your helmet, you're not in a battle, sir." he said, his eyes glinting mischievously when he called the warrior 'sir'. He had learned a few things here and there about soldiers, and calling higher ranks sir or ma'am was a major one, apparently, since he hears those words almost everyday. "But it's alright if you don't, though. I ain't forcing you."

Spiora stood outside the city with a maniacal grin. Soon her beloved minions would be ripping its walls apart and doing worse to those inside. As she looked around the plain she saw the other generals ringed around the walls like rabid dogs waiting to be unleashed. Except for ragan. But she thought little of that sniveling human. She was above that kind of mercy. Now as chimera coiled around her with and eager hiss she patted it and told the creature that the time was coming soon.
Ariolle created vacuum around her space within one meter radius. Since sound didn't travel through vacuum, she won't hear the random talks around her.

She thought of her sister. If the council didn't arive soon, she was going to leave uncaringly. Ally would come home after a few hours.
Isaac look at Ariolle and shouted "We could be talking about very important things over here!" Although they were not she should still be paying attention, she was apart of the team anyways.
Vergil straightened his back and tended up. Whenever he took off his helmet, people just stared and ignored him. He felt as gouge he was around friends so he slowly lifted up his helmet. As he started to, long green hair fell down and ended at his back. He could never get a haircut because he was cautious about his hair. He had a young and handsome face showing that he was indeed young and handsome. He had a straight face saying, "No one has ever liked my hair so I'm a bit self conscious about it." He rubbed the vac of his neck now having an awkward face.
Ariolle looked at the the boy with the green hair and smiled for the first time that day. Or probably, that month.

She let the air into the vacuum as she told him,"My father had green hair. But he used to say 'Why hide yourself when you can be the center of attention and affection'."
Krad Dorl looked out the window of his castle's library. His generals were situated on east where he was looking, ready to lay waist to his most powerful and worthy foes. All that remained now was for him to send out the signal and Krag would begin with his intro attack. The Fiend Lord turned his gaze up to the clear blue sky and raised his hands. He muttered a short incarntation and raised his hands, pointing his palms at the sky. Next a beam of black and greern shot out from his hands and went staight at the sky. As soon as it made contact, a dark cloud began to form until it covered his whole castle and its grounds. Next a patch of the cloud seperated and shot out towards the east. That was the signal, as soon as the clouds covered the city of Tar Marea, Krag would know that it is time to attack.
As dark clouds rolled over the city his heart quickened it beating in anticipation, for he knew that was the signal from the Fiend Lord to begin the attack on Tar Marea. It is time captain.

Ragan walked forward a few paces and concentrated and tried to reach his magic source. He opened his hands and palm facing upwards with echo finger pointing upwards. On each tip of his fingers he formed violet energy spheres as soon they were completely formed he released them and let float a few metres from the ground in front of him, he repeated the process once, twice and continued to do so until he eventually he had hundreds of the energy spheres floating around him. The energy spheres began to move in an uncontrolled frenzy, and Ragan immediately realised if he didn't bring them under control he might end up killing himself. He quickly tried to bring close together but made they don't make any contact with each other. And then he form another sphere which was much more larger sphere which he used to to contain the smaller spheres.

He quickly raised the large sphere containing the smaller, to the the clouds and moved it towards the Eastern Wall of the city. His head began to pulse painfully and he realised he would lose all control of the power if he continued to channel it over such a long distance. Contrary to folklore magicians were invincible and didn't have an unending wealth of sorcery. They had their limits each person had their own varying amount of magic stamina. Those with larger stamina could do more complicated and powerfull spells. And they could do multiple spells at the same time. Anyone who could do more than 3 spells at the same time was a truly gifted sorcerer. He could only think of only a few sorcerers who could do so such the Fiend Lord, his fellow generals and his old rind and former master Abia'Di Natal.

Unfortunately for him he was not one of them. Even now he could hardly control these spheres. As soon as it reached the city he released the much larger sphere. As it winked out of existence the spheres that were inside it immediately fell down the Eastern Wall an the city like rain, "Death rain", said Ragan, "Or Rain of Death. That sounds better".

"Did you say something m'lord?" asked the captain.

"No captain". Said Ragan. "Tell the minions to attack immediately".

As the spheres fell on the city, each one made large detonations on the wall until eventually a hole was opened up. The minions rushed immediately.

"Well, I've done all that i can. I shall now rest try recover. Ragan created a small sorcery circle around him to shield himself Rom being detected by any sorcerer"


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