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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

Vergil smiled and said, "Nope. I just train in the forest. It's fun. And quiet. And we can practice out abilities. By the way what is yours?" He looked at Daiva.
"Uh, good question." Daiva sighed. There was no way she could lead them on. "I..I don't have one. They must have made a mistake or something. I just...I...I wanted...can I still stay, or are you going to kick me out?"
"Don't worry if your here that mean you must have something to offer, and if you don't have a power that just means you may be stronger than everyone in this room." Isaac said
Wait, they weren't going to throw her out? They weren't going to give her to the guards? She smiled, really smiled. "Thanks, I really appreciate that." Daiva didn't think she has anything to offer, but if she did. She would be willing to help them out. After all, they were the first ones, to not cast her out. "So, where is this forest?" She asked Vergil.
Following Vergil, she ran towards the trees. It was beautiful. She had been to several forests, but this didn't even compare to any of them. Stopping to take in the scene, she wondered why she hadn't seen the forest before. "Is this it?"
((... I'm just going to make Augustus follow Vergil :P ))


"Looks like it." said Augustus, leaning against a tree. The scene was marvelous. Blue sky, green trees, colorful flowers. It was better to train in this forest than to fight off another attack. He had been able to take down a couple of demons, but unlike the others, he had a shorter weapon which was supposedly for stealth missions in general so he had a difficult time deflecting the larger weapons. After the fight, he had learned the girl's name, Daiva. Isaac was epic in during the fight. Augustus wondered if he was a reincarnation of a general from the past. Moving on. Augustus's dagger glinted slightly, and like a mirror, it was showing the reflection of the forest. "Although I don't know how I'm going to train my... metal, powers." Then he paused, a new idea popping up in his head. "Anyone up for a sword fight?"

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Vergil laughed. "This is it. And I'll help you out in a sword fight." He said getting Augustus' idea. "Definitely a good way to start training your metal powers." He smiled and unsheathed his sword ready to spar.
Daiva had seen his metal bending powers, and she didn't want her swords to become scrap. What if her swords didn't return to their original form? "Uh...I'm good, but thanks." That's as good as it's going to get, she didn't want to say what she was thinking, the well being of her swords. "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name, or not." Seeing as Vergil was ready to fight. Deciding to test her strength further, she grabbed for the nearest branch, pulling herself up, she continued up the tree. Soon enough she was high up, realizing she had made it up pretty high, she had no idea on how to get down.


Unsheathing his own dagger, Augustus got into a fighting stance. His dagger glowed a faint silver aura for a brief moment before it disappeared. From the corner of his eye, he saw Daiva climbing up a tree. He made a mental note to try and get and her down later. Looking at Vergil, his grip on his dagger tightened. "Are you ready, my friend?" he asked him. He had to be careful. The guy was strong, and if he only showed a small part of his strength when they were at the meeting room, Augustus vaguely wondered if Vergil will be the one who will break his sword. Taking a deep breath, he focused his gaze on the warrior in front of him.

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Vergil said laughing, "Born ready my friend." He gripped his sword even tighter making sure not to break it
Hearing the guys underneath her, she realized she would have to get down herself. Daiva breathed in deeply. Looking for the nearest tree, she did something she had never done before, she jumped. Clinging to the nearby tree, she clung to it with all her might. She had made it! And she was closer to the ground. She probably had some new scrapes and bruises, but that was way to exhilarating to not do it again. She lept back to the tree she was in before, and barely caught the branch. Taking a break, she realized how close she was to have missed the branch. Ready to leap again, she jumped back to the other tree. One of the branches jammed her in the stomach, knocking the air out of her, so she wouldn't fall, she hugged the trunk, getting her breath back. Looking to the ground, she found that she could just jump down, and she'd be fine. She then dropped to the ground, laughing from the adrenaline.

She layed on the grassy floor, probably looking like a lunatic, laughing at herself.
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Augustus momentarily flickered his gaze to Daiva who seemed to be... wild. Out of her mind. He blinked before flipping his dagger, his grip transforming into the ice pick grip. Then he made the first move. He sprinted towards Vergil and slashed with his dagger. Then, everything seemed to slow down. He could see the trails his strike made. All he could think of was,
What the bloody hell is happening? Then, as fast as it happened, it stopped and the speed turned back to normal and Vergil only had a moment's notice to deflect his hit.
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The sunlight beamed through the windows, making Ariolle squeeze her eyes tight in an attempt to block it out. Her body was aching so much that each move hurt. She felt more tired than ever. She felt like she didn't even have enough energy to open her eyes.

She groaned, flipping over, and felt around the bed for her little sister with closed eyes. When her hands came up with nothing, she immediately remembered where she was and what had actually happened.

She sat up with a jolt, but soon her dizziness caught up to her. The room she was in was painted the typical white color every medical room had. But aside from a few cupboards, the room was empty.

She shifted her legs to get off the bed and stand. Her legs felt like jelly, very wobbly. But she was getting impatient and more curious by every second. A family feeling of despair made her pause midway to the door. Did she prove to be useless infront of those minions again, just like the day her father was killed?
Vergil was ready for almost anything. He knew he wasn't fast enough for that strike so he jumped back and said, "You are fast my friend. And fast is dangerous. But I'm a different kind of dangerous." He swung vertically down with a lot of force knowing that Augustus could use his powers to not get hit. If he couldn't Vergil would stop before he made contact.
Krad Dorl paced around his dining room area in rage. The chairs and the large table all layed in pieces, scattered around the room. His generals were supposed to have utterly destroyed Tar Marea, or at least something close to that. But instead only Ragan had attacked, and he did so before his time. It would have been pointless for Krag to attack the gates because the whole plan was blown.

Although he blamed Ragan for messing everything up with his early attack, he did blame his other three generals for not joining the battle anyway. Now Avion's Council had all the time in the world to co-ordinate an attack of their own seeing as they didn't have much to worry about besides the few deaths that Ragan's minions could manage.

The door to the room opened and two quivering minions walked in, their heads bowed and their knees visibly weak from the fear of their master's wrath.

"Great Lord, the generals have all returned." Said the head minion, his voice smooth and held no quziver but the fear was more obvious than water being wet.

"Summon all four of the generals at once. I have a new mission for them now, one that will take a long time to finish and I sincerely hope they can finish this one." He ordered, and immediately the head minion bowed and quickly shuffled out. Just as the other minion was about to leave, he stopped it with a simple flick of his hand and the door shut with a resounding bang.

He could feel the cold fear eminating from the minion and allowed a smile to cross his lips. That's what he loved, to bring fear into the hearts of anyone who dared to be anywhere near him, whether by choice or by order.

"Draw your sword minion." He ordered, and the minion turned around to face him in shock. But once he saw that Krad was serious as he always is, he hesitantly drew his sword.

"Attack me." The Fiend Lord ordered once again, he needed to vent out his stress and this minion was the perfect tool for that. The minion hesitated, then he charged at his Lord, his own God, with an intention to kill although he knew that he was going to die now.

Krad raised his left arm and pointed a finger at the charging minion, and then faster than the minion could block, a small black ball shot out from the Fiend's finger and hit the minion squarely in the chest.

The minion stumbeled back in pure terror, his whole skin had gone snow white from his fear.

Next Krad closed his fist and the minion cried out in pain and brought a hand to his chest.

"Please my Lord, don't..." The minion's pathetic plead was cut off as the Fiend Lord spoke in a much more powerful voice than his.

"Errupto." As he said this the Fiend opened his hand and instantly the minion was blown up from the inside. Krad waved his hand and the blood dissappeared in the air before it could touch anything.

Yes, he was powerful, but still not in full strength just yet. But soon he would be, and he would have his Koyu Daire with him ready to raise his army once more.

"Ignoramus or imbeciles". Interrupted the captain

"What?". Said Ragan.

"Ignoramus and imbecile, m'lord, their other ways of saying fools".

"Huh, really?", said Ragan, "are you sure?".

"Yes, I'm quite sure m'lord".

"Hm those words sound very intelligent captain, well in that case.... THOSE BLOODY IGNORAMUSESES! IMBECILES! WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?! How dare they live me like that. Those damn generals, they were supposed to be watching my back, but what what they did they do captain?"

"Well...", replied the captain, "they-"

"They left me defenseless that's what they did", interrupted Ragan, "And those filthy low life elementals almost got me captain. But thanks to genius I manage to escape. But still that was too damn close for comfort. And by the way, how how did you escape and what is your name?"

"I'm Vergu m'lord, and I managed to escape because everyone was focused on you".

"Oh? Well tha-".

A knock on the door of his room interrupted him. Before he could reply a minion entered and said, "Your presence is required by the Fiend lord". And the minion turned and left without another word.

"Damn, this can't be good. Well come along Vergu we can't keep the Fiend Lord waiting". Said Ragan.

"I'm quite sure only the generals are required m'lord", said Vergu, "I'm going to meet with the other captains, general, good luck i think you are going to need it". The Captain quickly walked out.

Ragan could have sworn the captain sounded cheerfull right then."Oh well, here goes...." he said as he left his rooms to go meet his Dark Lord.
Isaac caught up to the others while they were training he must have dozed off because he didn't even realize anyone had left before he went out to search for them.
Seeing Isaac, she got up from the grassy floor. "Hey, while those two are training, do you want to train?" She couldn't remember what his power was, she only hoped that it didnt involve her swords getting hurt.
Isaac got in his stance and charged, but instead of going straight he made his free arm elastic and went for one of her swords while still charging with sword in hand
Daiva drove her hilt into Isaac's hand, while swinging her sword, to block Isaac's sword. She then remembered, he had elastic...whatever. Trying to think, how to beat him. She moved to the offensive, she twirled her outstretched sword, in attempt to disarm Isaac.

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