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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

He held her hand gently, "You don't have to you know, you can stay and perhaps we can talk, unless you want to leave."
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Seeing his hand, against her hand, she clenched her hand gently, giving him a squeeze. "Well of course I would like to stay..." Then a nurse came in. Daiva scrambled to her feet. She was afraid that the nurse would tell her to leave.
Ryan kept his hand against hers, regardless of the nurse walking in. He didn't care if they told her to leave, he wanted Daiva to stay unless she wanted to leave.
Realizing there was no need to stand up, she sat back down again, grateful for the touch of Ryan. The nurse came over to the bedside, and looked at Ryan. "Does it hurt, is there something else that hurts, do you think you can walk..." The questions trailed question, after question, and Daiva was getting tired of them. While the nurse rambled on, she waited for Ryan to respond, if possible.
He perked an eyebrow at the nurse's rambling of questions. "No, I don't need anything, I'm fine and yes I can walk, sheesh...", he replies with a slightly annoyed tone. The nurse leaves to which Ryan emits a happy sigh of relief as he looks back at Daiva, squeezing her hand. "Geez she finally left, I almost thought she wouldn't leave us alone", he replied, laughing with a smile at Daiva.
Davia laughs. "Yeah, she was just trying to help though. So, do you know why the council called for us?" Daiva had been wondering for this for a long time, yeah they had ablities, yeah there were demons, but couldn't the guards take care of that? She didn't want to be incredibly selfish, but it's not like any of the council, or the guards have helped her. In fact they are usually making her life worse.
(Meh. I dunno. I guess so. JUST HAVE A CHAT WITH THE OTHER TRAPPED DUDE, AUGUSTUS. x3 Walk up to him or somethin'.)

(By TRAPPED, I meant 'trapped in a maze of posts' but I didn't mean trapped in the castle siege. Just... pretend he escaped :3)

(Your posts are hilarious

xD They're enough to make me feel happy again. I HATE THE PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM.)

Augustus was fiddling with his dagger while leaning against a tree. His dagger was slightly red from the blood it drew from the guards. But that didn't mean they didn't get their revenge on him, even if it was a little. He had a scar on his left cheek, making him seem... bad ass. He heard soft foot steps and looked at the source of the noise. It was Ariolle. "Hey." he greeted, waving slightly with his right hand.

(Why, thank you xD And wait till you're in grade 11. You'll be begging for the pythagoras theorem)

Ariolle's eyes widened at the state Augustus was in. His face was swollen at some places and he had a small gash across his cheek. But looking around at the unconscious, possibly dead, bodies around him, she didn't feel much pity for him as she did before.

"Are you fine?", she asked.

(Wait, are we still at the prison?)
(Grade 11...? Four more years. I'm grade 7 xD and nah, we're not in the prison. But we can say they're casualties...?)

Augustus nodded. "Yeah. Metal boy's fine. How 'bout you, are you fine?" he said, sheathing his dagger before ceasing leaning against the tree and turning to face Ariolle with his arms crossed.
(Whoa, long way to go, metal boy :D )

Ariolle nodded and replied,"Better than ever."

She looked around but there were still no signs of the Council. Her mind drifted towards her sister again. All this hustle made her forget about meeting her sister. She needed to go.

"Hey, would you mind covering for me if the council decides to finally grant us all with their appearance?", she asked him. "I have some work to do."
(Aye, but I'm still lucky. :3)

Augustus made a quiet "
'kay" sound. He watched her look around, probably looking for something she lost or whatever related to that matter. Hearing Ariolle's request, he shook his head. "No, not at all. Feel free to do whatever that you deem necessary." he told her. "And good luck with whatever it is you need to do."
(Not for long :devil:)

"My sister", she said to him. "I'm going to meet my sister. It's been long."

With that, she gave him a grateful smile and hurried away.
Deona rushed through the passages of the hospital with an expression that promised pain to any who stood in her way. The Elite members of the Avion's Council had sent her out and some of her 'brothers' to find the 'chosen 6'. Only for them to find out that they had branched out and did their own things, even ending up in prison. Now, two of them were in the hospital and were getting on her nerves.

She finally reached the room they were in, and didn't even bother to knock nor did the doctors and nurses even try to stop her, they knew better than to stop a member of the council, even if she wasn't an elite yet.

As she pushed the door open, she stopped in her tracks. The two were inside snuggled up in bed and acting like a couple. She sure hoped that they weren't a couple before they were summoned earlier, or else everyone is doomed. But if this is a new thing, then perhaps Elite Leader El hal Elmedi will be able to stop this, no wielder dedicated to the council ever married or dated, it only gets in the way of their duties.

"Please do excuse me." She apologised, but her tone was bitter though. Both from her annoyence, and from...well just being her natural voice.

"The Avion's Council demands your presence immediately, and I would suggest you hurry, you have kept them waiting long enough." With this she walked out and headed towards the exit of the hospital, those two had better catch up to her, no one was allowed to just waltz into the Tower of Avion without a member of the council since the siege took place and if they took any longer, she wouldn't put it past Elite Member Edina to banish them.
(Don't do something mysterious... and I need to go to bed now. G'night!)

Augustus nodded understandingly at Ariolle's reason. Then, being a guy, you can't blame him when he got dazed when she smiled at him. He watched her sprint away before blinking. "Now I know how father felt when he met mom." He muttered.
Drakan walked through the woods with his usual calm, he wasn't in much of a rush to find the chosen, but he knew though that if he didn't do so any time soon he would find himself unemployed.

Finally he saw a kid standing in the woods alone and walked towards him, unlike some members of the council, he could sense energies and spirits, and this kid's energy was higher than the normal folk, which ment he was one of the chosen.

"The council requires your presence kid, along with all your other partners but seeing as you're the only one here, you might as well come along." Drakan turned around and walke away, hoping that the kid would follow him.

Something told him that he was the metal crafter, his energy felt hard and cold, but sharp and alert. Suddenly he was glad that his staff wasn't made of metal, this kid could surely take him out if he wished.

@Kiotaro and @Cadin shadow lord, where are your guys? Can't really colect them right now because I don't know where to go.
When the lady walked in, Daiva tensed. The woman told them that the council had been waiting 'long enough'. What the heck! Ryan had almost died, there had been several times that she had almost died, they had been thrown in prison, and the council had been waiting long enough! Daiva felt tempted to just not go. She knew however, that they were needed for a reason. Standing up, she tugged on Ryan's hand towards the door. Sighing, "Ugh, I guess so. Let's go grant those geezers with our presence."

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