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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

"I'm going to go ahead and attack the guards. You bring him down as fast as you can", she ordered Daiva before running down the stairs.
"Ok" she took one stair at a time. Careful not to fall, or to drop Ryan. His shirt now had visible blood coming out. She looked ahead, so she wouldn't start letting out the water works. She hoped that they would all make it out alive. Reaching the door, she propped Ryan up by her knee and her hand, so she could have one free hand to open the door. Readjusting Ryan, she headed out the door.
He hung onto her tightly, still grasping the sword in his chest with heaving breaths. He looked over at her with a small smile and does a coughed chuckle, "Funny how you saved me yeah?" He laughs a little as he coughs, ignoring the blood dripping from his wound.
She gave him a concerned smile, "Shh, you'll need your energy." Daiva was about to burst into tears again. Turning to the crowd, "Help! Please!" A old man hobbled up to her. "That's a nasty wound there...good luck with that!" He then continued down the road. Daiva then headed towards the horses, they were previously riding. Carefully lifting Ryan, she placed him on the shortest horse, And took the reins, guiding the horse through the crowd to the infermary.
Ryan gave an angered and pained look at the old man. What a bastard that guy was. He felt he was lifted onto a horse and was being guided away. He took heavy breaths as he struggled to stay conscious, "Energy?.. heh.. who needs... energy...."
Daiva heard Ryan, even through the crowded streets, over her shoulder, "You do mister, now shut up." Reaching the infirmary, she brought Ryan down from the horse, and rushed in. "He needs attention right now! Please!" Instantly people came in the area, and took Ryan, then pushed her out, refusing to let her stay with him.
Ryan didn't know how long he was lying down. It felt like when that one guy brought him from the dead from the creatures attacking the town, only this time, he wasn't lying on a table, it was on a bed. Ryan sat up quickly, noticing the sword was gone and yet, was replaced with ANOTHER bandage over the first bandage from the night before. His shirt had blood on it. He got down from the bed and stumbled out of the room, holding an arm over his chest, ignoring the various people trying to stop him.
Hearing a flurry from inside, she rushed in refusing to get pushed out this time. She saw that Ryan was up, and trying to walk. Daiva started laughing. Rushing to Ryan, she gave him a hug. He was alive, and she was so happy for it. Realizing that they wanted him on the bed, she cut off the hug. "Ryan, you know very well you need to rest. So, you had better get on that bed right there...understand?"
Daiva knew that Ryan needed rest, that was the best doctor there was. "Ryan, you need to rest, you've lost a lot of blood, and I'm not going to just stand here, and let you walk around like everything is fine..ok? Now please, get back on the bed." Diava looked into Ryan's eyes, he needed to know she was serious.
He laughed as he leaned forwards and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. He smiled as he rolled his eyes and walked on back to the room with a sigh and a shrug, "Fine fine fine, I'll go back."
Daiva blushed from the kiss, and watched Ryan go to the bed. She didn't want to leave him alone, alone with the nurses that is...

She headed over to the bedside, watching over Ryan.
He sighed as he placed his hands behind his head, bored. Even though his wound still hurt a little, he's the kind of person that hates to sit still for a long time. The frown on his face was replaced by a smile as he watched Daiva walk in, blushing lightly. "Oh hi there", he replied, a smile still on his face.
Daiva smiled, she didn't know why Ryan did what he did, but she was grateful. "Hey. I'm going to stay here for a bit, hope that's all right with you." She then sat down, to prove her point, and becuase her legs were tired.
He laughed and shrugged, "No no, it's alright I don't mind." He sat up a bit so he would try to avoid the urge of falling asleep. As relaxing as it sounds, he didn't want to fall asleep, being unconscious before was already as bad as it is.
Daiva smiled even wider. "Good, cause I'm staying." She gently propped her head on her hand. Her eyes were tired, but she knew the day was far from over.
He kept his smile as well."Nothing better then company", he replies, sounding giddy. He scratched the back of his head as he looked around, "So, how long was I out."
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"No idea, they wouldnt let me stay in here." She was still kinda angry at them for it, but she had calmed down. She looked down, she was so scared that he might die, she didn't know what she would have done without him....No, you just needed him alive to pay back your debts.
He sat close to her. "Thanks for, you know, saving me back there...", he replied with a smile, gently taking her hand.
Feeling the added warmth on her hand, she looked at Ryan. Smiling slightly at him. "Wouldn't have been able to do that, if you hadn't saved me, several times." She inched closer to him, ever so slightly.
He chuckled lightly, "It's no problem." He slowly wrapped his other arm around her as he kissed her deeply, smiling into it.
Feeling his arm wrap around her, she felt a flutter in her chest. She saw his face get closer and closer, soon enough, he was kissing her. It took her by surprise, but when she recovered, she kissed him back, intwining her hands in his hair.
He continued to hold the kiss, ever so gently rubbing her back as he continued to kiss her. Soon enough, he let go of her hand and wrapped both of his arms around her waist, his hands both glowing a little from warmth emanating from them.
Daiva felt the warmth of his hands on her, she slowly deepened the kiss, letting it envlope her. She blocked out the rest of the world, not caring anymore, she had found happiness.
He slowly pulled away, smiling as he took a few deep breaths. He kept the smile on his face as he kept his arms around her.

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