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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

((Lol. Wolf Wolf says his name is Ryan but Ariolle can't hear me because I'm not a character. D;

...And he also says that he needs to go to sleep now. And, g'night,
@Devilsxlovelyxangel ))

Augustus watched Ariolle turn invisible (if that was even possible). Leaning against the wall of the corner, he sighed quietly, wondering how long this breakout will take. He hoped it would just be quick, even though he knew it would be anything but fast and easy. He was hidden from the eye sight of the guards, so he cracked his knuckles. Just in case. He looked up when he felt a sudden shift of the wind. Biting his lip, he wished that Ariolle would hurry up. He couldn't go invisible like her so he couldn't just barge in there saying, 'Your mom!' and then watch the guards start fighting each other. Wait. What did he just think of?

(Can someone post? Like, I dunno, anything. Ariolle's knight in shining armor needs to rescue the fair maiden.)
After she had her arms warmed up, she suddenly felt very tired. Trying to keep her eyes open, she found she couldn't fight it, and she drifted to sleep, slumped on the cold stone of the floor.

(There is your something, purely on improv here, so don't judge to harshly)

(I'm headed to bed, so night!)
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Augustus took a deep breath and steeled his nerves before running out of his spot and towards the entrance. All according to his weird and rash plan, he barged in, pushing the doors open roughly. Oddly enough, he heard a guard say, "What's in the closet?" Another one replied, "A--"

Augustus chose that moment to execute step two. "YOUR MOTHER!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, causing everyone's attention to shift towards him. "Seize him!" The 'metal boy' took a step back before high tailing out of the room. "Go, Ariolle! Wherever you are!"
Isaac jumped from his hiding spot where he had been for hours and said "Can anybody here not be stealthy I've been here for hours waiting and you go and do this!" he said upset that they were spotted "We have to knock them out so let's hurry so we can get Ryan and Daiva out" he said walking up Augustus.
Augustus? He turned all attention to himself? And 'your mother' is the best he could come up with?

Ariolle chuckled at his silliness before getting out of the closet. She hurried to the elevator.

( @Gothemel what powers can I use?)
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a day, and won't post today either. I have not abandoned this rp, but I'm very busy preparing for very important test tomorrow that will decided whether I pass or not. So tomorrow once I'm done with the test, I promise that I will post.
Ryan continued to play with his flame. It kept the cell warm, but it wasn't very entertaining. He lied down as he continues to juggle the ball of fire and warmth as he sighs. He hoped that Daiva would surely be alright.

As Ryan lied down, an idea sparked in the back of his mind. He crawled over to the door and lets his finger glow a little near the lock, observing the tumblers to the lock on the outside. He smiles a little as he slips his finger into the lock hole and lets his finger glow a little more with heat, melting a few of the tumblers to unlock the door while keeping the door intact and to keep noise down. He is hoping Daiva would be alright, he'll find her when he gets out of this problem.
That's when she had her dream.

She had probably been squirming for awhile, because when she woke up, she was drenched in sweat. Daiva knew she had to get out of here. Moving her cold limbs, took a tremendous amount of energy. Standing up, took even more. She hugged herself, trying to get warm, while thinking of how to get out. Guards where pacing all around her door, making it impossible to escape, unless she had her swords. She looked around her cell, for any type of weapon, all she found was a super small amount of straw. Instantly a thought came into her head.

Grabbing a few pieces of straw, she intwined them together. She then again, made her way to the door. Making sure no one was looking, she slowly inserted the makeshift pick. Daiva tried to get the feel for the lock, when her straw broke. Daiva picked a few more pieces, again putting them together, but this time putting a few more strands of straw. She inserted the straw into the lock, once more. She felt the tension of the nodules. One by one, she undid them. Opening the door slightly, she realized, she couldn't face all these guards by herself, much less outrun them she was freezing! Deciding that running was the best bet, she jogged in place, to warm up the stiff muscles. She only hoped, guard didn't realize the door was slightly more ajar then it should be.
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After a while of carefully melting the tumblers, he slowly opens the door. As he opens the door slowly, it seems Ryan wasn't completely thorough with melting the tumblers completely because as he opens the door, one lone tumbler opens up, making the sound of the cell door opening. Ryan took a sigh of anger and frustration as he hears the sound of a guard walking toward his cell. He hides behind the door, awaiting in the shadows.

As the guard gets into his view, he throws a quick jab at his neck, knocking him out cleanly. Ryan leans forward a bit to catch the guard and touches his hand against his head, taking away the heat in his head to make sure he stays unconscious for a while. He puts the limp body in the corner of the room, covered by the darkness as he takes his sword and walks out quietly, closing the door as he melts the door's cracks so it stays shut against the door frame. He quietly moved through as he ran up the stairs, muttering the words "Level 15" to himself as he tried to remember where Daiva's cell was.
Daiva decided she was as warm,as she was going to get in this, cold, danky, place. Daiva took in a deep breath, and swung the cell door open wide, and ran. She could hear the pounding, and shouts behind her, all she was thinking about, is to get out of here, and if possible, save Ryan. Daiva's legs were getting tired, but she refused to stop. More and more guards, got pulled into the run after her. She only hoped she could run far enough to get out of here.
As Ryan continued to run up the stairs, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming from HIS direction ahead. He sighed, "So much for stealth." He continued to run as he held the sword out, running toward the loud running.
Apparently, level 15 was the lowermost floor of the building. It was an underground floor and took a lot of time to get there.

Ariolle tapped her foot on the floor impatiently. She didn't know how long Augustus could hold out the guards for. She needed to free them quickly.

When she finally reached the floor and the elevator doors opened, it let out a sound that made the guard present there look up. She hadn't expected a guard to be there so, on instinct, she immediately manipulated the air to suffocate him, making him fall unconscious. She hurried to his side to check his pulse and sighed in relief when she felt it. She thought she killed him.
Daiva didn't know where the exit was, she could be going in circles for all she knew. Her legs started to ache, and her breathing was coming in pants. That's when she saw Ryan, he had already escaped! She then remembered she was leading a whole squadrant of soldiers this way. "Come on! We gotta go!"
Ariolle heard the running footsteps of a group of people. It sounded like a stampede to her. She winced and clutched her head.

Just then, she saw the Fire guy come down the stairs that was situated half way across the narrow hallway. She was about to call out to him when she saw Daiva running towards where she was. And behind her was a whole group of soldiers.

There went her hope of testing her silent skills.
He nods as he follows beside her, throwing a flash of light from his hands at the guards, disorienting them for a little bit. He takes Daiva's hand and runs. He continues to run as he holds onto Daiva with the sword in his other hand.

Daiva could have sworn she saw the girl with the wind, but she couldn't stop there, Ryan grabbed her hand, and the continued to run. "Not sure....how much...longer...I can..run like ..this." Daiva was gulping down air now. If only she had a horse, then she could outrun the fools, that people called, guards. Her legs, were screaming to stop, and her lungs where burning up. She was probably going to get caught, she only hoped, that if she was, Ryan wouldn't be a fool, and try and stop the guards.
Ariolle could see the tiredness in Daiva's eyes. It looked like she would give up any minute.

She sped up to them and created an air barrier right in between them and the guards.

"I don't know for how long I can hold this", she said through her teeth. "Fire guy, carry her and run. She's weaker than us right now."
He nods as he stood in front of Daiva, hefting her on his back. He ran, carrying her on his back with all of his strength, it hurt, but he will get out of this horrible place. His lungs screamed for air as he continued to run, but he didn't care. He ran, and ran, and ran.
Daiva just focused on running, shutting the world out, she was putting all her energy, in just running. All of the sudden, Ryan cut in front of her, and pulled her on his back. She was grateful for the break, but she worried about Ryan. He couldn't be in much better condition then her. Daiva was still gasping air, she slowly, slowed down her breathing, slowing down her heart rate. She would have to thank Ryan later, she owed him a lot.
She looked at him run. Since she could do it much faster, she always felt like people around her moved slow.

A crack sound captured her attention. The soldiers were attacking the barrier and so it was cracking. She forced more air through her palm, trying to strengthen the barrier, but it could only work to a certain extent.
Ryan continued to run, he felt the breathing of Daiva on his back. Good, at least she wasn't unconscious or dead. He continued to run, as soon as he reached the door out, he didn't even stop, he kicked it down and continued to run.

Riven said:
Ryan continued to run, he felt the breathing of Daiva on his back. Good, at least she wasn't unconscious or dead. He continued to run, as soon as he reached the door out, he didn't even stop, he kicked it down and continued to run.
( :| It was an elevator. Why did you kick the elevator doors down?)

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