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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

He nods as he continues to walk with his hands behind his head in silence. "If we get the same cell, perhaps we can talk more about our past yeah?", he replied in a sort of joking manner, trying to cheer the situation up a bit. After realizing what he just said, he looked ahead and at the floor in shame, "Sorry, forget what I said, I'm an idiot..."
"No, it's ok, I'll look forward to it." She continued to look down. Daiva was thinking of all the humiliating ways she could defeat the obnoxious guard. When she was finally content at some her ideas, she looked up.
He nodded as he continued to face forwards, He felt like a complete idiot now. He simply shook his head to himself, regretting what he said due to his own stupidity.
Passing through the large structures and buildings of the city along with the rich marble houses, they finally reached the centre of the city. It was as busy as always, with many merchants of all kinds selling their goods and large shops seeing theirs. Tar Marea was the richest and largest city in the Bolivia Country and all you needed was to see it's houses and people and you would understand why. The centre was busiest and most guarded place though, and it is there that the guards all stopped as the leader looked up at the large black and white tower that could house over 500 prisoners, and rumor has it that there are also large levels underneath the tower which are dungeons kept for the extreme criminals, and the lead guard was tempted to throw that girl right in there as well.

"Admire it while you can, once you're in your cells it won't be so spontaneous." The guard smirked once more, sure the tower looked impressive on the outside and was something fit for a monarchy, but the cells inside were anything but.

"Take them to their cells on level 10, make sure they share the same cell so they can hold each there's hands as they pray for a fair trial." The head guard barked at the nearest guards, then indicating for the last five to follow him, he turned and headed back to the city gates, where he still had his duty to tend to.

(( Can you guys carry on on your own? It is time for me to go to sleep now or else I will have very little time to sleep before I have to wake up for school. So good night.))
Before the guard passed her, she punched his face. Done for the day, she let herself in prison. Waiting for the guard to lead her to her 'lovely' cell. The guard roughly grabbed her arm, and in a series of stairs finally stopped in front of 'cell 10'. Daiva wrenched her arm out of the guards hold, and walked in.

((Sure can))
Ryan followed quietly, sitting in the empty room. He rested his hands on his knees, silently sighing, bored as he sat in the corner of the room.
"So, what do you want to know about my past?" Daiva was not thrilled about being in here, but she wanted to make the best of it.
He held his hand out to let a small flame glow from his hand, lighting up the room a little. "Well I mean, I was kidding honestly... I was trying to brighten up the situation a bit... but I don't know, I guess, do you know anything else other then waking up in the man's house...?", he replied, looking away, blushing a little due to embarrassment of him asking the stupid question in the first place.
He nodded as he sighed, "Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a creep or anything, I was just trying to cheer up the situation was all." He kept his gaze to the floor, trying to avoid making the situation as awkward as it already was.
Daiva laughed even louder. "Its ok, it's not like I'm perfect either. I was the one who got us here in the first place.." Daiva then realized it was true, it was completly her fualt, and now Ryan had to be here. After this realization, she couldn't bring herself to look at him.
He shrugged at how silent she seemed to be after realizing he was dragged into the situation. He moved and sat a bit closer to her, blushing slightly. "It's alright, I get into this situation once in a while, it's no trouble really", he replied, smiling slightly.
He gently held her hand again, warming it like before. "Prison, yeah, so? I've been in situations like this before, I'll be fine. And it isn't your fault, I stood up for you, I'll take the blame." He gave her a bright smile.
Isaac who was walking at a slower pace then them both got to the city and heard the news going with the guard he went to the cell they were being held and said "Hello?"
Diava felt the warmth of his touch on her hand. Smiling up at him, she was grateful she wasn't alone. Looking up at Ryan, she blushed. All of a sudden, she heard a hello, from the door. "Come to gloat?" She asked in the direction of Isaac.
He blushed as he saw her look at him as well. He continued to smile until he heard the sound of a "hello" emit from the door to the cell. He looked over to where the sound might be coming from, still holding her hand with warmth.
"No I came to get you two out stupid." he said "I told the guard about what happend and how about how you both fought the demons " he said taking a moment to breath "Now they said you're free to go" he said opening the door with his dagger he used to pick the lock with "Hurry and get out this place smells bad." he said

"Guards" he said looking to his left "Gotta go" he said shutting the prison door "Sorry" with that he ran to hide
Daiva laughed quietly. She knew she could never get out easily, she was the thief for crying out loud! She looked back at Ryan. His eyes seemed to be twikiling in his little ball of fire, squeezing his hand gently, she layed her head, on his shoulder. She then realized what she was doing, she quickly shot up. "I'm sorry..I..I"
He looked at her with a smile on his face as he chuckled lightly, blushing slightly. "It's ok, I don't mind", he replied, still smiling as he gently squeezed her hand. He sat close to her and leaned over, gently kissing her cheek as the blush on his face continues to brighten and the warmth from his hand continues to glow.
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Daiva's face flamed up, like a strawberry. She smiled, and pecked Ryan back on the cheek. Smiling even wider, she layed her head on his shoulder, relaxing from the warmth.
He smiled as he held her hand with one hand and places his other hand on her shoulder gently. Both of his hands glow with warmth. He smiles as his hands continue to glow, holding her close to him as he gently touches her forehead with his.
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Ryan smiles seeing her fall asleep against him. He leans against the wall as he proceeds to close his eyes slowly as well, letting sleep overtake him.

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