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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

He nodded hearing Isaac's name, "It's nice to meet you." He looked at himself confused as he caught up to Davia, "I don't have anything TO pack, so I guess I'll just follow, I don't know what else to do anyways." He watched her go the wrong way, to which he replied with a light chuckle, cute and funny, Ryan liked that.
"The one you tried to-" he stopped himself before saying another word he pointed to the stream to the left of him and said "That one right there" he said walking over to it.
"Yep, ok, you know your way out of here" Daiva turned to Ryan. "Oh same here, I'll tell you my story on the way, in return for yours?" Daiva was glad for the company. She didn't want the guard to arrest her all of the sudden. That would be humiliating. Starting to follow the stream/river. She started to regongnize everything again.
Daiva seeing Ryan's nod, thought of how to begin. Should she begin with how she woke up, all those years ago? Or should she just start, to how she had to get around? What kind of question is that? Of course start with how she woke up! Otherwise he's going to think you ran away from home or something!

"Um, so I guess, I'll just start. Four years ago, so when I was around 11. I woke up in a house, more of a cottage. There was a old man starring at me. I, of course, screamed...for a while too."

Daiva winced. She didn't know why she was telling him that part, but she continued with her tale.

"The old man, ended up calming me down. When I asked where I was, he wouldn't tell me. All he would tell me was my name, Daiva, and that I had come to him, in request for a potion. A forgetful potion, all I wanted to forget was, my past life, nothing else. He also said the forgeting potion he gave me, took two days, for full effect. I apparently remembered all of my skills, including the ability with my swords."

Daiva paused to pat her swords, before continuing.

"The old man, told me to never come to his house again. If I did, he would take my swords. Since then, I've had to live on the streets, make sift beds. Don't usually stay in one area per night."

Daiva paused, she didn't know how to say that she was a thief. Would they through her in jail? If so, it was ok, got free food. At least, that's what she heard.

"And well...with no family, or money. There is certain things you have to do...like borrowing stuff. Get my point?"

She didn't wait for him to respond.

"So, that's my sorry life's story, what's yours?"

Daiva noticed that they were almost through the forest.

((Sorry that took so long, and bye @Cadin shadow lord ))
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(Jeez, why do you guys always leave me behind? *Sigh*)

Ariolle saw the three of them go away, including the new fire elemental, who just walked away without introducing himself. Well, one less person to fake a smile at.

She turned to the direction the elder had disappeared off to and followed it.

She needed to know more. The answers to the questions that she'd supressed in herself since long ago. How can the council expect them to just leave their own lives to help them when they didn't even lift a finger to save so many people from the attack of the minions for many years? The others didn't seem to have a problem. But she did. And her sister. She can't leave her sister all alone!
He nodded as he walked alongside her, his hands still casually behind his back. "I have no past, not that I won't tell it, but I don't know it. I lived alone as far as I can remember ever since I learned my ability. I have no name, and by someone who told me was my father, told me I had no future. I left."

He looked at his hands in anger as his hands glow with small flames, "I'm a monster... a freak..." He mumbled to himself, still able to be heard.
Daiva gently took his hand, and closed it. "No, you're not a monster at all. In fact, your my savior. If you hadn't noticed back there, I was freezing. Without your help. I would be an icicle." Daiva tried to lighten the mood.
He blushed slightly as he sighed a little. He kept his gaze away, "One good deed doesn't change it."
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Daiva realized she was still holding his hand. Quickly dropping it, she blushed, but she refused to give up. "It only takes one thing to change though." Daiva looked hopefully at Ryan. She had been through that stage. She had thought for the longest time what type of person would want to forget all of thier life? She clearly hadn't fully gotten over it.
He smiled as he gently held her hand again, letting a little warmth touch her hand. He looked at her with his smile as he blushed a little, "Yeah, thanks."
She felt surprised, when he took her hand. She smiled though, and sqoze his hand gently, slightly blushing. "Your welcome." Daiva blushed even more brightly.
He gently returned the squeeze, keeping the warmth from his hand to hers. After a few minutes, he slowly let go and returned to facing ahead. "So what're we doing again?", he replied as he let his blush die off, trying to change the conversation.
Daiva missed the warmth of his hand, but she continued to walk. "Well I'm going to see the council. Your welcome to join me. Honestly I'm just winging this. I think we are supposed to be going somewhere soon, so I guess, be prepared to leave." Why was she behaving this way? This has never happens before... Calm down she told herself. It's nothing, you've just had a long day. Calming down, she sneaked a look at Ryan.
((Not to rain on your parade or anything(words I adopted from @Riven) The romance warms my cold heart and all, but do try and limit it though for your own good. Tough times are coming and if your romance gets in the way, you'll die. I love the romamce but like I said, control it or it will be your downfall.)) :D
(Well, what's haoppening with the rp lately? I might be able to add some spice and action to this. Sorry bout not posting these last few days, been quite busy.)
He smiled as he noticed her take a glance at him. He nodded as he stood by her, "I have nothing planned, so whatever goes, I'll roll with it." He walked along, his hands in his pockets.

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