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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

Augustus was grinning mischievously when the old mage said that they could continue their fighting, but include the new one, Ryan. The old mage also said that the 'Chosen' was complete meaning their fates had been decided. "Oh man, this is going to me very fun." he said, sheathing his dagger.

Realizing that no one was attacking, Daiva resurfaced. Stepping out of the water, she had a wave of coldness sweep over her. Clutching at her arms, she tried to get warm, to no evail. She walked up to the new comer, still soaking wet, "W..Welcome..t..t..to the..g..g..group" her cold body started to go stiff. "W...w..would give y...you a hand...handshake, but it would m...m..make you wet."
Daiva glared at Isaac. Yes, she was cold, more like freezing. Against her will, a shiver went up her spine. "J..j..just, shut..t up alrea..d..dy"
"You're to cold to do anything so take it easy it's not like it's easy having powers" he said thinking to how he got his powers, "How bad it was" he thought to himself
He smirked at how cold the girl seemed to be. "I see you seem to be cold, perhaps a hand shake would be best for you", he replied as he gently took hold of her hand, letting a small amount of heat trace through her hand to warm her a bit.
When the new comer took her hand, she felt warmth creep up her hand. Looking up, she smiled. "Thanks, but how...? Oh, wait...are you the fire elemental?"
He smiled and nodded, "Yes, I am. My name is Ryan, Ryan Lawrence, and the elder that left called me 'The Missing Fire Elemental' or something like that." He grabbed a small stick and put it in her hand, wrapping her fingers around it gently. He lifted his lone pointer finger as it glowed ominously. He touched the edge of the stick with his finger, to which it replies by glowing with a small flame, giving the girl some warmth. He took his finger away as his finger blew out. "Hold that for a little, it'll keep you warm. Don't worry about the flames spreading either, I can control it so it limits to just a small flame at the edge of the stick", he replied with a smile.
"Thanks, m..m..my name is D..D..Daiva" Keeping the little flame close to her, she looked at Ryan. Realizing, that she hadn't said her element, "Oh! And my element is Water" just after she said it, she regretted it. Muttering to herself, "He already knows that, stupid" Talking a little bit louder, while getting warmth throughout her body again, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly great with my abilities, I just found out awhile ago, that I even had abilites...its been a long day."
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He nods, still keeping his smile. "For me, a long day is taking a few hits from unknown creatures and getting knocked out to wake up here, but otherwise, not a bad day." He chuckled a little, scratching the back of his head. "It's obvious you know what I am, funny I met you first then the others yeah? Talk about Opposites attract, am I right?", he laughed awkwardly as he continued to scratch the back of his head.

"Real smooth Ryan, real smooth, idiot", he thought to himself.
Daiva's grin grew wider. She apparently wasn't the only one, that couldn't talk very well. After hearing Isaac's comment, she thought she would get him back. Turning to Isaac, she smirked at him."You're not jealous Isaac, are you?"
He simply looked at them both with a confused look on his face. He's hoping he isn't getting in between a personal problem between the two.
"Looks like my 'wish' came true. Oh, and to answer your question, just look back at your previous comment, and go over it sssllloowlly" Since, she was all warmed up now, she went over and placed the stick back into Ryan's hand. Then went back to her swords, and strapped them on. After her swords were firmly against her body again, she looked back at Isaac, and smiled sweetly at him.
He took the stick back and let a sudden urge of heat go into it, letting the stick disintegrate to ash. He crossed his arms, sighing a little.
"Wait, I'm not done. You need to answer your own question...what are you jealous about? If you won't answer by yourself, consider it my prize for winning." Daiva was really smiling now. She really didn't know how to talk to people, because most of them just threw her out. However, since she was accepted, she let herself loose.
Isaac mumbled in such a low voice even he could hardly hear it "That you were hanging out with Ryan...." he really hoped she didn't ask him to speak up.
Daiva could only see Isaac's mouth moving. Knowing she should probably stop, she refrained from asking him to speak louder. "Well, like the old geezer said, you should go pack up your things. Since I don't have anything, I will just be looking for the council. If you guys are already packed, you are more than welcome to join me." Daiva then started to head, where she thought the city might be. She wasn't for sure if this was the right way or not. In fact, the more she continued, the more unfamilair it became.
"Right, I knew that...um just to make sure you know where you are going, which stream would that be?" In truth, she had no idea which stream to choose. Daiva felt like an idiot, of course she would go the wrong way, heading back to her original position, she waited for Isaac to respond.

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