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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

((School's here!))

Augustus watched the events happen quickly. All he understood was the people agreeing with the team match, Ariolle joining, the old dude joining, the mage trying to drown Daiva so that she could learn about her element, and then the jeezer walked away. "...Well, let's just do three versus two. Either that or all of us fight each other. Last one standing is the victor." he suggested, shrugging. "I would prefer the second one as the former is quite unbalanced."

Vergil said clearly to the group, "I'm fine with that. I'm just saying to my opponents, get ready to yell surrender." He smirked.
Vergil said to the cocky Isaac, "We shall see my friend. We shall see." He was full on smiling now.
Vergil gripped his sword an said, "Whenever the losing team is ready. Metal and earth are a great combo." He nudged Augustus in the arm maybe a little bit too hard.
Daiva reached their previous spot, she wrenched the swords out of the ground. She then headed back to the others. she was ready, was the rest of the group? "Can we just start?"

((... Nobody shall speak of this. Nobody tell anyone that I'm here because I'm doing my PE homework... GOT THAT?))

Augustus grinned. Well, he was half-smiling and half-wincing. "Earth and metal will be the victors!" he exclaimed, drawing his dagger. "Let's start, alright? On the first attacker's mark."
(Got it! xD And I'm studying maths. With great concentration.)

"Wait, I haven't even brought my weapons....", Ariolle trailed off when she got a better idea. "Maybe we should fight with just our powers, now that we all have them. That way, Daiva can get used to her power."

She had learnt that using her power drains her energy a lot, but the more she trained the less energy was drained.

(What topic in math? Maybe I can help you :3)

"Ariolle, I think I can visualize you being known for your erudition when it comes to team battles." muttered Augustus. "Anyway, I agree. Does Anyone else concur with her? If so, speak up so that we may proceed with haste."
((I'm doing A-levels ;) ))

Ariolle just shrugged, smiling a little, and waited for others to speak. She was excited for this battle but since, this was a friendly battle, she wondered what she could with her power. Air worked better for defence than offence, didn't it? Or could it be something more than a defensive power?
Vergil knew he was probably the most experiences with his powers so he would go easy on them unless he had to. He put sword over by a tree and said, "So we don't get tempted to use our weapons we shall put the away."
"So this is the missing guy." Exclaimed Abia as he walked towards the boy seating on a table with black hair.

"I've been waiting for you to show up, my name is Abai Di'Natale, and I think you should follow me as I lead you to others like you." To hell with politeness and the such, thought Abia. I'm excited that we finally have the full 6, I'm going to unite them as soon as possible.

Abia turned to Ignus and said: " Ignus, alert all the Elite Seat Members that I will be bringing the 6 to the tower, awe shall all meet in the Elite Court 10." With this Abia turned and headed back towards the woods where he had left the others.

"Come along now dear boy, don't be shy." He called back to the fire elemental.

"Shy, heh, bored is more like it", Ryan replied as he hopped off of the table. He stuck his hands in his pockets as he follows Abia. He sighed as he walked, sure he was bandaged, but the pain in his chest still lurched there from the attack and it seemed it won't leave anytime soon.
Daiva wanted to develop her new abilities, but she was afraid of not doing much. She had overheard the others complaining of how much energy it took, and she had just started! She didn't really know how to control the water. The only thing she could control was her swords, and she was being told to put them away.

Letting go of her pride, she unhooked her sheaths and layed them on the ground. If she was going to learn how to use her powers, this was probably the best way to learn. Daiva was still cold, but she figured her best opportunity was to go in the water, and stay there, because the water seemed to protect her. Daiva slipped her legs in, and pushed herslef off the bank with her hands. Yep, it was as cold as she remembered. Plunging deep into the water, she got used to the cold quickly. Resurfacing, "Ok, I'm ready"
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(Okay so it was mentioned somewhere before that they're all amateurs in handling their powers, and some just beginners too. So, don't start performing complex things with your powers. If you do perform, make sure you falter or miss your target or something)

Ariolle smirked and rubbed her hands. "Then lets have some fun!"

She flicked her hand to the left and a whirlwind formed, hitting the other three before vanishing.
(Haha, yeah. This should be fun.)

Daiva didn't know the first thing about attacking, or controlling the water for the matter, so she sank deep within the river, hoping for protection.
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"Enough young ones. You can all play again later." Stated Abia as he appeared out of the woods and into the area where the other elemetals were.

"This here is our missing elemental, which means that you're all complete." He exclaimed happily, his face beaming like that of a child. He was excited by what was to come, he still didn't know what the Council had in mind for them yet, but he knew that it would be epic.

"I advise you all to go to your homes and say your good byes and pack up everything you have. Tomorrow morning at around 7 a.m you will all meet here where by a memer of the Council will be waiting to take you to Avion's Prime Tower. It is there that your destinies and the future of your lives will be decided, it is there that you shall all know the true importance of your lives." Abia breathed in deeply after he was done speaking, he had said everything in one breath due to his childish excitement.

"You should probably continue your 'fighting' for a few minutes to get a better understanding of eachtoher and include the new comer as well. By the way son, what's your name?"@Riven.

"And do any of you have any questions before I leave?" Aksin this he turned to look at everyone, knowing that there would probably be some questions and more than likely an argument between the wood elemental and the wind. Also the water elemental might say something about being poor and unwanted that would lead to another argument.

'Man I have my work cut out for me.' Abia thought to himself.
He kept his hand in his pockets as the chains on his waist clang from bumping each other. He speaks with no expression, "Name's Ryan, Ryan Lawrence..." He sighs as he takes his hands out and hold them behind his back, obviously a bit bored.
"Well welcome Ryan." As Abia saw the bored expression on the boy's face he chuckled.

"Have patience young Ryan, all the fun is yet to come for you. For now though you can test your skills and get to understand everyone's abilities." Assured Abia, he would have loved to stay and watch but he called for the Council's meeting and he couldn't be the one to be late.
Ryan yawned bored as he brought up his right hand, his hand glowing with a small flame. "Fair enough, but the fun better be worth it", he said, tossing the ball in the air and catching it in his hand. His other hand gripped onto his chain, glowing with flames.

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