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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

Daiva widened her eyes in astonishment. The old man wanted her to kill herself? Was she really that unwanted? It made sense. Who wanted a beggar in the world? Sighing, she drove her swords into the ground. "Ok, old man. Sure, I'll go drown myself, just take care of my swords for me, will you?" Turning to Isaac. "Thanks for the comfort, but the geezer is right, I don't really belong in this world." She then ran, ran as far as her legs could take her. Soon she reached a river. "Goodbye" she whispered to the world. She then plunged herself into the freezing water.
"No, wait!", Ariolle called out, running after her, but she had already dived into the river. Ariolle started panicking. She didn't know how to swim.

What was that old man thinking!?
"No!" but it was to late not even with his elastic arms he couldn't have saved her, so he turned to the old man got in his face and said "What's your problem you're suppose to help us!" he said resisting the reaction to punch him right in the face
Daiva, opened her eyes, she wanted to see the sky, one last time. However she foume twht she could still breathe. There seemed to be a water bubble around her, helping her to breathe. Daiva swam to the surface of the river. Why wasn't it working? She then saw Isaac, and the girl from before on the bank. They must be trying to save her. "Please, just let me die. I don't deaerve to be here anymore." She then replunged herself into the water again. However the bubble reappeared. Was it possible that she was a water element? Could she have finally found her home? Resurfacing again, she realized, that she hadn't been swept down stream at all. Looking up at Isaac, " I think I just developed a new talent..."
"What were you thinking!" Isaac said "You need to get out of there now!" he said offering his hand out "Don't do anything stupid like that anymore, don't say anything like that anymore you have as much right to be here as anyone else." he said
Ariolle sighed, relieved. "That was pretty stupid of you", she bluntly stated to the girl. "You shouldn't let someone manipulate you so easily!"

Ariolle's face slowly lit with realization and turned to face the old man. "That was what you wanted, wasn't it? To find out her power?"
"Aha"exclaimed Abia jovially.

"And people think I am crazy, but look at this now, she has found her element and all she needed to do was do what I said. I guess I really am wise after all."
"Well if she wasn't a water elemental then she would have drowned. But worry not, I knew that she was it, Avion's Council never makes any mistakes." Abia said pompously and straightened his Council robes.
Isaac was angry at the man but he let slid "As long shes okay, but next time warn us cause I was about to go crazy" which was an understatement even if he couldn't win he would have fought with whatever he had left.
"Being too confident isn't good", Ariolle said, smirking, "even for you, Mr. Elder."

She felt comfortable here. The members were good and with powers like hers. That was hardly a bad thing. The Council was a different thing though. She still didn't forgive them for not saving her father. And she probably never will. But she was here, a part of it, because even though she couldn't help her father, maybe she could atleast help save these innocent lives that the evil Lord was trying to destroy.

That reminded her.

"What were we called here for, anyways? To protect the city? Are we going to stay here?", Ariolle fired question after question. "And my sister. She must've been alone while I was gone. I need to see her."
"Ah...they say crazy is the perfect way to reveal a man's strength. Perhaps if you were strong enough you could have extended a branch into the water and wrapped it around her and drew her out. But worry not, I wouldn't have allowed her to drown though. I already had my staff at the ready and one hit from Sokushi(name of his spell) on the chest and I wouldn't have saved her from her misery." He said with a tired wave of his hand.

"Helping those in need is what I do, I am Abia Di'Natale from Tar Mare and Elite Seat of Avion's Council." He beamed in pride when he said his full title, it always brought him joy when he proclaimed his Council rank.

"You know, it's a pity that you're all going to die young, you would have made been great members of the Council in the future." He said distractedly more to himself than them.
"Did I say that out loud?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"Oh dear me, well I didn't mean to tell you but, the way I see it, you're all probably going to become soldiers and warriors, and judging by what I saw during the siege, you all like to charge into battle without analysing your opponent first. And that could be your downfall, so yes you will die young." Abia had to give himself credit, that was a good lie. The Council had wanted them to be trained and eventually become generals in the Avion's Army, but now that the Fiend had sent that attack it was clear that they had to act fast and the long term plans of training the Chosen 6 might just take a change of direction.
"Well that was my fault I charged in and everybody else followed, im sorry but it's not their fault so don't say that about them." he messed up but it wasn't their fault.
"Oh it is fine dear boy, now that we all know what we can do, what about that team match up?" He asked, charging into a fight really was a dangerous thing, but when you're dealing with a large group of minions there is no time to analyse. But they didn't need to that.
"No", Ariolle immediately interjected. " It was our fault as well. And you tried your best."

Then she turned to the elder. "It was your fault as well, Mr. Elder", she pointed out," You brought us here without any warning or any kind of work description. That had been the first battle in everyone's life. You cannot just expect us to know things."
Daiva, starting to get really cold, got up on to the bank. Determined to not go into an emotional state again, she took in a deep breath. She had blocked out the others and their bickering, even if it was about her. Daiva started to shiver, the water was really cold, and the slight breeze didn't help the situation. "So, let's go train." Daiva then headed back to where they were previously.
Ryan didn't know how long he was lying down.

He suddenly sat up to someone tending him. He sat up, but lied back down due to a sudden urge of pain in his chest. An old man looks over, telling Ryan what had happened, the siege, the minions, and the man's assistance. The man tells Ryan that he is a member of the Council and asks what his name was after a short conversation. Ryan simply complies and tell him his name with no urge of surprise or such in his voice. The old man suddenly stands up, saying something about "The Chosen" and runs off, mumbling to himself about "going to go tell Abia."

Ryan sits up slowly, feeling the bandage on his chest as he walks over to the wall where his things are. He slips on his coat, hooks on his chain and wraps his normal hanging chain around his waist as a sort of belt. He decides to sit back on the table, waiting for the old man to return to explain some things.

He slowly lifts up his hand, looking at it with a smile as the center of his hand glows with the tiniest spark of a flame.
"ABIA....BROTHER..." Abia turned around as he heared someone calling him.

"Ah Ignus, how are you?" He asked the man, who inclined his head in respect.

"I have found the boy you sought, he is injured but not bad enough." Said Ignus while breathing heavely from lack of air.

"You've found him? Where? Take me to him." Ordered Abia, he was excited about finally meeting the absent fire elemental.

"Sure, right this way." With this Ignus turned and headed back out of the woods.

"It seems we have the location of our absent fire elemental, you can all team up without me for now while I go fetch him." With this happy declaration Abia turned and jogged after his Council brother.
"So how did you find him?" Abia asked Ignu. No one knew how the boy looked, hell no one knew how any of them looked so it was strange that Ignus had 'found' the boy.

"I didn't really find him, during the siege I found him fighting a couple of minions so I helped him. I was tending to his wounds when he told me his name." Answered Ignus, and Abia smile at this. So all the chosen were brave, that's good. They would fit in well for their mission.
Ryan sat on top of the table, playing with the flames emitting from his hands. He tossed the small ball of fire to his hand and the other. He sighed as he heard footsteps approaching the room. Hopefully the people coming would get here quickly, before he would get bored and lose interest.

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