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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

(Yup, passes time pretty quick)

Daiva woke up, her eyes fully adjusting to the dark. Her nightmare, still sent chills from her spine. Careful to not wake Ryan. She slowly got up. She needed to do something with her muscles. Deciding on crunches, she set to work, wiping the nightmare, out of her head. Once she was over it. She stopped, muscles aching. She refused to go back to sleep, frightened the nightmare might reappear. She decided this was a good time to think.
The head guard from before smirked as he walked towards the cell the two prisoners were held in. He was given the authority to move them once again when he was told about hw they were enjoying their time together in prison. And this time he was going to seperate them.

"Good to see you're awake girl, I was given the authority to move you to level 15." He grinned at the firl as his fellowe guards moved into her cell, just in case she needed 'help' getting out.

Level 15 was bot as small as the cells in 10, but the bad thing was that it was the last level in the prison and also had various holes in the walls and the roof. These holes allowed wind to blow in, making sure that the cells were always ice cold.

"I am sorry to seperate you, it warms my heart to see young love like this, but hey, you didn't much me after all." He said to her, his eyes twinkling with joy.
Scrambling up from the floor, she looked at the guard, ever so sweetly, "I await your rotting corpse." She paused to bow. "Your excellency."

She looked back at Ryan. She hoped he would be alright, and without another word, she headed out the door of the cell, prepared to face the terrors, of cell 15. She had only heard rumors, and she could only hope, that they weren't true.
The old man was nowhere to be found. It's like he just disappeared into thin air.

Somehow, Ariolle reached the room that everyone had assembled in on the first day. Everything had went haphazard that day and she remembered that she had lost control of her power for a moment, hitting the bookcases and the chandeliers there. But now, when she peeked in, everything was as normal as it was when they arrived. She wondered if the Council had the power to speed-clean.

She knew her way out from there and decided to go to the town. Her apartment, specifically. It was already mid-day. Could her sister have gone school by herself?

"That girl has finally been caught", a woman, who was outside a fruit shop across the street, chuckled and Ariolle couldn't help but eavesdrop. "Now all my fresh fruits and buns are safe! I'll throw a party when I earn all my profits back. Are you up for it?"

Ariolle sneaked a glance at the owner of the voice. It was a plump middle-aged woman talking to another relatively slender and tall one. They both were arranging different wrapped baked goods and fruits.

Daiva, Isaac and the fire boy had gone to the town, she realized and sighed. This was definitely not a good time to get locked up.

Her ears perked up when she heard a guard telling others that he was allowed to take the 'little thief' to level 15. She tracked the direction the voice came from and soon she found a guard walking away. She followed him, slightly floating above the ground since her footsteps would easily be heard as she knew that the prison was in a secluded area.


@Devilsxlovelyxangel , I'm just going to make Augustus stalk follow your character because... both he and I are lost in a maze of posts.))

Augustus was lost. Literally. The others had left him, leaving him to himself. He decided to wander around, hoping that he would at least find one of the 'Chosen'. Then, he sighed in relief when he saw Ariolle staring at a fruit stand. Then, when she suddenly walked away, causing Augustus to follow her. When she slowed slightly and he finally caught up to her, he said quietly, "Uh, where are you going?"

(( xD Same here. I'm just trying to catch up to them somehow))

Startled, Ariolle glared at him. "Why are you following me, metal boy?", she hissed at him, grabbing his arm and making him float with her. "You'll ruin everything! Do not make a sound now."
"But aren't you making--" Augustus stopped himself mid-sentence. He'll probably piss Ariolle off more if he retorted. So, he just nodded but was unable to hide a scowl when she called him 'metal boy'. "...How about I call you Ariolle and you call me Augustus? If that's not your name, I can always call you wind... something." He personally wondered how she made that in a couple of seconds. Unlike boys, girls were way more sensitive about names. And by 'sensitive', he meant more brutal.

Ryan sat up noticing Daiva wasn't beside him the moment the guard walked in then left. He crossed his legs and started what he usually does to pass the time. He made a small little ball of fire in one hand and bounced it back and forth between his hands, hoping it'll pass the time by quickly.

"I hope she'll be alright", he thought to himself.
The guard finally turned a corner and from there, Ariolle could see the majestic design of the prison. Actually, the barbed wires were the only thing that made it look like a prison.

The road had trees on either sides so she instantly retreated her hand when a tree hid her from the guard. Now that they had seen the prison, they didn't need to follow the guard anymore. But they will have to move cautiously now. She turned to the metal boy, Augustus.

"Fine, Augustus", she called him by his name, since he kept on insisting it. "First, we have to find out where they are. Which floor, I mean. The prison cells have metal bars and doors so you can easily bend them. I'll do something to get information and distract the guards."
"That didn't count." said Augustus when he heard Ariolle stress his name. "But alright. Your will, milady." he added with a bow. The nickname wasn't really that bad because he didn't want to know the feeling of being one hundred feet away from the ground and then being sent plummeting down. Straightening up, he looked at the prison. "...Should we enter now?"

"Yeah, slowly bend the gate bars. I'll bend the air so that the noise doesn't reach the guards", she ordered, even though she wasn't sure whether she could perform this or not. She was nervous. Very nervous.
Ryan continued to toss the ball of fire back and forth in his hands. He sighed as he held it close to his mouth and blew, making the ball extinguish into a trail of flames at the wall. He sat back as he made another ball and continued to play with it, being alone is boring, vet very boring.
Augustus did as told (after a few seconds of thinking if he should bend the bars quickly just to annoy Ariolle). "What now, Lady Ariolle?" Okay, that came out as a reflex. You can blame his high classed manners for that. He wanted to be like the others, at least they act... normal. Then, he noticed Ariolle looking odd. Oh boy. "If you don't have faith in me," he said. "Do me a favor and have faith in yourself, alright?"

Ariolle looked at him with surprised look. Was her face so readable?

She cleared her throat and peeked into the area. The grounds were filled with guards. They wouldn't be much of a trouble since she can just run swiftly past them with her enhanced speed and enter the building. But then what? If she doesn't know the map of the place beforehand and just keep running, she might just run into a wall and get caught.

Then she remembered the book she had read on the first day. It was written there that the air goddess had the power to be invisible as well. For that, she had to create vacuum around her. The longer she can hold her breath, the longer she'll be able to stay invisible.

She relayed her thought to the meta- Augustus. She really should learn to be good with names.
The young man shrugged. "I'm fine with that. Just don't expect me to catch you when you faint." Then, grinning a bit, Augustus said quickly, "I kid, I kid. Don't hit me. I'll catch ya, don't worry. Now do your invisibility thing." On second thought, maybe I shouldn't annoy her. he thought to himself. Sure, killer stalkers were one thing, but an invisible, air manipulating girl is something else.

"If I could read minds, I've a feeling you'd have already been dead. Killed by me", she told him, smirking. Though he was helping in sending her nervousness away.

She took a deep breath and concentrated on her powers.

"Am I going invisible yet?", she whispered to him.
Daiva got colder and colder, the further they went. Starting to shiver, she rubbed her hands together, trying to get warm. When the guards stopped in front of a cell, she knew she was going to be freezing, for a long time. The guards fumbled with the keys, getting the cell door open. Pushing her inside, they locked it back up. Taking in her new surrondings, she realized the holes in the wall and ceiling, were on purpose. The cell was as big as her other cell, but a LOT colder. Huddling into a ball. She waited for someone, anyone, to rescue her.
Augustus raised an eyebrow. "You might as well be a mind reader. But I believe there is something called 'privacy'." he said, crossing his arms. Then, when she asked him if she was invisible, he was about to say no when she suddenly faded from his vision. Whoa. Talk about jinxing things. "...Unless I'm hallucinating, you're invisible now 'cause I can't see you." he told Ariolle, staring at the spot where she used to be physically at. Great, now she's an invisible, wind manipulating, mind reader. he mentally groaned. If she had any more surprises up her sleeve, Augustus was sure he was never going to mess with her, even if he has his own metal powers.

"Really?", she said, getting excited, but then she realized that she just breathed, destroying the vacuum she had created.

"Okay, this time, I'm run to that spot", she told him, pointing to a secluded spot in the corner. "And then go invisible since I have to breathe while running. Back me up."

((I have a feeling that we're the ones trapping them in a maze of posts now.))

Augustus nodded. "Got it. Just go when you're ready and I'll follow you quickly." he said, getting ready to run. Good thing his dagger was sheathed though. The sun was shining a bit on their spot. "Ready?" he asked Ariolle.
((Bwahaha revenge! :P ))

Ariolle nodded, determined. She took a deep breath and ran past the guards and to the spot she wanted, so fast that the guards thought it was merely the wind.

Then she glanced at Augustus before taking another deep breath and bending the air around her. She looked down at herself and instead of her body, she saw the floor. Good, she wasn't visible.

She speed-walked to the entrance door and entered the building. Inside, the place was crowded with guards and officers. There was a reception desk at a corner. She walked to that and her eyes skimmed across the pages of an opened register.

The latest entry had Daiva's name. Ariolle pointed to the name and dragged her fingertip to the next column. Level 15. Major thefts.

When she tried to see where the Fire boy was kept, she realized her mistake. She didn't know his name!
Daiva, felt her skin, start to prickle from the cold. The constant breeze didn't help, and she only could pray it didn't rain. Her muscles were stiff from the cold, deciding she had better start moving around, she hopped up to her feet. Feeling the cold wrap around her, she knew she had to get moving, otherwise she would most likely freeze to death. She started to use her arm muscles, in attempt to warm up. She hoped she could get out of here soon, though she knew it was no use.
Her lungs started to burn, longing for oxygen. Her eyes searched around for a hiding place and found a supply closet. She slowly went in and closed the door.

When she was safe, she let out her breath and started breathing deeply, gulping in large amounts of air. She decided to save Daiva first and then ask her for his name. But before she could comprehend anything, the supply closet door opened.

(Alright, guys. I'm going to go sleep now!)

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