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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw

"Ryan..." Daiva decided not to push it. She didn't want to be the whiny girl. She'd seen enough of those, and how they ended up. Grumpy old women. Daiva sighed. "Let's just go." Keeping her hand on the hilt of the swords, she walked out.
He sighed, not wanting that type of reaction. "Daiva wait...", he replies as he catches up to her, holding her hand tightly. "I'm kidding.. you know I didn't mean that...", he said softly as he let his hand warm slowly.
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Daiva was talking to herself, and snapped back to the world when she felt warmth on her hand. She looked up to see Ryan. She only caught the last part 'didn't mean that'. Coming to her own conclusions, she responded. "Yeah, of course I know that. It was just...stuffy in there. Yep, defiantly stuffy." Daiva gently sqeezed Ryan's hand. "Let's wait for Ariolle, and then we can go."
He smiled as he gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, letting his hand stay warm.
"I've known about it for awhile, had nothing to do with my life other then train with it", he said with a smile. He surely hoped she would be alright.

(@Devilsxlovelyxangel Ready to fire! *salutes* )
"Oh, just learned about it yesterday...so kinda begginer. Any warnings?" Daiva honestly barely knew anything about her ablilites, and from learning about them, all the way to getting out from jail. She hadn't been able to learn much about it.
"Go slow with it, I've known about mine a few years after birth, but if you're still new, go slow with it... don't strain yourself", he replies cautiously. He thought the others knew about their abilities for awhile now, this took him completely by surprise.
"Okay, lets go", Ariolle said with a nod. "But if you fall unconscious on our way to the council, just know that it's all because of your stubborn nature."

Ariolle had met so many similar boys in her sixteen years, but she never understood why they never wanted to show their pain. Everyone feels pain atleast once in their lifetime and it was perfectly alright to acknowledge the feeling.

( @Abby Zilack Ready!

@Riven *salutes back*)
Nodding towards Ariolle, Daiva held on to Ryan's hand, just in case he started to fall unconscious. "So,um...who wants to lead the way?" Daiva didn't want to lead, she had enough of people getting hurt becuase of her. She personally hoped Ariolle would, it might help with her ability of wind. Though, she wasn't sure.

(Let's do this thing!)
He smiled as he gently squeezed her hand in return, it felt nice, he almost forgot how good it felt. He didn't speak until he was directly spoken to. He simply watched Daiva ask Ariolle, knowing Ariolle is probably the best leader they both have here.
(I've never felt as much of a third wheel as I've been feeling on this thread :( )

Ariolle looked at their tightly grasped hands and felt a slight twinge of jealousy. She had never realized that somewhere deep inside her heart, she too wanted to be loved like that.

She turned away and started walking before them without a word. She couldn't let these new feelings get to her.

"So, lets head back to the building we were first at", she suggested.
Daiva nodded. It was the most logical place to go. "Good idea."

Daiva inwardly cringed, she wasn't exactly thrilled about going to the main city again.

"Uh..don't know about you guys..but I kinda want a cloak to hide myself with. Don't exactly want them to recognize me...of us for that matter." Daiva cringed even more. She was terrible at speaking to people. She continued to look down at her feet. Mumbling some curses she had picked up from the streets.
He watched Daiva look at the ground, mumbling to herself. He gave her a look of worry as he reassuringly squeezed her hand. As much as she was already worried about him, he hated seeing her act this way.

(Sorry @Devilsxlovelyxangel >_> I feel bad)
Feeling the squeeze of Ryan's hand, she smiled faintly, but continued to look down at the ground. She stopped muttering though. Taking a deep breath, she looked up ahead. She felt ready to meet this council. What was so special about them anyways? Did they have any abilities, did they have some superior knowledge? Without realizing it, she had been squeezing Ryan's hand, harder and harder.

Coming, back to her senses, "Oh god, Im so sorry."
He smiled as he replied by squeezing her hand gently. "No no, its ok, it's actually a bit nice", he replied with a slight blush. He gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb reassuringly. "Don't worry about it, just know I'm here if you need to talk about anything."
Daiva smiled up at Ryan. She appreciated his kindness. "Thanks, I appreciate that." She then pecked him on the cheek, immediatly blushing afterwards.
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He smiled as his blush grew slightly as well. He stood close to her as he gently rubbed her hand, letting his warmth comfort her hand. He let out a relaxed sigh.
At the sight of his blush, she blushed even brighter. She loved the feel of his hand against hers. She had never had this feeling before, towards anyone. Never felt that the moment was right, that she had actually found home, till this. It had been her fault that he had gotten hurt, and yet, he still held her hand, and offered her comfort. It had been her fualt that he had been thrown in prison, so why was he being so nice. He couldn't be opening me up to crush me...could he?

With that thought, she looked fearfully up at Ryan, scared of what she might see in his eyes.
He noticed the worried look in her eyes. He gave her a look of sadness as he returned her look, "Is something wrong?... I'm not doing anything wrong or bad... am I?..."
Seeing the concern in his eyes, she sighed with relief. "No, sorry. Bad memory." She couldn't believe that she had actually thought that he would be doing that.

She slightly squeezed his hand, trying to communicate something, that she didn't have the guts to say out loud. Not only I'm sorry, but something else, something more sweet and tender. She hoped he would pick up on it, but at the same time, didn't know if she wanted him to.
He smiled and nodded as he returned to his previous gaze. He wasn't fully sure if she was alright or not, until he felt her squeeze his hand again, to which he replies with a small smile.
"I asked you the same question a few minutes ago, Daiva", Ariolle said flatly. "I wouldn't have asked if I had known." She looked around briefly. "But we have to move on and get somewhere. Should we check the woods?"

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