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Remus flushed, looking away. The light danced of his hair, making it look as gentle as wisps of woodsmoke. His amber eyes were full of mirth and something like hope. “I’m sure I wasn’t.”
“Look around Remus, no one’s been able to get it yet. You did it so fast! You’re truly brilliant mate! You’re going to be a bloody great wizard!” Sirius praised.
Remus looked at his wand. “Yeah. Maybe.” He smiled softly. He looked back. “You should try again, Sirius.”
Sirius smiled even more seeing a tiny one appear across Remus’ lips. There was something about the lighting that seemed to make Remus look so majestic. And his eyes- they were beautiful. Sirius had to stop staring and quickly nodded, ready to try again. “I suppose I could give it another go.”
Remus gently took Sirius’ wrist. “It’s a swish.” He moved Sirius’ hand. “And flick.” He turned to Sirius. “Got it?”
“Swish and flick. Got it,” said Sirius with a nod. This time, he swished and flicked his wand while saying the incantation again. “Wingardium Leviosa!” Sirius said. The book slowly began to lift off the desk but only about an inch or two.
"Maybe you mistimed it? The spell sounds like the movement. Winguardiam, we're going up up up. Leviosa, and we flick."
“It’s fine Remus. I’ll get it eventually,” said Sirius with a shrug. “I’m just too happy for you that you got it,” he told him with a chuckle.
“Here, I’ll try again if it’ll make you feel better,” said Sirius. He got his wand ready to attempt it once more.
Sirius flicked and swished his wand but with Remus’ little admittedly silly way of doing it. “Wingardium levisoa!” he said rhythmically. With that, the book began to sufficiently levitate, just like Remus had done on his first attempt.
Sirius grinned proudly for himself, feeling Remus give him a pat on the shoulder. “Thanks mate. I couldn’t have done it without your help,” he told him.
"Oh, it's nothing. I'm sure you would've figured it out." Remus pulled away from Sirius, suddenly very aware of their closeness. He scratched the back of his neck.
“Nah mate. I owe it all to you,” said Sirius with a soft smile. “Guess this charms thing is kind of our thing, eh?”
"I guess." Remus let out a small laugh. "My mom-" He froze. He was supposed to be Muggleborn. He couldn't talk about his mom's potions. "Is going to love to hear about this," he awkwardly finished. Hopefully Sirius wouldn't notice.
“I bet she’d be so proud, Remus,” said Sirius with a smile. Eventually the rest of the class began to slowly get it. A few others did the charm successfully and others, like Peter, had no luck. Class was almost ending.
James was still stuck on his book only hovering a couple of inches. He looked to Remus. "What was it again?"

"Swish and flick, James." Remus was now competing with Sirius to see who could get the book higher. He was purposely trying to lose to get Sirius to laugh again.

"I have swished and I have flicked and my book has no lift!"
Sirius was now determined to get his book higher than Remus. He grinned as he competed with his friend, letting out a joyful laugh as he bested Remus. “Ha! I did it! I win!” he proclaimed happily.
Remus laughed along. Sirius had a nice laugh. He looked handsome like that. His eyes crinkled in the corners and his shoulders shook with a full-body laugh. He smiled softly. "You win. Good job."
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