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Fantasy The heretics

(Ok, so that's three down, so I'll wait for the others to post. I'm heading off for school right now, so I won't be on for most of the day.)
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling](my beloved will probably not be online today and tomorow.)

(A fork up it all, can we just timeskip?l
(That's mostly everyone, so let's do the time skip)

The group arrived at the village, but something was wrong. The village looked fine, no fired, no bandits, and even the townsfolk went on with their day. 'Is this just a drill?' Noah thought to himself as his eyes scanned the village. For all of the trip Loonie held his hand, while he kept his expressions under control on the inside he was having a breakdown. "That's odd..." Noah said quietly to himself.

"Over there! On the top of that hill!"

Everyone's head quickly snapped in the direction of where the person had shouted. On the top of a small hill layed a manor, it was smaller in comparison to Noah house, but it was still fit for a noble. It was being attacked by a group of around 20 bandits. Whoever was inside was doing a good job of keeping them out, but they wouldn't last forever.

One of the bandits turned around to look at the group,
"what is this? Are they now sending children to fight us? Honorless bastards," he called down to the group.

"Lay down your weapons, and you won't be hurt!" Noah called up, but the man ignored his commands. "That crest on your clothing, you're a noble aren't you? That will give us more than enough reason to slaughter you," the man replied, and the rest of the bandits prepared for battle.

Battle start!

Objective: defeat all opponents.
Mia lext Noah's hand. "I'll pick that back up after battle.", she said, as she quickly brought her blades to hover and made them charge the bandits. It was easy to dogde them, they did not do much if they hit, but they distracted a few bandits, making them vulnerable for bowmen and mages.
Percy was ransacking the manor. He had found large supplies of silver and gold, but was only taking what he could carry and hide. Being invisible had it's advantages. Once he finished, Percy quietly exited through a window, putting his clothes back on and adjusting his mask.

As he continued moving, he noted that the bandits were distracted by...children? How strange. Percy though for a moment. Ah well. He could always scavenge the battlefield. That was fun in itself. Percy made sure his cane was handy.
Ara Folred Ara poises one foot to the ground sturdily, and her expression in the face of death is a mask of straight-faced calm. Her voice, towards her team, is a monotone drawl, "Here they .. come, Adrielle, Neil."

@TangledBowties @SkullRoss
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This isn't going to be as easy as I thought. Neil stared up toward the bandits on the hill. He would have preferred to be the one on higher ground. He was going to have to act quickly. His best chance at taking down several bandits was to loose as many arrows as he could before everyone got near enough for close combat.

Neil pulled out an arrow and nocked it to his bow. It took a second for him to adjust his aim, then let it loose. He pulled another arrow as he watched the first one land between the feet of one of the larger (yet relatively defenseless) bandits. Almost! The elevating terrain made it difficult to predict the arrows trajectory. He released the second arrow. This time, it hit the bandit squarely in the chest, and Neil watched him fall face-first to the ground. One down! He continued to shoot as many arrows as he could before his companions got too close to the action.
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Percy watched the action casually, leaning against a wall. An arrow landed nearby. He picked it up, twirling it in his fingers. "Nicely made," he murmured. Held the end up to his eye, looking down. "Yes, yes," he continued, "I could make a fair amount of cash with these." So, collect those arrows. That was one objective. And the only one so far.
Adrielle unsheathed one of her katanas. She waited calmly for a few of the bandits to come closer before she began fighting.

Taking on one, she twirled her sword and danced around the bandit, slashing at his mid section. He went down quickly, making a loud thud as his body hit the ground.

Sensing one behind her, Adrielle raised her elbow knocking a bandit right in the face, while slashing at another that appeared before her.
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Ara Folred Ara brandishes a pocket knife, and in the heat of the moment she lurches abreast Adrielle and covers her rear. Her grip is tense and pale around her knife, and to the bandit recovering from a ramming elbow she expresses no mercy. Serrated steel pierces his thigh, and soon it's sheathed to the hilt in pulpy, bloody gore.
Noah followed Loonie's lead, "don't be reckless," he called out to her while pulling out his sword, and charging in. He veered off twords two bandits, this wasn't a problem for him. Noah kept up the pace while he took on the two bandits at the same time, he actually started to push back his opponents. When he got the opening Noah quickly killed the two bandits and went on to the next.
Battle has started. A bandit was shot by an arrow and falls to the ground, another was slashed, a third one was stunned from getting elbowed but was quickly incapacitated by someone from the team. With all the ruckus going around, Saccharin is just calmly standing. He looks at Sotha. Hey boss. He then again fixed his gaze at the hill. How about Kadia and I fight at the frontlines and provide distraction long enough for Cinder to cast spells. While you be our back up if anything goes wrong, and also protect Cinder if a bandit slips. It's still your call though. Saccharin said as he analyze the skirmish.

@Ashaficent @Andraus @Lefic
Raphael follows Noah and Mia toward the bandits. He stops at the bottom of the hill and begins making arcane gestures with his hands. As the power grows around him, he gestures toward three bandits that are heading in his direction. They are instantly surrounded by a circle of flame. Unable to move in any direction, they hurl curses at him. Having immobilized those three, leaving them open to attack by anyone with a bow, he quickly turns his attention to a bandit that is quickly closing in on Noah as he battles with two bandits at once.

Gesturing in the air, he unleashes a rope of flames which wraps around the bandit, causing him excruciating pain and leaving him vulnerable for an attack by Noah. "Noah! Behind you!" he calls out.

He looks around for Mia, trying to determine if she is in any immediate danger. Glancing to his right, he sees her not far away. She is doing some amazing spell work of her own and doesn't seem to need help right now. He's impressed with the amount of control she has at sending her blades to harass the bandits. He sizes up the battle, rebuilding some of his strength as he contemplates his next attack.
Sotha took a look at the battlefield ahead, biting his lip as he knelt down, to increase his perspective. "Sacchi, You and I will provide front-line support. Disarm and Immobilize if you can, kill if you can't avoid it. Kadia, run interference. Keep their archers and spell casters off of us, and in disarray. Cinder will provide long range spell-support, but stay hidden. We can't provide support from where we are going. "Yaro said, before handiing Cinder an object. It was his generic Knight-enchanter hilt! "If you have too, use this. I know front-line fighting isn't pleasant, but we don't have the luxury of being picky. "He said, before pulling out his mothers.

He pressed his hand to the hilt, speaking the words of old. "By the Blood of a mage in my veins, I call upon you Misery, Voice of the unholy Blight, come forth!" He chanted, before a red-hued spirit blade appeared on the hilt. It was long, slender, and almost as graceful as a sword forged at the grand cathedral. It marked his status as an Arcane Warrior. He then turned toward Saccharin. "Let us go my brother. To victory!"He said, with a grin on his face, and he ran into the fight.

@CodeCJD @Ashaficent @Lefic
Saccharin while listening to Sotha's plan, never averted his eyes from the battle upfront. He can feel Sothas power concentrating. So, he's serious huh. In turn i'll try my best to incapacitate those who turned their backs to rightful living! He thought, while observing his path and how he will perform the most effective blow to the enemy.

Sotha's instruction ended and told the team to move.
Yes, boss. He said as a response. He dashed forward. In seconds, they were spotted by the enemy. 3 bandits in Saccharin's path to the the manor. They are all atleast 3 feet away from each other. The first one is directly ahead of him. If he'll attack the first one, the second one will be at his 2 o'clock from his new position. If he do a swift attack from the first, he'll still have time to strike at the second one, but the third bandit will be given enough time to react and probably catch him off guard. Sotha always have fast reflexes, so i'll have to trust him on this one. He rushed toward the first one, dropped his guard a little to bait his opponent to strike him. At striking distance, the bait worked. The bandit striked at him, but Saccharin had already anticipated his move. Saccharin ducked and sliced the first bandit behind his knee. He dropped his left hand on the ground and flipped, landing a kick similar to an axe kick to the bandit's face, knocking him out. The third one is at his back. He was left vulnerable. Sotha!!! He yelled.

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