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Fantasy The heretics

Sotha was doing his best to avoid unnecessary blood-shed....in the sense that he wasn't trying to kill anyone. If he could help it, he knocked out of disarmed the enemy, at worst he ran his sword through their arms, hands, or legs to keep them from being a threat. When he heard the call for help, Sotha held up his hand, as lightning would shoot out, stunning and knocking the bandit down. However, due to the fact that he took his eye off the battle field, a blade grazed his side, and an arrow was shot into his free arm. "Agh! Dammit! "He said, pulling the whole arrow out. While he was good at offense, defense was not his best ability, everyone knew that.

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Mia kept near Noah, as she crossed her blades with a tall bandit, who fought with sword and shield. He tried to block her every hit, which exactly was his doom. As she hit his shield for the third time, a thunder stroke down on him, killing him. She turned, just to see a sword fly at her head. She managed to somehow not get decapitated, leaving a cut at her cheek. It was not deep, but looked horrible and was very painful. She started fighting the one that injured her.

(Wah, keeping up with all of my RPs, especially considering time zones is HARD ;- ;)

Cinder charged into battle, manipulating the wind to form a barrier around herself while creating lightning strikes that hit anyone who got too near her. The earth around her was rippling, and the stone in her staff glowed brightly as she manipulated the elements to attack the bandits. A spear somehow managed to get past her wind barrier, and struck her side, causing her to cry out in pain. The barrier threatened to collapse for a moment, before she bit back her pain and focused again. Crimson continued to stain her side, warm and sticky.
Percy had noted a young lady fighting the bandits. She got a cut on the cheek. He sighed. "Poor dear," he whispered, and undressed. He took the thin sword out of his cane, and strode forward. He couldn't be seen at all. His hand covered the handle of his weapon, preventing anyone from seeing it. Furthermore, it was so thin, that it could hardly be seen.

As Percy advanced, he came up quietly behind the bandit who had injured the girl. He thrust forward, driving the point of his blade through his throat. He withdraw immediately, and cleaned off his sword of blade. "You are welcome, madam," he said delightfully. Only, to her, it looked like a disembodied voice had come to her aid.

Suddenly, he noticed another woman, this time who had been hit by a spear. "Excuse me," he said, before sprinting over to the girl. "Need any help?" He asked her. She wouldn't be able to see him, but she could hear him.

@Ami the breadling @Ashaficent
Mia heard a cry. She turned, ignoring what just happened to the bandit, and saw a girl, a quite cute one, being hurt. She could not bear that, ran over and unleashed her powerfullest combo on the spearman. He could not withstand it and got killed, she looked at the girl, her cheek still bleeding, it dripped down to her chest. "Are you alright?"

@Ashaficent @DaManofWar
Kadia quickly climbed up a tree and looked for enemy archers and mages. Her sharp eyes quickly spotted a cluster of about eight of them keeping quite close by. Without hesitation, she launched herself off the tree. In their confusion, Kadia cut down two of them before the others started to react. The archers all pulled out daggers and the mages stepped a short way back to continue firing spells. She quickly weaved through their legs, making cuts on their legs to sap away their strength. Launching off one of the bandits, she drove her two blades deep into another's skull. One down, but it was a mistake. Kadia grunted with effort, trying to pull her blades out of the bandit's skull but couldn't. While she was still, she had recieved numerous burns from mages and a dagger stuck in her thigh. With a final heave, the blades exited the dead man's skull but she already had many injuries. Shallow cuts covered her from head to toe but what hurt her to most was the dagger in her thigh. She screamed in rage and spun, decapitating three of the remaining archers and started running towards the two mages. She launched herself at one mage and clamped his head between her thighs. She sent all her body weight backwards and slammed his body into the ground, leaving their head stuck in an unnatural position. The last female mage stared in horror at Kadia's last victim, she was probably his lover. Kadia walked towards her slowly and the female mage made no effort to move. Kadia slammed her blade hilt into the woman's head, leaving her unconscious on the floor.

Kadia's breathing was shallow and ragged. Almost her whole body was crimson. With all the healing power she could muster, she healed most of her lesser cuts, leaving deep gashes and the dagger still stuck in her thigh. Her hair was messy and matted with blood. She reached into a pocket and her hand reappeared clenching numerous herbs. All at once, she chewed them all and swallowed them in order to numb the pain. With gritted teeth, she launched herself back into battle, swiftly cutting down the lone mages and archers and carefully fighting the groups. She looked like a complete, bloody mess but on her face was a thrilled grin.
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Cinder whipped her head from side to side as a voice asked her if she needed any help. "What the- where are you?" Suddenly a pretty girl with purple hair was by her side, asking her if she was alright. "Were you the voice that just spoke?" She asked, feeling bewildered.

@Ami the breadling @DaManofWar
Mia let out a little laugh. "Yeah, i asked you. But i heard a mysterious voice too. Bur are you ok? You bleed...", she said, carefully pointing at her side. As she did so, she unintentionally touched Cinder's stomach. Mia blushed deeply.

@Ashaficent (how could I ever withstand make my chara crush on yours?)

"Ahem," Percy said again. "I'm right behind you both. Again, do you need any help?" Percy tapped his foot a bit impatiently. If the women could leave each other alone for a few seconds....Percy swiftly moved his blade, cutting the throat of a bandit, before stabbing another through the heart. He withdrew the blade. It was raised to see now that it was blood stained.

@Ami the breadling
Saccharin saw Sotha get hit by an arrow. Sotha! Are you oka-... Suddenly he got hit by a punch behind his head. Wobbled, he scrambled on his feet, turns around and see a bandit bouncing on his toe in a fighting stance. The bandit attempted to kick him on his side, because of the punch earlier, he can't even react and got hit. Making him cough some blood. As the bandit tried to do another kick, Saccharin stepped back a little, the bandit missed and turns because of the momentum of the kick. As the bandit faced him, Saccharin stabbed the big guy on the chest, killing him. He was forced to kneel because of the damaged he sustained. He heard someone closing the distance and it sounds like it's running. He looks up and see a bandit running towards him. He threw knives towards Saccharin. Saccharin raised his sword towards his chest where the knife's trajectory is heading and blocked it. The second knife landed on his abdomen, a little bit to his side, and the other one grazed his left arm. He pulled the one that is on his abdomen and threw it back towards the bandit, creating a split second distraction. Fortunately, that split second is enough for Saccharin to make a move. He lunged aiming past the bandit, as he is parallel to the bandit's side, Saccharin swung his sword at the bandit's neck. The bandit had no time to react as he was distracted. In a glimpse, his head is way far from his body. Ugh and I even aimed not to kill. He thought as he look at the other bandits that's eyeing him. He got up, holding his abdomen. His white coat that's lined with golden color is now stained with blood. Damn, I really like this coat. Saccharin faced the closest bandit. You lot are gonna pay. With your lives ofcourse! He yelled. Flashing the bandits a crazed smile.

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@Ami the breadling (She's taken u.u) @DaManofWar

"Um, my side was struck by a spear..." Cinder jumped when the voice spoke again, pain shooting through the body. She turned around, not sure what she was seeing. "You know something, I'm fine." She stood up, wincing in pain as she did so, and shot a whip of fire from her staff at a bandit that was creeping up on them.
"Very well," Percy said in a matter of fact tone. He round on yet another bandit. This one got it right through the eye. "Of you are wondering why you cannot see me, it is because I have been cursed with invisibility. Most vexing at times, I will admit." Percy walked forward, and tapped the girl with the fire whip on her shoulder, just for fun. "You are a skilled mage," he told her.

With a lot of archers and mages down. Kadia sighed and started going for the normal bandits. Most of the other mages and archers were far away from her team or up the hill where they had advantage. Despite her group leader's instructions, Kadia left most of her enemies dead. As she looked around, a tough-looking opponent walked up to her. He blocked her escape. They fought for more than 5 minutes, he blocked every one of Kadia's attacks. She was quickly getting weaker and weaker, unable to keep up. Then, she saw an opening and ran straight for it at blinding speed. It was a trick, he put his foot out and tripped Kadia up. She skidded across the floor and the dagger in her thigh drove in so deep that the cross-guard of the blade touched her skin. She screamed and curled into a tight ball, seriously injured and on the floor. "Damn it! This is way out of my fighting style!" she shouted.
@Ami the breadling @CodeCJD @Lefic

Sotha struck down a bandit, striking him in the knee to keep him out of the fight. Jumping into the air, with a crazed amount of acrobatics, he managed to use his blade into one of the bandit's shoulders, using him to propel himself towards two others and knock them down. When he saw that Cinder was hurt, Sotha felt an uncomfortable burning sensation in his chest, as he rushed by the nearest bandit, and beheaded it. "What are you doing, idiot!? Getting hurt like that. I thought I told you to stay hidden and cast your magic! "He said, rushing behind Mia, and running a bandit through the stomach, into the ground. "Careful, rook! "He said, before looking towards Kadia, and calling up a fire ball. He then sent it to a nearby bandit to her, trying to provide support. He was a good offensive player, but his wounds were becoming more and more prevalent. He couldn't keep this up forever.
Cinder almost sent a fire ball the invisible man's way when he tapped on the shoulder, and complimented her. "Thank you," she said dryly, contemplating what it would look like if she shot a nasty look towards thin air.

And suddenly there was Sotha, yelling at her for hurting herself. She noticed that he was hurt himself, and glared at him. "You're one to talk!!" She shouted back, freezing a couple of bandits.

@Andraus @DaManofWar @Amithe Breadling
Kadia used her strength to get up off the floor. She breathed in, preparing herself, then pulled the dagger out of her thigh. Blood seeped out like a waterfall. She grunted, ripped a strip of clothing off a dead bandit and tied it around her wound. Staying low, she raided the dead bodies for things that could help her wounds. She had little strength left. She decided to lie down on the ground and take a very short nap to regain strength. She figured no bandit would touch her since she was so bloody that she could easily fake being dead. She was worried that her teammates might think she was dead but then shrugged it off and started sleeping on the battlefield. One would probably think she was crazy, sleeping in the heat of a battle. She didn't care. Three or four minutes was all she needed to feel strong again, besides, her wounds healed better when she was asleep.
Percy chuckled. "What? Am I intruding on your personal space?" He asked the girl. "I'm Percy Griffen."

Percy saw a young man yell at the girl. He raised an eyebrow. "Your lover?" He asked. His thin sword shone through the air, carving a path through yet another bandit. Some were clearly confused by what seemed to be thin air killing them. Others were flailing about madly, yelling in fear and alarm. Percy sighed. "Idiots," he said coldly.

@Ashaficent @Andraus
Mia left the girl be and hurried over to Noah again, her cheek burning as it still bled. It should have stopped by now, but for some reason it kept bleeding, having her top now soaked in blood. She, while running, fought off a few more bandits, Thunderlords Decree doing most of her work. It were to many to land a combo without interuption.

Her blades kept flying around, here and there hurting or even killing a bandit. As she reached Noah, she quickly asked "Everything ok so far?"

Raphael sees that several groups have paired off and the bandits have broken up in kind. He sees Mia barely avoid being decapitated and then run to the aid of another girl. Although just about everyone has sustained injuries, they all seem to be holding their own. For now. As his gaze sweeps back toward the manor, he notices five bandits forming up and starting to approach Mia and the other girl.

He makes a few intricate gestures and levels his right hand at them, sending a decent sized ball of flame at them. The two bandits in front are instantly vaporized. The remaining three are set on fire, as they were only a few steps behind the other two. They immediately start running around, screaming in agony, before falling lifeless to the ground. With his attention focused on the five bandits, he doesn't notice a lone archer step around the corner of the house, loosing an arrow at him.

He has started moving to the right to get into a better position when the arrow slams into his left shoulder. "Ahhhh! Damn it!" he yells out out. He looks up at the building and notices the archer, partially obscured by the corner of the house. He sends another fireball flying in the bandits direction. This one is nowhere near as powerful, as he is unable to use his left arm in the casting. However, it's enough to catch to the bandit on fire, sending him screaming in agony before he drops dead a few minutes later.

As usual, Raphael has acted before thinking. The bandit was standing up against the house, a wooden house, when he cast the fireball. Luckily, the spell wasn't powerful enough to catch the structure on fire, but it did leave a rather large scorch mark.

Raphael pulls the arrow from his shoulder, which starts bleeding freely. He really needs the use of both arms for casting and knows he needs to get this healed quickly if he is going to be of any more use. "Hey! Can anyone heal this?" he yells out. "I can't take care of these bandits with just one arm!" He curses under his breath. There is a large tree close to his position. He makes his way to it and takes cover, waiting for someone to heal him.
Saccharin ran towards the bandit that's walking arrogantly after him, almost suicidal. The bandit got gun-shy and flinched when Saccharin feinted for a take down. With the bandit bending over, he struck him with his knee, considering the momentum and the element of surprise, the bandit got knocked out. Saccharin coughed more blood after he made the bandit fall on his face, and wiped it off. This is bad. He thought while looking at his own hand. He noticed that the bandits are low on number now.

Saccharin heard Sotha's yelling. So, he's okay huh. He looked towards Sotha that's casting a spell towards an older looking bandit. Near the bandit, a woman appeared to be unconscious. He looked closely and noticed that Kadia is the one laying on the grass. He jogged towards Kadia while holding his wound. He's a little wobbly from the punch, his eyebrows are pinched and he looks heavy-eyed. He knelt beside her and gently put his arm around her back, bringing her into a sitting position. Hey, hey, we're still gotta eat dessert later. Don't die or you'll be the one who's gonna treat me. Saccharin whispered, managing to pull a smile. He put his other arm under the back of the knees of Kadia, and lifted her.

They head towards the pair of Sotha and Cinder.
Umm, hey guys. I think we're falling back for a bit. From his mouth, a fair amount of blood is flowing, but he can still keep up a decent pace of walking.

@Ami the breadling
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(Mia is aready with Noah again.)

Mia kept fighting the bandits, until a burning pain exploded through her body. An arrow had pierced into her stomach. She could tell it did not hurt any organs, but she still fell over. She considered it over. She prayed to god to forgive her sins, if she had done any. The battle blurred, she did not expect healing from an allie.

@Eagershadow3 @anyone who wants to help.
Kadia's eyes flutter open. "That was a nice sleep," she mumbles to herself. Then she realizes that she's being carried by someone. She looks up at their face and sees that it's Saccharin. She hopes that the blood on her face is enough to cover her blush. "H-hey! What're you d-doing?" she says, trying to sound annoyed but stuttering. She looks around her and sees that there are other people and her blush gets deeper. All of Kadia's lesser wounds have completely healed but her body is caked in blood. The deep dagger wound has changed from gushing blood to dripping but her makeshift bandage is completely soaked.
As Raphael leans against the tree, he reaches into one of his pockets with his right hand, pulling out a foot long strip of clean linen. He attempts to wrap the wound on his left shoulder, but finds the task difficult using only one hand. After a few minutes, he is able to get the linen wrapped around his wound, using his teeth and right hand to tighten the knot.

The bleeding seems to have slowed slightly, but it is still soaking into his makeshift bandage. He tries to flex the fingers of his left hand, but the pain is just too great. Seething with anger at his misfortune, he swings and punches the tree. "Owww!", he exclaims. Great, now his right hand hurts. This isn't exactly how he saw his day going.

Looking around the battle, he notices someone carrying an elf girl away from the fighting. From his vantage point, she appears to be dead. "Oh if they've killed one of my comrades, they'll pay dearly," he thinks to himself, rage swelling up in him. As the boy carries the elf across the field, she turns her head and looks up at him. Raphael can't tell from this distance how badly she's hurt, but at least she's still alive.

He sits down beside the tree, resting against it's large trunk. He needs to calm down and regain his strength. It's difficult to try and relax when all you want to do is get back to the fighting. He takes several long, deep breathes and is finally starting to feel slightly more calm. All he can do now is wait to be healed.
@Lefic @CodeCJD @Ashaficent

Sotha was about to yell back a retort, when he saw his companion fall. Everywhere he saw his friends getting injured, hurt, and they were being pushed back. Sotha's face changed to one of pure fear. "No....no....nononono....."Sotha felt his heart began to slow down......then, that burning sensation returned, along with a unrelenting, uncontrolled rage. "NO!"Sotha yelled, pulling out both his hilts, and summoning his second spirit blade. "Peace has failed, Justice ungiven, and the innocent fall. With Righteous fury, I call upon the blade Hatred! "He finished, as the second hilt came forth, a blade simiiar to Misery, but shorter, thicker, and with a blue flame. Charging forward, he rushed into battle, not sparing his strength against his foes. He made a precise effort to kill each one that he could get his hands on, and seemed to shrug off the pain (though the wounds were bleeding profusely.)

Sotha then ran into the center of the field, placing both hilts to his side. He then pressed his hands together, into his chest. "Hate fuels me, Vengeance drives me, and the blood of the fallen empowers me! With the power of this hellish hate, I'll burn you all, that is your fate! "Sotha chanted, his hands covered with blood.....but not his blood. He was using blood magic!

Using the blood of the fallen, Sotha sent out a cascade of fire, burning people to death in a small area around him.
Oh hey, you're awake. He chuckled faintly. I'm trying to live, and i'm taking you with me. Saccharin smiled, trying to hide the pain his suffering. I think retreat is the best way now. He said, his eyes looking forward. With blood loss causing him to weaken every second. Saccharin's movements become unsteady. His arms are about to give up so he holds Kadia tighter with his remaining strength. With every step he can feel his strength draining. The rugged land caused him to twist his foot and lose balance. Saccharin reacted fast enough to turn his body. He fell on his back. Sacharin looks at the sky. The journey has ended? I didn't even become a knight. Saccharin thought. His hold loosened up, he closed his eyes, everything went dark and quiet. The grass felt comfortable, like it's trying to pin his consciousness towards it. @Lefic @Andraus @Ashaficent

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