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Fantasy The heretics

Mark tripped and stumbled towards the camp.'' It's okay. Mom's at home, doing well. '' He said to himself. '' if I survive. I'll make my mom, my friends everyone I left behind proud. '' He then made it, almost immediately, he saw a thief flee from a few allies in the distance, far away from base camp. He couldn't fight, not in this condition. Never in this condition.
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(Oh, my, the drama.)

Cinder was aware of many of her allies falling in battle around her, all injured critically. She was also aware of her own blood seeping through the wound inflicted on her by the spear. Her head was pounding, her eyes were blurry and she was shaking violently.

And yet, she kept on going, a whip of fire incinerating three bandits at once, lightning strikes immediately killing a group of five.

But she finally fell to her knees when an arrow hit her exactly where the spear had, and she screamed out in agony.

Biting her tongue, her eyes moved towards where the arrow had come from and she located the archer. A small whirlwind of ice surrounded him, and he was frozen over on the spot.

But there's only so much that a person could take.

Cinder fell to her knees, feeling hazy. Black spots danced in her vision, and her mind was losing focus. So this is how she'd go, it seems...

Percy snapped up when he heard a cry. The girl who had been hit by the spear, the witch from earlier, was lying on the ground. And arrow was in her spear inflicted wound. Percy sighed. His courteous side demanded saving damsels in distress.

Percy raced over to her, light on his feet. He bent down next to her. "It's me again," he whispered in her ear, "the invisible Percy." He placed on hand on the arrow in her side. "I've seen worse," Percy continued comfortingly. A bandit charged forward at the girl. Percy stood up, and thrust his thin blade forward. It stabbed the man right through his heart. Actually, he ran into it. Percy withdrew the blade. He then grabbed the girl, and started carefully moving toward the forest and safety. This was risky, if someone saw a wounded girl being dragged to safety by nothing...

Percy scoffed. He would deal with it. As if on cue, an arrow flew right past him. "Of course," he sighed. He just flung the witch over his shoulders, and started running. Hopefully, someone would keep the bandits busy.

Kadia listened to what Saccharin said and it made her get a bit more flustered but she still hugged Saccharin as if she was a child hugging a stuffed toy. Then a man appeared and she quickly let go off Saccharin and hung her head in shame. The man handed Saccharin a vial and she looked at Neil and gave him a thankful smile. "Drink it! It'll help close your wound!" she said to Saccharin, sounding like an excited child.

@SkullRoss @CodeCJD
ArcticVoid said:
Mark tripped and stumbled towards the camp.'' It's okay. Mom's at home, doing well. '' He said to himself. '' if I survive. I'll make my mom, my friends everyone I left behind proud. '' He then made it, almost immediately, he saw a thief flee from a few allies. He couldn't fight, not in this condition. Never in this condition.
(He still sees Percy. Stop it)
'' I could use one too. '' Mark pointed out. '' I got stabbed in the leg and the shoulder by a duo of bandits. An archer saved me. '' He then collapsed, still awake. He was crawling now, he could feel the blood flow down his arm and his leg. '' This hurts. But I ain't dead, the grim reaper ain't taking me now. '' He muttered to himself.
Owww! Why'd you have to let go of me so suddenly, Kadia? His head hit the ground. He noticed a man that approached them. He has his hand outstretched holding a vial, a healing potion perhaps? The stranger told him that it will help his injuries. At first, he was hesitant but, when told by Kadia to drink he obeyed. Okay, okay. I'll drink it. Don't be too excited it might spill. He said jokingly. Whatever is inside the vial is really effective. Saccharin can feel his wound knitting together. Whoa, good as new. Look Kadia, the wound is gone! He said in amusement while he raised his shirt and tapped the part where the wound is earlier. I feel a hundred times better! What's your name, my good Sir? He asked looking at the guy who gave him the vial.

@Lefic @SkullRoss
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Cinder thought that she was really going to die, when a voice suddenly whispered in her ear. Invisible Percy...? The invisible guy from earlier? She thought, a vague memory forming in her mind.

She felt herself being lifted up, and gasped slightly. She wanted to say something, but it was like the words wouldn't form in her tongue. She managed to let out a gibberish 'mhmph' before giving up.

She had lost too much blood, the consequences of being an idiot and not casting a healing spell when she could have.

Kadia sighed in relief as she saw Saccharin had healed. Then she realized she was staring at Saccharin's bare stomach and looked to the side. She wasn't used to seeing things like this. "Maybe you'd like to pull your shirt down," she said in a quiet voice, gesturing at Saccharin's stomach. She picked up her cloak and put it on, it was still stained with Saccharin's blood from earlier. She sat down next to him, her arms around her knees. "You're healed, what should we do now?" she asked.

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'' H-Help Me. '' Mark was losing blood. '' Pl-Please h-help M-Me. '' Mark was stuttering, he shouted to the sky, the pain was unbearable, and he could see a cloaked figure and another one.
"Neil, but there's no time for idle chat." Neil stood. "If your doing fine then I'll be off again. I've still got 2 healing potions, and there are still those who are injured." Neil looked back from where he had come from and saw Mark crawling in pain. He ran over to him and pulled out another potion. "Here, take this." Neil waited to see if the man was responsive enough to quaff one on his own.

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Mark looked up and held it in his hand. '' Thank you... Every part of my body... It hurts, every. single. one. '' He then drank it up. There was no pain, he began to heal.
When Percy reached the woods, he set the girl down. "Right, so, how to go about this?" He placed a hand in his chin, and began thinking it over. "First off, you need that bleeding stopped," he told her. He then noticed people nearby. Her allies. "Hello over there! Yes! Could any of you spare a second and help this girl? She may be dying."

@Ashaficent @SkullRoss @Lefic @ArcticVoid
I understand, Neil. Thank You for helping me. Saccharin said smiling.

He heard Kadia suggesting to put his shirt down but didn't really put much thought into that as his mind is occupied by what just happened to him. This is really amusing. The wound didn't even left a mark. Maybe I should get one someday, but I think it will be pricey. He thought as he turned sideways slightly and gently pinches and taps his skin. When asked by Kadia what they should do next, he paused for a second then gave her his response. Kadia, we're gonna back Neil up. He said with confidence in his eyes and assertive grin.

@Lefic @SkullRoss
'' I can't heal her, but one of us can. '' He replied, he got up and sheathed his sword, he then sat down. '' I made a bad choice going after a duo of rogues. '' He muttered to himself.
"Alright!" Kadia responded to Saccharin. Then she heard a disembodied voice and paused. "Hey, do you hear that?" she asked. She looked in the direction of where she heard the voice and saw Cinder on the ground, looking fatally wounded. She tugged on Saccharin's sleeve and pointed, "There! I think she's hurt." Then she ran towards Cinder.

Kadia couldn't see where the person who asked for help was, she assumed he was either invisible or very good at hiding. She pressed her hands against the girl's wounds, with a look of pure concentration on her face. The wound was no where near healed but it looked slightly better. Kadia looked at the boy who was sitting on the ground, muttering to himself, "Hey. Wanna consider actually helping and finding something we can use to try stop the blood flow?" she said slightly rudely but she was like this to almost everyone.

@ArcticVoid @CodeCJD @DaManofWar @Ashaficent
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"Wonderful miss. May I ask your name?" Percy said aloud. He was sitting right next to the girl now healing the one he had saved out of courteousness. "I am Percy Griffen. You can't see me right now. I can change that, but I have to wait for all the violence to end first."

@Lefic @Ashaficent
Cinder mumbled things under her breath, feeling rather delirious. She was vaguely aware of people surrounding her, voices talking. She unknowingly let out a sigh of relief when Kadia healed her wound a little bit. The pain had lessened, but she was still feeling faint from blood loss.

"Sotha..." She muttered, her mind all messed up.
Jack stood up. '' So, what should we do? I'm going to back up our other warriors on the battle field. ''He then took off.
"I'm Kadia Chark," she said to Percy. She looked at Cinder's wound, it was still bad. She reached into her pocket to try find some herbs she could use to help Cinder, then realized she accidentally used them all on Saccharin. She started to think about Saccharin and then shook her head to try and clear the thoughts, she needed to focus on Cinder right now. "I'm no doctor, but she's still breathing so I guess that's a good sign," Kadia said. She felt out of place here, having to heal people, Kadia felt most comfortable when she was stealing or in a fight. When she had peoples' lives depending on her, she started to feel slightly nervous. She heard Cinder call out Sotha's name. "Try not to speak too much. Don't get too tired, okay?" she said. She turned to the others, "Have anything I can use to try and stop the blood? She's getting weaker."

@Ashaficent @DaManofWar @CodeCJD
@Lefic @Ashaficent @Eagershadow3

After his outburst, Sotha ran over towards Cinder and Kadia. "Oh god no.....Stay with me, Cinder.....you can't leave me like this.....you haven't even called me an idiot for rushing into battle yet....."Sotha said, as he looked at his hand. Grabbing one of Lefic's knives, he pierced his hand with it, pouring blood out, and using it to power his magic, not caring the people could see. Blood Magic was a forbidden art, for a number of reasons, but Sotha wasn't about to let his friends die.

Using his own energy to power the spell, Sotha began seeling the wounds. Though he was sacrificing blood himself, his wounds were minor compared to hers. He then called out to Noah. "Hey, De Clare! We need to get these people to a proper healer! My mom is in a village nearby, she can help!"
Percy raised an eye. "Blood magic? Really boy? How interesting." He was impressed he was using it to heal. When he mentioned his mother was a healers it all made sense. Percy then stood up. "I have to change," he said, before walking off to receive his clothes. No one could see him though. So, it would be rather awkward, to say the least.

@Andrea @Ashaficent

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