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Fantasy The heretics

"Do you think you can defeat me voy? I faught alongside Julius De Clare during the great war," the bandit taunted Noah as they faught, unaware that Julius is Noah's older brother, "strange, I reckon you should be afraid of me, I'm Noah De Clare and it's time to say goodbye," he replied and the bandit took a step back in shock, leaving him off guard. Noah took this opportunity and sliced the man's throught killing him.

Noah nearly fell over as his eyesight was blurring,
'no.... I have to keep fighting,' he thought to himself. The bandits numbers have decreased, but so have his allies. It would be a close battle.
Ara Folred Ara glances left and right with thinned, heedful eyes. She wipes coagulated gore from her pocket knife, sheathing it with a rasp and click of steel. Chaos and turmoil and battle plague the hill, and it turns her expression sour.
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Neil rushed over to where Cinder lay on the brink of death. He watched Sotha perform a healing spell on her. Blood magic. He knelt beside her to check on her condition. The wound was severe, too much for his last vial of potion to handle. And besides, the potions effects are weakened when mixed with blood magic. "Looks like you're right. I can't do anything for her." He turned to look at Sotha. "Which way do we go?"

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Kadia stood up, then faced Saccharin. "Ok, now Cinder's all healed up, we can do what you want. Sorry for the delay.Neil is already here anyway," she said to Saccharin, gesturing at Neil.

She turned to the others, "Alright, do we go back in? Most of us are fine now and it seems that De Clare guy needs help."

(Ooc: Whoops. I have the feeling I misunderstood something. Is Cinder completely healed at this point? Or was the blood magic just to prevent her from dying?)
Mia woke up. She had no sense of time anymore. It could have been days or minutes she was out. But she saw one thing. Noah fighting. And having a hard time.

She got up and managed to get herself over to him, killing a bandit in his back he had not noticed. "I won't let you kill that boy. He ows me a dinner date!", Mia shouted at the dead bandit, turned and laid her back against Noahs. "We fight for a brighter tomorow. Never forget that."

Raphael had stayed by Mia as she lay unconscious. He saw a small group break off and head to the edge of the treeline. Looking in that direction, he noticed that someone was lying on the ground bleeding. The others arrived and started healing her. Noah is engaged in combat with a bandit, but seems to be holding his own, even though he has a sword slash across his back.

Mia regains consciousness and and immediately goes to Noah's aid, taking down a bandit that was approaching him from the back. Raphael's arm is in a lot of pain, but the bleeding has almost stopped. Hopefully, he will be able to find someone with healing abilities or a healing potion as he is still unable to cast any spells since he can only use one hand.

The tide has definitely turned in their favor, with most of the bandits either slain or running off. It looks like only a few remain and they are being taken care of by others. He stays close to Mia and Noah as they battle with a couple of bandits, ready to try and help. Although without being able to cast any spells, he's not sure how useful he can be.
As they are healing Cinder, Saccharin stood and guarded the vicinity. Not too far away he saw Noah fighting with a bandit, though he managed to kill it, he looks like he's in bad shape to continue fighting. He turns to Sotha. Hey big bro. Sorry but i'm going to leave everything to you, again. He said with a sheepish smile. He set his gaze on Kadia. Although she did not practice healing magic, Cinder still needs every help she could get. Saccharin smiled and winked at Kadia, then quickly turns and dashed towards Noah. Eight bandits are closing in. As he reached Noah, he noticed that his wounds are in a bad shape. Noah, can you still fight? He asked with the look of concern. The girl he's talking to earlier is also by his side. It could have gone worse. He thought. He knows they're outnumbered, but the bandits looks like they're not that strong. Three archer, two with the swords, two fighters and one with a dagger. He faced the girl. Lady, I'll take the archers. You, I beg you, please protect No-... Before he finished his sentence an arrow is set loose towards them. Luckily, Saccharin saw it and blocked it with his sword. Let me finish my sentence, would you! He yelled towards one of the archers. He ran towards them. Jumping over one of the shorter bandits and slipping the defense of the other four. The archers fall back trying to run away from him, but it's too late. He managed to catch up with one and hit it behind the back of the head with his sword's hilt. An eye for an eye. He thought. Quickly rotating he slashed the other on his thigh that made him fall. The other is quite far but, Saccharin also has his own tricks. Aiming for the archer's back he threw his sword towards it and made it spin once mid air. It hit the archer and the sword was stuck on his back. He ran towards it and pull the sword out. On his way back to the pair. He slashed at the unconscious archer's leg.

@Ami the breadling
@Andraus @Lefic @Ashaficent @Eagershadow3
"Retreat! These damned kids are destroying us!" The leader of the bandit group yelled, and all of the remaining Bandits started to pull back. The area had calmed down a bit, blood was running down the hill and dead bodies from both sides lay across the grass. One bandit that Noah had injured spoke up, "All you damn nobles are the same. You lie, cheat, and steal from us. With no thought about us you do this all for your own personal gain. Listen De Clare, your on the path of you father and brothers, may we meet in hell," he said, then his body went limp. Those words hit Noah like a freight train, something about them just pierced him, like a spear running straight through his heart. For as long as Noah could remember he was always told that Nobles, royalty, and anyone who held power was good, but now spoken from the words of a honor-less bandit, Noah started to consider if he was fighting on the right side.

Battle Complete!

As Mia heard that, she turned around and hugged Noah, her blood soaked clothes wettening his too. She was literarilly completely red, even her pink hair had parts of red. While hugging, she lost her strength, getting up and fighting had costed a lot. She went limp in Noah's arms, still concious but strongly weakned.

As he stands close by Noah and Mia, Raphael notices eight bandits are closing in. He's trying to figure out how he's going to defend them when another bot shows up. He recognizes him as one the people who went to the aid of the girl by the tree line. As he approaches to help them, the boy is able to take out several of the bandits. This relieves Raphael. He had just decided that he would have to try take the bandits out bare knuckles style. This would have been a keen idea, had he actually know how to fight hand to hand and if he didn't have a gimp arm to contend with.
Steviemac said:
As he stands close by Noah and Mia, Raphael notices eight bandits are closing in. He's trying to figure out how he's going to defend them when another bot shows up. He recognizes him as one the people who went to the aid of the girl by the tree line. As he approaches to help them, the boy is able to take out several of the bandits. This relieves Raphael. He had just decided that he would have to try take the bandits out bare knuckles style. This would have been a keen idea, had he actually know how to fight hand to hand and if he didn't have a gimp arm to contend with.
( The battle is over, the bandits retreated)
Percy walked back to the group. This time, he was fully clothed in a doctor's outfit. "Hello! Have I missed all the fun?" He called out. He walked towards a young man who was heavily injuried. "You went through hell," he told him.
Raphael sees Mia collapse into Noah's arms. "Mia, are you o.k.? You should probably sit down and rest." He knows she has been through a lot and clearly needs to recuperate. Looking a Noah, he can see that he isn't in much better shape. "You need to rest too Noah. I think that wound on your back may have been a bit more serious than you've been letting on." He hears someone call out "Have I missed all the fun?" As he turns in the direction of the voice, he sees someone dressed in doctors garb.

"Hey! Doctor! We could really use some healing over here!" Raphael yells out to the doctor. He waves as he yells out so as to let the doctor know where he was needed.
Mark walked back to camp, he wasn't that harmed, but he had a bruise on his cheek after getting punched by a much bigger bandit. Damn it, what is it with me and targeting bandits I can't beat. He thought to himself, before reaching the camp.
Percy chuckled. "Unfortunately, I am not a doctor." Percy removed his mask. And, course, there was nothing there. No face, no head, nothing. "See? It is I, Percy Griffen, the invisible man!" Percy bowed in respect.
He walks toward Noah. You've been careless. Your father will definitely scold us. He said with a slight smile as he brushed his hair off his face. I'm glad those bastards retreated. He sighed. Saccharin put his hand at one of Noah's shoulder, signalling him to sit and rest for a bit. Saccharin's hand is numb and shaking from gripping the hilt too tight and absorbing impacts.

He heard someone calling out to them.
A doctor? He thought. The man said he was not. The man lifted his mask up and presented himself. (well, he has nothing to present). Saying that he's invisible. Saccharin gently nudged the man beside him. How is he going to help us? Did the school sent some back-ups? He said while looking at the guy that's fairly injured.

@Eagershadow3 @Steviemac @DaManofWar
Mark walked towards the group. '' Why did they retreat? ''' He gestured towards the battlefield, which was full of allies and the dead bodies of bandits and allies.
"Invisible man, huh? Then it was you I heard speaking at times in a disembodied voice," Raphael says, a hint of anger reaching his voice. "Well, we have no need for a prankster! We need someone who can heal these two! Now begone unless you have something useful to help!" He turns back to Mia and Noah, paying no more attention Percy. They both seem to be about to pass out from their wounds and exhaustion.
Percy pressed the tip of his cane against the ground. "I am a good thief. Please, shall I steal some supplies?" The next moment, he was right next to him. "Should be easy," he commented
Mia let herself fall backwards, as Noah seemed to be weak and she did not want him to need to endure holding her. With a loud and painful sounding noise she hit the ground, just staring up. She was pale due to the bloodloss. Mia seemed to be only half concious, as she always repeated three words. "Survive till dinner, survive till dinner..." Her voice was weak and quiet, but she nearly mike a mantra repeated these words.

@Eagershadow3 @Steviemac
Noah's vision started to go blurry, he felt the weight of Loonie fall off of him, and a surge of panic ran through his body. "S-stop your stupid blabbering, and help us!" He said, raising his voice. The idiots would get nothing done if they just stood around and talked. Noah's knees buckled, and he nearly fell over. Luckily he used his sword to prop himself upright.

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