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Fantasy The heretics

Kadia's face turns from a look of annoyance and embarrassment to fear and worry. She stared at Saccharin on the floor. She pressed her hands to his wound to try heal him but her healing powers weren't strong enough. Frantically, she emptied her pockets for something that could help, stuffed every kind of herb into his mouth and tore off pieces of her clothing to try and make a bandage. Her hands gripped his collar and she shook him, "Wake up!" she shouted at him, although it sounded more like a command. Kadia took off her cloak which she always wore and wrapped it tightly around Saccharin's wounds. Without her cloak, she felt quite bare but didn't try to take it back. She immediately slaughtered any bandit who stepped close to the wounded Saccharin and every time she killed a bandit she would come back and sit by his side, trying to help him regain consciousness.
Suddenly, a claaping sound echoed across the battlefield. Everyone could hear it. "Well done! Everyone, well done! A marvellous battle indeed. Displays of power, shows of strength, valor! Everything that makes a legend! Mark my words, there will be so GS written about these rascals!" It was Percy. He was the one clapping. But to most, it just seemed like a disembodied voice was talking away. "Now, I believe that this battle should end soon," Percy finished. Now, he took a more active part. He sped through, running a bandit through, before slicing another's throat. A jab through the eye here, a cut across the stomach there, it was all very interesting to see thin air attack. The surviving bandits struck at a for they couldn't see. If they were smart, which they seemingly weren't, they would have tried listening for him. Sight has failed them. Now, Percy could just cut a trail through.

But he had to be extremely careful. On of them might get lucky.

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As Raphael rests against the tree, he watches the battle intently. A little to his right and in front of him, he sees the boy carrying the elf falter and fall to the ground. He assumed that the blood covering the boy had been the elf girls, but it appears that is is coming from the boy himself. Raphael stands to go and see if he can be of any help, but he has no healing abilities. The elf immediately drops to the boys side and begins using anything she can find to try and heal the boy.

Looking around for Noah and Mia, he sees them engaged with a few bandits up the hill to his left. Something's wrong. Mia has doubled over as if struck in her midsection. He immediately runs toward her, hoping that she isn't mortally wounded. "Oh no!" he exclaims as he reaches her."Mia, are you o.k.? Stay with me." he says as he bends down to see an arrow sticking out of her stomach. He reaches into the pocket where he keeps his linen strips and removes two of them, packing them around the arrow in an attempt to staunch the flow of blood.

Then Raphael hears the strangest thing. A loud clapping has begun, seemingly from nowhere. Then a disembodied voice starts praising them for their skills and valor. Suddenly, bandits start falling over dead. First one and then another. All seemingly without being engaged in combat. "What the hell's going on here?" he says aloud.

The tide of the battle starts shifting in their direction as the bandits become more confused. Hopefully, whatever this entity is, it doesn't turn on them when it finishes with the bandits. He turns his attention back to trying to stop Mia from bleeding to death.
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Mia was about to pass out from the bloodloss. She barely saw someone help her. "G-god?", she asked before she went limb. She could not move, nor speak, but see what happened with blurred vision. The bleeding was prevented from being mortal, due to Raphaels reaction.

(If nobody would have helped within the next three posts, i'd have her die and make a new character. So you literarilly saved her life)

Raphael looks down at Mia. "No, I'm not God. It's Raphael," he says in response to her delirium. "Lay still, you're hurt pretty bad. I've got the bleeding under control but you've lost quite a bit of blood." Raphael is starting to panic. Mia needs a healer badly. Looking around, he can see that she isn't the only one in need of healing.

Thankfully, the bandits are too surprised and confused by whatever the entity is that is systematically slaughtering them, that they are completely ignoring him and Mia. This allows Raphael to remain focused on trying to keep Mia alive.

(I'm glad I reached her in time.) @Ami the breadling
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Mia weakly took Raphaels hand. "I brought shame upon my family... I was not able to compete mere bandits... I deserve death...", she whispered, as she started crying in pain and shame.

Neil stays behind while many of his companions charge ahead to the front. He had taken down 3 of the bandits, but now the battle had reached a point where every one of his targets were too close to his team. Then he saw a flame encircle 3 other bandits. Oh, he thought, someone's been considerate enough to set up an easy target for me. It took about 4 shots to wipe them out. He saw that many on his side were struck by arrows. Now where are those coming from? But when he finally saw them, they were already being handled by Kadia. Ah good, they were too far for me to handle from here, anyway.

Neil looked around again and observed that many of his own were on the brink of defeat, or even death. He ran forward. Being an archer, he knew that there would a point when his skills would become un-useful. At such a time, he would typically run to the aid of his injured companions. So run, he did. And as he ran he pulled some healing potions from within his satchel. I'm coming, everyone. He approached the nearest of the injured victims. "Here, Mia, drink this. It will help your wounds heal more quickly, plus it's a good pain-killer."

@Ami the breadling @Steviemac
A bandit approached. Kadia grabbed two throwing knives that were strapped to her thigh. With amazing accuracy, she threw the knives at her opponent's arms, weakening them. She ran towards the bandit and they locked into combat. He was already injured and weakening already. With swift movements, she caused the bandit to fall to the floor. She held her blade to the bandit's neck. "Run, before I kill you now!" she snarled. Her opponent scurried away in fear and ran away from the battle.

Kadia reappered at Saccharin's side. She tapped him gently, "Hey, you awake?" she said in a soft voice. She sat beside him and stroked his hair softly.

Mia weakly shook her head. "No... i do deserve death... i dishonored the name Ardon...", she whispered. She kept crying, since she imagined what her father would say, if he knew how a bandit archer had brought her down that easy.

@SkullRoss @Steviemac
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He felt someone touch him. Slightly, he opened his eyes. An angel? I died huh? He said half consciously. The pain came back, but not as much as the pain earlier. His wound closed for about an inch, that's enough to reduce the leaking of his blood. The noise that can be heard at the battlefield woke him up to his senses. He saw Kadia near him. He can see and feel her stroking his hair. H-h-hi Kadia. Saccharin stammered as he quickly tried to sit to hide his face that's blushing. O-ouch! He yelp. Oh yeah, I was wounded by that knife throwing bastard. He thought. Facing Kadia, his vision is quite blurry, looking closely, he noticed that most of her injuries earlier had already healed. Umm Kadia, Are you alright? He asked as he put one of his hand near his abdomen. @Lefic
Noah looked back to see Loonie being carried off by an elf girl. This left him open for hi opponent to attack, and they did. Leaving a cut running down his back that nearly knocked him to the floor. Noah quickly recovered and sliced the man's sword hand off. Then he got off the ground and hobbled over to Loonie, ignoring the pain in his back. Before Noah knew what was going in an arrow whizzed past his face, slicing across his left cheek. Once he reached her and the others Noah nearly collapsed, but he made it look like he was fine, "Lonnie! What happened!?" He said while examining her wound.

@Ami the breadling
Kadia gasped when Saccharin woke up. She flung her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "You idiot! I thought you were going to die! I hate you!" she said angrily, her actions and words were very different. Kadia was tired of loss, she never got over her parents dying, she wasn't ready to let her first friend die. Her body was shaking as she held tightly onto Saccharin, as if she was too scared to let him go in case he lost consciousness again.

Mia grabbed Noahs hand instead of Raphaels now. "N-noah...do i deserve life when beat? I t-tru-trust y-you...", she whispered, her eyes lightening up a bit as she saw him. Her cheek was still bleeding, just as his was. She recognized that. "N-noah your hurt... I will... care for you... lay down...", she said, attempting to stand up, but failing and fallling down again.

Noah shook his head, "I'm fine, a De Clare wouldn't go down so easily," he lied to her. "Of course you deserve to live, there's no way someone could not be harmed in any battle," he told her while holding onto her hand. "You've done more than enough, thank you. Rest easy now, when the battle is over I will personally buy you dinner," be said while smiling at her.

@Ami the breadling
Saccharin was surprised by the sudden action of Kadia. She hugged him and Saccharin just let her be. It felt like a century the last time he felt something like this. Knowing someone that cares about him. Someone that doesn't want him to be gone in this world. Only Noah did, but since they've become a squire, both of them became busy with their own life and training and Saccharin felt a little alone. Life is not really made to be lived alone, companions and friends make it more colorful and exciting. Saccharin thought with a soft smile as he hug Kadia back. There, there. You don't have to hug me that tight. I could get suffocated you know. He teased. About earlier, i'm pretty sure I was dying but, this wound looks like it stitched itself or something. He paused for a moment as he tries to figure out what could have happened. @Lefic
Kadia looked up at Saccharin and said, "I don't have strong healing powers, but I tried my best. I inherited the ability to heal." She then realizes how tightly she's holding onto Saccharin and goes red at her sudden outburst of emotion. "U-uhh, I c-can let go if y-you..." she says, having trouble forming clear sentences. She'd never been in a situation like this and didn't know what to do. She just stared up at Saccharin with expectant eyes, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

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Mia would have blushed, but she had some kind of blood shortage. She quickly drank the healing substance. "Alright. Dinner. I'll take you on that. Don't even consider to not do so.", she said and relaxed a bit.

Neil looked toward Noah. "Here, be sure she takes this." He hands him the vial of potion. "I've got other places to be." He quickly runs off in the direction of Saccharin. Before he could reach his destination, a bandit crossed his path and drew his sword. Oh, great. Now I'm in quite a pickle. Neil dropped his satchel, and drew one of his daggers. He had no time to nock his bow and arrow. The bandit lunged forward, and swung his blade at Neil's head. Neil just barely blocked it with his small dagger. I can't keep this up. What do I do? He thought to himself.

Noah smiled, "thanks," he said while sticking the vile into his pocket. After that Noah noticed that Neil was in trouble and quickly went to his rescue. Noah took the bandits attention, "go help the others, I'll deal with him," he told Neil while fighting the bandit.

Mark stumbled and crawled to their group, He almost died and he needed some help. Using bane as a cane, he walked towards them. '' Hello? Requesting assistance. '' He attracted the attention of a bandit. '' Not one of you guys again. I'm sick of you bandits. '' He ranted for a bit, before slashing the bandit in the stomach. He fell to the ground with the bandit. '' My father was like you. A bandit. Too bad I'm not dead, like you will in a few seconds. '' He whispered to the dying bandit, before getting up and slashing him one last time.
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Percy was hanging back now. He was now watching the rest of the fight.

He had ended his little rampage. It had been fun, but now he was trying to think up a new plan of attack. Perhaps he try going after the archers? He wasn't sure. Anyway, he was still set on scavenging the battlefield. But it was still too much trouble with the bandits on high alert.

As Percy thought over his plan of attack, he had an idea. He nodded. Quietly, he crept over to the wounded, the boys and girls who had been fighting against the bandits. He looked over them. Yes. Stealing from them would be easy. He went for the girl who had passed out first. Let's see what she had.

@Ami the breadling
Lefic said:

So it was you! It was enough, it made me feel quite better. He said giving her a soft smile. They're in an ongoing battle, but somehow, Saccharin feels so relaxed. Maybe he feels safe around Kadia and he feels like he has a duty to be strong whenever around her. He closed his eyes as his vision is blurry and spinning from the blood loss.

"U-uhh, I c-can let go if y-you..." she says, having trouble forming clear sentences.

It's fine, it's fine. You can cleave unto me anytime anywhere. He chuckled It feels as if i'm taking advantage of the situation. How honorless am I? But, oh well, she rarely shows this part of her, so it is fine if I cherish this moment, right? He thought as he try to make himself feel better. Are your injuries better now? He concernedly asked Kadia.

Not too far away he can see Noah fighting a bandit. He noticed that Noah has his back injured. Another man is also present and he looks like he's from our team. Noah. He thought.

@Lefic @Eagershadow3 @SkullRoss
Neil felt relieved. "I'll leave this to you." He nodded in gratitude, then turned and continued toward another of the injured. He knelt by Saccharin's side. "Looks like that magic isn't quite enough." He pulled out another vial and handed it to Saccharin. "This will help."


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