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Fantasy The heretics

Were it daytime, by now Daniel would likely be finding some excuse and run away from the intimidating krezoc with no regards for his image. But it wasn't daytime, and after such an 'almost' eventful evening the itch in the back of his mind was becoming quite unbearable. He may not have the opportunity to kill the lizards, but surely he could at least poke him a little.

"Hey Chu!" said Daniel with a smile and an unmistakably insulting tone. "Since you're a representative of your people and all that nonsense, how about it? Will you have an honorable duel with me in human fashion? Oh, if your people are afraid of unknown battles then by all means, I apologize for the insult I've given you.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Hatz
The insulting tone was completely missed by the Chu, who simply nodded, pulling out a piece of leather cloth, wrapping it around his Dragon Blade so his blade would leave bruises instead of taking off limbs. "The Krezoc do not fear battle, especially not those of the Vaam clan. We are born for honorable combat. I accept your offer," he said with a nod, fist over his heart as he stepped back, moving into a ready stance.


Alys Lei Alys blinked, bewildered at how fast the event had escalated. She was able to identify Daniel's insulting tone of voice, though it didn't seem that Chu noticed. Though she was quite surprised at Daniel's sudden change, as she usually saw him as a gentle individual. 'I thought we were supposed to be keeping watch of the area... I suppose a duel works, too.' Alys thought.

"Then, I wish you two the best of luck..." she softly murmured, stepping back to observe from afar. She had no idea what Daniel's true intentions were by proposing such a fight, did he have something against the lizardmen? Or perhaps she was thinking too much into the matter? Alys shook her head, taking a breath before watching the battle between the boys.

@MadGod @SirDerpingtonIV
"Ah, you must not be familiar with the duels between ordinary humans" said Daniel while giving a small nod. "These are the weapons of warriors." he continued and lightly tapped his short sword. "These are weapons all humans fight with, not just warriors, and stake their honor and livelihoods on such duels."

With an exaggerated movement he took from a pocket behind his leather armor a couple of (loaded) dice and presented them to Chu.

"Whomever rolls the higher number wins. A quick a simple fight that shows who better deserves what the other has. If you win you may ask of me one thing you desire and if I do in all future fights you will be at my side as my shield... " Daniel took a small pause and appeared to be considering something, but continued in the same breath "... and call me Master from now on."

Games of chance were seen as a culmination of stupidity from Daniel point of view. In all his time of working in taverns he had learnt there's no such thing as luck, just the idiots who believe in it and the people exploit their naive belief.
The lizardman simply nodded towards Alys, understanding that she did not want to join in. He examined Dabuel's short sword as he pointed it out. "I fight with my own blade," he said in simple explanation. He frowned slightly as Daniel continued speaking what, to Chu, sounded like a load of gibberish. He remained in his stance, until he saw Daniel pull out his dice. A scowl crossed the Krezoc's face as he growled, "Cowards fight with dice. You mean to insult me by this gesture, human," he said, shaking his head, tail giving a threatening thump on the ground, before he simply turned away. "I will not duel you,"
"Ah, so I will fight by the side of warriors who run from battles and things they don't understand. That sure is reassuring.

Do you fight walls and gates with your blade as well? Or maybe you knock aside magic attacks with it? Well I suppose if you ask really nice an enemy sorcerer could stop casting spells at you and charge you with his fists to respect your sensibilities."

Daniel was feeling rather amused, and the idea of having Chu as a guardian for his other self wasn't actually bad at all.

"A weapon is anything you can use to defeat your enemy, not your favourite toy."
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"Dice is not a battle, nor is it a weapon. I do not play this game. You speak of fighting walls with blades, but you duel with dice, human," he said, scowling. With that, he simply turned and walked away. "Your words are as toxic and your sense of honor forgotten, like many of your kind," he grumbled, leaving the clearing, thoroughly disappointed with the fellow trainees he had been appointed to. Perhaps better examples of humanity lie within the Castle they were guarding.
"Far bigger things than walls have been toppled by this disease" said Daniel to no one in particular while putting the dice back into his pocket.

In an obvious good mood after chasing Chu away he turned towards Alys.

"Lizards are just as likely to attack their allies as they are their enemies. They fight just for the sake of fighting and don't even own up to their own mindless violence but justify it with an ever changing personal definition of honor."

Daniel began considering whether Alys would think less of him after seeing his display. No sooner then that he started considering why was he worrying about Alys' impression of him in the first place and then kept spiraling down into one of his usual bouts of cyclic introspection.

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Alys Lei Certainly, Alys was quite baffled as the so-called 'duel' escalated and died off quickly.

"Lizards are just as likely to attack their allies as they are their enemies. They fight just for the sake of fighting and don't even own up to their own mindless violence but justify it with an ever changing personal definition of honor."

Though she wasn't too knowledgeable about the lizardmen race, she couldn't exactly believe Daniel's words so easily. She trusted him and all, however, something felt off. It didn't feel quite right, and she didn't see Chu as a bad person-- er, lizard, either.

She bit her lip, and remained silent for a while. The terms of the 'duel' set by Daniel replayed in her mind. An agreement of masters and servants; though she thought Daniel was most-likely joking about it, she didn't feel comfortable about the idea. And if Chu had actually lost, if the battle were to take place? Alys disliked the concept of 'owning' someone else.

Seeing that he had chased Chu away, Alys sighed, knowing that he probably wouldn't be returning anytime soon. She glanced over at Daniel once more, though she had nothing in particular to say.

@MadGod | @SirDerpingtonIV (mentioned)​
Noah's heart seemed to skip a beat at what Loonie said, no one had ever said anything about him like that. For most of his life he's been living in the shadows of his older brothers and father, but now it felt like someone depended on him. He was so shocked that he couldn't reply to her, but once he recovered she was already gone. Noah left the garden to look for Cid, but he was nowhere to be found.

Mark smirked. ' Seems like I might not be the only one who actually realizes that blood was shed today. ' He muttered.
Raphael awakens to find that a few others have taken Adara up on her offer of a warm place to sleep for the night. He was having a pleasant dream, which is quickly fading from his memory. It's still dark outside and he can see from the position of the moon that he has only been asleep for a few hours. Strange. He usually has no difficulty in sleeping through the night. Perhaps it's because he's in an unfamiliar house. He tries to go back to sleep, but it's no good. He just can't doze back off. He gets to his feet and gingerly makes his way around his comrades and exits the room. Perhaps a quick stroll around the yard will help him to get back to sleep.

He exits the house through the front door. Once in the fresh night air, he stops and stretches, a yawn escaping from him. He doesn't see anyone else about. If there is anyone on patrol, they aren't in this area of the yard. He makes his way around to the back, taking in the beauty of the surroundings. He walks around the side of the bath house, heading in the direction of the treeline. He has no destination in mind, walking just to help him burn off some energy and get back to sleep. Seeing a large tree on the property not far from the edge of the woods, he decides to sit under it and do a meditation.
Having finished with his meditation, Raphael gets to his feet. He heads off in the direction of the house. Crossing the back yard, he comes to the back entrance of the house. Trying the door, he finds that it has been unlocked. Opening the door, he steps into the darkened home. He waits a few minutes while his eyes adjust to the darkness. There is a little light from the moon shining through the windows, giving minimal illumination to the interior. Cautiously, he makes his way back to the room that has been designated as sleeping quarters for everyone. He gingerly makes his way across the room, being careful not to tread upon the others who are their sleeping. Reaching the back corner where he has laid out his bedding, he returns to his blanket and immediately falls back to sleep.

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