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Fantasy The heretics


"Ah.. is there something on my face?"

"Mmm? Yes" , answered Daniel absentmindedly. From her looks she appeared to be a mage, so there's very little chance that he could have met her at the academy and had he met her during one of his "walks" she wouldn't be standing here right now. If so, then she must closely resemble someone he knew. He started bringing up images from his memory, starting with his sisters and going up to more recent acquaintances, but all he managed to achieve was frustration pointed towards the memory that he usually took pride in.

"Make you two make a lot of kids, because your mom would've loved to be a grand-mother, Kadia. "

These words snapped Daniel back to reality and left a taste of bitterness and disgust in his mouth. He could only feel anger when seeing people who couldn't tell the difference between a moment of attraction and love which was supposed to be a bond of lifelong trust. These were the people who later created wretched families like his own. "People like you are the reason why people like me exist" muttered Daniel in a barely audible voice.
Raphael laughs at Saccharin's reaction to the kiss. Adara stops playing and Neil gets up stating that he's turning in for the night. Raphael stands up and starts to follow him, when Daniel says something. He was speaking so low that Raphael didn't catch the words. "Sorry," he says to Daniel, "were you talking to me?", he asks. He looks back down at Daniel, noticing that he doesn't seem at all happy with the way Saccharin and Kadia are behaving.

"Ah, no, just remembered something unpleasant." replied Daniel with a rather dismissive tone. He felt like he had overstepped his bounds, going around and joining conversations like this. Social interaction and maintaining the mask were supposed the be the his day self's job after all.

Ahhh, and the night had started out so nice. I suppose it's really my fault for poking my nose into 'his' business. I really need a walk.

"Well, since I missed the fight and all I might as well take up the night patrol duty. I'll be around the edge of the forest until morning looking out for bandits."

He started out towards the edge of the village without waiting for an answer. He realized that making trouble in the village right now could be very dangerous for himself, so he went straight for the forest.

He was really hoping to run into some bandit, otherwise he'd have to settle for some animal and they're just not the same. An animal would cry out too when you kill it's cub, but you can't see that delicious look of despair tinged with madness on a parent's face when they see their child die.
What am I thinking about? Even if there was some bandit out here, why would they have a child with them? Aah, I shouldn't get so exited, it's only going to be more disappointing if I don't find anything.

Daniel stopped for a moment just outside the village, realizing he hadn't taken his crossbow with him, but decided it would be too bothersome to go back for it so he started running again, this time at his real speed. There was still the matter regarding that girl, Alys, that was nagging him. A fresh perspective in the morning might see something new.

@Eagershadow3 So does Daniel find a bandit or anything on the patrol?)
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Lefic said:
Kadia listened as everyone told her what she was feeling. Of course, how did I not think of that? Her mouth formed a small circle shape as she heard what Adara said. She kept thinking about her mother. She looked at the embarrassed Saccharin, she was so caught up in thinking about her mother that she completely forgot what Adara was talking about before. Saccharin's comment reminded her and she went red in the face. "What?!" she screamed. She looked at Saccharin's face again. Heh. He looks so cute when he's embarrassed. She jumped off the tree and into his arms. "I..I love you," she said, finally admitting her feelings.
@CodeCJD @everyone else there
"What?!" she screamed.

Damn! I'm done, Kadia will hate me no-.. His thought was put into a halt when he saw Kadia jumped off the tree. He catches her, and she lands on his arms.

"I..I love you,"

Oh uhmm. Thank you. He said after being startled by the confession. Uhh no, what I mean is, I love you too. He said and avert his eyes from Kadia. He then looks at her eyes, he smiles and said. I really do, I love you Kadia.

"So, should I have a wedding planned?.....before you give me that look, I saw how you guys came in: You looked like hell. During the war to create the kingdom, we married a lot of people premature. It may seem odd to you, but from what I gathered, you all are heading to places where life-expect ency is low, so knowing you have someone to live for is actually a very good thing."

That's a great idea, but i think we'll wait a little longer, yeah? He replied as he looks at Kadia, smiling.

@Lefic @Andraus
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Kadia smiled, "Yes, wait longer." She then noticed everyone around her watching them. "Oh. Umm. Adara'a here, I should go change into my normal clothes now."
Mia entered the wonens bath and took a bath, washing all blood of herself. Her hair got pink again. It was a little weird that she had a small dagger with her, hovering besides her.

@anyone in the womens bath.
@Ami the breadling

Adara just smiled, and nodded her head, as she went to go to the bath-house herself. She saw another was in there, and entered the waters herself. "You're the one that was with the company leader, the De clare boy. Gods, I knew his brothers, and they were a pain in the ass to deal with. Glad he's different. "She said, sitting in the waters herself. Now that she was out of her armor, anyone could see a number of scars dotting her body, as well as burn marks. Obviously, her clothing choice blocked most from view, though they were all now apparent. The war took it's toll on her as well.
Mia nodded. She was scarfree except for the fresh one on cheek and stomach. "He is wonderful... Kind, handsome, caring, a good leader, thoughtful and intelligent.", she said, the thought of him making her appear dreamy, the floating dagger sunk down a bit.

Adara looked towards the dagger, and used her magic to make it float closer towards her face. "Careful. This thing is liable to kill someone....."She said, placing it down. "At least you're acting like children.....I've seen too many of you thinking war and blood shed are the way this world works.....by the old gods, this is what I fought to destroy. Then the Red dragon's had to split, and that idiot of a knight-commander had to go and make us political bludgeons. "She said. It was odd to hear an old knight speak out with hate against both the Red and White dragon's. She seemed like she didn't care for either.

@Ami the breadling
Mia made ot float to her again. As she lifted her right arm, which she had kept out of vision by now, there were about 20 scars of cuts close together at her wrist. "I will need it later on.", she said.

Adara made it float back again. "for now, place it down.....trust me, you get used to holding it, it'll be bad for you. "She said, before making a bubble of water float up. "Tell me something. What do you know about the White Dragon's? Besides that the Red dragon's used to be apart of us?" She asked.

@Ami the breadling
Mia shook her head. "Please do not interfere with ny routine.", she said, rapidly making it fly to her and catching it without a problem. She then looked at Adara. "Well not much. I know that they are people who fight for a cause, a cause they see as right. And i think, not know, that they cannot be totally wrong, as not that much people would follow this cause then.", she answered. She dove under in the water and got up again. "But my most important information is, that my uncle died to them and they injured my father, making him unable to continue his duty as guard. That is why i fight. To restory my families honor and to get revenge for my father.", she then continued, tears filling her eyes. If one looked closer, the cuts on her wrist could be identified as runic letters.

Adara looked towards her, but instead of pity, she would see....understanding. "You have an Honest heart....but don't use your father as a reason, or their crime as a justification....to truly grow as a person, you must be true to yourself and who you are. You're angry, and with good reason. Emotion can be used as a source of power, but do not let that anger consume you.......I know all too well what that darkness is. "She said, closing her eyes.

@Ami the breadling
Mia shook her head. "My purpose is not to kill. They made my father loose, dishonored him, I shall bring them defeat, that is all it will need.", she said. She then was finished with her washing. She quickly got a bandage from the first aid thingie (i really forgot the box) at the bath. Then she sat at the end of the pool, taking the dagger and cutting some signs in her right wrist.

Adara made the blade fly to her, but instead of just setting it down, she placed it inside of the bubble, and froze it, trapping the dagger. Setting it down, she looked towards Mia. "Tell me, Mia was it? what do you seek to gain by carving into your flesh? do you think this does your father justice?! "She said, she had a look that could kill on her face. "Your father sacrificed a lot to give you a chance at this world, even if it meant him losing everything. Do you really think that he'd want you to wander a path of self destruction, just for the sake of expediting the fall of your enemies?"She asked.

"As I told you, don't use your anger as justification. The fire inside you, the one that make you scream in rage inside? No-one starts that fire, not even your enemies. It is you yourself that keep that fire burning. "She said. "Being a knight isn't about killing your enemies, or doing what is 'honorable'. I can tell you from personal expereince: Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead, and ask if honor matters. The silence will be your answer. "She said. She then held up her hand, as a blue flame appeared. "Tear into someone's heart, and you'll find many reasons to fight: Survival, glory, honor, revenge.....but what about those that see it as their duty to protect the innocent? There you'll find someone more savage than any dragon, stronger than any beast. In the end, they'll retain what the others won't. What your father retained. "She said, before standing up, and placing the ice bubble in her hand.

"Their humanity."

@Ami the breadling
Raphael watches as Daniel heads off towards the forest to be on patrol for bandits. He hopes they have a quiet night and don't have to do any more fighting. He heads to the house, hoping to find a comfortable place to bed down for the night. When he reaches the large room where Adara has placed out bedding, he sees that he is one of the first to arrive. Choosing a spot in the back corner, he pulls off his cloak and shirt, kicking off his boots and placing them along the wall next to where he is. He crawls under the blanket and falls into a deep slumber. Sometime in the night, he dreams of becoming a great fire mage, feared by those who would do harm to others and loved by those he protects. It's a good dream and he smiles in his sleep.
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Mia shook her head. "The carving has nothing to do with my father. And i protect the innocent. That is the reason i became a knight for. To serve and protect. Everything else is secondary. I considered that obvious, as i see no other reason to become a knight.", she replied. She looked sad.

@Ami the breadling

"Then why carve into yourself? You're helping no-one, doing honor to nothing. You're just causing pain that doesn't need to be felt. Whatever happened to make you believe that you need to do that isn't really worth it. "She said, leaning back. "It's why I stopped being a knight. After we became a part of the 'Legal' authorities, I retired. I was a soldier, not an excuse to intimidate. The White dragon's and the Red dragon's are an embarrassment to what I fought for, to what my friends died for."She said, revealing that she left voluntarily.

@Ami the breadling
Mia shook her head. "What i carve is a plegde. I once accidentally hit a innocent farmer in battle, life-longly crippling him. I plegded that day to rather die than hurt an innocent. I always wanted to protect, but it increased that day. The carving reminds me of the pain i caused, to never make me forgive myself Please don't tell Noah. He would hate me, that would kill me.", she replied as she started to cry.

Adara sighed, before taking the girl into her arms, and hugging her." Ther are things we don't want to happen, but have to accept. Things we don't want to know, but have to learn. Surrender to what is, Let go of what was, and prepare for what is to come. Sometimes, the hardest decision in life is to let go. Whether it's guilt, anger, love, loss, or betrayel. Change is never easy. We fight to hold on, and we have to fight to let go. You don't drown by falling into the water: You drown by staying down there." She said.

@Ami the breadling
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Neil lay still in bed, eyes open. He was counting in his head. One, two, three... Something was bothering him. Neil could remember where every one of his arrows had landed. They were good ones, but probably most didn't survive the impact. However, whenever he gets an opportunity to find his arrows, he normally checks then to see if they could be reused. Today, he walked by where one should have struck the ground. However it was nowhere to be seen. Am I mistaken? he thought to himself. He fell asleep.

(If anything good happens, feel free to wake him up. Otherwise, he's out for the night. And good work,
@Andraus . I don't know how you compose those words so quickly.)
Adara kissed the top of Mia's head. "I gotta go check on my patients.....I'm keeping the knife frozen, so you don't start again. Think hard about what I said, Mia.....and remember this: The earth is always with you, at your every step. "She said, before standing up, and walking out, getting dressed. While they talked, she took the time to use magic to clean Mia's clothes, so she set them down properly for her. She then walked inside of the house, and checked on Cinder and Sotha, who were still out cold.

@Ami the breadling @Ashaficent
Mia shrugged, getting another of her 5 remaining daggers and finishing what she started. She then took the frozen one too and got dressed, her wrist only barely bandaged. She went to search for someone to talk to. She needed a friend. Sadly, she had none. Therefore Mia just sat in the garden and cried.

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