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Fantasy The heretics

Chu'Kara'Vaam stepped out from behind his tree, simply watching the bloodstained clearing through slitted yellow eyes. He gave an approving nod, eyeing the trainee knights gathered around as he approached them, his Korshaac Vraag hanging from his side, swaying as he moved. "It would appear I am late to the battle," he sighed, grumbling to himself. He approached Neil and Ara, eyeing them for a few moments, noticing the loot gathered from the corpses. He sighed, shaking his head. "Humans.." he muttered to himself. "Proper trophies are the weapons of your foe, not their trinkets," he scolded, disapproving of her bandit-like behavior.

Raphael returns to the group. He kneels down by Mia and retrieves a vial from one of his hidden pockets. "Here, drink this." he says to her. "I just bought these from the apothecary in the village. He assures me they are potent enough to heal most serious wounds." He hands the vial to Mia. "I bought six, here is one for Noah." He gently tips the contents of a vial into Noah's mouth.

He turns to Neil, offering him one of the vials of healing potion. "This is for the girl you were trying to heal earlier. Please take it to her if she is still in need. I have three more should anyone else need one." He looks over at Mark. "I'm not sure if you have a brain injury or are just a tactless ass, but here is a healing potion if you think that it will help."
Saccharin just stood there watching everyone's emotions flared. He noticed the commotion between the man and Mia as the other man call her. He grabbed the dagger that is floating midair. Interesting. He said looking Mia.

Startled by the sudden outburst of the then unconscious Noah.
Hey, hey. It's okay now. Sachharin laughed while he pat his shoulder. I'll go check Cinder and the others. He said as he turns away.

He ran towards the other group, waving.
Hey! everyone's alright there? Saccharin called out.

@Ami the breadling
@Lefic @Ashaficent @Andraus

Mark walked for a while, he climbed a tree near their camp, he could see everyone, he didnt care. Not one bit. He just stayed there.
Noah glanced over to Loonie and smiled, "I could say the same to you," he chuckled, loosening up a bit after Mark left. Noah surveyed the area, the cut on his cheek was now a scar and so was the gash on his back. He couldn't believe that he actually used a holy knight ability, but he kept his mind on their mission, "alright, after we get the wounded patched uo, we head for Tulkan castle. There we can rest easy," he said. Noah looked forward to arriving at Tulkan castle, it was close to his home and he awaited his dinner with Loonie.
@Ashaficent @CodeCJD @Lefic @Eagershadow3

Once the fighting died down, Sotha felt the fire in him slowly start to calm down. He stared down at his hands, as if shocked by them. He had resorted to one of the most forbidden arts in human history, as Blood magic could corrupt, or destroy, the person using it. Granted the fight was hell, and he nearly lost several good people, but Sotha couldn't help but feel......dark inside. Looking around, wrapping his hand up in a rag, he picked up Cinder, and held her on his back. He then moved towards his group. "the village isn't too far. My mom is a healer there, she can help.....let's hurry, we don't have the luxury of time. "He said, walking in it's direction. He was suffering from his own wounds, but they didn't seem to phase him, even though he was suffering from several bad wounds himself.
Mark walked toward the castle rather awkwardly, he couldn't afford being killed by the red dragons, the white dragons or even the bandits, he needed to get to the castle. But he needed them to start.
ArcticVoid said:
Mark walked toward the castle rather awkwardly, he couldn't afford being killed by the red dragons, the white dragons or even the bandits, he needed to get to the castle. But he needed them to start.
(( the red dragons occupy Tulkan castle, so he's basically walking himself into his own grave.))
Sotha, you're wounded. He told him, his voice is low. I can help you carry Cinder. He suggests. Looking at Sotha, there's no way of stopping him. His body is almost covered in blood, yet he doesn't mind it. His eyes is sparkling a bit of determination. Saccharin has not yet seen Sotha this serious. Okay, let's head out. We'll be behind your back. Are we not, Kadia? He said as he look towards Kadia.

@Ashaficent @Andraus @Lefic
Mark walked towards the castle, but realized that he would be butchered there, so he changed direction to the nearest village. He looked at his sword, it was stained with blood, Mark sighed and just continued walking

(Sorry, I've been really busy today.)

Adrielle approached Ara and the boy. "Looking for me?" She asked. She sheathed her katana and plopped down on the ground next to Ara. "I see that you got some loot." Adrielle said with a small smirk. She lifted her mask, letting it rest on her head. She rarely did this, Feeling as though she was exposing herself. Her eyes wondered to the items that Ara had collected, taking them all in. "Looks good."

@Two Fives @SkullRoss
(Bah, once again, I get to thank time zones for me missing out -.-)

Cinder didn't know what was happening. Her wound had suddenly started to get better, and the pounding in her head had started to cease. She didn't know if that was what it felt like when your soul left your body, or if she really was getting better.

She felt herself being carried up after some time, and her eyes flew open. For a moment it was blurry, and then it cleared.

"Sotha?" She mumbled incredulously, instantly recognising his white hair and pale skin.

"Did we win?" She asked, only caring about that.

Sotha breathed a sigh of relief when he heard her speak, before sitting her down, and nearly shaking her. "Stupid! Stupid, I swear to god, Do you know how worried you had me?! I thought I......I thought......"He stopped, not even daring to think about alternative, before hugging her as tight as he dared, afraid she'd break. "Don't do that to me again......I was afraid I'd lose you...."
Cinder sat absolutely still for a moment, her eyes wide open in surprise, her lips parted. Then she realised that she had just been insulted two times in a row.

"Baka!" She exclaimed, hitting Sotha lightly on the back of his head, but hugging him back all the same. "Did you see yourself? Running around like your head was on fire. Don't worry about me, take a look at you!" She held him at arms length, looking him up and down for injuries.

He was covered in blood, both his and the bandits'.

Adrielle looked over at Ara. " You know what they say," she paused. "One mans junk is another mans treasure." She smiled, picking up a small, gold, coin and flipping it around her fingers.

@Two Fives
@Eagershadow3 @Ashaficent @CodeCJD @Lefic

"I'll be fine, I've been through worse. I had to resort to using blood magic to seal your wounds. You were in very bad shape, so I needed a lot of blood. "He said, knowing he was about to get hit for using Forbidden magic, before looking towards his boss. He then spoke up to him. "Boss, We can't head to Telken Castle in this condition. Half of our regiment is badly wounded, and we don't have the luxury of resting. I can take these people to my mother. She's an old soldier, has a knack for healing. She can help us. "He said to Noah, hoping he'd listen.
Noah nodded, "right, I guess Julius will have to wait, but I doubt anyone would attack Tulkan castle," he replied to Sotha before laying down onto his back, and taking a rest.

"Looks like you've managed to stay alive too," Neil stated as he watched Adrielle remove her mask. So that's what she looks like behind the mask. He turned his eyes forward and glimpsed at the lizardman approaching them while muttering something. "I've seen you before at the academy, correct?" Neil looked over at the exhausted group to his side. This battle proved more difficult than he had anticipated. "You missed all the excitement."

@TangledBowties @SirDerpingtonIV
Kadia stretched her arms and yawned. She watched what her group were doing, not looking like she showed interest but faintly listening to them. She traced her fingers over the places she'd been wounded. She hadn't taken a healing potion but she was almost fully healed due to her healing power and that chant that Noah did. She remembered the pain of when a dagger had completely entered her thigh and grimaced. It still hurt and would definitely leave a scar, like it should, but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore. "Quite an eventful battle," she muttered to herself.
The battle ended. It's afternoon again. He slipped out of the group so he could take a short nap immediately. Saccharin sat with an outstretched legs, alone under one of the trees. His blood stained coat is folded neatly by his side, and his sheathed sword on top of it. His left arm is covering the hole where his injury earlier is. He cringed at the thought of them dying, but it's over now. He once again had a chance to experience a peaceful afternoon. The soil has a lower temperature because of the tree's shadow, soothing anyone who lays on it. A warm breezy that occasionally passes is making the trees rustle that had an effect similar to a lullaby. The grass felt soft after a long time of holding his sword, and his body is begging for a rest. He leaned on the tree and closed his eyes, not even worrying if there are still bandits left, or being left behind when the others leave.
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