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Fantasy The heretics

Mark spotted Saccharin from his tree, he scowled, he was ejected by a knight he fought alongside with for defending himself against a person who almost killed him with daggers, at least that was what he thought. He also knew he was a dead man walking and he knew that if they saw him he would be done for.
Percy watched everything. It was most interesting and amusing. "I believe I am quite capable of retrieving medical supplies for you all. This village is undoubtedly indebted to you all now, and should be able to reward. Why go to the next village on when you can just stay here and receive medical aid? Hm?" Percy put his mask back on. He would address them all later about something else.

As others rested or started traveling, Kadia went to some of the bandits and stole from their corpses. She carefully picked out what seemed useful or nice and stashed them in her pockets. A few minutes later and her pockets were overflowing with coins, herbs, a few apples and a glass bottle filled with water. She started walking back when she saw a figure under a tree, it was Saccharin. She contemplated about waking him up because the others might leave soon, then she decided against it. She scaled up the tree and lay on a branch, looking at him. Is he stupid? she thought quietly to herself, we could leave for Tulkan any time now and he'd be here by himself. She stared at his face, I wonder if he's dreaming of anything right now.

Mark looked around and saw Kadia, he scowled once more. He wondered what would happen if they saw him, Mark was afraid and angry at the same time. He wanted to serve the prince and protect him to avoid the kingdom falling to anarchy, now he can't do it. '' You two are so fortunate. If only you two knew... No, if all of you knew. '' He ranted at the same time, speaking to them but nobody heard except himself.
Koziak traveled from the kingdom to the village that was attacked as reinforcements. He brought medical gear, food, and water. He stopped at the center of the village seeing the corpses of some villagers and the bandits, and the destruction they caused. Koziak didn't the like unnecessary killing, he wouldn't found a way to incapacitate the bandits instead of killing them. He shakes his head and prepares himself to announce his arrival. Hello, Koziak here. I'm the reinforcements. I brought food, water, and medical gear. Bring up all the wounded, children and women first. He announced in a friendly manner. @Eagershadow3 @ANYONE
Mia sat down, even though someone announced children and women would get service first. "Did you just say i am goodlooking?", she asked and giggled a bit. The vial she ha drunk and the magic from Noah had helped quite a lot.

Saccharin looks at his hands and noticed that it looked small. Everything from him shrunk. His outfit is also different, like the clothes he used to wear as a kid. He's in his old house sitting on his mother's lap, his tiny arms clinging tightly. He was startled by a loud knocking that can be heard from the door. "It's fine". His mother said calmly with a sweet smile. "I'll go check it." His mother put him on the sofa and proceeds to open the door. They were talking, loud enough for Saccharin to hear, but not enough for him to understand. The knights left and his mother closed the door. She holds a piece of paper and began to cry. Saccharin runs towards her and attempted to hug, but as soon as he got closer, like a mist, his mother was gone. He fell on the ground. Now, this is not the floor that their house have. Actually, he's like floating in a vast colorless space. Not too far away he saw his mother by his father's side. Saccharin smiled cheerfully and ran towards them. He tried his best effort, but he can't close the distance. His smile turned into a frown. "Father! Mother!" He called out with tears forming in his eyes. "Everything will be alright" His mother assured. "He grew up to be a strong and handsome boy didn't he, Etzel?" His mother asked, facing his father. "Indeed. He's becoming more of a man than I am." His father said as he smiled. Saccharin stopped running and just fixed his gaze at his parents. "I don't know about the handsome part. Don't believe everything your mother says." He teased. Her mother rolled her eyes in response. "You made us proud." They both said in unison. Instantly, a bright flash dazzled Saccharin.

He opened his eyes and a tear fell down. He looks at his hands. So, i'm back again huh. He muttered.

He heard someone announcing that the reinforcements are there. He didn't try to pay attention as he was still groggy.
Well, then, more time for a nap. He thought. As he adjust to the tree's shadow.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Rin_as_child.jpg.c4fcc0800365a81a8024c96a6e779f87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Rin_as_child.jpg.c4fcc0800365a81a8024c96a6e779f87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Lefic @ArcticVoid



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Mark checked Bane and noticed that the blood stains were still there, it annoyed him because he wanted to make his blade clean, as it has been a good while since the battle, the battle that he fought in. The battle that made him a rouge. Mark then heard that reinforcements arrived, he laughed. '' I don't need them. '' He said, wiping the blood off the blade. The blade was clear now, and he saw his eyes, the eyes that saw his father get massacred by the army. He scowled again. '' One day, I'll make you proud. '' He said to the sky.

@CodeCJD @Lefic @Anyone
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Kadia saw a tear fall down from Saccharin's eyes. From the tree branch she called, "Bad dream? Or were you just feeling sad?" She hung upside down from the tree branch like a money, her legs clamped around the branch. Her long white hair swayed slightly in the breeze and she fixed her piercing gaze on Saccharin. I wonder if I startled him by appearing so suddenly, she thought, I hope I didn't interrupt his thinking. Then she heard Mark talking to himself, she didn't notice him and suddenly hearing his voice startled her. Her grip on the tree loosened and she crashed head-first into the ground. Her hair was messily spread out below her while she was curled up into a ball, cradling her head. Her head was throbbing and tears lined her eyelids. She let loose a string of extremely colourful words, with swearing to rival even a sailor.

@ArcticVoid @CodeCJD
"Yes, it would seem that I have missed the fight. But it'd seem you all were capable of this on your own," he admitted with a light shrug, gazing upon each of the knights in turn, thinking. "I suppose we should head back to the academy now, and report our success," he said, turning around, beginning to walk away, his long tail swinging behind him. "Otherwise, they'll worry we've died,"

'' Language, Lady! '' he scolded, while getting off the tree. '' You swear more than a sailor. '' He commented. '' if you are a healer or something you could use a potion or something. '' He said.
Whoa! Saccharin yelled in surprise as Kadia suddenly appeared infront of him. I thought you're a bandit and I was done for good! Saccharin raised his voice a little for being surprised. Somewhere, they both heard a voice that startled them, making Kadia fall from the tree. Kadia snapped, and sent a remarkably set of well constructed curses that made Saccharin's jaw drop. He then shrugged it off as he noticed a gleam from beyond the bushes. He grabbed his sword that is laying beside him. He scrambled to his feet and assumed a fighting stance. He focused his gaze from the direction where the voice came from, ready to defend for an arrow or a thrown dagger that might be heading towards them at any second. Show yourself! He yelled at the man.

@ArcticVoid @Lefic
'' It's just me... You know, that one dude. '' He replied, hands up. '' You guys should go, you could leave soon. And if you ask me why not??? Ask the others. '' He continued, his face was an are you serious face, he could've been thought to be a bandit, but why???
Kadia stood up, her head had become a tiny bit better. She rubbed her head. "Next time, don't scare me like that," she grunted at Mark. She paid no attention to the people who were surprised at her swearing. She held her hands to her temples and healed herself a bit, reducing the pain until it was just annoying. She stretched her arms out, "Much better," she sighed. She listened to what Mark said. Then she turned to Saccharin, "Do you think the others have started to set off or do you want to keep crying under a tree?" she paused, "Sorry, that was insensitive. I shouldn't have said that. I'm not good around people," she said, scolding herself. Her head was bowed in apology, then she looked up at Saccharin, "To make it up to you, I'll do anything you want. Clean your shoes, wash your coat, anything," she smiled. Damn it! Why do I always have to say things I regret?!

@CodeCJD @ArcticVoid
Oh the rude guy. Saccharin teased with a smile. He walked closer at Kadia and kneels beside her gently tapping his shoulder. You okay? Saccharin snickered. He stands up and set his gaze on the man. He examined the guy from head to toe. He's covered in armor that compared to a mere squire like him, is not yet granted. If that's the case then maybe, he is already a knight. Saccharin judged. The guy is bruised, but not badly injured. He came from the forest, so what is he doing there. Saccharin wondered. They can leave anytime they want. Saccharin chuckled. I have traveled to Tulkan Castle before, so getting left behind is not a problem. He said with an arrogant smile as he tap his chest gently. Saccharin sat down with his legs cross, laying the sword beside him once again. He crossed his arm and said What are you doing there?

@Lefic @ArcticVoid
Mark waved. '' You guys, you guys could help me in, right? '' He asked. '' if not, could you guys tell me where the nearest village to Tulkan is? I need a place to stay. '' He said.
"I have traveled to Tulkan Castle before, so getting left behind is not a problem," Saccharin said and smiled arrogantly.

Kadia fidgeted slightly. She looked down at her hands and played with her fingers. In a quiet voice, she said bashfully,
"W-what if I want to go to Tulkan Castle with y-you?" she stammered slightly. Kadia was still standing and tried not to make eye contact.
I-I was.. I was definitely not crying. I just got some.. uhhh grass.. in my eyes.. dirt! I mean dirt, it may have came along with the breeze. He stammered and had a problem finding the words through the sentence. He heard something Kadia said that made his ears twitch. Anything I want huh. You can't take back what you have said, you know? That's an action that would lack an honor. Saccharin said with a devilish grin. Just give me three wishes and that'll be enough. I'll tell you what those three wishes later. He said as he tries to hold his laughter.

"W-what if I want to go to Tulkan Castle with y-you?" she stammered slightly.

Oh, I doubt it. I might get dragged into trouble again, and be desperately in need of your hug. He said teasingly.

The guy waved at them and ask, if they could help him. Aren't you with us? If they're heading to Tulkan Castle then you can just go with them? Or if you don't want to travel in an array, we can tell Noah and have someone form a smaller group. He asked with his face forming confusion.

@Lefic @ArcticVoid
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'' Nah, I got out. You're talking to a rouge. '' He replied, still playing with the rock that he got from the battle field. '' So if you wanna snitch, snitch. If you don't then don't. '' He continued. '' The white army might strike, and staying out in the wilderness is deadly, especially with bandits around, so if you are going to help me... That would be great. '' he explained.
Koziak helped some of the villagers using the medicine and his magic in restoration. He rationed the food out to the villagers. They all thanked him. You're welcome. He said with a friendly smile.
'' I ridicule it. To say the least. The bandits and The white dragons have targets on us. That's why I decided to obey Noah. I could go back but its all up to the group. '' He replied, a bit of gratefulness was in the way he said it.

@Ami the breadling @Lefic @CodeCJD
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"Oh, I doubt it. I might get dragged into trouble again, and be desperately in need of your hug," he said teasingly.

Kadia looked the other way, pretending to be mad but blushing fiercely. Then she turned back to the small group, her hood over her eyes to cover her face. "As long as you don't do anything dumb or need too much, yeah I'll help," she said to Mark. Then she turned to Mia, "Oh. You were the other girl who was fatally wounded while I was helping Cinder. It's good you're okay now," she said casually. With her face less red, she could now face Saccharin, "Is there dessert at Tulkan?" she asked.

@Ami the breadling @ArcticVoid
He looks at Kadia as she talk. So she's finally taking the initiative to talk to someone else huh. He thought with a smile forming on his face.

He looks towards the guy. It's settled then, you tag along with us for the rest of the trip. No one will know that you're a rouge. We'll just tell them that your a knight stationed to guard the village. Saccharin said giving him an assertive smile and doing a thumbs up signal despite his dumb made up excuse.

He looks at Mia.
Hi! Saccharin greeted. How's Noah? He said with a sorrow look in his eyes.

@Ami the breadling
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'' I'm not officially a rogue. '' Mark replied. '' Not yet. '' He replied, still playing with that rock. '' Why was I dumb enough to say how I feel about the situation? '' he asked himself.

@Ami the breadling @Lefic
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