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Fantasy The heretics

"Hmmm...." Noah said while thinking about what to do next. A nap would be nice, but he couldn't be seen by his comrades like that. A De Clare never shows weakness, even if they are torn limb from limb. "I guess a nice walk around the village would be nice," he told Loonie, maybe he could learn more about her.

@Ami the breadling

(A little late, sorry. I had to go to my cousins basketball game)
If getting stabbed and almost dying is good, then I think I am very good at it. He chuckled. He looked at Rapahel and had a flashback of him fighting with the use of magic. I am always envious of people who can use magic. I wish I could find the time to learn it. He said as he avert his gaze from Raphael. Though, he still has no idea what type of magic he can wield. He stepped down to the water and sink just enough so he can breathe through his nose. Hey Rapahel, can I ask you a random question? He said as he bent his legs, grab both knees, and watch the bubbles he's making on the water. He looks at Raphael with a serious look. If a war broke out, do you think we, red dragons, stands a chance against them? He asked.

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Noah looked around the garden, it was nice. While the two of them stood there us silence Noah started to panic, he didn't know what to do or what to say. All he could think about is what those bandits last words were, "this is kind of a stupid question, but do you think we are fighting on the right side?" He asked her. While others saw the bandits as lowlifes, Noah always had the ability to see good in people, so he saw the bandits as regular people.

@Ami the breadling
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Mia shrugged. "We will never know. Everybody fights for something. If what they fight for would so obviously wrong, why would they risk their lifes? No, they consider their side the right, just as we do ours. There is a speaking. "If the goddess is on our side, who is on theirs?" I see ours the right, as i see it as just. For that, I fight.", she replied, her eyes never letting go of Noah, admiring him while speaking.

@Steviemac @CodeCJD @SkullRoss

Stepping into the walk-in, before the main bath, Adara walked up to get the clothes of those bathing, before knocking on the door after listening in. "Oi, Raphael? Just because you didn't have both arms doesn't mean you can't cast a spell. Casting with one arm just means you lack accuracy, not actual skill. Don't your teachers show you how to cast with one arm anymore?"she asked. She then grinned. "Don't worry, I ain't spying on you two while you bathe. Trust me, I've seen plenty of men in my life-time, I know what sort of bodies you young men have. "She said. Obviously, she was the source of Sotha's perverted comments and nature.

As she was collecting the clothes, she stood still for a minute, upon hearing about the red dragons. ".....Kid, Saccharin, was it? Don't worry about war. It's nothing you should concern yourself with. You'll be ready for it when the time comes, but right now, you're just children, so play the part......after all, it isn't a role you'll have forever. "She said, a tone of....foreboding coming from her. As a soldier that came before the Red and White dragons split, She obviously knew real war.....though it was odd she didn't side with either faction.
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Neil propped up his bow (among other equipment) against the corner, hung his clothing, and stepped into the water. The other two had just introduced themselves. "I am Neil Sylkham. Archer." He began to scrub away the dirt from his skin. "It was an honor to fight by your side. Or should I say, from behind." He turned to face Saccharin. Neil remembered that he had given him a healing potion earlier. "Good to see you are doing well." Neil thought about Raphael's being a fire mage, then turned to face Raphael. "Were you the one who trapped 3 bandits in a ring of fire? That was awfully convenient."

@CodeCJD @Steviemac
Saccharin was startled by the the sudden voice of a woman outside the men's side of the bath-house. He accidentally inhaled some water because of that, and coughed a little. He recognized that the voice belong to Sotha's mother, and it began teasing Raphael. Saccharin chuckled a little.

Oh of course, you did not spy on us, you've just eavesdropped. Saccharin thought with an embarrassed smile. He heard his name be called and his eyes widened. He sinks again, but this time, he was holding his breath and his ears are just above the water. He blushed expecting to be teased like Raphael.

".....Kid, Saccharin, was it? Don't worry about war. It's nothing you should concern yourself with. You'll be ready for it when the time comes, but right now, you're just children, so play the part......after all, it isn't a role you'll have forever. "

Yes, I wish that we'll be ready when that happens. He sighed and popped up the water. Thank you for your generosity and kindness Madam! He replied.

Neil moved towards them and introduces himself.
Yow! Neil, I remember you. If it wasn't for you i'd be a goner for sure. He said as he raise his hand for a high-five.

@Andraus @SkullRoss @Steviemac
Neil stared at Saccharin's raised hand for a second. Oh, he intends for me to slap my hand against his. He raised his own hand and awkwardly tapped it against Saccharin's. Nailed it! He turned toward Adara. "Yes, we appreciate your hospitality. And you have done so much for us, even though we arrived so suddenly. You are an honorable woman, Ma'am."
Kadia would've gone to Adara to heal her wounds, but she just felt so tired and desperately needed a bath. She made her way over to the walk-in of the bath, she was faced with a dilemma. She looked between her clothes and the entrance to the female bath. Unlike the others, she didn't bring a change of clothes. Deep in thought, she said to herself, "If I wash first and leave my clothes here... I won't be able to wear my clothes because they're dirty. If I try and wash my clothes first... I'll have to walk all the way back naked and then wash," she chewed her nails slightly. Then she saw Adara and called out to her, "Hey, Sotha's mother. Is it ok if you wash my clothes while I bathe and get them back to me before I come out? I have no other clothes, it's fine if you return them while they're still wet."

Without even waiting for Adara's answer, Kadia strips down and hands her clothes to her before quickly skipping off to the bath. She sunk into the water and sighed, the water around her changed colour. When she was sure all the dirt had come off her, she walked to another, cleaner part of the bath. She raked her fingers through her knotted hair, making slow progress. Kadia couldn't see any one on her side of the bath. As she combed her hair, she sat remembering about the past. Quite loudly, she started singing an elven lullaby that her mother used to sing to her. The sound was elegant and soft. Sometimes her singing voice went a bit raspy, so she coughed and started over again.
@Lefic @SkullRoss @Steviemac @CodeCJD @GoldenChari

Adara proceeded to gather up the females clothes, before stopping to listen to her sing. "I heard that lullaby before......The woman, she was one of the best Rogue's I ever knew.....had the eye of a hawk, and the speed of a cheetah that one, and couldn't resist stealing anything she could get her hands on....."Adara said, rubbing her chin. She then held up her hand. "For bringing back that memory, I will give you a gift...."She raised her hand, and in both baths the water started warming up, until steam came from it like a sauna. Adara had used her magic to turn the bathes into a miniature spring. "Ah, I love that spell.....oh if only you were a little older, Kadia wasn't it? I could tell you stories about what I've done with magic that'd turn your ears red as fire. Trust me when I say that it was more than satisfying."She said, grinning from ear to ear. Truly Sotha's mother.

Stepping outside, letting the clothes float so that she could clean them, she spotted a small boy, and walked over. "Hello there, little one. You wander too far from the village?"she asked, using magic to make the clothes clean themselves as she spoke.
Kadia listened to what Adara said and replied, "I-I'm not sure I'd like to know what you did with your magic." She relaxed in the bath and the steam made her feel fresher. She had finished combing her hair with her hands and managed to get all the knots out, now her hair was silky. Then she remembered what Adara said before about her mother. She gasped, her mother was the one she got the clothes she wore now from. She never knew her mother was a thief, but it made sense. When her parents died, Kadia found the cloak and clothes in her mother's drawer. She always carried it around, wearing stolen bed sheets as clothes until she could finally fit into the clothes of her mother. She smiled.

Sitting in the bathhouse for a while made her feel lightheaded. "I think it's the steam," she said to herself. Then, black spots clouded her vision. An unnaturally loud splash was heard, as she fainted into the water. After that, there was the sound of bubbles rising to the surface and bursting. She was drowning.

@anyone in close range
Saccharin stepped out of the bath. Hey guys, i'm done. I'll take a stroll, would you like to come? He said to the other two. He looked around and his bag is no where to be seen. I left it in the c-c-corridor?! He panicked. He grabbed a towel, wrapped it around him, and walked out of the men's side. Then he heard a loud splash. Oh, the girls are having fun? He thought. He shook his head to dissolve the shameless thought that's creeping behind his head. He stopped for a moment as there was no noise coming from the bath-house. Bandits! Surprise attack?! Why now?! He rushed in panic, cold sweat is forming around his body. His knees buckled to the thought of his team mates dying. He acted fast and entered the bath-house. Adara! Help! He yelled. He look at the small pool inside, steam is all around. His knees are bent slightly, carefully advancing in fear of a sudden attack from the assassin. He saw an unconscious body underwater. Without thinking he jumped in and lifted the girl's body. Adara! Adara! We got ambushed! Everyone we got ambushed! He yelled. He look at the girl and recognize that it was Kadia. He shook her. Wake up! Wake up! He told her

@Andraus @Lefic
Kadia's eyes were rolled up into her head. Her lungs were full of water, her chest wasn't moving up and down in breath. She spluttered a little, coughing up some water. Her body was limp and didn't move apart from tiny convulsions when she coughed up water.

@CodeCJD @Andraus
"Sure, I'll be right out." Neil stated just as Saccharin was running off in search of his bag. Only a moment had passed when he heard Saccharin yelling about an ambush. He quickly ran for his bow and quiver, and dragged them out of the bath house. "Where did you go?" He heard a male voice coming from the female bath. Is this some sick joke? No, Saccharin may goof around at times, but he wouldn't joke like this.

"I'm coming!" Neil cried as he nocked an arrow to his bow. He burst into the female side of the bath, drawing his bow, ready to loose it at any bandit he saw. But he only saw Saccharin and... Kadia. She's not breathing.

"Saccharin! She's got water in her lungs. Can you resuscitate her?" He glanced back toward the entrance, looking out for the bandits. I don't see any of them around.

@CodeCJD @Lefic @Andraus
He looked at Neil in panic. He can hear and understand what he's saying. He quickly pinched Kadias nose and blows through his mouth. After that, he pump on Kadia's chest in a rhythmic manner. He repeated it quite several time, until Kadia seems to spit some water out. He then turned Kadia on her side, and taps her shoulder. Kadia, Kadia, wake up dammit! He said. Neil! Try to find the culprit. He said as he look to Neil.

@Lefic @SkullRoss
Kadia rolled over to her side. She gasped for air. Now conscious, she started coughing up water and retching. She had a coughing fit, water occasionally pouring out of her mouth. When she was done, her shoulders were heaving and she breathed in heavily. Now she stopped for a minute to assess the situation, "Wait, what's happening? Why are you in the female bath?" she asked. Then she looked down at herself and quickly covered her naked body with her hands, "How did I regain consciousness?" She had just woken up from being unconscious and her head was a mess, she tried to fit her memories in order.

@CodeCJD @SkullRoss
Mark hears some shouting coming from inside the house. ' The hell? ' He wondered, bursting in. ' The hell happened in here? ' He asked, upon seeing that his acquaintance was being harmed, he then had to act quick. ' Guys, should I look for backup? ' He asked.

@CodeJCD @Lefic @SkullRoss

Forget this post never happened guys. Forget.
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"Bandits? What bandits?" she asked, "I don't remember any." She looked as if she was in deep thought, she sprung up from the floor, forgetting to cover herself anymore, "I remember!" she exclaimed. "The steam from the bath made me feel really lightheaded and all of a sudden I just fainted, I think I fell in the water and started drowning," she gestured at the steam rising from the bath as she talked.

@SkullRoss @CodeCJD
Mark decided to take a bath to clean up. In a few minutes Mark walked in. ' I'm ready to take a.- What in the world has happened here? ' He asked, the steam blocked his vision. ' Did you guys make this place steamier than it should be? ' He asked. ' Or was it the bandits again, or the white dragons. ' He began to make a list of every single threat in his mind.

@Lefic @SkullRoss @CodeCJD
Oh... uhhmmm. His face is red because he knew he over-reacted. He stood up and adjusted the towel wrapped on him. Let's just all be happy that everything is fine, and there are no bandits to be seen anymore. He turns his back on them. I-i-i'll take a l-look outside. He stammered through his sentence as he can't contain the embarrassment he's feeling. Damn, that was really.... ughhh it's better if I don't think about it. He thought. Let's get out , before others see us in here. He said, gesturing Neil.

On he's way out He came across Mark who's standing in-front.
Nothing happened, Just two cats fighting. He said, trying to pull a straight face. And you're at the other side of the bath-house. There's ours. He said as he point to the direction of the men's side.

@Lefic @SkullRoss @ArcticVoid
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"I don't think I should stay in this steam any longer, I'll go change," she said walking out with them. Then she remembered, "Oh, have any of you seen Adara? She has my clothes, it's getting washed, and I didn't bring any spare." She sighed, "If she's not near here, I'll have to wait until she comes back." She turned to look at them, "Do any of you have clothes I can borrow until Sotha's mother returns with mine?" she asked. She had a look of annoyance on her face, I should have at least bought some clothes before going on the trip, she thought.

@CodeCJD @SkullRoss
Mark was done after a while, he came out dressed but soaked. ' It's steamy in there. ' He commented before leaving to do more exploring.

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