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Fantasy The heretics

"Honestly, I do not know where she went with our clothes. And I only ever carry two outfits with me, one to wear while the other gets cleaned." Neil himself was only wrapped in a towel. He hadn't found the time to change since Saccharin cried wolf. "I'll be right back, I need to change, myself." He went into the men's bath got changed and came back out, fully clothed.
Kadia wrapped a towel around herself. "I only came with one set of clothes, the one's that are being washed," she sighed. She grabbed her hair and twisted it to empty the water out of it. "Adara!" she called out, "Are you here?!" She sat down on a bench.
He went at the attic after he got dressed. Finally, some time alone! He lays on the roof and stares at the starry sky. The wind is cold, but it is quite comfortable. Insects hum, making the surrounding feel alive. Some fireflies can also be seen flying around the house. This is like from a fairy tale. He thought. He plans to stay there until they leave tomorrow. He brings out a banana from his bag and started eating eat. How long will this peace last? He asked himself. But maybe, just like Adara said, I should not think too much about the war. He threw the banana peel on top of a tree. He bent his leg and put the other one on top of it, he then put his two hands behind his head, acting as a pillow. I hope it doesn't rain. Goodnight. He thought as he close his eyes.
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Getting bored of sitting, Kadia snuck out. She jumped in through the window of a clothes shop. She looked at the clothes. She randomly grabbed a casual-looking dress and pulled it on, before disappearing out the window again. She climbed up a tree that was near the house and sat visibly at the top, looking down and waiting until Adara came back so she could request her normal clothes back. "I don't even remember the last time I wore a dress," Kadia chuckled to herself, "It makes me feel like a normal girl." She laughed at this. She got up and stood on the tree branch with perfect balance, curtsying and dancing and doing other stereotypically girly things and breaking into fits of laughter.
Andraus said:
@Lefic @SkullRoss @Steviemac @CodeCJD @GoldenChari
Adara proceeded to gather up the females clothes, before stopping to listen to her sing. "I heard that lullaby before......The woman, she was one of the best Rogue's I ever knew.....had the eye of a hawk, and the speed of a cheetah that one, and couldn't resist stealing anything she could get her hands on....."Adara said, rubbing her chin. She then held up her hand. "For bringing back that memory, I will give you a gift...."She raised her hand, and in both baths the water started warming up, until steam came from it like a sauna. Adara had used her magic to turn the bathes into a miniature spring. "Ah, I love that spell.....oh if only you were a little older, Kadia wasn't it? I could tell you stories about what I've done with magic that'd turn your ears red as fire. Trust me when I say that it was more than satisfying."She said, grinning from ear to ear. Truly Sotha's mother.

Stepping outside, letting the clothes float so that she could clean them, she spotted a small boy, and walked over. "Hello there, little one. You wander too far from the village?"she asked, using magic to make the clothes clean themselves as she spoke.
the child looked up and coughed before he stood up. He shook his head no. He was very dirty and as a slight wind moved his clothes, they revealed he was very malnourished.
Raphael catches back up to Neil, having wrapped a towel around himself and running around the yard looking for bandits. It seemed that Saccharin was mistaken about a bandit attack. "I'm glad you guys were able to save that poor elf girl. Seems like bad luck follows that one. She nearly died during the battle as well didn't she?," he asks Neil. (@SkullRoss Let's assume Raphael introduced himself to you after your introduction and hasn't just been ignoring you)

Looking at the hanging pegs, he sees that the lady of the house hasn't returned his clothes yet. Hopefully she won't have them too much longer. His cloak is special to him, not just because of the magical pockets. He knows that his parents had spent quite a bit of money to get it for him, so he treasures it for their sacrifice.
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Mark looked around and went to the house, he wanted a view of the knight sky, so he set his sword next to the window, marking it as his. He climbed up to the attic, not knowing that someone was up there, and stared at the night sky.

He closed his eyes for maybe half an hour, then he woke up from the sound of leaves rustling nearby. A bandit! He thought as he open his eyes wide. No, no Saccharin. All imagination, relax, relax. He said to himself. Though, he still opened his eyes to check it out. A girl? Why is a girl dancing on a tree branch? He wondered. Oh my god. Maybe the punch that hit me behind my head made me crazy? Oh Holy Igros, please return me to my sane self. He said as he hold his head with both his hands. Or maybe she's just a fairy. Yeah, she's definitely a fairy. He thought as he nod and fix his gaze at the dancing fairy. I should not entertain this illusions that my head is making. He thought. He pinched himself on the cheek to attempt to wake him up from the supposed to be illusion. Aaaargh! He yelp as he stomp one of his feet on the roof. Now, why am I hurting myself? I've really gone crazy. I must consult Noah or Adara on this matter. He muttered. He looks at the dancing fairy, but it still not vanishing. He looks closer, like his trying to recognize the face of the fairy. That hair, looks familiar, it looks like I have seen her somewhere before. Wait, he looks like Kadi-.. He paused the thought for a moment. Nope, nope, nope. By the way she moves there's no way she's Kadia. He chuckled.

@Lefic @ArcticVoid
Kadia twirled and twirled on the tree, laughing and dancing all at the same time. She grinned at the way her dress billowed up as she twirled. She thought she heard a yelp but dismissed it as her own imagination. Now she heard a faint chuckle, there's no way that was my imagination, she thought. Hiding behind the tree trunk, she called out, "W-who's there?"
Percy was watching two of the party he had helped. He had made a killing selling what he had acquired from the manor, and was now relaxing in the shade. He found the sight before him very amusing. Still, he was tired, so would just rest for now.
"W-who's there?"

Did the fairy just talked? He mumbled. From his bag he brings out an apple. He stands up and bent his knees slightly for better balance. He aimed at the tree where he last saw the fairy, and throws the apple on it. The apple hit the trunk and the juices scattered. Let's see what that fairy can do. He thought as he alertly focused on the tree.

@Lefic @ArcticVoid
Mark then heard the chuckle, and the Who's there. ' Just me! The rude guy! ' He replied, recognizing Kadia's voice, the chuckle was mysterious, he didn't know it was saccharin. ' Chuckling dude! Show yourself! ' He shouted.

@Lefic @CodeCJD
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After changing into his clothes, Neil emerged from the bath house. He was half-expecting to find Kadia still sitting there wrapped in her towel. But rather, it was the guy he met earlier in the bath. "Ah, Raphael. Turns out, no bandits." he let out a sigh of relief. "Instead, Kadia was drowning, but Saccharain saved her in time." His head turned different ways, "Did you see her run off somewhere, by any chance?"

The apple almost knocked Kadia off balance, but at the last moment she wrapped her arms around the trunk. "Hey! Stop that! I could fall you know!" she shouts. She crawls closer to the voice, her hair shrouding her face. She treads carefully as to not get any splinters in her feet, she is barefoot. "I wanted to know who you are," she said.
Koziak layed on his horse as it walked around the village. He had his hands behind his head as he whistled a marry tune.
I'm Saccharin! he yelled in response. Oh great, i'm talking to myself now huh?

He heard someone said he's Mark. Saccharin concluded that he can also hear the voice of the girl coming from the tree.

Oh, so i'm really not crazy at all! He thought with a smile. Time to end this, once and for all. He mumbled. He stepped off the roof and rolls on the grass. He stands up and brushed the grass off his cloth. He walks towards under the tree that has its leaves still rustling. You can show yourself now! I'm down here! He called out. The three has thick branches and leaves that makes it hard to see if someone is hiding in there. It blocks the moon's light that made it feels like you're staring at a blank black space.

@Lefic @ArcticVoid
"Oh, so it's Saccharin," she said quietly to herself. She clambered down the tree trunk. She poked her head out from behind the trunk, trying to hide her dress. "It's just Kadia," she mumbled, embarrassed that he saw her dancing. "Wh-what do you want?" she asked. When out of her battle clothes, not bloody or dirty or having a hood covering her face, Kadia just looked like a small, innocent girl.

Daniel was running desperately towards the village hoping it hadn't all ended. He had heard about the mission rather late in the day and then had to spend another hour convincing the stable master to lend him a horse to get there in time. But he was late nonetheless.

I must have missed the whole fight! Argh, now they're gonna think I'm a coward. I mean what am I even going to say, 'Oh hi, sorry few goofing around while you were all fighting for your lives' . I'm so screwed, everyone going to hate me!

Daniel spent most of the road panicking and thinking about excuses to make, however by the time he got there the sun had already passed the horizon and all these annoying thoughts vanished with it. He saw the group centered around a rather large house and decided to enter. His other self would probably be all fidgety and stressed out trying to say something. Why couldn't things always be as simple and clear as they were during nighttime?

"Daniel Artosh, reinforcements from the Academy!" , he said to the people inside the house.

@Anyone inside

(@Eagershadow3 Day-night cycles are really important for Daniel so they need to be decided somehow. Are you going to announce dusk and dawn for every day or do I just go with my gut feeling? And sorry to give you more work. )
Is that really you Kadia? Saccharin wondered. He walks near her and attempted to look at her face. You're pretty good at dancing huh. I thought you are a fairy, and I am just imagining things. He teased. Hey can I see your dress? He asked smiling.

"You want to see my dress? It's nothing much... I stole it... I'm gonna pay for it when I get my cloak back," she said. Then she stepped out from behind the tree. The dress was beige and reached her knees. If anything, it could be described as something that peasants would wear. In the middle, there were ribbons that were used to tighten the dress. There were two thick shoulder straps. It was simple but it suited her quite well. She squirmed, "I can't wait to change out of this," she said, half-lying. She looked off to the side.
"Yes but the white dragons and the bandits are people. Their citizens of this kingdom, and they are fighting a war so that one man can sit on the throne. God.... I'm starting to sound like my father," Noah said with a little chuckle. There was something special about Loonie, something that he couldn't put his finger on. It was something that he has never felt before.

@Ami the breadling

(The sun is setting)
(oh so it's just the sun set, please disregard my night time descriptions xD )

Saccharin doesn't really gave focus about the dress, though it is simple but beautiful. What caught his attention is the one who's wearing it. She looks different from the sometimes-rude-Kadia that he see everyday. Her scowl that gives her an intimidating aura is nowhere to be seen. Her dark choice of clothing that makes her look hard to approach is replaced by a mellow color. Looking at her closely, she looks innocent, and makes you imagine her walking down the aisle with you waiting at the end. Saccharin caught himself staring at her in awe. He clears his throat. I'm gonna tell you my first wish. He said in a low voice, loud enough for Kadia to hear.

Eagershadow3 said:
"Yes but the white dragons and the bandits are people. Their citizens of this kingdom, and they are fighting a war so that one man can sit on the throne. God.... I'm starting to sound like my father," Noah said with a little chuckle. There was something special about Loonie, something that he couldn't put his finger on. It was something that he has never felt before.
@Ami the breadling

(The sun is setting)
Mia sat down. "I do not think it is simple like that. Why would one sacrifice his life if he did not fully support what he fought for", she said and smiled at him. She then looked at the setting sun. "Isn´t it just beautiful? And sooo romantic...", she said and giggled.


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