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Fantasy The heretics

Raphael strolls into the court yard with an aura of superior confidence. He's quite certain that he could handle this type of assignment alone and is eager to get on the road. He notices that people are just milling about, presumably waiting for the signal to embark. Not too familiar with anyone present, he tries to gauge who would be good companions for this assignment, not that he will need any help of course.

Looking around, his gaze falls on two people in conversation. One is a squire wearing the emblem of a noble house. He recognizes him from what others have said about him. He believes his name is Noah. From what he's heard, Noah is fairly gifted with his sword. Hmmm...that could be someone who could be handy in the unlikely event bandits get close enough to engage him in close quarters combat. The few spells that he knows are great at distance, not so much up close, and he has no way to defend against close combat. He is unfamiliar with the young lady Noah is speaking with.

He approaches the two with a grin on his face. "Hello. I hope I'm not interrupting. I'm Raphael." He looks to Noah. "We haven't met before, but you seem to be well known here and I have been told that your name is Noah." He then turns his attention to the young lady. "And you are?" He asks politely.
Raphael returns the bow.

"I am indeed a mage. A fire mage to be more precise. A swordmage huh? I personally never had any interest in wielding a weapon. Although I can see where that could come in handy. Fire is great for eliminating enemies at a distance, but is pretty much useless up close as it will of course also burn the caster. That's the main reason I came over to you guys. Should any bandit get close enough to try to engage me in combat, I'm pretty much defenseless. It might be beneficial to have someone who can wield a sword close by, just in case." Raphael smiles at them smugly, "Not that that would ever happen."
Mia unsheated the half of her sword, keeping the tip covered. She held it horizotally in front of her.

"My blade is at your service.", she said and then sheated it again, leaving it hang at her side.

Raphael grins. "Excellent! Well, that's got that sorted."

He looks around, scowling. "When are they going to signal us to depart? The sooner I toast those bandits, the better!" Raphael can't understand the delay. He's always ready to go as he keeps all of his possessions in his cloak. This is no ordinary cloak, it is of magical design and was given to him as a parting gift by his parents. It has numerous pockets that are magically enhanced, allow him more than enough space for everything he owns. Once placed in the pockets, items disappear and become weightless until retrieved. Because of this, Raphael tends to forget that others have to spend time gathering up supplies.
Ara Folred Ara raises a brow, and she sheepishly buries her hands into the tatters and rags of her coat’s pockets. Two nods are managed at the man’s explanation of his bow and arrows, followed by a slacking of her lips into a thin, pursed half-smile.

It’s a special weapon, that much Ara discerns, although all else are rambles that go in one ear and out the other. “It’s said that a weapon is only as .. good as its wielder,” she equanimously remarks to him. Her voice is a drawl, and it’s as though she’s quoting verbatim a sentence of a page. "Experts with stones can .. triumph over novices with steel."
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Kadia clambers up a tree. She was bored. She hung upside down on a tree branch like a monkey, swinging back and forth on the branch. Her cloak was hanging downwards with her white hair, both almost touched the ground but not quite. All her money would have fallen out of her cloak if not for the buttons that kept them sealed (these buttons were also stolen). As she swung back and forth, quite violently, she eyed everyone who was standing around. "Sooner this is done, the better," she said to herself.
@Ashaficent @CodeCJD @Lefic

"No catch. My mom sent me a letter that if I can, I should party up with you. "He said, holidng up his letter. It was written in the loving hand of Ashrah Belinara, His foster mother. "She also told me to tell you to that she hopes to see you too.....and to practice on honing that acerbic tongue of yours. "he said, with a faint chuckle. "Let's head off, shall we Cinder? Time's a wasting. "He said, before looking towards Kadia. "Let's get to the front gate, Kadia. I guess it's time to get moving! "he said, grinning. He then walked over towards Saccharin. "Guess your our party leader, since you started this little thing. Lead on, boss! "He finished, putting his two hilts on his side. Everyone who didn't know what they were always gave him weird looks at the things, though the Ornate one looked rather old and expensive.
Kadia extended her arms towards the ground. Her legs released their hold on the tree and she fell into a handstand. She let her legs drops forward so she was in a crab position, used her hands to push her off the ground and stand up. She flicked back her hair that was in her face and looked at the people who were in the group. She trailed her hands over the numerous throwing knives strapped to her thigh and gripped the handle of her two blades. Half of her mouth curled up into a smile as she thought of what she might face, "This'll be fun," she said.
Noah turned to face the new boy, "indeed, I am Noah De Clare, son of Arthur De Clare hero of the great war," he said and gave Raphael a bow. When Raphael and Loonie started to talk he just stood there idly, not knowing when he should jump into the conversation. When Raphael asked for their help in the upcoming battle he nodded, "I will gladly aid you in battle," he told him. Noah opened his mouth to say something, but another loud booming voice echoed throughout the hall, "it's time to departure, get moving!" The knight from before said, and everyone started to move out.

Chapter 1:

The dragon war

(Whoop whoop! Chapter one is starting :D )
Neil listens to Ara's remarks to his lengthy speech. No that's not at all what I was saying, he thought. Though he could see where she could have discerned that. "Look, let me put it this way." He cleared his throat. "When I look upon this bow, I'm reminded of what I had to overcome to get where I am today. Those thoughts give me strength, courage, determination, and confidence." Neil's face hardened into an tense glare, as if trying to yank an answer out of her with his next question. "What do you have that brings out your best qualities?" If this doesn't do the trick, he was probably going to just give up on this one.

@Two Fives
Ara Folred Two hands fiddle in her pockets, scratching at torn and worn seams. Ara produces a metallic pellet from one in a calloused hand, small enough it manages to fit between thumb and forefinger. ".. This goes .. boom boom," she mutters simply, straining a smile. "I think this gives me .. confidence? I feel like I can't lose."
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She listened intently as the boy spoke of his weapon, it was interesting the way he talked about it. Then there was the small, explosive, pellet that Ara carried in her pocket.

Adrielle nodded, in awnser to Ara, keeping her gaze on the strange boy. She wasn't sure what it was, but something about him intrigued her. Maybe it was the way he approached people. He was blunt, not even introducing himself. Adrielle almost felt...uneasy around him.

@Two Fives @SkullRoss
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Neil stares blankly at Ara. She's hopeless, he thought. Then he gazed at what she was holding. Boom boom... What sort of things are described in such a way? A heartbeat, an explosion, a music player, a- oh of course, an explosion. He pondered at just how small it was.

(the knight makes the announcement to get moving)

A grin stretched across his face. "I always am."

(ooc: So are we gonna do a timeskip over to the village? Or are gonna rp a bit on the way there? @Eagershadow3 )
Ara Folred The goblin ambles between them, staring left and right with two eyes pale as moldative. The three assemble with the moving crowd, short a distance from the arch of a great, towering gate. “You two .. you know each other?”
@SkullRoss @TangledBowties
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"Ah! De Clare! I have heard great stories of your family. There's one that stand stands out in my mind about..."

"It's time to departure, get moving!"

Raphael's eyes light up. "Finally!" He heads towards the gate, looking back at Noah and Mia. "Come on you two! I've got bandits to take care of!"
Mia heard the announcement and got eager to finally start. She wanted to save that village as soon as she could, it already disturbed her she had to wait for others.

"We shall go. Free the village, defend the innocent. That is what we should have done already an hour ago.", she said and put a hand on her sword. Mia took Noah's hand and pulled him the first steps, before she walked with him. She did not realize how the gesture could be understood, or, at least, not mind it.

Percy strolled casually down the street. He had heard of a village taken over by bandits, and that meant no law. Perfect. He could steal what he pleased. He would love it. The reactions to seeing an object moving through the air, being attacked by something that wasn't there, the screaming and yelling....it was beautiful.
After eating the apple, Saccharin just sat there looking heavy-eyed.

"Guess your our party leader, since you started this little thing. Lead on, boss!"

Oh Sotha. Saccharin said as he try to focus his blurry vision to Sotha. Normally Saccharin would be excited with just the thought of him being a leader, but he is not really in the mood right now. Yeah, about that. I think i'm not really suitable to be the leader of our group. Why don't you take the position instead? Plus, you are more experienced and older than me. Saccharin said, trying to decline Sotha's offer. Oh, and actually, this is YOUR grand idea... He said as he yawn and stretch his arms and legs on the bench he is sitting from. ...right boss? Saccharin teased.

"it's time to departure, get moving!"

Perfect, Just as I was about to catch a nap. He thought as he rolled his eyes. Behind Sotha, Saccharin saw a glimpse of Noah getting dragged by the girl he was talkingto earlier. They're going now huh. Well, I too, will head off then. He muttered. He stands up and bounced on his toe for a bit. He turned to Sotha. Let's go, shall we? Boss? He said with a smile.

@CodeCJD @Lefic @Ashaficent

Giving Saccharin a sideways glance, Sotha would only shrug. "You want. Just so you know, if I end up leading us into a trap, don't say I didn't warn you. "he said, pulling out his foster mother's hilt. "But hey, check this out, Cinder. My mom gave this to me as a birthday gift. This thing was made during the Great war, who knows what it has seen? Oh, if only metal could talk, the things I could learn....."Sotha said, as he valued the history of those that fought for their great kingdom.

He then turned towards Kadia, Sacchi, and Cinder, before holding up the bag of gold around his neck. "So, am I gonna buy you guys something sweet, or did my birthday come for nothing?" he asked, in a friendly tone.
Raphael grins as Mia takes Noah's hand and starts dragging him after her. He slows his pace so that they can catch up to him. When she first took Noah's hand, Raphael at first thought that they might be going out, but it now appears that Mia, like himself, is just eager to get on the road. He rummages around in one of the pockets of his cloak, producing three small snack cakes, delicately wrapped in linen. "Here you go guys," he says, offering a cake to each of his companions. "These will help keep your energy up on the journey. My mom taught me how to make them. They're not as good as hers but they're still good."
Noah nodded, "sound like a pla-" he was interrupted by Loonie suddenly grabbing his hand and pulling him along. He tried his best to cover his red face, but it still showed.

(Is everyone ready for the timeskip?)

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