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Fantasy The heretics

Ara Folred In the Knights Academy courtyard, Ara’s feet carry her past stone, cobble and the central of hustle and bustle to Adrielle’s side. Her pale-green, calloused hand grips at her own shoulder, scrabbling absent-mindedly at a thin, threadbare strap of her bag. “.. Uh, hi,” she says awkwardly. “Are you okay?”

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Adrielle looked over to her side when she heard the soft voice. "Oh, Hello." She said to Ara. "I'm fine," Adrielle paused taking in the sight of her. "But, are you okay?" She seemed a bit nervous.

@Two Fives
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@CodeCJD @Ashaficent @Lefic

"Oh my my, I'm so proud of you Sacchi. A boy becomes a man. "Sotha said, patting his back. He got along with everyone normally (when he wasn't making jokes) and normally tried to treat everyone with respect. Politicians were the exception, but that was not the point. "Excuse me a second, would you? I got some gold for my birthday today, so I want to buy some stuff too. "He said, as he walked over towards Cinder. "Hey Ash-....Cinder. "He caught himself. For some reason, he got a little nervous at the thought of asking her to come with him. It quickly went away, but it was a noticeable trip-up. "They are going to go and get something sweet. I got some gold for my birthday, so would you like to come with? My treat. "He offered. "My only request is that you join up with my group. We're all heading to the village together."
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Adrielle shook her head. "Not really." She looked over at Ara "Want to tag along with me?" She scuffed her foot on the ground and adjusted her mask on her face. "I'm pretty sure most people are going in one big group." Adrielle said, looking back at Ara.

@Two Fives
Ara Folred Ara manages a stiff, stiff nod of her head, it’s like she’s made of wood. Her eyes trade a brief, sidelong glance Adrielle’s way, into the slits of that fox mask of hers. "I .. I would love to," she agrees with a sunken smile. "I'm guessing we'll be .. off soon, right?"
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Adrielle nodded slowly. The girl seemed a bit stiff. "I suppose, it shouldn't be too long from now." She stood their awkwardly. I hope we leave soon. Adrielle wasn't sure if she could take the awkward tension between them much longer.

@Two Fives
Mia had her whole stuff packed. It was in a bag. She had entered the great hall, watching all the people running around and weaseling through all the area. She saw a boy standing alone and stood next to him, brushing a curl of hair behind her ear. She did not speak, nor did she look at hin directly.

'It looks like everyone is almost here,' Noah thought to himself as he watched more people enter the hall. Preety soon everyone will be ready to leave to attack the bandits, then head for Tulkan castle. He noticed that a girl was standing next to him, 'how long has she been there? Do I say something, or not?' Noah thought as he panicked on the inside, but he kept his expressions under control. Noah wasn't the most social guy, sure around Saccharin he would be more social, but around strangers he's quiet. After a little debate in his head Noah decided to speak up, "um... do you need something?" He asked, and immediately regretted his words. Why would she need something if she's just standing there, stupid Noah.

@Ami the breadling
Mia took out a piece of paper as she shook her head. "Nothing but maybe a conversation. A conversation might be nice.", she said and folded the paper to a swan. She used her magic to make its wings flap and make it fly around Noah before landing on her hand again. Then she chuckled.

Neil was carrying two bows, two quivers of arrows, and a satchel, not to mention the array of daggers hidden within his attire. As he approached the main entrance, he saw that many had already gathered together, eagerly awaiting their departure. As his eyes scanned the area, he noticed the goblin girl from earlier. He remembered the look of her face and the tone of her voice as she had left his room. She needs to pull herself together. He approached her, "Young lady," he uttered as he pulled an arrow from his quiver. In his other hand, he held up one of his bows. Showing both to her, he asked, "What do you see in front of you?"

@Two Fives
Noah watched the girls magic and chuckled, "that's a pretty interesting power," he said to her. Noah plans to eventually learn magic, and to follow his father's footsteps to become a Heavenly Knight, which is the highest rank a Knight can achieve. But for now Noah has to worry about becoming a normal knight. "So, how did you plan for the upcoming scirmish?" He asked her.

@Ami the breadling
Mia shrugged and smiled at him. "Like I always do. Try to not get killed and slay anything interfering with that plan.", she said and chuckled a bit. "How about you?", she asked, the swan now flying through all the hall.

Noah thought about it for a second until he came up with a solution, "I plan to keep the townsfolk our of our way, and to keep casualties low on our side," he told her. Noah noticed that there way of thinking is different, but that isn't a problem for him.

@Ami the breadling
Mia looked at hin in disbelief. "Wow. I thought that was obvious. I mean i did not even consider mentioning that the villagers would be the priority to save. I mean i would gladly get myself killed to save them, but i would even more gladly survive dlung so...", she said, being obviously honest. Anyone could see, she would give her life for any of the villagers or fellow knights.

Noah nodded, "yeah it was kind of a stupid question..." his voice trailed off a bit, but he quickly recovered. "Anyways, I guess an introduction is in order. Noah De Clare, son of Arthur De Clare," he introduced himself while bowing, but he quickly snapped back up, "s-sorry, that was a little to formal for me," he quickly said, and gave out a awkward laugh.

@Ami the breadling
Mia bowed too. "I am pleasured to meet you, Sir De Clare. I am Mia Luna Ardon, daughter of Artoras Ardon, guardian of the fortress. You may have not heard of him. Actually, i would be both, wondering and impressed, if you had heard the name before.", she said. As she bowed, she placed a hand on her chest. She then rose up again, just in time to have the swan land on her hand again. She offered it to him. "May it's sight always remind you of a friend, if i was to fall.", she said and smiled.

Oh there you are! I'm sorry I forgot about you. He said scratching the back of his head.He grabbed the sword and hung it on his side. He feels more complete now. He checked himself in the mirror in his training room. You really suit me, kin. He whispered. He checked inside his bag to try and look if he forgot something. Oh well, I'm off! Again. He thought with a sheepish smile. 7 minutes left, huh. I think it's fine to just walk.

He arrived at the meeting ground after a short walk. He wandered around looking for Noah and found him talking to a woman. She is smiling and had her hands laid in front of Noah offering an origami. He looked at Noah with a mischievous grin and gave him a wink. Before Noah can say anything, Saccharin turned and walks towards the gate. He brought an apple out of his bag then throws it up and catches it, then throws it up again repeatedly. He glanced around looking for some place to wait and saw an isolated bench.
Perfect. He said as he walks towards it.

@Ami the breadling
Ara Folred The young woman tilts her head upwardly, prying her eyes away from the woman at her side. Before her stands a man, and in his two hands rest a steel-tipped arrow and a wooden shortbow. Her eyes are thinned to slits, and they stare hollowly like two sheets of glass.

"I see .. an arrow and a bow?" Her monotone rasp suggests a question.
Adrielle glanced over at the boy that had just approached them. He imediatley began talking to Ara. She stood their quietly taking in their conversation. He seemed very upfront, asking an odd question.

@Two Fives @SkullRoss
Cinder stared at Sotha suspiciously, wondering if it was a prank, especially because of that little "Ash- Cinder" slip-up over there. Sotha was rarely ever nice to her without having some sort of reason behind it.

"Are you serious?" She asked, narrowing her golden-brown eyes at him. "You're not going to try and pull off some sort of prank on me? Or replace my whipped cream with mayonnaise? What's going on over here?"

"It is no ordinary bow." His fingers stroked along the bow string. "This is bow was crafted from the heartstring of a cockatrice." He switched his attention over to the arrow. "The tip here is laced with the scales of a cockatrice." He turned the arrow on its other end. "And its fletching is made with the cockatrice's feathers. It is said that such a combination of bow and arrow would never allow its archer to miss his target."

Neil imagined that his audience would be awe-inspired by the properties of his equipment. "Lies," he stated, as he imagined crushing their hopes and dreams. "The string indeed transfers energy to the arrow more efficiently better than the average bow. The scales to provide extra sturdiness to pierce my foes. The feathers indeed are quite aerodynamic, and increase the stability of its flight. However, it is still just a bow, and I can still easily miss my target. I learned this about 2 years ago, when I was finally able to acquire these materials." He placed his equipment away.

"I was crushed. And for some time, I sulked in depression. After all, I had dreamed of obtaining this perfect equipment for many years. I only carry these with me when I need to remind myself that the power of my shots come not from the cockatrice, but from within myself. Aaand it actually is pretty good to use. Better than most. But the material is so rare, I try to avoid loosing these arrows into the enemy. You never know whether you'll find it later, much less find it intact. But I digress." Neil finished his lengthy speech, having no clue if his message was getting across, or if there was any hope of it having any effect on his audience. It was actually uncharacteristic of him to dig this deep when speaking to anyone.

@Two Fives @TangledBowties
Noah smiled, "your father's name rings a bell, but I can't really put my finger on it," he said to her. Noah looked over her shoulder and saw Saccharin who gave him a wink and s smile, 'he's misunderstanding this,' Noah thought to himself, but before he could do anything Saccharin walked away. Mia offered him the paper swan to him, and he gladly accepted, "thank you," he said while grabbing the swan.

@Ami the breadling
Noah studded a bit, "o-oh yeah, sure," he replied, "I don't have a Nickname, so just call me noah," he continued. Loonie was a nice nickname.

@Ami the breadling

(Is everyone ready to leave?)

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