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Fantasy The heretics

Adrielle made her way down that hall, trying to avoid all the noisy people. She wandered through the building, slowly making her way to the entrance of the academy. Pushing through the doors, she looked around. At first it seemed as though she'd gotten here early. Adrielle thought she was alone, but then noticed a boy off to the side.

Ara Folred Ara roams the corridors of the Knights Academy, holding onto her arm. Tattered, flimsy cloth creases underneath her fumbling fingers. The woman is late and has missed the meeting, she realises, and mutters into her collar sullenly.

Following a brief commotion in the halls, her steps, short and hesitant, trail after Neil and bring her to his room. Two thuds drum against his door and tilt it open. ".. Excuse me. The meeting, I was late and missed it," she grumbles, noticing the man packing a bag and eyeing an assortment of bows. "Are we supposed to be packing for something?"

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@Eagershadow3 @CodeCJD @Ashaficent @TangledBowties

Packing up his change of clothes, a roll of bandages, basic provisions, and a few of his own personal effects. He packed up his mothers hilt and his own into his pockets, so he could bring them out on short notice. Grabbing a book and drawing supplies for the road, he made his way to the entrance. He planned on making a part with Saccharin and Cinder. One reason was to check on Noah.....the other was to annoy the hell out of Cinder.

Seeing the other two present, he cheerily waved to them. "hey guys. You two parring up? Boy, you'd make a good couple. "He said, joking with his normal good-natured attitude. He had a lot of respect for Noah, and Adrielle was pretty good in a fight. That still didn't stop him from teasing the both of them occasionally, though it was all for good fun.
Cinder had gone back to her room to pack her things for the upcoming fight. Grabbing a satchel, she started to rummage around her room like a madman, throwing things around while mumbling, "Where is it? Where is it?" She was not the most organised person around.

After a few minutes, she was heading out of her room with the satchel strapped around her shoulder. She was reading a spell book. So far, she only had control over the elements and the weather without having to use a spell. She intended on improving her skills, so that she would have control over more forms of magic without having to use spells.

She reached the main entrance of the Academy, and she put her spell book away into her satchel. But she froze, turned around, and tried to sneak away when she saw Sotha standing there.

She could always go with the group once everyone else had reached there and there would a crowd she could hide from Sotha in.

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Noah was lost in thought until Sotha entered the small entrance room. "heyguys. You two parring up? Boy, you'd make a good couple," he said, and Noah tilted his head a little in confusion, "sorry, but being in a relationship is the last thing on my mind," he replied. Noah didn't know alot about Adrielle, since he spent most of his time practicing and studying.

@Andraus @TangledBowties
Adrielle rolled her eyes, though, you couldn't really see. "Shut up, Sotha." she said adjusting her pack. I just want to get this mission over and done with. She glanced over at Noah, she had never seen much of him, he was always busy doing other things, but then again, she didn't go out much either. She hated crowds of people.

@Eagershadow3 @Andraus
@TangledBowties @Eagershadow3 @Ashaficent

"Ah, you know you love my jokes, Adrielle, and don't worry about it Noah, I'm only teasing ya. "He said, pulling out a bar of chocolate. He then noticed that Cinder had arrived, and was about to sneak away. A devilish grin appearing on his face, he simply put the bar away, and pressed his hands together, summoning a small ball of snow. "Hey Ashes!" Sotha called out"You need to cool off." He said. Grinning at his bad pun, He flung the snowball far, hitting her square in the back of the head. "Oh! He shoots and he scores! "Sotha said fist-bumping the air.
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Cinder thought that she was about to get away, when suddenly she heard Sotha calling after her. Oh no. Suddenly, a snowball hit her square in the middle of the head, and she stumbled forward, gasping.

With a dangerous aura surrounding her, she slowly turned around to glower at Sotha, nefarious intent in her eyes. Her grip on her staff tightening, and suddenly the stone in the middle of its head was glowing.

A small, swirling vortex of snow builded up right in front on her, and flew towards Sotha. In the blink of an eye, she was covered from head to toe in flakes of ice and snow.

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Adrielle rolled her eyes once more, "Oh yes, how I love your annoying company." her voice dripped with sarcasm. She then watched the scene unfold as Sotha therew a snowball at Cinder. Uh-oh. Adriel's began to back away from Sotha, she watched as the small snow storm came twirling at him, letting out a small laugh in the process.

@Andraus @Ashaficent
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Neil only barely turned his head to see the goblin standing in his doorway. "I don't know what excuse you have for missing this one." he said with reproach. Perhaps his tone was overly harsh. The meeting was called quite suddenly, after all. He walked over to his table. "Our mission is two-fold." He grabbed a glass with his left hand and a pitcher with his right. He began to pour himself a glass of water. "One, take out some bandits in a nearby village." He quickly chugged down about half the glass. "Two, report for guard duty at Tulkan Castle." He turned around to face her once more. "We've been given 30 minutes to ready ourselves for the long journey. The meeting only ended moments ago, so you should still have plenty of time."

@Two Fives
Ara Folred "I .. I have no excuse," Her tone of voice is a spiritless, dejected mumble, stifled by the fabric of her collar. Her eyes thin considerably, and she thereafter listens. A few stiff, wordless nods suggest her understanding. "Thank you for the information."

Ara scuffs a heel to the floor, taking off into the corridor. Two minutes pass by, and the woman is in her room, ramming rags and tatters into a bag of rawhide. The bag is hoisted onto her shoulder after she manages to fit her weapons inside, and she hurriedly makes her way to the meeting grounds.
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Sotha did NOT expect to be buried in snow by Cinder. All the while he was buried, he was plotting revenge, before a quick idea came into his mind. Quickly summoning a small ball of fire, he caused the snow-pile to caster at the controlled burst. By no means he was the best mage, but he was talented. "Okay okay, you got me......truce? At least for the birthday boy?"He asked, before pulling out what appeared to be a bar of chocolate. "I have a gift for you.....but you gotta catch it! "Sotha Grinned, as he tossed the bar into the air, and it began levitating out of her reach, taunting her. He knew she loved sweets as much as he did, and took no shortage of pride in this.
"It's your birthday?" Cinder asked, surprised, before she fixed her gaze on the chocolate bar that had started to practically float around. It way above her reach, and Cinder knew that Sotha was taunting her.

Gritting her teeth, she let her lips curve up in a small smirk. She had a few tricks up her sleeve too.

The gem in her staff glowed, and a small shock of lightning hit Sotha right in the middle of his stomach. It wouldn't hurt him much, but hopefully it was enough to make him lose his concentration so that the the chocolate bar would drop down. Birthday boy or not, he totally deserved that little shock.

Kadia swiftly made her way out of the academy. She stood at the entrance, drinking her surroundings in. She saw a floating chocolate bar in the air, considered stealing it but then decided it wouldn't be stealthy enough. She stood erect by herself in the middle of the crowds, standing out for once. Her hood was down, revealing her blood red eyes and white hair. Her face was in a scowl as she stared at all of the groups that were already formed. She was never good at making friends. "All of these groups. Why the hell do I even need one?" she shouted bitterly, attracting a lot of attention. She was lying to herself, all she ever wanted in her 16 years of life was to have just one friend, denying her loneliness helped her cope. She noticed a lot of people looking at her. Kadia wasn't someone to get embarrassed by attention so she just resorted to staring down anyone who even looked at her in confusion. "What're you looking at?" she scowled.
A warm sunlight hit Saccharin as he steps out of the hall. He stood for a while outside and closed his eyes, he felt a gentle breeze cooling him off. My perfect afternoon... Ruined. He sighed. He opened his eyes and with a determined look, he whispered. You'll pay for this, bandits.

At his house he prepared his bag. He took some spare clothes, gloves, including a white coat that's lined with a golden color. Some food that'll suit him during the trip. He looked around the house that served him as his home since he was young. It is quite old but clean and organized, except for his training room that occupies almost half of the house's interior space. Paintings are freely hanging on the wall, but not a single dust is on them. It always gives Saccharin a nostalgic feeling. On one of the frames, is a beautiful woman that wears a crimson gown that would make everyone's head turn. What makes it special is not the vibrant color nor the material used, but the woman who's wearing it. The woman had a rich shade of mahogany that tumbled to her shoulders. Her eyes are warm and kind with long eyelashes that gave it quite a mysterious look. She had a bright red lips that would seem to melt anyone if they stare at it long enough. She had a dainty nose, together with high cheekbones. A cream colored skin that glows pinkish. The woman with a slim body but not thin, is Saccharin's mother. At her side, the man covered in shining armor, resting his hand on her mother, is the man that Saccharin respects and honors the most. The man that stands confidently, looks forward with great determination, and resting his hand on her shoulder protectively is Saccharin's father. A hero of the kingdom. The man that he aspires to be like someday.

One painting shows two boys with one arm around each other. They show a gleeful look. Their background is a meadow. The two boys look very innocent, not tainted with reality and live every day without sorrow. It is a remembrance of Noah and Saccharin's childhood. Under the painting is a wooden sword. The wooden sword that Saccharin made his first strike. Just like the other mementos, it is also well taken care of. He noticed that he himself is phasing out again, so he decided to go to the meeting ground now. I'll be going to Tulkan Castle. Don't worry I won't be careless. He said as he's staring at the painting.

He arrived at the meeting ground. Saccharin noticed that people are gathering near the gate.
An impromptu announcement? He wondered. He pushed through the crowd to get a little glimpse of what's happening. There, he saw some familiar faces making a commotion. Oh no, not the quick-tempered girl again. He said as he turns away. Going to the rear of the crowd to avoid getting caught in the scene.

"All of these groups. Why the hell do I even need one?"

He stopped and stared at the girl along with the other bystanders. This girl, denying company of others. It's not even bad to have a friend or companion. Maybe, she's been alone for most of her life that it made him bitter say such words. He thought as he look at her with sorrow.

"What're you looking at?" she scowled.

Oh it's nothing really. I just like to walk for a little bit while they're not here yet. Would you like to come? I'll treat you with some dessert. He replied with a kind smile. As far as loneliness go, no one knows it better than Saccharin. Even if he has a friend like Noah before, they only meet once or twice a week when Noah's father visits his house to give him his supply of food. After that he's all alone again.

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Kadia looked at the boy with a piercing gaze. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "Fine. I'm only going for the dessert." She said this coldly but couldn't hide the tiny bit of happiness that escaped through her voice. Her face relaxed as she was thinking of dessert, never in her whole life since her parents died had she been able to eat something that hadn't been stolen. She drooled a tiny bit at the thought of fresh food.
@Ashaficent @CodeCJD @Lefic

"why is she grinning like that?.....oh bloody hell" Sotha had barley any time to react before he was sent back by the lightning. Originally, he planned a reprisal, but saw that Saccharin had arrived, along with the resident rogue Kadia. Smiling towards Cinder, he simply lifted the bar into the air, and tossed it too her. "Catch! "He told her, before running off to catch the two. Walking up in front of them, he simply grinned as he heard Saccharin offer Kadia 'dessert'. Another chance to use his humor. "My my, Sacchi, This early in the day? Though I cannot blame you, Kadia is a very special person, so I am sure you'll be happy with eachother. "He said. He then turned towards Kadia.

"Sorry to take your precious time together, Kadia, but I need to talk to Sacchi for a second. Don't worry, I won't steal you two from each other for long. "He said, grinning towards her. He then walked up to Saccharin, and pat his shoulder. "Hey Sacchi, you doing okay? I saw how Cinder reacted earlier.....don't take it personal, she's been like that ever since we were kids. "He said, patting his back. He then looked towards the both of them. "If you want, I was planning on forming a group before we got underway. If you want to, We could all go together. Sure be nice to have a couple of friends at my back, least a bandit tries to stick a knife in my gut. "He said. He knew the two were not together, or anything like that, but that didn't stop him from joking around. After all, it's better to have friends than enemies, and as knights of the white dragon, they had enough enemies.
Kadia listened to what Sotha said and went as crimson as the rose embroidered on her cloak. She pulled her hood on and bowed her head to hide her blushing face, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," she said. Kadia was not used to being teased like this, she wasn't used to being teased at all.

"If you want, I was planning on forming a group before we got underway. If you want to, We could all go together. Sure be nice to have a couple of friends at my back, least a bandit tries to stick a knife in my gut," said the boy while Kadia was still busy looking at the ground.

"Bandits are the least you have to worry about," she scowled, "But I don't want to miss out on dessert... so I guess I'll come." She looked at the people in front of her. This was not something she was used to at all, but she wasn't sad about it.
So, she agreed huh. Yeah, who in the right mind in this world would reject a dessert. One less lonely person in the world, coming right up! He thought. As Saccharin is about to lead the girl away from the crowd, someone blocked their path. He quickly recognized the man's appearance. Please don't be Sotha, please don't be Sotha! Saccharin hoped.

"My my, Sacchi, This early in the day? Though I cannot blame you, Kadia is a very special person, so I am sure you'll be happy with eachother. "

Oh no, it's too late. He thought. He tried to smile but came out awkwardly. His ears went a little pinkish. What the hell is with that statement? With an annoyed expression he stared at Sotha. Those wierd jokes again eh? Sotha? Tell me big brother, why shouldn't I stab you right now? He said in a devilish tone. Saccharin looked at the girl with an i'm-sorry-this-guy-is-just-crazy look, it looks like she's just barely holding her anger from bursting out. As they take a few steps away from the girl, Sotha began explaining the actions of Cinder earlier. Oh, it's okay, I don't really hold a grudge. I mean, I understand that she's in a bad mood earlier because I am as well. Sudden meeting is really annoying you know. Saccharin said as he told him what he really felt. The conversation between them had ended and Saccharin and Sotha went back to the girl. Sotha started to talk with the girl again and Saccharin rolled his eyes thinking that he'll just say some weird things.

"...If you want to, We could all go together. Sure be nice to have a couple of friends at my back, least a bandit tries to stick a knife in my gut."

W-wait Sotha I think that'll be too much of a req..... Saccharin took a pause when he heard the girl respond.

"Bandits are the least you have to worry about," she scowled, "But I don't want to miss out on dessert... so I guess I'll come."

I say, you did a pretty good job Sotha. He thought as he look towards Sotha.

Uhhh by the way, I am Saccharin Rims, a squire. May I have the honor of knowing your name? He asked as he slightly bow his head.

@Andraus @Lefic
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Cinder caught the chocolate bar, her eyes shining with delight. She didn't bother looking at Sotha as he ran away, to go annoy someone else. Good riddance to bad rubbish. She thought simply, as she greedily tore the wrapper off the bar and stuffed it into her mouth. Mm, so good. She thought appreciatively.
Kadia flicked her head towards Saccharin. The quick movement knocked off her hood, revealing her elvish ears. The embarrassment on her face had faded by now. "Kadia Chark," she grinned sharkishly, "Master thief." She had no idea that being a thief would put people off. Even if she knew, she wouldn't care. Even though she became a thief in order to survive, she took pride in it. "Don't worry, I have no desire of robbing any of you," she said. "So... about that dessert. When do we get it? After we go to Tulkan Castle?" she asked. She had enough money to go by herself but as a thief, she wasn't welcomed in many places.
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Master thief..... So she's a product of the previous war huh. Well, I can't blame her, as experience is responsible for molding a person's act or personality but, if time comes that she'll need to be put on custody, i'd prefer that I will be the one to catch her. Saccharin thought.

Oh yeah, you have a sharp memory don't you? Saccharin teased. We still got 10 minutes left. I can still buy you something. He said as he tapped around his left side. OH! He yelled. His eyes widened, jaw dropped and his face turned red. Uhhmm if it's okay with you, i'll treat you after we arrive in Tulkan. I mean I don't really have a choice right now. Hehehe. I'll take my leave for now. He said to the also surprised Kadia. Before he left he face Kadia one last time. Kadia Chark. He said as he look at her. What a beautiful name, i'll make sure to remember it. It's my pleasure to be acquainted with you. Saccharin said with a friendly smile. He turns and dashed away. Damn! I forgot my sword! At this rate, at least i'll be able to catch up before the last batch leave.

Noah spaced our through most of what happen, and now more people started to arrive and some had left already. 'Now where's Saccharin?' He thought to himself while looking around the room until he spotted him talking with an elf girl. Noah was too far away to hear anything, but he got a good view of the conversation. Eventually Saccharin's face got red and he ran off, and a small smile curved up on Noah's face, 'did he just flirt with that elven girl?' He thought to himself with a slight chuckle.
Kadia watched Saccharin as he ran off. "No doubt he's forgotten something," she commented. As a thief, she was good at picking up little details as it was useful when she needed to decide on a target. She turned to Sotha with a scowl on her face. "When does our group leave? Should we wait for Mr. Forgetful or go now?" she asked. She stretched her limbs and yawned.

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Adrielle sat back an watched everyone talk and joke around. It was nice to see all of them together as a group. Although, she couldn't say that everybody got along. I guess I'll tag along in a group. She thought to herself. It beats being alone for the whole trip.

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