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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:
"Fine.." he looked over to Cody and then down at the grass.
"I probably should practice over by the lake. I don't want keep destroying the grass."Jack dropped the blob of Water onto the grass .

"Haven't seen you for a long time ,so how's life?"he asked Cody.
"Boring as usual...Yours?" he asked, he hasn't seen much of anything to do. And hasn't had much to do either, really he's been working out every now and then, and sitting around for free time, while keeping up in classes and all.



"I'd honestly stick with the only person I trust right now." he would say, his voice slightly shaken from the thought of being left alone at the big school filled with many people. He would mostly follow Moonstone wherever they went and stay close by their side. It would be an emotional nightmare for Daniel if he got lost.
"Same ... I mean has been intresting for these past few days " he said since he's now dating Serena. He rather not tell her brother about them for right now. "I have combat class next. I need a partner , so are you willing to battle me?"he asjed.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Boring as usual...Yours?" he asked, he hasn't seen much of anything to do. And hasn't had much to do either, really he's been working out every now and then, and sitting around for free time, while keeping up in classes and all.



Daniel would nod before looking through the books himself. He was wondering if there were any books on Elemental or Levitation learning. If he found any, he would just look at the title before putting the book back. He didn't know how checking out books worked around here so he didn't wish to get in any trouble. He would continue to follow Moonstone around.
Kisaki said:
"Same ... I mean has been intresting for these past few days " he said since he's now dating Serena. He rather not tell her brother about them for right now. "I have combat class next. I need a partner , so are you willing to battle me?"he asjed.
"Sure...So, what's been interesting? Did those guys come back with another chest?" he asked remembering those weird guys from before, and remembering Jack's future of being at a kingdom king, maybe he went back and had a look around at what was new or something.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon thought it over for a bit then decided maybe it would be okay for them to hang out a little longer. "Hey umm... You wouldn't mind hanging out with me, would ya?"" He asked plainly, but was actually feeling really shy inside.
Nico smiled back him sheepishly and nodded to his question.

"Ahh yeah!"

She chuckled softly to her.

"Do you have a place in mind or you just walk to around the campus?"

She suggested, leaning closer towards him.
"No, but they did give me some traditional Japanese clothing and this scythe. He summoned a large scythe. Showing it to Cody. "Apparently my mother used to use this".

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/c77c6025eb218a64b95824adf4933355.jpg.a56ecce806eb61027bc69b4e22441034.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/c77c6025eb218a64b95824adf4933355.jpg.a56ecce806eb61027bc69b4e22441034.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

CERBERUS177 said:
"Sure...So, what's been interesting? Did those guys come back with another chest?" he asked remembering those weird guys from before, and remembering Jack's future of being at a kingdom king, maybe he went back and had a look around at what was new or something.


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Roman said:

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour


Akane sighed as she pulled out her grocery list for the fifth time, just to make sure she had everything once again. When she realized she was missing something, she frowned a little and flipped her hair as she spoke, "Forgot the eggs.." She said, the sound of disappointment in her voice. She decided it would just be best to head back home anyways, Perfect might be after her for power still and she didnt need to be engulfed a second time. Humming to herself as she walked home, a young man catching her eye. He looked upset, and well she couldn't just leave him like that. Akane floated over to the kid and smiled, "Hey hey. Is something wrong young man? You look sad." She said softly, setting her groceries down on the ground as her feet made contact with the concrete, which she sat beside he boy.

More Info

Location: Out and about

Mood: Curious

Status: Talking to a stranger

Objective: Help this guy

Interacting with: Arbitz


Arbitz jumped slightly when he heard someone talking to him, he wasn't good with strangers so he almost reached for the CROSS issued M911 on instinct before he realized that it was not at all necessary. Looking up at the woman Arbitz mind flashed through dozens of scenarios and selected the most appropriate explanation of how he was locked out of the house by his "roommates" because he refused to go out side, however just as he was about to speak he promptly bit his tongue and instantly forgot what he was going to say. Blushing furiously, he stumbled over his words, trying to get anything sensible out, "ow!... uhh... I-i eed ta geh milk!"
Kisaki said:
"No, but they did give me some traditional Japanese clothing and this scythe. He summoned a large scythe. Showing it to Cody. "Apparently my mother used to use this".
View attachment 319527
"Interesting indeed." he said. Cody doesn't know how to summon weapons yet, but he'll have to read that book to find out. "I wonder if I can find any weapons in the book you gave me..." he said, checking his bag to see if it was there, and it wasn't, "Hmm, guess I'll have to go check when I get back to my dorm." he said slinging his bag back behind him.



Daniel would quickly follow behind Moonstone. Upon hearing their question, Daniel thought for a moment before making up his mind. "I think about average size will do. I think that a dimly lit, cool atmosphere and colors that match Gray and White shades will be fine. If that's not too much to ask..." he would say slightly nervous again.
"That reminds me." He pulled out an amulet. ."They gave me this amulet. I'm not a fire user , so I can't use it. I would give it to my sister , but she said it wasn't her style." The necklace amulet held a redish opal gem in the middle of it. "It used belong to the user of that book. So, do ya want it ?"he asked.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/il_570xN.230013278.jpg.a1df33ce2f47130a5c483ef4e259403b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/il_570xN.230013278.jpg.a1df33ce2f47130a5c483ef4e259403b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

CERBERUS177 said:
"Interesting indeed." he said. Cody doesn't know how to summon weapons yet, but he'll have to read that book to find out. "I wonder if I can find any weapons in the book you gave me..." he said, checking his bag to see if it was there, and it wasn't, "Hmm, guess I'll have to go check when I get back to my dorm." he said slinging his bag back behind him.


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Kisaki said:
"That reminds me." He pulled out an amulet. ."They gave me this amulet. I'm not a fire user , so I can't use it. I would give it to my sister , but she said it wasn't her style." The necklace amulet held a redish opal gem in the middle of it. "It used belong to the user of that book. So, do ya want it ?"he asked.View attachment 319533
(I have a plot for Cody, and how he get's a weapon. :D . I'd defiantly would wear that necklace btw...)

Cody nodded, "Sure, looks pretty cool." he said putting it on, and it flickered a bit, he thought it was just the way the sun was, and it reflected inside, so he thought it was nothing. "It's nice...Thank's man." he said. "I wonder what weapon I'll get, maybe I'll get a sword..." he said, thinking through the types of old weapons.
charleen said:
Nico smiled back him sheepishly and nodded to his question.
"Ahh yeah!"

She chuckled softly to her.

"Do you have a place in mind or you just walk to around the campus?"

She suggested, leaning closer towards him.
Drakon realized how close she was getting and he stumbled back a bit, clearly embarrassed. "Well..." He said in response to her question. He didn't really know any good hang out spots. He just picked one off the top of his head. "How about the park?" He asked her.



Daniel would watch as Moonstone redecorated the front room closely, he kinda liked to watch people do their thing every now and again. Once Moonstone laid on the pillows, he would sit on the floor leaning on the wall. He would be facing Moonstone as he began to daydream, seeming to be staring at Moonstone, although, not intentionally. He would imagine himself being able to control some of his levitation abilities a little more easily. After a little bit of daydreaming though, a pillow that was closest to him would begin to float randomly in the air, waving around a little before falling back down onto the floor. Daniel was at least far enough away to not be able to reach the pillow like a normal human would.
(Brb, I have to wash the dishes really quick)

"Probably as sword, it's the most common weapon that is used." His necklace carried a double blade sword inside. The previous owner used this during a war. His name was Kuro. A really cunning bastard.

CERBERUS177 said:
(I have a plot for Cody, and how he get's a weapon. :D . I'd defiantly would wear that necklace btw...)
Cody nodded, "Sure, looks pretty cool." he said putting it on, and it flickered a bit, he thought it was just the way the sun was, and it reflected inside, so he thought it was nothing. "It's nice...Thank's man." he said. "I wonder what weapon I'll get, maybe I'll get a sword..." he said, thinking through the types of old weapons.
Kisaki said:
(Brb, I have to wash the dishes really quick)
"Probably as sword, it's the most common weapon that is used." His necklace carried a double blade sword inside. The previous owner used this during a war. His name was Kuro. A really cunning bastard.
(See now, the former owner was a female named...something, I'm going to think of one, but it could be from the user before her...)

"Nice, but, I'll have to try summoning it when I learn about it." he said, looking at the gem in the middle, it had clouds or something moving around inside. 'Guess it would make sense if it came from a magical land' he thought to himself. Cody took his jacket off and tied it around his waist.

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