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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

CERBERUS177 said:
"I think I know what you mean... But I kinda don't, nor do I want to know. " he said pulling into the school parking lot, "God... Feels kinda nice being back at school. " he said stepping out of the car.
Saki takes a step out of the car, and stretches out his arms. Then he took in the nice air around him. "No kidding... it feels great to be outside after eating."
Mayyflower said:
Riley hugged him first and the started on with her 'Want list'.. "Okay, So I just talked to mom about this list of things I want like A sibling... to go somewhere crazy and a cell phone, I want Rylen to come over more sense he is my BOYFRIEND, oh and did I say I wanted a sibling because that would be nice to have..." she went on
Marcus's eye twitched with confusion and discomfort "Wait...Say what...? A sibling?" He looked over at Samantha "I'm going to die by the end of this...."
Angelostar4 said:
Saki takes a step out of the car, and stretches out his arms. Then he took in the nice air around him. "No kidding... it feels great to be outside after eating."
"Yep... " he said walking, "I'm going to head to my dorm room, I'll catch you later dude. " he said waving a hardy goodbye to Saki.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Yep... " he said walking, "I'm going to head to my dorm room, I'll catch you later dude. " he said waving a hardy goodbye to Saki.
Saki puts up a peace sign, and begins to run straight towards his apartment room which wasn't very far from the school.
Shortyshot said:
Marcus's eye twitched with confusion and discomfort "Wait...Say what...? A sibling?" He looked over at Samantha "I'm going to die by the end of this...."
Sam shrugged when he looked at her

Riley nodded. "Yes.. A sibling..." she says quietly
Mayyflower said:
Sam shrugged when he looked at her
Riley nodded. "Yes.. A sibling..." she says quietly
Marcus sighed "Okay then...We have the money to support that but....Sam..."
Shortyshot said:
Marcus sighed "Okay then...We have the money to support that but....Sam..."
Riley grinned and then turned to look at Sam. "See... Hes okay with it" she says happily

Sam looked at Marcus and then to Riley and then back to Marcus. "I guess.. but not right now... Not ready to take care of a baby again" she says looking at Riley and raising her eyebrows
Seeing the girls reaction to her words, Lena hesitated. Was it worth it? Shuu might soon come back to reality.... Hopefully?

"Y-You know... Maybe we can? I don't know, my wedding is ruined either way" She said with teary voice, on a verge of tearing up.

Ollene was sitting in the restaurant where Ariel promised her she wouldn't need any money. She was gratefull for that, but at the same time... She felt kinda bad that that girl decided to lean over her.
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JJKab said:
Seeing the girls reaction to her words, Lena hesitated. Was it worth it? Shuu might soon come back to reality.... Hopefully?
"Y-You know... Maybe we can? I don't know, my wedding is ruined either way" She said with teary voice, on a verge of tearing up.
Nona said:
Noticing that it definitely was her and seeing her grin, he smiled back at her, "Hey, how have you been?" He asked placing his hands in his jacket pocket "I haven't seen you around at all"
((Eh...they only met twice so friends I guess?))
( sorry its been a while i kinda forgot )

Blue shrugged " i took time off, explored a bit , studied the world around me a bit so i could find ways to use my powers to help , our world is one of a kind and its dying and no one really notices yet , i mean a few human do but they have no idea the scale ... sorry im ranting , what have you been up to ?" She said gazing up at him , her big emerald eyes fixed on him intently

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JJKab said:
Vis sighed lightly. "We can hold another wedding once Shuu snaps out of it. We'll set up defenses this time around so nobody will interrupt." She said. "In the meantime you'll just have to sit tight and keep the baby safe."
Mayyflower said:
Riley grinned and then turned to look at Sam. "See... Hes okay with it" she says happily
Sam looked at Marcus and then to Riley and then back to Marcus. "I guess.. but not right now... Not ready to take care of a baby again" she says looking at Riley and raising her eyebrows
Marcus laughed a little "I can't believe I'm having this conversation. Say, Riley. You want a sibling right? Tell me, can you protect one? You see I've felt your power recently and I talked to Cam about it. Even he feels it. Which is no easy feat, but here's the thing. I want you to hit me as hard as you can." He looked at Sam "I just need to make sure of something, just trust me about this Sam."
Shortyshot said:
Marcus laughed a little "I can't believe I'm having this conversation. Say, Riley. You want a sibling right? Tell me, can you protect one? You see I've felt your power recently and I talked to Cam about it. Even he feels it. Which is no easy feat, but here's the thing. I want you to hit me as hard as you can." He looked at Sam "I just need to make sure of something, just trust me about this Sam."
(((Wait, you aren't a part of Suit Gang xD )))
Mayyflower said:
Harper looked at Hiro and shook her head. "If we tell her she can't ride it then she's gonna cry even more so she'll cry either way" she says holding his hand.
Hiro laughed at her answer and nodded in agreement. They soon arrived at the tall ride, which luckily didn't have a long line.
Nona said:
Ilaani nodded, though... what if he wasn't and he got in an- she shook the thought from her head, deciding not to think about that for now "Yeah, I'm ready to go" she said with a smile, Nexus seemed confident that the iron and salt would work so she trusted his judgement.
Nexus then walked hand in hand to the park with her.

((I think I'll stop the interaction until I can confirm Axel and Kotori can interact))
TheDragoon said:
Vis sighed lightly. "We can hold another wedding once Shuu snaps out of it. We'll set up defenses this time around so nobody will interrupt." She said. "In the meantime you'll just have to sit tight and keep the baby safe."
Lena sighed softly, as she lookes behind her at her house's door

"I... G-G-Guess you're right.... I... Will be going then... Thank you for... Saving me" She exclaimed looking briefly back at Vis, with a small smile

After that she entered her home, slowly closing the door after her.
TheDragoon said:
Vis sighed lightly. "We can hold another wedding once Shuu snaps out of it. We'll set up defenses this time around so nobody will interrupt." She said. "In the meantime you'll just have to sit tight and keep the baby safe."
Lena sighed softly, as she lookes behind her at her house's door

"I... G-G-Guess you're right.... I... Will be going then... Thank you for... Saving me" She exclaimed looking briefly back at Vis, with a small smile

After that she entered her home, slowly closing the door after her.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]

Jack smirked and glanced through the documents before he touched his blue tooth.

"Oh so I'm your master now Pixy? You're starting to remind me of the rest of my family. For some reason they all insist on referring to me as master or as prince."

opening the door, he stepped inside.

"Although if you've done your job right, this should be rather boring and unexciting."

Walking to the front desk, Jack addressed the man there and asked to see the relics titled, "Heaven and Hell", the man asked to see his paperwork and Jack reached into his jacket, pulling from the black sludge an ID and a number of papers and using his abilities he stitched together a number of official documents to create something like what Ai had created. Suppressing the mans instincts that something was off, the man checked the documents before nodding to a guard who led Jack to a storage like area filled with shelves. pulling a briefcase off the shelves the man passed it to Jack who set it on the ground and opened it, revealing a pair of heavy revolvers. Nodding Jack closed the case, stood and left the embassy where he touched his headset once more.

"Nice job Pixy! we didn't even have to kill anyone! It was nice and boring... So icecream then?"



Ai relaxed behind the screen, saying nothing and watching as Jack did what he was here to do. And yes, he was right. It really was boring. Well, boring meant that she did her job, and did it well, so at least she had that going for her. She couldn't help but be fascinated at how precise and elegant his moves were. Professional, for sure. With wide eyes, she looked to see what exactly he was trying to acquire after all her work. It was.... a pair of pistols. Huh. Were they really worth it? Apparently so. As Jack walked out of the embassy, Ai donned a smile in response.

"Yeah, we did good~ But boring means ice cream so.... ice cream!"

Lumina said:



Astrid hadn't been laying down long when Alejandro came in, though she had tried to hear how the nurse's were saying he was doing. She couldn't shake the sense of worry that overtook her mind when she saw him limping toward the nurse's office. It was one of the reasons she hated being treated now, because less people were available to check on him. When in reality, she was probably the one that needed more attention, but Astrid was too stubborn to admit it. The dizziness had started to pass as an Alejandro on crutches came over to her bed, sitting down next to it. She opened her eyes and glanced sideways at him, trying to see how he was doing. Looked like all it was was a busted ankle... that was good. For a moment, her expression relaxed into one of relief at the sight that he was doing alright, but it was at that moment a nurse came into the room.

"Ms. Finchett, I apologize, but I'm going to need you to sit up for a moment. We need to get your shoulder in a sling."

The expression of relief was gone, exchanged for a slightly pained one as Astrid used her good arm to sit up. Her eyes remained down in her lap as her arm was gingerly placed in a sling and set tightly against her body. When that was finished, it was explained that they'd be back to set up an appointment for an actual doctor to come check out hers (and Alejandro's) injuries and take the necessary, proper precautions. For now, this would be their temporary solution. Astrid said nothing during this, trying not to feel defeated by the whole ordeal. Stupid ambush. If she would have been able to grab her gun a moment sooner... well, there was nothing she could do about it now.
"What a great first day, right?" Her tone of voice was dripping with sarcasm, failing to mask hints of being really upset with how the day went. This school was supposed to be her chance at a better life, and all she had spent of the year so far was arguing with someone who just wanted to be her friend and being injured. This whole ordeal made her feel really sorry about the way she treated Alejandro, but she wasn't sure how he'd feel about that. He had gotten pretty fed up with her too. Astrid wouldn't be surprised if he was just here next to her out of requirement for their assignment. Rather, she expected that. He seemed the type to follow the rules to a T, not willing to deviate from them. But he was here anyways, and truthfully, Astrid was glad he was.

no slide
no slide no slide

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro had quickly gotten used to the crutches, making it to Astrid with ease. There was one problem, but it was trivial because they were uncomfortable to him. Once he sat down and put them to the side, and sat quietly after speaking for a moment. Seeing Astrid best up like this sort of put Alejandro in a bad mood. She may hsve been annoying and rude, but he couldn't really to himself and say he didn't care about her. That's how he knew he cared. Taking a deep breath as the nurse came back into the room, carrying a sling, this only worried him more. Watching Astrid go through pain just to put on a sling was pretty saddening, and Alejandro looked away until it was on. Not long after the actual doctors came in and checked their injuries, and once he left, the blue haired boy couldn't do much but just look down at his braced ankle.

As Alejandro stared down at his ankle, the sound of Astrid's voice snapped him back to reality and he looked back at her. He could tell she was being sarcastic, but he could also see the disappointment. Alejandro sighed lightly and looked at Astrid with his normal expressionless face. "Yeah... It was." He said, his tone being sarcastic as a small smile crept upon his lips. "Even if it went like this, sort of glad that you're here... We can actually talk out our differences... Get on better terms." He said, his smile remaining as he looked down at his ankle again. "There's no telling how long we'll be like this either so... Might as well reap the benefits of not having to partake in combat class." Alejandro said jokingly. "You... Get where I'm coming from right?"

More Info

Location: Nurse's office

Mood: Injured, calm, and actually happy

Status: Talking with Astrid

Objective: Get to know Astrid a little better

Interacting with: Astrid Finchett

Tags: @Lumina

Wicked Jester](the epic of milk was to boring to write so ya.... sorry bout that [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
@Roman[/URL] )
Arbitz sighed as he looked up and down the street. He was hopelessly lost, but that was what happened when you were a hikikomori in a big city and were forced to go out side. Arbitz had been told to go pick up some milk from the convenience store three doors down from CROSS' headquarters, yet when he went to go look for the store because the other CROSS members flipped the breaker to his room and stole his phone from him, he couldn't find any trace of it. Additionally when he tried to ask them where it was again, the other members told him to go out and look for it. Now he was utterly lost and had sat down on the curb with a dejected look on his face.

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour


Akane sighed as she pulled out her grocery list for the fifth time, just to make sure she had everything once again. When she realized she was missing something, she frowned a little and flipped her hair as she spoke, "Forgot the eggs.." She said, the sound of disappointment in her voice. She decided it would just be best to head back home anyways, Perfect might be after her for power still and she didnt need to be engulfed a second time. Humming to herself as she walked home, a young man catching her eye. He looked upset, and well she couldn't just leave him like that. Akane floated over to the kid and smiled, "Hey hey. Is something wrong young man? You look sad." She said softly, setting her groceries down on the ground as her feet made contact with the concrete, which she sat beside he boy.

More Info

Location: Out and about

Mood: Curious

Status: Talking to a stranger

Objective: Help this guy

Interacting with: Arbitz


Kisaki said:
"You still look good without the mask". Hisaki walking around observing what he was going to wear. Kagami smiled at Salvador. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of him. "I'll be back. You can browse the store if you want". She headed to the girls section and took 3 costumes that she liked. The first one she tried on was a school girl outfit with a gas mask. With a little magic she curled her hair and put it into two ponytails. She walked out of the dressing room and showed Hisaki.
"I'm I hot?"she asked.

Hisaki stared for a while."No " he said with a blank face.

Kagami whined and ran off to see Salvador.
After changing back into the regular outfit, the Kaneki outfit on his arms, he found two other outfits, each a bit strange. One appearered to be a pokemon trainer outfit, and even the price tag didn't know what the second outfit was.

Upon seeing Kagami run over to him with her outfit he said, "Nice outfit."
TheDragoon said:
Drakon then thought about her choice of words for a second before shaking his head. "Your right... And wrong at the same time." He told her. "While it kind of is a basic ability, I haven't met somebody with healing abilities, much less a fairy. Us Agni users also don't develop any sort of healing powers or healing properties so any injury we sustain can't be healed very easily... So in a way if we fought together you'd make the perfect partner for me if things got scrappy. In other words, it makes you very unique." He said happily before he realized he was being too nice. "I-I mean- Ugh... Alright that's probably the only nice thing I'll ever say to you."
Nico didn't know what to say.

"Thank you..?"

She giggled softly to herself. She started blushing even more when she was described as unique. She bit her lower lip slightly.

"If that's the only nice thing you'll ever say to me, then that was very.. very nice,"

She tried to smile back, but she felt just giddy and flustered. She looked away immediately. She can't handle the feels. Nico was tempted to hug Drakon, but knew she shouldn't.
charleen said:
Nico didn't know what to say.
"Thank you..?"

She giggled softly to herself. She started blushing even more when she was described as unique. She bit her lower lip slightly.

"If that's the only nice thing you'll ever say to me, then that was very.. very nice,"

She tried to smile back, but she felt just giddy and flustered. She looked away immediately. She can't handle the feels. Nico was tempted to hug Drakon, but knew she shouldn't.
Drakon thought it over for a bit then decided maybe it would be okay for them to hang out a little longer. "Hey umm... You wouldn't mind hanging out with me, would ya?"" He asked plainly, but was actually feeling really shy inside.
Daniel would make his way to the main gates of the school grounds. He would take in a deep breath before walking in, looking at the map. He would stop to look around and check the map to see where he was at before heading towards the male dorms. He was rather reluctant to talk to any one who were in groups of 3 or more. He would casually walk around them if anyone was nearby and walked towards the dorms. However, there was someone nearby that he didn't know. He was unsure whether or not to say 'hello' for he didn't like to talk much. He would stand there watching them for a few moments, if spotted, he would quickly look to his map hoping he wasn't caught.

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